Mastering Leopard Fruit in EVERY One Piece Roblox Game

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so today I'm going to be playing a bunch of One Piece games on Roblox and our goal is simple master the leopard fruit in every game and rate each of them out of five to see which has the best leverage now you guys seem to really enjoy when I did this with other fruits so we back at it again today and for our first game we have King's Legacy it has been a long minute since I've been in this game but let me claim this daily reward I got a pile of bones really I'm gonna be honest I don't even know where I'm at right now what is this like water seven or something I gotta go to the the starter Island because that's where I could do like the goshas and stuff luckily this game does have a firearm map like look at this this makes terrific so easy boxers you gotta step your map gamer you know what I'm saying here we are Star Island I have no idea if there's a gotcha on other Islands I feel like I just did this for no reason but let's go ahead and check the black market let's see if I remember correctly the leopard treat is not that rare in this game there we go right here leopard wait it's a common they do with my boy Rob Lucci 30 bro common the disrespect okay let's see how expensive this thing is though 350 Robux should I get it from here do I should I do the gosh I feel like I want to do the gasha just you know saying because it'd be better that way wait whoa there's a bunch of fruits here hold on let me you want all these let me all these hold on hold on hold on I mean if he's just giving them out for free you know a second damn bro must be rich what's your name are you a five six five six five five what type of name is that bro but I mean hey bro y'all you donated to the poor let's see what you got was this the bomb fruit is this is this leopard is this the wolf fruit I don't even know what the oh I think this is string let me go ahead and store that actually I I want to collect that string yep that is string you give me two strings what is this is this the leopard fruit let me store that giraffe fruit realistically he's using the giraffe fruit what do you think you're doing bro we're gonna save someone like you can't hit me like he really living up to that bacon Hair Skin all right well pretty much just wasted most of my time let me just drop all that this doesn't really serve me anything good look at him look look at the noobs are picking up the fruits the noobs are picking up the fruits bro hey bro no I look like a good guy and I look like a good guy even though these fruits are probably garbage I would be so funny if he actually like ate it hold on let me tell him eat the fruit I wonder if he'll actually do it I wonder if I actually do it you gonna eat it oh she just dropped it back okay so it looks like he's uh he's a little smarter than I gave him credit for uh oh he actually just ate the wolf fruit yo Son Goku bruh the wolf fruit is probably not good all right you know I wasted enough time though let's go ahead and go to the gotcha foe you let's see what it is do you want a random fruit for 250 000 or one gem I have neither of those hold on let me check the shop maybe gems are cheap 25 gems for 119 Robux okay that looks like a steal to me 25 spins leopards are common we should be able to get it within those 25 spins all right let's go ahead and do our first spin it's only a comment so we actually have a decent chance of getting it relatively early and that is the giraffe fruit okay definitely not what I was looking for we're gonna have to do more than that second time second time come on the dry fruit once again third time's the choner third time's the charm this usually always works out for me and the Wolf fruit is that the wolf right is that the wolf ability okay that actually looks not too bad that's not too bad that's got me a little bit excited for how the the leopard fruit is I think the leopard fruit's more rare than the wolf so maybe let people in this game will actually be good fourth time though fourth time and we get the string fruit all right let's go ahead and speed run some spins till we get this thing an epic epic what Gold Fruit what even is that gold fruit yo is this thing good like I have no idea what I just got I don't know what the gold fruit is but I'm storing that thing for sure Epic we only have 20 gems left we've already done eight spins I'm not gonna lie this game it's starting to uh tick me off I need this leopard that Brachiosaurus ah look at this the noob said please Apple pray pray pray Emoji all right I got I got a fruit for you my boy let me see let me see I'll give you this the Brachiosaurus eat that fruit oh he actually ate it he actually I just saw him in the quarter of my eye eat it wait what the what the hell yo I thought the Brachiosaurus fruit was Queen's fruit that's not Queen that's literally like Clifford the Red Dog except a dinosaur let's go ahead and get back to spinning dog this game is this game is too much oh is that the leopard fruit it is yes sir y'all insane W luck W luck leopard fruit leopard fruit right here and all its Glory let's eat that thing though we've eaten the leopard leopard fruit okay that's a nice looking icon down there let's check out these moves okay only four moves Roar gun tackle and transform this is not a good sign a first look um but let's go ahead and check these moves out I guess praying this is cool transformation transformation I have no comments yo what the hell is this walk break what the hell about them they did not cook with this thing well I don't even have a face I don't even have a face okay at least I have M ones at least I got an M1 bro okay I mean we kind of cooking with this kind of cook with this let's check the moves out tackle I mean I mean I guess I was all right I mean I guess it was all right okay hold on hold on let's pack this dude up in Mortal Kombat gun okay Roar oh my God so that's it huh this is the leopard for this game huh this player has PVP disabled also I can't even pack them up even if I wanted to bro this this this leopard fruit is terrible look at that and then what did they do my boy Rob Lucci so dirty like low-key the wolf one looks better the wolf transformation looks ten times better than this see that again gun is that supposed to be six realm gun the Roar Just hardly has any effect at all okay well I'm not gonna lie I am uh very disappointed in this leopard fruit I feel like this is like a troll definitely giving this a one out of five one out of five it's very deserved well I feel like it can only go up from here it can't be worse than that but the next game we have is a one-piece game I heard the leopard in this one is pretty good kind of excited for this the hell happens to my avatar what the heck anyways I got my beefed up account here as you can see I got that billion Bounty I got that 67 billion belly right here which we're gonna 100 need that because the leopard fruit is a mythical fruit as you guys can see right here mythical Rarity might take us a minute to get this fruit I'm not gonna lie go ahead and make our way over to the fruit gotcha should be over here somewhere in Longtown right over here there we go Merchant we might be here spinning for a little bit I ain't gonna lie let's go ahead and do the first spin what do we get first spin what do we get first spin the gas fruit I don't think that's that bad okay okay that's a good start it's a good start let's keep the ball rolling second fruit second fruit chop okay and it's only going downhill from here hey last time third time the charm didn't work for me but let's see if it does this time ice okay slightly better than chop off we're going in the right direction we're going in the right direction I got tons of belly I could do this all day I could do this all day just like my boy cap said invisible fruit definitely and getting worse and another invisible back to back okay I I see where this is going I see how this is going to be chop barrier fire shot fire sand oh this is already getting annoying bro and I've only been spinning for like two minutes uh I'm getting flashbacks to that fruit Battlegrounds grind bro and another fire fruit golly come on game come on give me the leopard give me the leopard give me the leopard another barrier fruit string I think that's actually decent I think that's actually not that bad String's a mythical oh man so we actually got our first mythical of the video already that's not a bad start that's not a bad start I'll take it I'll take it not that we need not even close to what we need but hey it's a good sign the Mochi fruit there's no way bro second mythical already we got a mythical not too long ago we already got a Mochi that's actually fire that's actually fire the rubber fruit bro that's that's a mythical back to back the rubber fruits are mythical in this game okay okay so we we on some W luck the the CR the fact that I just got a Mochi and a rubber back to back is is actually insane I'm not gonna lie hopefully we can keep up this a lot the Venom fruit I think that's another mythical bro oh never mind that one's actually not that good it's only a rare okay so I got excited for nothing a phoenix fruit another mythical give me all the mythics that I don't need they're gonna be rubber they give me Moshi Phoenix string like come on bro come on and another damn string fruit give me the damn mythical I won game I'm getting tired of this like I don't know if I could tell I haven't sleep I'm sleep deprived all right boys and I'm not gonna lie I'm spinning for like two hours I was able to get myself a dragon fruit you guys can see right here I rolled that earlier I rolled more phoenixes I rolled more rubbers at this point I think what I want to do is I want to trade for the leopard because well rubber just got a gear 5 update as well as gear 4 rework so maybe I can get a leopard for that this dude in chat said he's trading I'm gonna put trading rubber for leopard I think that sounds like a fair trade to me oh this dude said okay in chat you have leopard someone else said I do oh wait hold on let me DM Napoleon will you trade it to me for rubber he said I don't really need rubber since I already got gear 5 equipped right now damn bro my friend rocket is in the server and he says he has leopard he says all traded to me say less hey bro forget that other guy I got my friend right here he he helping me now all right let me trade my friend Rockets let me give him the rubber fruit there we go I got four of them bro like that's actually insane I got four well in the process of trying to get leopard insane bro hey we finally about to get it I didn't think this would take me two hours Rock It Up appreciate you my boy for the trade she as for me though I'm not too much on this leopard wait what the hell that does not look appetizing at all but go ahead and eat that thing and I'll say yes sir leopard fruit hopefully this is busting bro cause that last one was not good for transformation oh okay okay so this model is actually valid this is a valid model I like that it looks just like Rob Lucci too or the sounds though is like no sound also now that we transformed we do have a bunch of different moves so that's nice you said we got some M ones here boom and on the fourth M1 it throws down uh what is that Tempest kick okay that's fire that's fire first move we have fire plectrum let's look at that fire plectrum oh it's like a finger pistol okay okay why didn't they just call finger pistol next move Victorious bird oh it's a bigger Tempest kick okay okay that's fire that's fire why is there no sound effects for this game though like it looks fire visually but because there's no sound effects it just feels like underwhelming next one rapid fire sting all all finger pistol finger pistol this is kind of just like boxers a little bit you could tell it's a little bit inspired from that sorrow assault okay that was looked a little weird maybe if I zoom out and do that one it'll look better sorry assault okay yeah there you go there goes looks slightly better it looks a little wonky it doesn't look like smooth but my stability six key gun uh okay um that was definitely one of the worst moves I will say that it doesn't it didn't really have much emphasis on it that's all I really have to say about that overall though this is like 10 times better than the king's Legacy leopard though I will say that now the question is how do I awaken this name so it looks like in order to get my Awakening I have to do a leopard dungeon which is located on Don Island and then I'm gonna have to continuously do that right until I get what's called a leopard scroll so it seems interesting but my only concern going into this is how hard the actual scroll will be to get but that said though let's make our way to Don Island try to find this raid ah here we go I think I see it okay so we have Hawkeyes dungeon we have the upper dungeon right here all right say less I think my friend's gonna hop in with me labeled strongs I don't know what that means I don't really don't know what to expect from this thing no shot my friend just said it's one percent drop the scroll there's no way okay well I guess the leopard raid is literally just fighting a boss I have no idea what that is that's literally some random NPC but what the hell I just got which I did what no okay I can definitely see how this can be hard bro because like this is a beefed up account I have like Max Bounty almost I got like a ton of Health how did I just give one shot in okay well I could clearly see this is gonna be a problem uh let me try to see if I can maybe hit him long range there we go there we go maybe we could cheese him like this maybe we could tease him like this we get three lives total each raid so I guess as long as I'm cheesing him I could probably do this this is looking very difficult though I'm not gonna lie such a long time oh how did he reach me bro on our last life right now so I really cannot die otherwise this would be a complete waste of time bruh boss has 33 million Health left this is taking us like look at this timer eight minutes 43 seconds this is insane bro this is insane like who thought this was a good idea almost got him boys almost got him and it only has taken us 15 minutes oh my gosh bro what what stupid game bro this game is so stupid bro like I just randomly started flinging that doesn't even make sense bro that doesn't even make sense you were kicked from this experience you have died and not purchased a revive I was literally seconds away from killing him here we go boys here we go I dying this time bro I'm not dying this time I still got two lives left and that boy is dead did I get the scroll how do I tell if I got the scroll or not my friend told me to check my inventory scroll to the bottom I didn't get the scroll but I got the soul fruits so I mean I guess that's cool we gotta do it again I forgot to do it again bro all right boys I'm not gonna lie it was not worth it like two three hours in the farming of not getting the scroll I realized I don't want to do this I don't want to do this so I'm on my friend listena's account shout out to the homie she let me use her account for this video because she has a wicked leopard right here so without any wasted time let's go out of showcase this thing hopefully it is fire oh nice different transformation animation okay okay okay so look the motto is not much different but it does have the black smoke around it actually it is slightly different it looks like a little bit more slim you know what I'm saying and I'm not gonna lie I don't think the moves are any different at First Look hold on let me go back to the other regular leopard form bro none of the moves changed is this a joke hold on let's just test it out m1s m1s it's the same fire plectrum okay okay it's the same but it's like slightly bigger AOE and it now has like a purple hockey color type thing to it it seems like the only actual changes are just maybe slightly bigger AOE and purple hockey and I think more damage but you know maybe if you heavy grind this game that'd be worth it for you guys to get that extra damage but uh for me it's not I'm gonna give this game's leopard a 3.5 out of 5 Stars just because I wish the awaken leopard was better for how difficult it is to get but the next game we have is lox fruits now in this game I obviously already have the permanent leopard fruit right here I feel like leopard in this game needs really no introduction it's the most expensive fruit in the game anyone who's used this fruit knows is like the most brain dead fruit in the entire game like bro just check out this moveset first of all we have the m1s right here which is easily spammable you can just Spam this back to back to back has literally no cooldown then you have finger pistol right here which is basically a shigon barrage a spiraling kick right here look at that boom after image assault body flicker and then of course you have the transformation form which I'm obviously already in but I'm gonna show it to y'all again because why not transformation look at that like this is easily one of the best leopards like I'm just gonna say that right out right off rip I got there all the leopards we see this is easily one of the best levers just to prove that to you we're gonna go pack up some people with it real quick right here my friend what's the 1v1 hold on okay boom let's get him let's get him after him just saw it oh we oh we hold on hold on finger revolver boom pirate kick got him with that easy Bounty oh my gosh like literally you don't even need no weapons no Friday Styles no nothing everything you need is is in this kit let's keep the hunt going like everything Shadow Samurai I think he is a three million Bounty player all right hold on let's go let's go get him let's go get him see matter of fact let's get out my leopard for him yep yep yep let's get him I don't know why you're running away from me my boy I don't know why you're running away from me don't run now don't run now buddy do not run now come on fight back bro fight back why are you running why are you running we got a three million body player running right here bro fight you I'll fight you bro since that other three million Bounty player does not want to fight okay boom smiling kick let's get out here come over here come over here okay revolving ravager what the hell got that mm-hmm okay okay and dead easy easy now where's that other leopard where's that other leopard oh tell me bro staying in the safe zone no that's a bad look for a leopard hey we've packed up everyone we fought so far so I'd say it's pretty self-explanatory just how brain dead and easy this fruit is I gotta give this like a 4.5 the move set is fire I must say and the last game that we're gonna be playing in today's video is none other than fruit Battle Ground now as you can see the leopard in this game is a 0.03 speed chance so if you're trying to get it I mean good luck I guess but we equipped it right there allow me to show you just how busted this route is now first off for the base moveset we have five different moves after image combo spiral Kick Club barrage and predators prowl and it seems we got the perfect person to test it on right there hold on let me go ahead and make it my way over to him first move we have after image combo ah and we completely missed that but uh you guys pretty much get the gist second move we have spiral kick boom you guys can see it's basically Tempest kick and it has very high Knack back in here third move perfect time to show it we have uh oh oh oh we're caught in The Barrage Gatling this is time skip rubber third move build we have claw barrage you guys can see right here how did it just okay well you guys saw the third move it's basically barrage same thing he used against me fourth move we have predators prowl you go into the full leopard form and you bite them and you mull them what what the hell is that what's that oh okay I have no idea what what the hell that is I never seen that in the anime hey bro you better back up you better back up my boy you better you better back up hold on claw barrage uh-huh boom Tempest kick yes sir predator's Pro I don't know why he was messing with me my boy easy easy Bounty easy Bounty anyways that's the whole base moveset right there it's actually a pretty solid move set I will say we now have the transformation there's a transformation bar you need to get that to 100 before you can transform we have it right here leper form that's all I gotta say like in terms of visual aspects definitely the best looking leopard form but look at this look at this that boy shredded Running Animation all the animations are fire all the base form moves stay the same except the only difference is we get two extra moves in the transformation form first move of which we get is rokugan let's go use it on him oh my gosh look at that look at that look at that that's literally the best rokugan I've ever seen in any one-piece Roblox game and the last move we have is rising claw combo boom you hit him up you slam him over there and then you go for a WWE Slam yes sir and I think I got him stuck in there okay or even in base form leopard's actually so busted like look at this look at this dude does not stand a chance easy easy 100 Bounty and then I can just straight up use Predators proud of the Traverse around the map and find someone right there like right there who we hit him with that after much salt oh my gosh bro claw barrage easy Bounty double kill let's see she's Predators Pro he ain't gonna see it coming he ain't gonna see it coming uh-huh uh-huh okay Club barrage oh my God the fact that I could just lead that into each other is insane spiral kick how'd that not hit oh oh it's a little too late to start using your gravity moves now my boy with him with them M1 oh oh oh bro my transform is not working I have 100 bar my transform is not working you know what bro this game just sucks I've come to the conclusion this game just sucks there's no way he did that okay hold on he tried the Bamboozle me bro you can't escape though you cannot Escape my boy another easy kill need I show y'all any more proof bro you get leopard in this game it's pretty much free Bounty it's pretty much rebound but I'm gonna have to be completely honest here out of all the leopards this one is my favorite I'm gonna give it a 4.6 because it's not that much better than block screens but it's slightly better comment down one fruit y'all want me to master in every one piece game next and if you enjoyed this video make sure to click on this one right here
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 2,188,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox, blox fruit, roblox blox fruits, leopard fruit, one piece roblox, roblox blox fruit, roblox one piece, blox fruit roblox, blox fruit leopard, one piece game roblox, blox fruits leopard fruit, roblox one piece games, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits leopard, leopard blox fruits, one piece roblox games, leopard fruit blox fruits, leopard blox fruit, roblox fruits in blox fruits, blox fruits leopard showcase, leopard showcase blox fruits
Id: urwfGphq9bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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