One Piece Minecraft But Mob Drops are OP

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I've made it some mine piece mobs Dro random items ranging from wooden tools all the way up to devil fruits and my goal is to be Goldie Roger using only mob drops oh no all right let's see what these Pirates drop uh-oh oh this is dangerous what did he drop he dropped oak logs okay I can get a crafting table and some wheat but not enough to make food oh that's not good we can at least get a crafting table that's better than nothing let's try and find some more mobs ooh I wonder if Marines drop the same things as pirate let's check let's get this one Boom come on you silly Marines I've got this I've got this Oak oh yes we're getting so much wood I could actually make a house let's go I need to beat up all of these marines please give me the food oh that was tough wait there's more Oak here with that I can actually get free bread which is that's my food for now we've done it and to make this even harder I can't take items from structures even broken weird structures like this everything I get has to come from mobs higuma wait maybe he'll drop something different come on let's see oh bro is actually so easy to beat come on oh wait he drops wooden tools so I've got a sword now I just got a free sword I can become a swordsman oh no I'm getting hungry I haven't found any more mobs and it's almost night time this is not going well I'm going to use my swordsmanship okay there's one it's so close to being night as well I need to be careful cuz anything could spawn now take this yes they dropped some armor as well oh they're dropping so much food oh come on please he dropped wood I've hey I've got a whole Marine outfit though I've actually got a whole Marine outfit minus the Hat oh I look so dumb that's not what we need to do we need food quick I can make two bread oh man this is not going this is not going well xan Morgan oh I bet he drops something more impressive oh he's weakened I can do this come on Morgan oh wait he dropped stone and a stone sword and a treasure CH oh he dropped iron as well Oh my he dropped so much and that's because the stronger the mob the better the items they drop I can't deal with these guys yet oh get me out of here oh I'm in danger what this is going to be much harder than I thought oh I have just found the motherload of Marines oh let's go boom come on I need to beat all of them look at all this wood and with this it should be all of them let's grab our weat boom oh we're level five as well I've got continuous punches oh that's that's made my life so much easier oh we can easily beat these guys up now the cool down is quite long though we got some drip again I'm going to need a crafting table so let's get some wood and let's make some food I can make free bread now I'm going to be unstoppable no Yep this is impossible no this is the run I'm not dying again first we take down Morgan come on O Come On Come On yes perfect coal iron and a a treasure chest a devil fruit the niku niku I'm just eating it that's Instant Power boom what's this one do oh my yeah yeah I'm I'm kind of strong now aren't I you sure you want to mess with me come on mess them up oo a mace dropped let's go look at all this stuff I just got I've got a mace can I throw that you can I've got a gold chest as well oh I got Diamonds oh getting a devil fruit was huge another night another chance to get strong we start with you boom we got a chest I got lots of iron as well which is kind of crazy I'll worry about that later though I need food Alva drops food boom Oh I sent her to space wait I need the food oh no she only dropped uncooked food this time actually Pirates I'm not scared of pirates right now oo oh wait I just got ur's shock and observation Hy wait I'm getting strong now let's try 's shock oh my goodness I it has an insanely long cool down but that that was cool come here Morgan yes another Treasure Chest I've got like a full set of tools as well that's crazy let's get some bread that's all I can ever make his bread come on oh wait Jin he's probably got food right Sanji gave him some give me your food a he didn't have any oh food food food stay back stay back I'm going to have to eat this I don't have enough Stone no mihawk please oh why run run run run run run oh mihawk you've made the list the list of people who will be destroyed there has been an absolute massacre here I don't know when it happened but this is I I can build a house there so many Pirates or marines died that I I can build a house look at all of that okay let's open these chests never lucky man never lucky unfortunately now I just need to wait for night lucky for you guys that only takes a click of her fingers because uh that took 10 minutes for me right now I just need to find some mobs that are on my level Alida you fool they're challenging the wrong person oh she dropped so much Mr Daz bones we hit him with all of that cursers shock oh no no no they didn't do enough quick eat some bread Boom o wait bro drops iron wait that's really good oh and more treasure never lucky man never lucky I'm starting to believe again I have stopped believing why is a k chasing me a skeleton got me Ayu also made the list I need a new devil fruit I need something strong alvid you're next take this oh oh we've unlocked Hy come on I've got this there's so many mobs here I just need to get stronger and I can do it right here grab all their items just don't hit me crocodile don't be don't be that guy okay I've got so many wooden SP like uh Stone spoons I don't need them two chests though we could get a devil fruit and we didn't come on Boom we got Morgan's ax hand wait I I'm meant to get the items I'm meant to beat the guys and get the items myself this is looking mighty tempting techn techically it's a mo mob drop so I'm taking it hopefully I don't die now if I die I'm going to lose the diamond chest plate and Boots yam another Knight another chance to get strong let's go oh I can beat Pirates up really easy now boom Oh I got a mace again I love that smoker maybe it's time to beat him up I can't Sprint because he's got like smoke on me it's crazy two maces that's like just double damage for free come on take all of these I've almost done it I've almost done it we're going to get him with an ur's shock ur's shock I beat Smokey boy and really he didn't drop too much stuff he dropped iron though he dropped loads of iron stuff actually now that I'm looking at it he did drop good stuff it's a base Straw Hat Luffy and I can kill him without him even getting mad where where's these drops I smoker again oh no I want to beat up smoker I really do bro has good drops I need this I think it's time ures shock it didn't finish him oh no that's that's problematic 5 Seconds until I can shoot something please he's so low yes grabble that run daytime again I have to wait 10 minutes until I can find more stuff free items free items they're super mid items but he drops chests so there's a chance I can get a devil fruit not today though wait I can do this from here I can get both of them okay let's go see what they they dropped bread that's good and a chest honestly I've got too much stuff now I need like oh why are you here please drop yourself in water yes yeah how about that then stay there think about what you've done oh there's been there's a who has been here I've got a chest okay I'm surviving I'm doing it I'm actually doing it that's bones he had good stuff if I remember correctly so I need him again ooh wait a minute Jin dropped some good stuff as well eat all of this oh I destroyed him he dropped loads of chests and another iron axe oh come on surely one of these has to have a devil fruit inside oh oh my goodness that's Luffy of the four Emperors yeah I'm I'm not dealing with that Bop grab the coal let's get out of here oh da bones I need to fight him but I just can't why mihawk is here this is suicidal oh bro Dro golden carrots oh I need to beat more bro's got a chance to drop golden carrot oh no mihawk caught up with me run wait Luffy's fighting him bro Luffy's built different oh my that gave me a haircut let's just keep running this is this is good we've got some good stuff I don't want to lose it now in fact let's quickly open up our treasure chests terrible so far let's open these ones we got some armor that was it that's really unfortunate wait I've had a genius idea I'm going to set my spawn to this Village and then I'm going to build a chest and we're going to put all our stuff in it and I can save all my stuff so that I don't lose it okay first things first though we need to cook this food as well I can actually do that because I can make a furnace I've been playing for what feels like an eternity but we're fin finally making money moves to stand a chance against some of these tougher mobs I'm going to need a new devil fruit the poor fruit just isn't cutting it so I need to find some stronger mobs that or like some more treasure chests there's no in between you drop treasure chests sometimes come on ah not this time he's so weak he's so weak I got him Thro dropped golden carrots oh my I'm against the whole world here we just unlocked conqueror hockey I can deal with weaklings near me super easy now I've got so much food I do not want to die again my moves have conqueror hucky as well boom okay I've got a pipe Diamond chest piece no nl's here wait with conquerers I can take him surely we got to get rid of smoker as well cuz he's in the way bro literally pieced out perfect come on Smokey boy oh wait a minute is that nl's stick I just got an upgrade to my pipe I've got nl's pole oh no no no no where is NL strong slash I beat him look at what he dropped protection leggings sharpness diamond sword oh my goodness he's dropped so much good loot oh wait I I need just the no devil fruit Ste that's mad golden apple as well this sword might be our ticket to winning I feel bad for these guys oh oh that's so cool that's just free experience this is the Run oh no oh no oh no oh no please please please why is a kuu here kummer as well we just got to try and keep them keep them back bro what are you even doing I'm stronger than you oh Marines caught me that's crazy oh smoker here that's why I'm moving slowly let's strong slash him I thought that would be it BR blocked me boom oh he drops so much stuff again golden carrot lots of stuff I don't need and some treasure crocodile oh no I actually think I can take him this Forest is not oh no no no no no he's destroying the ground come on yes he dropped the sand fruit he actually dropped the sand fruit that's huge okay I need to head back to the base because I I can eat that sand fruit I'll die when I eat it so I need to go back back put all my stuff away and then and then die as bones Mr oneu Mr one's not a problem anymore but smoker he's still rather annoying jump slash boom we got this and it's time a straight slash Luffy Post Time skip could I take him on I'm so close to my base that I don't even mind if I die here so let's go I've started the fight you're the main character in one piece but I'm the main character in my video take this I'll gear forth well actually I don't really want to fight against that could you could you not it's okay I got this I got range and he doesn't know what's going on for some reason he's being dumb strong slash it's time for you to give up boom Oh bro had a lot of diamond on him Protection One okay let's open these chests as well I got the gomi wait actually I don't even want the sun suomi anymore I want the gomi let's eat that okay let's put all our stuff away or let's just eat it here and then I'll pick everything back up okay put back on everything that's good I've got the G me up to gear four I can Calla some serious Mayhem with this I might be crazy I think I'm going to try fighting Ben Beckman let's do this gear for Fu I can go snake man as well but for now Gatling come on Mr Beckman let's see what you're made of bazooka and I can just pistol over and over again he's not taking much damage that is kind of worrying King Kong gun boom he dodged it ging ging ging oo I did it and he dropped some good stuff protection fre oh we just got a massive upgrade here look at this as well I got yam's mace and some golden apple that was worth it I feel like I could fight Sabo right now quick back into gear four and then let's go ging oh no there's yop as well come on Sabo and yop I'll take you all on take some of this oh there's a Luffy here as well puker away get away Luffy come on how close is he I need snake man there are too many people here this is not good sabo's still alive he's got so much HP I can definitely do this you can't fight this Sabo oh my goodness bro drops so much Stu wait a minute oh and some good leggings I've got op quickly okay Kuma's next just because bro drops good stuff so he needs to go oh no that's Luffy no Golden Apple please send him away please that might be it I don't want I don't want it to end now rocket I'm getting out of here before he does something crazy we've got another Luffy I can take this I can take this guy this is 2 years later Luffy I can definitely take him wait I beat him oh my goodness oh no my gear right now I am in danger right now okay I found another Village can I fight Yamato oh no there's everyone here oh please please I need to beat I need to beat yam oh this is crazy I've got no food we're having like conqueror Hy clashes please I need to beat Yas up as well okay okay yes yes oh she dropped so much stuff Yas up you're next sorry Uso's dad but you need to go wait he dropped the g g no me bro I I'm just got too much stuff now smoker don't do it Jin as well my my gear fourth run out I've got no moves but I can beat him with fists you as well okay I think we're good no not ace and Ayu well at least Ace will die cuz kind's here can I beat ace I think I can definitely take on Ace right now okay Ace defeated I got all this stuff let's get out of here I just more armor that I don't need I'm level 38 if I could just get the Goro Goro no me I could finish this I could beat Roger now with the goror noi I believe in myself oh well there's Roger he must have heard me and he probably doesn't agree so uh let's just leave him for a second I jumped your your slash what do you think about that Odin oh no no no no no no no no Bros too strong I haven't even touched his health what the heck then again he hasn't touched mine yet either so there's a chance I can do this I can do this come on oh no AO I can't be that I'm quite confident about you're at half HP but I'm I'm even lower come on come on I've got this yes please get back Yas up enchanted golden apple quick eat it eat it eat it I got a god Apple from Odin oh no no no no no no that's the worst time for gear four to run out oh man andl what a fool he can't even touch me anymore come on Mr Beckman let's see what you're made of nothing much it seems nothing much oh Yas wants to throw hands again let's throw hands oh no oh reallyy well you know what reallyy let's also throw hands against my better judgment oh this actually seems very dumb of me come on I can do this he's going to drop something incredible probably drops never right honestly come on we we're having so many clashes it's so cool wait I'm going to beat him he does drop never right and a totem of undying oh my goodness come here yop this is what happens when you abandon your child the magu magu noi uh let's get rid of that I think I need to eat the magu magui although I haven't got gear for let me let me get gear five then we'll eat it you're not too bad Luffy 2 years later Luffy that's just post time skip I can take you can probably take you without even transforming That's How Strong I've gotten honestly easy I got the goror no me I got it three times in fact wait a minute what happens if I eat a goror on me while I've got a totem of undying the totem didn't protect me I lost everything but I did it for Science and maybe I can find my stuff again I don't know where it was you know what I can just get new stuff I'm so strong now watch this crocodile I can I can definitely do it against him L4 oh we just got a smoke fruit instantly as well L4 I just L4 over and over again and I win this fruit is broken by the way it's got the shortest cool Downs for no reason I've become overpowered Odin where's Goldie Roger I'm literally disintegrating everything they drop the pirate king and the pirate King's son one of them instantly died oh Ace oh I'm so sorry buddy absolutely destroyed I got jump scared by yam okay wait wait wait I can do this I need you out of the water really wait she dropped good stuff I was hoping she dropped food but she didn't hey sharpen the sword though that that'll come in useful give me the pirate king actually there's one more person that bullied me earlier where's mihawk me hwk oh this actually might be tough but it's a good practice for the pirate king I can do this I just need to switch between L4 and Vari I can do Insane damage quickly he's almost done boom oh my goodness protection five oh my goodness sharpness five I have four God apples I'm ready for the pirate king where is he Roger Kuma have you seen Roger oh bro dodged it wait I've beat him so many times how have I only just got the achievement oh Ayu another person that needs to eat this oh I can't get too too ahead of myself AO is still tough oh no no no no he's not he's not he's not he's so easy oh my more God apples Don't Mind If I didly Do Roger this is it it all comes down to this I'm going in close against oh no against the pirate king I've been training this whole time Roger I've gone all the way from an absolute Noob to right now to this moment the moment I beat the pirate king I can feel it take this you've done nothing to me so far I did it I beat him wait a minute what's this he dropped a command block it's the one piece
Channel: Senpirates
Views: 342,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, minecraft, unitedgamer, mod, mine mine no mi, mine piece, prime piece, minecraft modded, modded, one, piece, anime, challenge, koopekool, koopekul, 100 days, 24 hours, one block, senpirates
Id: 4ipAx2tGoUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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