Pass AI Detection with ChatGPT4 - 100% Human Written AdSense Prompt

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if you want to create 100 human-like content that passes AI detection every single time and unlocks AdSense for an AI website then this video is for you I have a prompt that will show you exactly how to do this it works amazingly with chat gpt4 and it will rank on Google but it will also help you get accepted onto Google AdSense so if you do not know chat gpt4 is now live all you have to do is have a pro account or a Plus account and you just click here and press gpt4 this is now you now have access to literally the best AI writer in the game now before we get started let me just explain a couple of things number one I personally do not care about AI generated content the reason is the company that I work for is not monetized by AdSense instead it's monetized by selling products okay so I'm not making this video for me I'm making this video for you guys so that you can understand how to get a website accepted to AdSense so you can see here we actually sell these products these are our physical products they're in the store so I don't need to do what I'm showing you in this video however I do use this prompt anyway not to help me pass AI detection just because it's so damn powerful AdSense is known for not accepting AI content okay so sometimes not always people will be denied monetization through Google AdSense and a lot of people have been telling me this in the comments I do read the comments I'm completely transparent and that's why I'm making this video so how can you tell if something is AI generated right now the best way is to use content at scale and it has an uh it has an AI content detector okay this is currently the best AI content detector that I can find okay and firstly what we're going to do is I'm just gonna say write me a blog post okay we're using chat G uh chat gpt3 uh best suits form and this is going to give me some basic crap that we're then going to put into the AI content um detector to see whether or not this uh content is picked up as being a i generated content which the likelihood is it will be picked up as AI generated content because chat gbt3 just isn't really that good so let's have a look and let's see what I think so 41 so it's likely to be AI generated okay so this is best suits for men the layouts of the article is actually not bad and honestly I reckon we could rank this article okay so but it's not a question about whether it will rank it's about getting accepted on to AdSense okay and there's a big difference between ranking on Google and being accepted into AdSense okay but I have an incredible prompt for you guys it is the prompt that I was using in the video yesterday that was a silent video I got a lot of flame for that video but I really really wanted to um have that video live okay to show people how I create 10 apps scores per hour so you can with this prompt you can create 10 articles per hour thank you to my past self for putting the prompt into this Google Document while at work so that I could make this video The Prompt is here okay and it works let's put it into chat gpt4 chat gpt4 and let's talk a little bit about how this actually works but firstly what I'm going to do is I'm going to change the article okay so the article is the thing here so you need to change this so I'm going to put X for you guys but for now I'll put the article is best suits for men so there's no difference between the prompt that I used before basically for chat GPT 3.5 and this one here it's the same article okay let's read a little bit about the prompt let's write a blog post that will rank on Google I want you to try to try to include keywords that's not really necessary you should use markdown formatting including bold u-l-o-l which means unordered list ordered list write with a degree of creativity burstiness and human like okay this I did get from another video um I don't know if it's even necessary because Chachi T4 seems to write unique content anyway there's no harm in including it include already anchored hyperlinks using keywords and links the article is best suits for men this is the most important part of my process guys you can write about the following Brands kit on I'm going to delete the rest of this here okay and I'm going to change it to just kit on cesare atolini uh boss and sartorio Napoli these are currently the four brands that we sell online but what I recommend you do is when you found a topic you need to find a way to make it unique to you specifically the way that I like to do that is I like to give the brands that I wanted to write about so I wanted to talk about kit on for the suit what in this case I don't have to tell it for their suits because the article is already best suits for men I'm gonna add one word best suit brands for men the reason I'm adding the word Brands is because I don't want it to start talking about random types of Suits okay like striped suits etc etc so cheers Napoli use these links as internal links formatted in markdown use a maximum for six internal links it doesn't stick to the final part but that's fine so what we're going to do is I'm just going to hit enter and we're going to see how much better the content is in uh chat gpt4 with this prompt compared to the one at the beginning which was very clearly stated to be a i generated content so the prompt itself I'm going to put that in a Google Document for everyone to have access to so it's now in this Google Document and all you need to do is change let's let's put everything that you guys need to change so you need to change this to um your focus keyword so what I recommend you do is you watch the video that I released I think two days ago let's just go on my YouTube real quick okay this video here trending SEO keyword secret Pros don't want you to share I will leave this in the description slash in the watch this video why is it hyperlink I've got no idea why is that hyperlink that's really weird okay nice so watch the video at the top this is how you find your focus keyword once you have your focus keyword I want you to put it in where it says your focus keyword in bold okay then depending on the focus keyword and depending on whether you're selling brands or selling your own brands or whatever you can write about the following and then I'm going to write things okay so what you want to do where it says things is I'll leave mine as an example okay so this [Music] okay so I'll leave this as example things so all you need to do is think about how you can make chat GPT right about what you specifically want chat GPT to write about and you put that where it says things you can write about the following things whether that might be material surgical practices I've got no idea okay whatever you're writing about and this is one of the hard things about making videos in this Niche whatever you're writing about you need to put it in to here then for your links I've shown this many many times but what I personally like to do is I like to just go to my site map which is here and I like to collect all of my links or all the important links and I put them at the bottom don't put too many maybe put 50 I think I've got too many to be honest with you and it kind of struggles to find the perfect balance between how much content to write and ensuring that all of the internal links are in the article so it should be about done um it is having a lot of problems right now with completing articles for me in in one shot but it seems like it's actually done it this time because it was a bit of a shorter article let us see what this tool this is a live test okay so I could look really stupid right now I hope I don't look really stupid I don't like looking really stupid come on human content scores zero I know it's predicting human content score 90 highly likely to be human okay so you can see that there is a huge huge difference between before and after okay it's a very simple process all I did was I used chat gpt4 with a much more in-depth prompt I gave all of the information that I wanted it to write about so the brands I wanted it to write about I also when I wrote a similar article today I did something really interesting which was after it wrote the article I said can you add five um Four Season suits and talk about Virgin wool suits so what I did today was after it wrote the article I said add another section okay and I said write about four season virgin wool suits and it did exactly that okay so this is a way just to make the content a little bit longer and I believe it was this article so yeah here we go so what I did today this is a really good example summer wedding outfits for men this has 6 000 searches a month at the moment in a few months this will have 50 000 searches a month in the United States if I can get this keyword anywhere close to the top I will be rocking so I wrote about kitten Santoni tramadosa and then at the end I said oh can you actually just mention Four Season suit Fabrics virgin wool Etc and I said please mention kit on suits and it did all of that it continued to use the list of links that I gave it before I didn't have to prompt it again so a really good way to add a little bit more content at the end of an article is to say oh can you just talk about this one more topic that you didn't talk about um and please internally link this topic into that okay that has given us another I don't know how many hundreds of words let's have a quick look uh it should be a lot more content now and let's just see what it says now about the it's even higher okay so there's more text 571 words instead of 292. it's more human written which means it's much more likely to get accepted into AdSense and the content itself is better which means it will rank higher on Google this is without a doubt the best way to make content right now using chat GPT unfortunately it's a little bit slow there are some bugs right now um but they will be ironed out and very soon you'll be able to do a one shot blog post in five minutes with all your internal links already in there you've already got my flow guys get to making good content yet accepted to AdSense and I'll see you soon with some more content peace out
Channel: Income stream surfers
Views: 33,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, ai, chat gpt 4, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt explained, chat gpt, chat gpt tutorial, open ai chat gpt, chat gpt to make money, what is chat gpt, chat gpt how to use, chat gpt examples, what is chatgpt, how to make money with chat gpt, chat gpt ai, how to use chatgpt, chat gpt prompts, make money online
Id: c9-izgiidaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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