Master the NEW BUTTON SLICER in Power BI | Nov 2023 Power BI Update

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today I'm going to show you how the new button slicer Works in powerbi I know everyone is talking about this new Visual and of course I am not the exception so without further Ado let's do [Music] this hey before we get started if this is the first time you stop by this channel you know what to do hit that subscribe button if you don't want to miss anything so now let's do this for today's tutorial we're going to use data from YouTube and as you can see I have here information about powerbi content creators YouTube channel content creator subscribers and also I have here the URL so the image URL is critical to create the image in the new button slicer so I'm going to show you how to do this real quick if you go over YouTube and you type powerbi you're going to see here the options we have many creators here we have Kevin we also have here how to powerbi we have here also pragmatic works and we can keep going so there are many content creators here and our goal is to have the image URL for these content creators so how do we do that I'm going to show you here an example so let's say that we want to grab the image URL for Kevin so let's open this option here this channel once we are here right click copy image address once we do that so you can come back to the Excel file and then copy and paste it here boom there it is so this is the first image URL and if you can see this is the same that we have here and I already did this so you don't have to do it I'm going to shck with with do this file so you can follow alone as well and also you can follow the same steps for the other content creators I'm not going to do this again because I already have the information The Next Step here is to go back to powerbi and start playing with the new button slier so this is the Power report that we're going to be working on and as you can see if you go over table view here is a table we have YouTube channel content creator subscribers and also the URL for the UR L make sure that the data category here is image URL so in that way powerbi knows that this is specifically an image URL so let's go back to report here report view let's start playing so right click new visual or add visual once we are here let's select slicer new The Next Step here is going to be make sure that you're selecting the visual go over here again for f so let's select YouTube channel so now we are talking folks so the next step here is to customize this visual so make sure that you're selecting the visual go over size and style once you're here what you need to do here is remove the background boom we are good title we don't get about title for now let's turn this off slicer settings so so let's turn single select off and then for select all let's turn this on perfect Next Step here is going to be let's go over shape for shape I like rounded rectangle so let's do that and then for rounded Corners how about 10 pixels so now you are seeing here the changes right so now let's go over layout for layout I need 10 rows just one column and then here for space between cards let's use just two pixels so now this is looking a little bit better but we are not done yet let's keep moving overflow so this is also a really nice feature I have here two different styles we have the continuous scroll which is the current one as you can see we have scroll bar on the right side here but also you have another option the other option is the pated style so you can select this option as well and automatically you can see a down arrow here once you hit that option you can see the other channels there if you're want to go back hit the app Arrow boom you are back so I'm going to leave it as continuous scroll for style here so we are good to go now let's keep moving let's go over call out values for call up values here let's select the font aial and then here for label so this is something really interesting as well keep this in mind let's add data for field and we're going to select here content creator boom so now you can see here for each YouTube channel we have the content creator there below so this is looking better my friends the next step is to go over images here guys is where the fun part starts default okay for default under image under field specifically let's hit add data for this particular case we're going to use the image URL once we do that automatically you can see here the imag is there the next step here is going to be image fit it's going to be just normal and then position is going to be left so now you can see here this is looking so much better so the next step here is to play with the states as you can see here we have apply settings to State we have four different states here default hover press and selected so let's get started with default for default saturation is going to be 0% so if we're not selecting anything here we don't have any color for these visuals for these images right so this is good and then let's keep going and select hover if we hover saturation is going to be 40% but this is just as a reference I mean you can keep playing here with different percentages it's up to you so we are good here for hover if you go back to the visual and you hover you can see here that this is changing dynamically as well so let's keep moving and let's select press for press saturation is going to be 60% perfect if you press you can see there it's changing so it's going to be 60% saturation and then finally for selected once you select the option here curation going to be 100% so now this is looking better and then I think we are good with image The Next Step here is to go over buttons for buttons we also have four different states we have default hover press and selected let's get started with default for default we don't want to see border and then for fill we are okay and then let's keep working here for hover for hover we are also good we don't want to see border feel is fine and then for press we are good here border off fill so we want to select here a different color okay this color right here the green and then for transparency it's going to be here 60% and then I'm going to show you what I'm talking about here okay check this out if you press you can see the background there it's going to be green but 60% transparency so this is perfect so let's keep moving for the last state here is going to be selected and then for selected border is fine of fill here we need select green the same green that we had previously and then transparency this is going to be 0% so we are good there now let's keep playing if you select multiple options here you can see that this is working perfectly fine and then you can select all or you can also remove all and then for this visual let's add here data as well for y AIS let's select content creator and then for xais let's select subscribers boom so my last tip here is going to be how to add tool tips to the new button slicer this is quite straightforward as you can see we have here the tool tips page I already created this page tool tip page if you don't know how to create a tool tip page I'm going to add here a link as well if you want to check it out that will be great but let's go back to the new button sasher page and here let's select the visual once we select the visual the next step is to go over properties once we are here let's turn tool tips on and here report Pages fine and then for page let's select tool tips so once we do that check this out if you hover over this you can see now more details gyina cube is going to be Adam you can see there the information in terms of subscribers and then you can keep playing here as well you have here Microsoft rbii it's right there and also you can see my channel Nestor adrianson there you have it my friends really really powerful feature in PBI released in the November 2023 PBI update so let me know what you think about this new feature let me know what you think about this new slicer and of course if you find this tutorial helpful don't forget to subscribe if you don't want to miss anything thank you guys for your time and see you in my next tutorial
Channel: Nestor Adrianzen
Views: 1,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vizxlization, new button slicer in Power BI, Power BI new button slicer, novermber 2023 power bi udpate, power bi udpate, power bi tutorial, power bi tutorial for beginner, power bi new visuals
Id: cmt78A6ewjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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