Advanced Power BI Project • End-to-End • ChatGPT • Custom Visuals

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this is a Spotify dashboard in power bi which I'm going to use to Showcase some Advanced Techniques I'm going to show you how you can use chatgpt to enrich your data using python code how you can use chatgpt to make HTML visuals I'm also going to show you how you can use PowerPoint to create this glass morphism background Reddit to the design goes to Ahmed so check out his portfolio this tutorial has a lot of steps and all of the links are going to be in the description however I want you to know that in order to do a lot of these things you will need a little bit of power bi experience I will try to explain everything in as much detail as I can but if you want to know something like how to set up chat GPT code interpreter check out my other video which will explain exactly how to do it with that let's get started the data set that we're going to use is from kaggle and it's the most streamed Spotify songs of 2023. if you look in the page there's a description of what the data set is some key features as in a data dictionary and if you scroll down you'll actually see that you can navigate through some of the columns it's a CSV file and all you have to do is click this button right here to download it and if you look at it it's got 24 columns and a whole bunch of different information which is pretty nice it's got track name artist and the first thing that I want to do is I'm going to try to use the chat GPD code interpreter which is now called the advanced data analytics to add the image URLs of the album cover so that I can use it in the report the image URL for the album cover is what we're going to use to create this visual it's really nice touch of color and I really think that it adds a lot to the report to do this I'm going to use chat gbt's code interpreter which is now called the advanced data analytics if you want to know how to set this up I recommend checking out my other video which will be linked in the description about exactly how to set this up so that you can use it on your own for now what I'm going to do is I'm simply going to upload the CSV file and prompt chatgpt to include a new column with image URLs of the song or album cover Jack GPT had some issues with the data set it had some problems with decoding the Unicode so I simply asked it to continue trying and it managed to figure that on its own then it told me that it did not have access to the internet and therefore could not actually do what I requested by itself so I asked it for some suggestions it has two different approaches one with placeholder URLs but also one with Spotify web API I chose to use the Spotify web API and even though it couldn't actually do it itself because it simply doesn't have access to the internet it could output the steps that I would need to take and the python code that I would need to run in order to do so I wanted everyone to be able to do this so I asked chatgpt to explain all of the steps even if you've never used python before the first thing that you have to do is to install python just from the organizational page that python has just click download Python and once you do you need to run the installer and this is very important you need to make sure that you check something that says add python to path if you do not check this you're going to have to reinstall python I uninstalled and reinstalled python to show this to you when you install python make sure to click this add python.exe to path once that's done open your command prompt and copy and paste pip install request pandas into your command prompt I've already done this but basically this will make sure that you have the required pandas Library installed next step is registering an app with Spotify to use the apis for free all you need to do is to visit login into display Spotify you might need to create an account if you don't have one it's free and once you do you can create an application for when on your developer dashboard it's going to ask you to fill in some things but once you do you're going to be able to actually find a client ID and client secrets for your application which is exactly what's going to be used in the python code you'll actually be able to see the client ID and the client secret right here and this is the code that you need to actually input your own client ID and client secret from the Spotify application that you've just created it's all free there's no need to worry about this but you do need to have the client ID and secret yourself otherwise this code will simply not run so the last thing that you're going to want to do is to copy this code into a text editor like notepad plus plus and then save it as a python file one thing to make sure is that the actual piece of code that's reading your file has the correct name of the file and has this specific encoding ISO 8859-1 I don't know why but if you don't include this python has some trouble reading the file one last thing before running the code is to make sure that your CSV file and your python script is in the same location now first what I'm going to do is I'm going to navigate to the specific location you can do this by typing in CD space in command prompt and the location of where all of your stuff is and then once I'm there I'm going to run a python script by typing python space the name of the script which is Spotify and now we're just going to need to wait until it finishes now you might have to wait a second for it to complete but once it does you'll have a really nice Excel file which will be the same as before but with just one more column with the image URLs of the album cover art navigating to one of these shows that it is in fact cover art which is really great and now we can use it in our power bi reports but first I'm going to start making the background that I want to use or the background we're just simply going to use PowerPoint first thing I'm going to do is make sure that I remove everything and I'm simply going to be using the designer function in order to try to get a nice background to start with like this one so I'm going to select this one and I'm going to right click and click on format picture okay I'm going to need to move myself a little bit so what I'm going to do first is click on this button right here in order to color correct the actual image so first thing that I'm going to do is make the saturation zero percent and that's going to make it very great and then what I'm going to do is click on picture corrections to make sure that the brightness is much much lower so that it becomes almost black and this is exactly what I'm looking for you can of course play around with contrast if you want as well and we'll leave it like that perfect then what I'm going to do is I am going to insert some shapes most of the shapes that I use are going to be rounded rectangles and this is going to represent the canvas that I draw on make this and then you can use this yellow dot here and while clicking on it you can move the corners to make it rounded or less rounded and then what we're going to do is to make sure that the image itself is a gradient fill and once it's a gradient filled I like to make sure that the stops are somewhere just around the edges and right now I have something that is both White night the transparency is different so the first one is 50 and the second one is eighty percent and you can see the fifty percent transparency is the one that is more white and the eighty percent is less white you can do the same thing but if you want this to be slightly darker you can choose black and make it to be transparent so if it's eighty percent black you can see that there is some kind of transparency going on as well but it's a lot more darker once the transparency happens so we're just going to stick with white for now and I'm gonna make this 50 and then what we need to do is simply go to not the fill but the line and we're going to make the line White and the white line is also going to be a gradient line and that means that if I do the same thing where I'm gonna make the line eighty percent transparent and fifty percent transparent maybe 20. you'll see that at the top there is now a white line but at the bottom there isn't so that indicates a kind of Shine from above onto a glass surface that is essentially what glass morphism is and I can do this multiple times in order to get a really cool effect so I'm gonna control see control V and you can see now with two layers it comes even wider that's actually not what I want so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a couple of different you know it's like areas that I probably will want to use and I'm going to make them all black this time and in this way I can make the transparency something like 20 percent and maybe 60 percent and I've created some you know it's like overlays which are still a little transparent but this is starting to look a little bit more like what I want I'm gonna fast forward a little bit just to get a little bit of the alignment out of the way if you want to see this being done in more detail I recommend checking out this other video that I've made about gradients alignment and how to get this set up for yourself I've made a couple of adjustments mainly I've made the white background B70 and 87 transparent and I've made the regular boxes black and the 20 and 60 transparents I've also added a title bar which is just completely black and we're going to add a Spotify icon I also needed to crop it a little bit but now it's starting to get somewhere I'm also going to insert an icon for refresh let's take this one I only need one of those and I'm going to make sure that it's white fantastic I'm also probably going to watch the Spotify name as well and once again I'm simply going to crop it in order to get the parts that I need which is just the Spotify name on black and there we go this is almost everything but one last thing is that I'm going to make this specific box green so the way that I'm going to color it is I'm going to eye drop onto this color and then I'm going to eye drop that color one more time and I'm going to make these transparent so I'm going to make this 80 transparent and I'm going to make this uh maybe 10 transparent if you want you can move the angle around so now I've moved the angle to 70 degrees so now you can see it's coming on from this side and there's a green gradient that is still very similar to the Spotify color I can also change this by making this a little bit less transparent maybe you know it's like 60 and that looks good enough for me and I'm going to save this into an image and you can do that of course by either saving the whole file as a PDF but you can also just Ctrl a select everything right click and save as picture and I'm going to save it as a background and the image is going to look great so now we're going to get started with the power bi content the data sets already been loaded in and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to change the canvas pixel size to 1080 by 1920 and then we're going to change the canvas background into what we made just now now the first thing that we're going to want to do is to inspect our data sets more closely one thing is that I actually want to use dates and I'm probably going to make a date calendar to use some time intelligence however I can see that there's no dates here I'm going to take the easy way and I'm just going to create a calculated column that will call dates so I can see that in the data set itself there are in fact information about the year month and day and you can actually use combine these together into a date column by using the date function date is equal to released year month and day we're going to want to change this from a date to time to a date and into a short date because that's really what's preferred then what I'm going to do is I'm going to use an external tool called Bravo in order to create a calendar table this is something from SQL bi and it's pretty great you can just apply changes in order to create a calendar table that you can use and directly connect to your dates in my first YouTube video I actually talk about Bravo how to install it and how you can use it to create calendar tables for your power bi reports it's free it's from SQL bi I really recommend checking it out great so first I'm going to make two charts one's going to be the number of streams per track and then it's going to be the number of tracks per release date the release date is actually just the date that we've created because it's made from release day month and year so that's not an issue but we'll start with the streams per track so I'm going to throw in the track name and then I'm going to open the the data in a new Pane and I'm going to throw in the number of streams so if I throw both of these together it immediately creates a bar chart which is exactly what I want and then I'm going to go with the other visual where I'm going to take the date from the date table and then I'm going to okay so this is a little annoying you do need to click open in a new pane most of the time nevertheless with the date I'm also going to throw in the track name and that's going to be something that I modify into a line chart and then the track name goes into the y-axis and it immediately turns into the count of the tracks so this essentially shows for each day how many tracks were released that are in this data set we're also going to throw in a couple of slicers we're going to put in the artist's name the track name we're going to put in the date itself and the actual year so I've got all of these out I'm going to change them all into slicers and I'm going to put them into their locations now I want to add some kpi cards to represent data about the most played song so in order to do this the first thing that I have to do is create a new measure which is going to identify what is the most played stream amount this is going to be just using the max function and I'm simply going to start making the kpi card so let's throw in the track name and then we're going to change this visual into a new card Visual and then once I do I'm going to go back and I'm going to throw in the other parts that I want in here which is going to be the artist name it's going to be the number of artists that participated it's going to be the dates and the number of streams that this visual had so if we take all of that oh I think I missed one in order for me to show the most streamed song in this visual I need to go to the visual filters throw in streams and I need to do Advanced not Advanced filtering but top and show of items where it's the top one by value of maxed streams so I'm going to apply this filter and now it's going to actually show only the items which are the top streamed song I added another kpi with the exact same filtering about acousticness danceability liveliness speechiness and Valence which are quantifiers of characteristics that relate to the song I also wanted to show some context about how the top song performs versus the yearly average so in order to do this I needed to create a couple more measures the top song streams which simply calculates the sum of streams for the top song so where the streams is the max possible streams then I needed another tax measure to calculate the average streams per year and in order to do this I used calculate wrapped wrapping average streams where I used the all accept function which is essentially removing all of the filters except the one that I've specified here which is the year filter then I created a Dax measure to calculate the percentage difference so it's the top song stream subtracted by the average streams per year divided by average streams per year and finally I created a Dax measure that is going to be formatted to include an up or down arrow depending on whether it's positive or negative so I'm going to make both of these into kpi cards the average stream per year is going to go here and the top song versus average is going to go here and now you can see what the arrow looks like so this is really great for me so far but I will need to format these later now even though you could use the cover URL and just put it into a matrix to show them that's not what we want what we want is to have rounded Corners now it is a little bit of Overkill but to achieve this we need to use the HTML first you're going to want to get HTML visuals into Power bi so you're going to want to open the visual gallery and okay I'm in the way scroll down and click on get more visuals I already have it but if you search HTML you should find this one here I like to use this one which is you know it's like from Daniel Marsh Patrick simply add it and it'll be loaded into your power bi report then from the visual Gallery you can simply select it and it'll create a visual that you can use with html text so what I did next was I asked chat gbt to write me some HTML code that would take an image URL and show the mid section with rounded Corners in a 16x9 area and I simply copied the code and I pasted it into notepad the first thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to replace all the quotation marks with a single quotation so if you press Ctrl H you can find again all the quotations and change them to single notations after you do this I'm going to basically copy this and use this in my Dax code so the tax code that's going to make this all work basically starts with calculating which cover URL the top song actually has so this is just the same template as we used before the max of the cover URL is going to be where the number of streams is the max possible number of streams then once we declare this as a variable which is just called X we're going to put in one quotation and simply paste what we copied before and put in another quotation basically what this is is because it's a double quotation Dax recognizes this as text which can be used as an html's SVG code now here in the code there is something where it says your image URL here I'm going to put in two quotations in between I'm going to put in two ampersands and then I'm going to put an X if you've ever used Excel you probably recognize what's happening here I'm basically taking this text splitting it in half and throwing the X in between now I'm going to Simply click ok now in the h email visual I'm simply going to click this tax code and there you have it it simply Works chat GPT does a really good job of outputting this HTML code so if you actually look at it you can even see that there is some places where it's got width height border radius indicated so if you wanted to change the size you could actually just change these values here so let me try putting this to 400 and maybe 120. and you'll actually see the image has changed so I'm probably going to mess about with this until it matches properly you do realize that it has a you know it's like white background but that's actually a formatting issue so if you actually take away the background you'll see that it actually looks really great and I just need to change it around a little bit in order for it to actually show the dimensions that I wanted to now the last two visuals which are going in these empty spaces is actually going to be made using denim so I need to go into visual gallery and I need to go find more visuals this is going to be Dana d-e-n-e-e and I need to just click on this and add this to my report so the Dax measure I'm going to show here is simply the average of the energy percentage because I want to show within the selected years how much energy there is on average in each song the first Dana visual is going to be from David backy's GitHub it's the unit chart that looks like this it's really nice I love how it looks uh but I actually had some problems getting it to work I actually reached out to him and he showed me that there he'd actually answered my exact question in stack Overflow I'll link all of this in the description but essentially you just need to use this code from the stack Overflow and it'll work just perfect for you I'm going to basically copy all of this and I just need to change a couple of things right now you can see that the color is like uh rainbow colored I don't want that I want this to be aligned with the Spotify green so I need to go in and I need to change the fill values the RGB values which are all of these hashtags into something that is more appropriate for my visualization so in order to use this denim visual first I need to go to the visual gallery and insert one of these images I'm going to select the percent file which I want to use in this visualization and then now I'm going to click on the three buttons that say more options and hit edit once I do it'll take me to create a new specification I'm going to select Vega and I'm going to select empty once I do I create this and I cut remove what exists there and I paste what I copied from the stack Overflow I'm going to scroll all the way up and I'm going to find where it says my measure this is line 21 and I'm going to replace that with the name of my with the name of the measure that I'm going to use you can actually see it right here which is in the data view it's called percent Val and now you can see that it looks great but once again the colors do need to be changed first I'm going to remove the background which is line six and if I click again now you can see it's white there's no more of an actual background for it to be on then I'm going to go down and I'm going to make sure that the actual colors which is going to be in the range here 86 to 91 I believe I'm going to change those into something that is more suited to what I would like to see now I already have this written out so now I'm going to go and replace these ranges with these two values if I click on the apply you'll now see that it's going from a dark green to a lighter green I also probably want to do this for you um the actual color itself here so in order to do that I'm going to go down and find the text value and copy one of these and in the actual text I'm going to be able to find here the text which is line 176 there's a text gradient and that text grid itself is actually being called at the very top in line nine so I can tell it to go from this color to [Music] what did I have before to this other color these two colors and if I click apply now even the numbers itself is a gradient so that's perfect for me that's exactly what I want I'm going to click back to report and you can see that now it looks pretty good I want this to this one to be here I'm going to make this a little bit outer now you can see there are you know it's like it's not perfect there are some issues it's white and it's hard to get the size right but you can just go back into the code and make sure that you change the height and the width which are also declared right here so I can do 350 350 and I'll remove the padding to 15. and there we go I also do need to remove uh what is it the background but really great that is kind of what I want maybe I might want to change the gray into something a little more prominent because it's kind of blending into the gray that I've used for this background so in order to do this I've gone back into the code and I've just changed where the arc is uh has a fill value this is line 98 and I believe there's another one at line 157 and I've changed those to a lighter gray and of course I want to change the On Target text into something else that's line 203 and I'm going to call that energy percent because that that's what this value is it's a value of how much energy there is in all of these songs and I've also had to modify the you know it's like size I think right now I'm using 300 by 300. but that's all and it looks great now the last visual that I'm going to create is a heat map with bars that's going to be made in deneb the actual kpi that I'm going to use for this visual is the number of tracks simply because what this visual is trying to show is how many tracks were released on which day in which month to create a heat map so first I'm going to make this Dax measure and then I'm going to insert a deneb visual in this visual I'm going to throw in the day of the week from the calendar table the month and of course this new um this new tax measure that I just created once I've selected those three I'm going to click on the three buttons and click on edit and then I'm going to navigate to this deneb template website it's going to be in the description and it's the GitHub of power bi tips which is run by another Microsoft MVP Mike Carlo and actually see that this code am credited here as the author because I helped to write it simply copy the file and then we're going to go back to Power bi click on empty click create and then we're going to change the specification to be this value the code does not recognize the track as the kpi that should be used so you need to go down to line 41 and simply change this kpi to the name of your measure I'm going to call it track here and if I run this it still doesn't work this is honestly just a small issue with denips so I I need to go back and change the name once or twice and then I'm going to click on edit and once I do if I get this edit specification field mapping pop-up then I change the original field into what the name has been changed to and I apply mapping and it should show the visual right away so that's it I'm going to go back to report and you can actually see a really nice heat map visual that shows exactly what I want this is really good but the visual still isn't perfect there's some issues with the ordering I might want to increase the length of the legend and maybe I want to make the space a little bit bigger or smaller so that it fits better into my visual in order to do this I'm going to go back into the code editor there's basically four things that I want to do I want to get rid of this Legend I want to get rid of this label I want to make the visual itself more compact but larger and I need to order the dates so let's start with the easiest one which is dates if I scroll down to line 110 I can actually see that the reason they're not being sorted is be because they're actually case sensitive so if I put in Monday Tuesday Etc then they will become ordered into you know it's like the actual days which is you know it's like easy fix and then I'm going to go down all the way to where it says uh I believe this is line 169 and I'm going to make sure that the legend field here is just removed so that's 178 to 169 and just replaced with null and this should just take away the actual Legend which is great I'm also going to go back and see if I can find Time Time title is right here in line 133 I'm just gonna remove time and there it is it's gone now the last thing that I need to do is to change the sizes of these uh visuals in order for them to be a little bit larger and fit the space that I've made for it to do this we're going to start from the top and we're going to go down to where we see height this is uh line 60. so I'm going to make this height into 40 and then I need to add a width it's simply going to be uh you know declaring that the width is stepped at 30 pixels per bar and what this is going to do is as you can see the top bar visual has increased I'm going to keep going down until I find something that says H concat this is direct which is all of these little boxes inside after the rect I'm simply going to add inline 106. some more conditions making these boxes into size 30 by 30. this is exactly what I want and I just need to do this for this last bar as well so I'm going to make the width into 40 and I'm going to paste this again and I'm going to make the height into 30. this is basically everything that I'm going to do to this denim visual so we can go back to the report and see that it's actually perfect size for the space that I've made for it now we've done most of the hard work but this visual still doesn't look like this so I'm going to walk you through how to format everything so that you have something nice and clean looking like this the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to change the theme so navigate to the theme by clicking on view and then this button right here which is themes click on customize current theme and we're going to change basically everything in here the first thing to do is I'm actually going to find a the Spotify player color palette and I've gone up all of these values I'm going to start inputting these into our theme so let me just click on this go to the theme set color one to be this value these are hex codes which identify you know it's like how much RGB there are and I'm just going to keep going until I have a couple of these colors in great now what I'm going to do is I'm going to change the sentiment colors and the Divergent colors into pre-selected ones that I've already taken out and you can already see in the background that some things have changed but we're not going to go there yet I'm going to go to Advanced in the name and colors and I'm simply going to set everything to White I'm not going to care too much about this because it's not the point of this design video I'm going to keep going go to text and change everything to White I'm going to make the title size 16. but everything else is just going to stay white once you go to visuals there's only one thing you need to change which is to make the transparency a hundred percent and that's it I'm going to click apply and already you can see it looks a lot better than it did before there are still a couple of things that I do need to change but we're gonna get there in just a sec now we're going to change the formatting so make sure that you have the format pane available and we're going to start from the top with the slicers the first thing that we have to do is to change all of these from slicer headers to titles so you can see that the slicer header actually changes into smaller fonts if the visual is smaller so if the visual is actually longer than the actual text size of the date is bigger but if it's smaller then it shortens and size to make this faster I'm going to select all three slicers this way you can you know alter all of their properties at the same time so I'm going to turn off the slider turn off the slicer header and turn on the title so there we go date track and artist you might need to go inside and actually you know to write those out and also I'm going to make the background color black this is something that you're going to see in just a sec why and for these two items track and artist I'm going to put the slicer settings and I'm going to put them as a drop down so now you can see it looks really great and it's pretty nice the here slicer here however I'm going to change them from the slicer settings from between to tile because I'd like to see all of the different uh you know it's like years in tile form but I'm probably going to make this maybe gray so the values might be you know it's like instead of being black I'll make this slightly Gray maybe a darker gray if you look at this then you can actually see that there are gray outlines behind the slicers and you can add those to the PowerPoint image and that's probably the best place to do it if you aren't going to do it in the PowerPoint you can add them as shapes simply a rectangle make the corners rounded which is what I'm going to do so very quickly I'm going to insert a rounded rectangle basically try to cover the approximate size that I want duplicate it three times cover up the artist and by clicking on all three I can modify the size as I like so I'm going to go to size and style I'm going to Simply make the width 250. I'm going to align them or top and then distribute them by searching for the line distribute them horizontally then I'm going to go and change the shape style so that the rounded Corners is 10 percent I'm going to change the fill into a gray a dark gray and I'm going to remove the Border there we go then finally I'm going to the selection pane taking these three shapes and moving them to the bottom so that the order shows that they are at the very bottom this isn't exactly perfect so I can just click on these shapes again and move them a little bit so that they are more aligned with the actual filters and there you go one thing that I'd like to point out is that by changing the power bi theme we actually also change the colors in the heat map you might have noticed this already but if I go into the actual code you can see that where the colors are being called it's using something called expression power bi color with a specific number the this expression basically references the colors that are being used in the theme inside your denim code so if you just change the theme the colors change as well which is really nice so the next thing that we're going to do is to change these kpi cards so they look a little nicer first we have to change them from the existing kpi card into the new kpi card and you'll actually see that it's having the same problem as these items here which is that it is basically just not showing anything it's a white box the reason for this is and I'm going to select all these kpi cards because I'm just going to change them all at once is that the cards have a border and a film and if I remove these boom you can actually start to see the values now the next thing that I'm going to change is here for the actual cards the call out is what we're going to want to change the call out and the label the label itself is called average streams per year but something's wrong so it's not actually showing you know what I'd like to be shown it's showing something like this I'm just going to go and rename it average streams there we go so now you can actually see it's a little bit better I might want to change the size of this of the label to 16 so it's a little bit more visible and I'm going to move this tiny bit upwards you can move these things around like I've been doing the whole video with just your arrow keys up and down and that's basically how I do most of my formatting okay so this is fine and now I'm going to take this value which is going to be something slightly different first I'm going to make the size a little bit smaller and then I'm going to put the position in below value so this is exactly what I'd like to do right now I can't change the text here but that's okay I can actually just go into this and just click on called this top song versus average one thing that should be noted is the values you can't really see very well so I'm going to change this to 20 and now we have the context that I wanted to show so this is the top song versus average for and this is the average streams per year so the top song is actually doing 620 better than the average streams fantastic let's add a little bit more to this we're going to put in a conditional formatting for the color and you can just go to the callout values click on this FX button put in conditional formatting and we do have this exact value which is going to be the top song versus uh average vowel and this is going to be if it's less if it's greater than zero we're going to actually say that it's uh green and if it's uh worse than zero if it's lower than zero we're going to make it red and so now we see that at uh you know take this top song is doing 620 better but if you select the song that's uh you know it's a considerably lower in streams then it should show a red value yeah okay so that's exactly what's going on and it's fantastic I'm also going to go and not go to the values but go to the labels and change the color formatting to be the exact same and this way you can see that the top song versus average vowel is something that's actually shown pretty much perfectly and it changes based on what you select great now we're going to take care of some small issues one thing that I want you to know is that when I was making the theme I put all of the colors as white and because of this you can't actually see the filter panel and you can't see tool tips this is a little bit of a problem so we're going to go back to view and change the custom current theme to change the advanced items the first element items to Black and honestly this should solve most of the issues so that you can actually see that with the tooltips now you can see the text and the filters has these values it's a little bit annoying but it's just something that you have to think about and because of that I need to go back and I need to make sure that the values are white as well and we're going to continue onwards in formatting the bar charts and the line chart honestly there's really not that much you need to do here I do want to take care of the axis I don't really want the label for the axis so I'm going to remove those but I am going to make the values a little bit easier to read so I'm going to put those values at 12. and then I'm going to change the title the title is called counter track Name by date and we can call that something else like Track by release date I'm also going to go into the x-axis and probably change the grid lines okay it's not in the x-axis there is a grid line section and I'm simply going to turn off the vertical lines because I think this looks a lot cleaner I'm going to do something similar for the bar chart so basically I'm just going to go and remove the labels you don't need to know that it's the sum of streams and the tracking because you can tell that from the title and then the title is going to be the tracks by streams I've also gone in and made the axis a little bit larger in terms of fonts so I've made both the y-axis and the x-axis to be size 12. and that basically only leaves these kpi cards as the final thing that we need to format so we're going to select both of these at the same time and simply work on formatting because they're both kpi cards you can actually do this first I'm going to make this into size 17 and white and then I'm going to put the text wrap into I'm going to turn the text wrap off and then I'm going to make it into a horizontal alignment I might need to physically make these a little bit bigger because you can see that the some of the text was is being cut off and as for the label I'm going to move it below the value and turn it into size 11. I wasn't selecting both of them there so I'm going to just do the same here okay so this is kind of what I want and I also have to make sure that both of these items have the label not being text wrapped so that you can see everything there are some things that you might need to change like you might need to go into these values and change each of the different fields so it shows like for example uh you know rack now that's something that I've done for both of these and in order to make this just give it the final touch I will probably only do one more thing which is add a text box and that text box is going to basically be where what I use in order to fill in all of the notations now I could very easily do this in PowerPoint I haven't so I'm going to just show you you know what I would put here overall I'm pretty happy with this and not gonna do too much more to it one final look taking a look at what does exist and what doesn't exist the album cover not showing and these items not existing means that there might not be a song at this time period so I'm gonna make sure that there's a filter on the year that's above 2017. so that when someone actually goes into this and you know it's like checks it they can click you know it's like 2017 and above and it will usually show some kind of visualization and I also need to make sure that the filters have proper values so the font color is white fantastic and then the final thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to make sure that this is properly sized for the space that it has that took a moment but I just needed to change the width to 458 the height to 140 and the Border radius to 15 pixels and now it looks exactly like how I would like it to look and it's perfect there is one more thing that I could do which is to add the text of the again it's like track and the artist here so that it looks like this and I'm going to do this by copying this existing kpi card I'm going to remove all of the items that I don't need and then I'm going to Simply format it so that it works for me I'm going to the format pane I'm going to go into the layout and make it into a vertical I'm going to go into the cards call out remove the actual um label so it's only the values and I'm going to see if I can remove the spacing down to zero pixels and this is this is pretty good uh blinding lights weekend I can actually go to the specific series uh track and I can go to the values make sure that it's horizontally aligned make this one a little uh bigger and a little thicker pretty great and I'll change the artist to be a little bit smaller and also like this you can actually tighten up the space a little bit more if you go to the card settings and make the padding to be zero pixels above and zero pixels below if you're planning to upload this to the service you need to add this one last bit which is just including a clear all slicers button on top of this refresh button that we have here so what we're going to do is we're just going to select add a button to your report clear all slicers and we're going to take this and basically make sure that it covers this icon that we've created the action is to just simply clear all slicers and the button style is going to be you know it's like have text and a border automatically so just turn those off and now if you click on this it's going to refresh everything so I'm going to just select for example uh maybe 2018 2019 so I have these three items selected and I'm going to click refresh and it's just gonna get rid of all those on that note maybe I do need to make this uh you know it's like the values black as a background so that you can actually see that they've been selected okay so now I've got these here if I select these items then you can see that they've been selected okay so I'm going to make sure that that's black not gray too similar to actually being selected and not selected if you've stayed with me this far I really hope you learned something we've gone through denab we've gone through HTML we've gone through chat GPT if you you know it's like make this uh post it on LinkedIn tag me thanks for watching I hope you learned something take care
Channel: Power BI Park
Views: 216,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Powerbi, power bi, power bi project, powerbiproject, powerbi project, end to end, microsoft, business intelligence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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