Master the Animate Tool: 5 Techniques for adding Animation Keys, in OpenToonz

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Hello friends I've been talking a lot about the anime tool recently and today is no exception so today I want to show you five ways to add animation keys in open tunes and Tahoma 2D number one but let's start off with a set key button below the viewer that's this button just here so click this and you get a key with the values set at this position which is the beginning of an animation is just the initial position but it's useful later to be able to add a pause to the movement as I'll show you in a minute but notice that when you press the button it shows a solid diamond which means that every channel has a key in it so if I go to the function editor in the schematic room and show every channel here for this column you'll see that there's an orange key in each of these channels that's the X Y Zed stacking order position rotation scale and Shear options and if I press it again all those values disappear and the key disappears from the X sheet and from the timeline and it's useful to have the function editor on screen when you first get used to using this tool so you can understand what keys are being added and to help you diagnose when your columns aren't moving as you'd expect number two next you can just drag the drawings in your column so select the animate tool choose the edit type and then start dragging on the screen so I could place position one here move along a few frames and then move this up and you'll see the two keys added in the X and the Y channels only not in the rest of them as I move between those two keys you can see the movement just there and this is likely the most common method to add an animation key and you're probably using it already but I would also suggest that you try out the all option because it's really useful to be able to move rotate and skew with the one tool so if I move the center point I can rotate with the top selector there scale it here and it'll change each value you notice the keys are being added in the relevant columns so do notice that the key button below the viewer is showing the diamond half filled in and this is because we haven't got keys in every channel and because of this you might want to click the button to add a key in every channel which sets the initial key for any that aren't yet set because if you'd like to change their value so if I go to a few frames later and then move this the interpolation happens between this Frame and the previous key so if I then go a couple more frames and change the movement the interpolation happens between frame 12 and 9 as you'd expect but if I now rotate the interpolation happens between the current frame and the previous key which was two movements ago on frame five here and this is something I've seen new users get confused about all the time which is why it's useful to have the function editor on screen in the beginning as you get used to adding the keys or if you want to add a key to each Channel as you make any edit then take the global key tick box at the fire item side of the options toolbar and now we have some movement I can show you how you use the set key button to create a pause so if you move from the last key here and add key across all the channels and then go forward a number of frames and press the button again now you'll notice there's no movement between those last two keys so you've got some movement some rotation some position changes and then a pause between those last two keys where you've pressed this key button really useful for creating a pause in your movement number three next we'll use the options bar so you can just click and type values into the boxes on the options bar here which isn't necessarily useful for movement but it can be if you're copying and pasting values from another column and you want them to keep in sync but for rotation it is really useful to be able to set a rotation to say 45 degrees 90 degrees or a known angle so if I move on a few frames again and then in the rotation box I could just type in zero and press enter to set the rotation to zero and again move along a few frames either on the X sheet or timeline or directly in the function editor and then type a new value into the rotation box there of 45 degrees but where these boxes are really useful is to reset values so for instance the X and Y position if I set them back to zero each that will be the initial position that the drawing was in on frame one number four and while we're looking at the options bar you probably didn't know that the labels to each value are also secret buttons so you can do two things with this button first if I move along a couple of frames again you can just click on the button here where it says X and it adds a key for the X Channel and again for the y z or rotation and again this super useful just to create a hold key for this one channel or you can actually click and drag on the label there so I can click on X and drag to the left to move it to the left slightly click on y to drag it to the right or for the scaling here to make it larger or smaller and this can be a really good way to adjust the value while looking between the value in the box and the position here on the viewer number five finally you can add a key directly in the function editor and again for angles this is perfect so all you need to do is to double click into a space and you'll see the last number for the key so you can just over type your new number and press enter which adds a key there or you can double click in the cell and simply press enter to duplicate the key and create that pause between keys and if you want to you can move in between the keys here double click and then again press enter to create a key or if you want a different value you can double click between the keys and simply type in a new value again and press enter and you'll get a key of that value so that's five ways to add and edit animation keys do charge them all out and get used to how they work I use all five at different times they're all so so useful and thanks to all my patreon supporters for all of your support and don't forget that my tmug and teapot supporters not only saw this video a week early but can also download this and all of my previous projects to try out these different options and if you'd like to see more about using the animate tool then you'll find this video here really useful and now see you next time for another tutorial and that's a guarantee
Channel: Darren T
Views: 840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, opentoonz, animation keys, animate tool
Id: 2IQxhleTfXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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