Opentoonz 1.3 - 2020 COMPLETE BEGINNER'S Tutorial

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hi guys it's Sebastian here from noble fugu studio and welcome to the twenty20 open toons complete beginner tutorial this tutorial is for people who are complete and utter beginners to the three animation software called open toons if you don't have open toons you can follow the link in the description to download it this tutorial is going to help you if you want to brush up on some of the basics of oppa toons or whether you're just starting out right now so what you'll probably notice first is that the layout that I have on my screen looks nothing like the layout on your screen your screen looks probably looks something more on like this and that's because open toons has different interfaces called rooms now you can click and go through these rooms by scrolling your mouse up to the top right corner and clicking on these but since there are so many different types of rooms and we don't know how to use any of these panels that we see we're gonna create a brand new room to create a brand new room you're gonna hover over to the top right corner right click if it doesn't work for you and when you right click that's because you have this little lock sign here if you click that to the unlocking position then you should be able to right click and create a new room when you create a new room it'll you'll see a little room tab will appear it's called room when I click on that and when we click on it we're going to add a name to it I'm gonna call my room tutorial ok now the screen is completely blank I'm going to get each window from the windows tab right here and explain it and explain to you why you need them while you're working and what they can do for you the first window we need of course is the viewer it's what you're going to be drawing on and how you're going to look at your animation so we're gonna go to windows scroll all the way down to viewer click that and now as you can see it comes up with a little window we're going to click the top-left corner of it and we're going to drag it to the edge of the screen if it doesn't work when you're dry time drag to the edges of the screen make sure that you go under windows and hit uncheck locked room panes there you go there we go we have the full viewer and we can see what we're animating the next thing you'll need is the timeline we're gonna go to windows and we're gonna scroll all the way down to X sheet now as you can see this actually has the frames on it the frames that you're going to draw on to create your animation but as you cannot may also notice these frames are listed 1 2 & 3 going downwards this is a more traditional sort of X sheet but cut if you're coming from another animation software you may prefer it to be a horizontal layout so that's what we're going to do for this tutorial we're going to do is hover our mouse over to this click right here and then it'll change to a horizontal layout I want to drag this window to the bottom of our screen until you see a red bar appear and then they'll snap into place the next thing we need is our toolbar let's go to windows toolbar and then take this and drag it to the side just like that after that we're going to use the tool option bar with the toolbar and the tool option bar together we'll be able to select our tools and edit their parameters there we go I dry I put it right on top the tool option bar you get to drag by clicking right under the X on the left corner ok so this looks pretty good but we're not quite done yet let's go to Windows one more time because we need colors so let's go all the way down to style editor drag it behind the tool bar like this and then we can make it bigger if we like we're pretty much getting to where we need to be you need one more thing though let's go to Windows and we need somewhere where we can select our colors and let's go to windows palette take the palette and drag it up you can set it above or below your style editor I'm gonna set mine above just like that alright now that we have all the windows that we need in place we can actually start animating but first hover over the windows mm click on it and check lock room panes that way you can still resize them to where you want them but you can't accidentally click and drag them out of their place also if you want you can lock the rooms tab as well all right so let's start learning how to animate in order to make a new frame in open toons you're gonna hover down here and hit new Tunes raster level this will create a new raster level now you can see that it appeared on our timeline this is our first frame in order to draw in a frame you're going to click the brush tool and then use your pen or Mouse to draw a line you can edit the size the minimum size and the maximum size of the brush tool by going to the tool options bar in the upper corner here you can see size minimum and Max so I'll give up the size minimum 228 our minimum size is now larger put it all the way down to 1 it's not very small our hardness means how hard our brushstrokes are and how much NPA is seeing opportunities going to put on them that's a smooth brushstroke this is a harder one I have to keep mine around 90 smoothness or smooth right here is how open tunings are gonna help us make smoother lines you put it to 0 your lines are gonna be a little bit jagged kind of like this but if you put it up just a little bit I have to keep it around 10 through 15 you can get some nice-looking lines if you put it even further it'll take some time to draw a line but you get the gist I'll keep I would keep it around 10 or at max 15 the next tool I want to introduce you guys to is the eraser tool hover over to the erase tool or you can hit D and actually if I hit the brush to at first and I draw something we can take the eraser tool and erase it I just eraser size by coming over up here to size and dragging it up or down the hardness as well I'm gonna put it on 100 that's a hard erased this is a soft erased the last toy I want you to get to know is the fill tool if we draw something I guess we can use the fill tool and our colors to fill it with some color I'm gonna fill in this Iowa color so what I'm going to do is hover over to the style editor now as you can see I have this thing auto clicked right here that means every time I move the style editor the color that I currently have will change if I don't have that clicked I would have to drag this around then hit apply and then the color will change I'm gonna keep it on auto because it's easier we're gonna keep that black to add a new style hover over to your pallet right click and hit new style I'm gonna make this a blue color now we're gonna head over to the fill bucket tool and we're going to fill in the blue for our eye I'm gonna head to color one which I made first and fill in the black portion of our eye I'm also gonna make a third color to fill in the rest of the eye there we go now that you know how to draw in how to color in open toons we're gonna learn how to animate so I'm gonna come down to the timeline here I'm going to click my first frame and I'm gonna click a little tab that appeared the click and drag to replete selected cells when I drag it all the way to frame six I did that because on frame seven I want the drawing to change I'm gonna click on frame seven and then I'm going to click on the brush tool and I cut my first color because I want it to be black in draw you can flip between these frames like clicking with your I think you can use the arrow keys initially I changed my yes you can use your our keys I think the flips between the frames and your left and right our keys I believe up and down works as well so now you've made your first animation in open toons technically I'm gonna go over to the erase tool and erase this though let's say I want to make the eye blinking but I can't see the previous frame what I do is I right-click in the combo viewer in the viewer and I go activate onion skin this onion skin is showing three frames before the frame I'm currently on you can also click forward to make it show frames in the future like so I'm going to make the eye blinking okay now we have our eye blinking we can turn off on your skin to view it I'm gonna drag this out to frame 12 what if I wanted to make an in-between frame between the eye being open and I being closed and I go over here and I try to draw it doesn't create a new frame so we'll have to find another way what you can do is go to file and go to preferences hover to the drawing tab go to audio creation click to open the drop down menu and hit use X sheet as animation sheet and then when we draw on one of these green frames that we've created it will create a new frame for us now we can make the in-between frame for our eye I'm going to click right here so that I can so I can see the onion skin for the future frames and the previous frames let's do it something like this all right after filling in our colors we have our drawing of an eye it's not perfect but it is in animation all right congratulations you made your first animation in open toons there's a lot more to learn about open toons though I make tons of videos about open toons as various features and if you would like to learn about those make sure to subscribe to my channel also if you have any questions about this tutorial also if you have any questions about this tutorial any at all be sure to follow the link in my description and join my discord server that way I'll be able to help you guys by sharing gifs or screenshots of my screen in my software that can help you guys solve issues that I wouldn't be able to help you solve just by typing in the comments thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time peace you
Channel: NobleFrugal Studio
Views: 416,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Opentoonz tutorial 1.3, Noble frugal Studio, opentoonz tutorial 2019, opentoonz drawing, opentoonz tutorials, opentoonz animation tutorial, opentoonz beginner, opentoonz for beginners, 2020, opentoonz tutorial 2020, opentoonz animation, opentoonz tutorial, how to use opentoonz animation software, how to use opentoonz, how to use opentoonz for beginners, how to animate in opentoonz, how to animate in opentoonz 1.3, how to animate in opentoonz 2019
Id: vZBUda62gno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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