MASTER MATERIALS | How to create fabrics?

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hello it's aga from rvs artist today i want to show you how to create the material of the wool are you with me let's begin we'll be working today on the wall but the things you will learn during this tutorial you can use in different materials as well okay so without any further ado let's start working on the material straight away you can see that i have simple grey material on this as i always remind you when working on the image have some references the goal you're going for we don't have to have an exact reference but something similar so we can see the characteristic of the material its scale basically everything that can help us make it more realistic okay so let's start from the base parameters we don't really have any reflections or refractions so we can leave these values as they are now we can start thinking about the diffuse first of all you should remember that fabric-like materials have quite specific features they appear different depending on the angle we look at this we can start to imitate this effect in 3ds max we need to use the falloff map let's plug it to the diffuse slot the rule is that if you look at the parts of the subject at the 90 degree angle so perpendicular to the view you will see the first color in our case black the second color is used when you look at the subject at the tangent angle we have different types here but we'll leave it as it is we can control this effect additionally here if you click pass here and adjust this a bit we can have the effect less or more intensely we can set something like this now as we have the base done we can use some textures i show you the ones i will use these are the textures from polygon i won't use all of them but this is what comes with the pack okay so let's drag and drop the diffuse texture to the slot okay so let's drag and drop the diffuse texture to the first slot i think we can change the scale of the texture a little as the object is modeled in the marvelous designer it's textured correctly so we only need to use uvwx form to scale the texture i want the pattern to be smaller let's try frame no it will be too small something in between 1.5 you can see that it doesn't change here so it doesn't matter great looks nice now i could use another texture the brighter one but i use the same and change the mix value instead so now i'm mixing the texture with black making it darker and i do another one brighter by mixing with white awesome we have the diffuse done i will unplug it and work on the bump we need to use corona normal and change settings i will check at gamma and flip green ok we can plug it let's see i close the view i think it's not strong enough we can change it here for instance let's try free maybe too much let's leave two awesome now displacement drag and drop the map again i will unplug the bump as well let's plug it to the slot this effect is too strong let's adjust the values still too much you can see that it doesn't look nice in some parts the value of free seems fine we can combine it with the pump great and now we diffuse okay we can adjust falloff slightly so the bright parts are more visible okay i'd like to rotate the texture as it will be nicer in another direction 90 degrees yes great okay we can leave it as it is now i want us to work a little bit on details let me show you what i mean you can see these details here third of hers we can create it by using the modifier it's called her and fur please note that this modifier needs a lot of memory and it can be super slow so i would advise not to change the values drastically as it can cause some crashing anyway worth trying let me change the viewport a bit to make it easier for you to see what is going on we have plenty of options here i'm not going to show you all of them in detail this time but we will test lots of the parameters here we have a general parameters panel where we can set for instance the amount of the hairs density scale thickness and so on definitely the thickness is not in the scale so we need to adjust it but first i would change the material as now it has a totally different color and it looks weird go to the material parameters panel we can start from tip color which will do light gray i stopped rendering for a moment as it was a bit laggy something around 120 will be good and now i set the dark gray something like this will be fine we could change different parameters here but there is no need for this it will be good enough i'll leave rest as default we can go back to the general parameters panel let's start from adjusting the root thickly powder let's try one millimeter and start interactive rendering okay it's better but still too thick now we can use cut length or scale to make hair shorter cut length treats the whole length of the hair as one hundred percent and it cuts it at the length percentage here it leaves fifty percent of the total length scale instead take hers and scale the whole length i use scale here but first i change different settings so it's easier to see the effect let's go to the clamping parameters let's change the clamps value let's type much bigger value 50. we cannot really see changes because strength is equal zero let's use one nice we can clearly see how it works now okay so the lower the value less clamps are created pretty straight forward i set 55 for now and let's change it to 0.5 we can try to change this parameter as well now we can work with fly away settings let's set 50 and now let's adjust the strength nice it creates cool randomization let's adjust this value a bit and let's decrease the strength value maybe the value of 15. maybe a bit more 20. we can try to decrease the strength of the flyaway parameter okay i think that the main issue is the root thick i'll make it thinner much better let's see the references one more time okay the hairs should be longer okay looks better we can adjust slightly fly away of strength maybe go back to the shorter version i think we still need to work with the flyaway option let's make it stronger maybe a bit shorter as well okay something like this will be fine what do you think cool trick right it can add a lot of fertilism to the image i wouldn't use this in each situation but if you have some 4 object in front of the camera it can be worthwhile anyway thanks for watching and see you guys in the next video bye bye you
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 37,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction
Id: SefELbu0Bzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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