Corona for 3ds Max | Creating Hyper Realistic fabric Materials | Tutorial #117

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[Music] thank you for watching this free video tutorial from Oprah floss comm if you are interested in learning Khurana for 3ds max fundamentally please make sure to check out our comprehensive introduction to Khurana for 3ds max which is a massive 9 hour long course in which we explore all the aspects of Khurana for 3ds max thoroughly welcome folks it's has you here from Agra flask um and in this lesson we learn how to create realistic fabric shaders in Khurana for 3ds max you can download the project files for this lesson down below in the description now let's select the fabric geometry and press m to open up the material editor create a new Khurana material and assign it to the geometry if you take a look at this reference photo you can start to see what makes fabrics look like fabrics look how the faces or polygons that are parallel to our viewing Direction are darker and the perpendicular faces to our viewing Direction become fuzzier and brighter if you can simulate this you can get realistic fabric shaders in corona in 3ds max lets me first load this color palette that i have already saved out from the utilities tab first we try to create a purplevelvet shader in its simplest form then we add more and more details as we go and make it more realistic now to simulate that described attribute of fuzziness and brighter colors at glancing angles we start with a fall-off map so let's add one to the work area and connect it to the diffuse color input of the karana material from the preview you notice we get this black color at the parallel faces to the viewing direction and it transitions to this white color at the perpendicular faces to the viewing direction and this is very close to what we want we just need to adjust this transition a bit and change the colors to what we want first of all let's change the black color in the fall-off map to this dark purple and the white color or the color at the glancing angles to a brighter shade of the same purple down here using the mix curve I'm just gonna restrict that fuzziness to the very glancing angles okay and this should give us a basic velvet material now let's start the render and see what we get and here is our basic velvet shader in the frame buffer let me just increase the overall contrast after under 21.8 if we want to get a different Velvets color we can simply change the defined colors in the fall of map or simply connect the fall-off map to a 3ds max color correction node and adjust the hue and saturation in the color correction map to get different colors so let's actually do that in this case let's set the hue shift to something like negative 110 and saturation 241 you can obviously try different values for the hue shift to get different velvet colors now let's see what we get and now we get this nice teal velvet material and for now let's keep the color correction and connect the fall-off directly to the diffuse color so we can have our purple velvet back using only fall-off we can simulate that soft fuzzy feeling to a certain extent and to get to the next level we need to add another layer of realism let me duplicate our first material and assign the new material to our fabric geometry to simulate that fuzzy feeling we can try to add tiny brighter points all over the surface of our fabric material and to achieve that first let's make a brighter fall-off map compared to what we have so connect the fall-off map to a corona colour correct node and increase the gamma to something like 1.4 in the colour correct node now we have two full of maps the darker original version and a brighter one and to combine these two maps we can add a composite map in the composite map add a second layer connect the original fall-off map to layer one and a brighter color corrected version to layer two now we can add a cellular map to simulate those small points on the surface so let's add one let's temporarily connect it to the diffuse color and run the render I'm gonna draw a small region to get faster feedbacks in the cellular map let's reduce the cell size 2.0 - we want very very small points change the cell color to black first division color to black and the second division color to a mid gray with the wall you off 150 now connect this cellular map to layer 2 mask of the composite node and connect the composite node to the diffuse color of the corona material let's quickly rerun the render and see what we get and here is our nice fuzzy velvet shader it might be impossible to see the changes through this recording session but it adds a lot to the overall believability of the shader to get the same shader but with a different color again you can simply color correct the original fall-off map before connecting it to any downstream nodes or you can actually simply color correct the composite node so you just color correct the whole thing but let's try the first method here so I'm going to quickly duplicate the whole shader add a new 3ds Max colour correct node connect the original fall-off map as the input change the hue to negative 110 and saturation to 41 now connect this map to the layer 1 input of the composite and also to the existing Khurana color correct note that is being connected to layer 2 input of the composite node and that's it we can assign this shader and run the render again to see what we get and this is our nice teal fuzzy velvet shader if I bring up the reference picture again and zoom in a tad you notice we have this fabric pattern throughout in this particular a reference photo so let's add this as well I'm gonna duplicate the purple version and assign the new shader load this fabric pattern image and we want to use this as the bump map so connected to the bump map input of the karana material and set the bump strength to around five it could be less than this but let's try five here and set the tiling of the fabric pattern image to point two and point two so you can actually see the pattern throughout the geometry now let's see what we get and now we have this beautiful fabric pattern as well let's create a crushed well led something like this spots right here for this let's duplicate the fuzzy velvet shader before we added the bump mapping we need to base velvet shaders one should be fairly brighter than the other one then we mix the two to get the final crushed velvet look we already have that first set of nodes that combined together would make that darker velvet shader now we just need to create a brighter velvet and combine the two to do that simply add another composite node and make sure it has two layers for the first layer just connect the existing composite node which makes the darker velvet now connect the existing composite node to a corona color correct as well in the corona colour correct node simply increase the brightness to something like point three and this is our bright velvet or brighter velvet and now connect this colour correct node two layer two of our new composite node to mix these two layers load this map called bw8 and use it as the layer to mask input I'm gonna set the tailing for bw8 map 2.2 and connect the last composite node to diffuse color of the corona material and assign it to the geometry now let's see what we get and now we are getting this nice and realistic crushed-velvet shader to control and override the color up this fairly complex velvet shader and get a different color again let's duplicate the whole shader now before connecting our last composite snow to diffuse color we can simply insert a 3ds max color correction node and connect the color correction node to the diffuse color input set the saturation to something like 40 and now if you try different hue shift while use you would get different velvet colors from green to blue to purple to red to orange and everything in between in this case let's try something like negative 87 for the hue shift and let's see what we get next let's create a simple upholstery cotton fabric shader so create a new Corona material and assign it load the fabric pattern image again and set its styling to point two we need a new fall-off map to simulate that previously described attribute of fabric so lay one down and connect it to the diffuse color input now adjust the mix curve a bit like the last time connect the fabric pattern texture to map one and two in the fall of map now we need to make the second color a bit brighter by simply mixing in some of the white color in the fall off map so let's decrease the map contribution to 65% now the white color will mix in by 35% at the glancing angles now for the bump map simply connect the fabric pattern image to the bump input of the karana material and set the bump strength to around 10 and run the renderer again and here is our beautiful realistic cotton like the velvet shooter you can add a bit more realism using the cellular mat technique but I'll leave that up to you so you can try it in your own time while we are here let's create a colored version of this simply duplicate the whole shader this time add a corona mix note and use the fabric pattern image as the top input and use this light reddish brown as the second color set the mix operation to exclusion and connect a mix map to map 1 and 2 in put up the fall-off node for these to look better let's decrease the mix amount for the second color to around 40% now we basically mix in more of that white color at the glancing angles let's run render again and see what we're going to get and there you have it next let's go for a satin or a silk look for satin if we take a look at this reference photo you notice silk or satin is different compared to other fabrics and the highlights are kind of playing with you there is no well-defined pattern that you can describe but I have a pretty good formula to create highly realistic setting or silk shaders and it involved curves so back in 3ds max let's create a new Corona material and assign it to the fabric geometry for silk first we need our fall-off map so let's load it and connect it to our diffuse color using the mix curve section in the fall of map we can remap these values there is a particular curve that results in a very very close look to satin or silk what we're doing here basically we're trying to put the highest and the brightest well used to be a bit of the exact parallel angles to our viewing direction and making kind of a very frontal angles a bit brighter and curved like this should give us a kind of silk or satin like look just needs a bit more work to make it better I've saved out a better curve in my sample slots and if I instance it in the editor and connected instead of that one we already have this should give us a really nice satin shader the next thing would be to incorporate the specific colors that we are looking for for the black color in the fall of map let's use a dark purple and for the white color use this kind of brighter shade of the same color I'm going to connect the fall-off map to the to a corona color correct and so you can do some basic color correction here and in the colour correct node I think the overall silk or satin here looks a bit dark so let's increase the gamma to something like 1.3 now let's see what we get and voila you have a very realistic satin shooter to get a different set in color first let's duplicate the whole shader and assign the new shader now I'm going to connect the colour correct node the qur'anic colour correct node to a 3ds max color correction node and connect that node to diffuse color instead now by simply changing the hue shift you can get any set in color that you want let's drive negative 105 negative 90 negative 65 65 and 130 and here is our new satin shader for now let's start the render and for the final shader let's create a towel shader I'm going to create a new Corona material and assign it and add a fall-off map again use this darker shade of blue as color 1 and the brighter shade of the same color as color 2 and adjust the mix curve again like we learned before for the displacement map let's load this towel image and set it styling to around point 6 and connected to the displacement input of the corona material in the corona materials set the displacements max-level 2.5 centimeters and in the render settings under the performance tab decrease the displacement screen size to 1 pixel so he gets more detail displacement mapping let's run the render again and see what we get we have discussed displacement mapping thoroughly in our comprehensive introduction to corona for 3ds max course which is available on our website mobile plus calm so if you have any problem understanding displacement mapping you can check that course out and basically here is our towel shader we can connect the fall-off map to a 3ds max color correction node and probably decrease the saturation at a to something like negative 25 I think this looks a bit better and obviously if we wanted to get a different color we can change the hue shift as you wish let's try something like maybe 41 for the hue so that's about creating realistic fabric materials in Khurana for 3ds max make sure to subscribe and follow a low-growth plus see you next time thank you for watching this free video tutorial from magrav plus calm if you are interested in learning Khurana for 3ds max fundamentally please make sure to check out our comprehensive introduction to the coroner for 3ds max which is a massive 9 hour long course in which we explore all the aspects of Khurana for 3ds max thoroughly [Music]
Channel: MographPlus
Views: 64,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corona, 3ds max, fabric, tutorial, rendering, silk, cotton, velvet, lighting
Id: Cpr_5XgqGLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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