Bring your renders to life with Cinemagraphs! (Visualization + Animation)

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hello friends I'm a performance artist and into this video I'm going to show you how to bring your images to life and start crashing your Instagram posts to things like this it's a combination of skill image and animation on video and it's called cinemagraph we all know that animations take ages to render and we probably need rather firm service to do this but this animation was rendered on one computer overnight there are nine essential steps you have to follow and keep in mind all the rules that apply to still images apply here too Carmencita is very important your composition has to be on point like even materials should be outstanding as always keep in mind colors and your assets should match your styling if you haven't seen the video where I discuss all these steps you can find it here it's way easier to tell a story for a video and pretty much simply because we have more friends to us so don't Wizard chance and use it for your advantage let's talk about this image there are no people visible in this visualization but if you look at this you might think that somebody just went out you may be curious what is this person doing there maybe reading a book or drinking some coffee is this character alone or maybe with somebody in this case it doesn't really matter what exactly will see because we didn't want to show anything particular we use open story intentionally because we want to make you engage and make you wonder after we establish we want to show you we'll have to fight or create an animated object we will use credit and blowing on the wind let me know in the comments if you want me to create a tutorial on how to do it from scratch for now we'll share with you our model you can find a link to this in the description merge the object in Jersey [Music] as you can see the model is not moving we have to do one more thing at the point cache modifier and hold animation file also but as you can see here hidden animation and frame is 960 so let's change our animation end to 960 try to get the best results out of ur cinemagraph you have to make it look seamless our animation is only 10 seconds but there is an impression that it lasts forever I will start by changing the framerate to 24 frames per second is 24 frames per second because most Hollywood movies use the frame rate so it makes the most cinematic [Music] this position our modally the right place and preview animation [Music] we'll have to find a time frame where the model starts and finish in a similar position keep in mind it shouldn't be too short not one I will change the end frame back to 960 it has been changed because we change the frame rate [Music] I will choose this part between frame number 600 and 800 39 this will give me 240 frames so 10 seconds using 24 frames per second let's change certain and then [Music] you now let's move the curtain so it's out of frame on the beginning and I love animation this way the loop will be seamless it looks great I create an RGB bass so I be able to color correct certain objects in mass production to do so I have to apply different object IDs to models I want to include on the mask now go to settings render elements and add see masking [Music] let's change the mode to RGB and apply the object ID used before if you have more than three objects you will have to add another render element let me show how it works we have a different color for each object we'll have to render the full frame on the ones so this way we'll save a puzzle time let's just resolution the perfect dimension for Instagram are 1080 by 1350 I will render twice that size to get better quality but if you don't have a powerful computer and want to save some time the standard dimension will work just fine when the vendor is ready and saved we can render our credits I will play the preview to see how large the region I needs to render I will have to add some additional space to get the shadow moving on the carpet as well now let's throw the region and play the preview and to double check if everything is set up [Music] I will add some more space at the bottom [Music] place settings will be the same we just have to change time output through active time segment and save the render outputs [Music] make sure you have a free space wherever you're saving also don't forget to set up the render engine limit I prefer to use the path limit render one frame to test how many passes are enough after that just hit the render button and with I will use Adobe After Effects to compose my cinemagraph open the program and create a new composition take the same dimension as your render [Music] choose 24 frames per second and the saturation as your 3ds max animation 240 in my case report the still image and drag and drop to the composition and align to that time frame [Music] next I will pour the curtain animation [Music] you will just have to select the first frame but make sure openexr segments is selected you can see that by default image sequences are important as fergie frames per second to change it right click on the sequence and choose interpret footage and just change frame rate to 24 drag and drop your sequence over the still image without preview the result by hitting the spacebar it's not done yet notice that the edge of the region is not blending nicely to fix this we'll have to draw a mask [Music] select the pan tool under soul [Music] - Oh blend it better open the mask and adjust the mask Federation now it looks great lastly we can do some tweaks to make it look even better we will use the mask pre-render to apply some effects only to specific objects I put the mask from the still image and drag and drop it to the timeline I put the mask sequence the same way we imported the card and animation [Music] remember to change the frame rate we will compose these two layers into one select them both right click and choose split controls [Music] now let's go to effect and preset stop and focus shift channel effect drag and drop it onto the mask layer change the take alpha from option to read this way we are separating only the parts of the animation that are red duplicate the mask layer by clicking ctrl D and change the colors let's create a new adjustment layer position it below the mask and an alpha not from the mask [Music] now if I up curves to the adjustment layer you can see that it works only on the Cardinals [Music] we can do the same with the bed and the carpet you can also add another adjustment layer on top which will work on the whole image [Music] and it's done the last step is to export the animation go to file export ads to other the media and quarter cube media and color will open you can choose where to export the file here and here then change the settings I will export the default h.264 this will give me mp4 format we don't have to export out here let's choose render at maximum that [Music] judge bitrate encoding to give er a robust increase target bitrate and maximum bitrate uncheck the use maximum render quality this way we'll go get much better quality you can see the estimated file size here then just hit OK and we're done I hope you'll find this very useful and I cannot wait to see her thank me on the Instagram and I use Argos artist hashtag so I can find it thanks for watching and also don't forget to like this video and about this interesting share it subscribe and do all these wonderful things see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 75,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, adobe, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction, styling, Adobe After Effects, After Effects, animation, cinemagraph
Id: HwK7SuqLY5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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