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one of the things I love the most about sharing my magic with people is I get to reveal the extraordinary in the absolutely ordinary and this is a line as meant a lot to me for many many years revealing the extraordinary in the ordinary very surrealist because ultimately everything is a mystery it's amazing how we walk around and we think we know this or that but things are mysteries and so you have a piece of string here you hand that out and say look at that what's that makes it's a piece of string are you shade are you sure it's just a piece of string they say yes say well you know I mean that this it's amazing there could be a mystery in here you're not even aware it's hard to see until you draw attention to it I bet you probably have something mysterious on you for example can I borrow that ring and you borrow the ring from somebody and it can be any kind of ring in this case we're gonna use a silver ring okay and either you can put the string through the middle of the ring okay or if you can even ask them to put the ring in the middle of the string and then you're very slow here okay very slow they can see you haven't done anything yet and you say have you ever heard the magic cross I don't mean a religious kind of cross but a magic X across and they go yes or they go no you go watch it anew this very slowly I'm gonna put one section of the string over the back of my hand forming a line okay then I'm going to take the other section and put it over there form in a second line you can see that say I want you to take your first finger and I want you to press right in the middle on the magic cross right there and they do once or twice it nothing happens you always make I think it's broken I said well I'll press it like this and look right there impossibly even though the ring was threaded onto the string and it was inside your hand you never opened your hand you never move the string impossibly the ring melted off the string through your hand and onto your first finger now this is the Clifton ring move it's a classic and close-up magic some of you I'm sure know what some of you don't but for those of you who know it I'm going to show you two three handlings today application of this move I played with that make it even more dramatic even more powerful the Clifton ring we're gonna drill to this injustice Center first question the week here Oh in fact on this video two of them also announced the winners of last week's cutting edge contest cutting edge you'll find this card trick at Sankey magic calm I had a question the week last week 12 of you won I'm gonna announce the winners in just a moment all right every week on my videos I also have a question and this week the question is from my trick private property now private property is a mentalism gimmick cement alyssum principle based on a feel animun very old idea of his but it was the idea it's very old you know probably I don't know decades and decades and decades old but to make the gimmick was very labor intensive and you had to be very patient with a lot of time I came up with a way where the gimmick is very easy to make an effect so I'm gonna give away 12 of these easy to make gimmicks you're not gonna be making them you know but I've got all the kits are all together here and give web 12 of them but first you have to leave a comment down below and answer this question for me if you could do any trick with a piece of string any trick of vanish transformation maybe some version of a catalyst or something something any trade if you have real magic powers and you could do any trip with a piece of string which trick would you do okay leave a comment down below you're automatically entered into the contest for your chance to win one of 12 private property gimmicks all right now let's dive into this I'm gonna enough the cutting edge with cutting edge winners in just a moment but let's look at the Clifton ring move this is so pretty and there's so many cool applications let me teach you the basic handling first and then I'm gonna show you a few different really cool variations you could do with this all right so a couple of thoughts first it doesn't have to be a ball ring okay this is something again you can do for people in this social distancing era where you can show the string you can pull on the string they can see it's an ordinary piece of string obviously okay then you can take your finger ring off and you can openly put the finger ring right on the piece of string they can see the ring is on the string okay you can make the X you can make the full X okay and impossibly just like that having stolen secretly the ring off the string and out of your hand it's all about gravity so what exactly are we doing you need a piece of string here to put it you put the ring in the middle good hangs right in the middle it's important for this to work it doesn't have to be exact but you need some of the string to hang out and notice you can't just have a couple of inches it will not work it should be six seven five six seven inches hanging out of both sides okay and it's so organic because it really does look like all you're doing is taking the piece of string putting it over and putting it over that's what it looks like okay but you in fact and I didn't do it that time okay for those who thought maybe I did it you're gonna catch me there so here's what I'm doing it's hanging down straight okay it's still only hanging down now I am gonna do and that you've heard me say this before the idea of a large action covering is small so the small or the large action is this of course putting the strings over your fists okay the small action is you're gonna let the ring slide out of your hand and into this hand as this hand comes over and pulls the string so watch this is the rough idea why not see it the broad strokes I'm here you can see the ring is gonna fall into that hand and I'm gonna pull down now I'm pulling down apparently to straighten the string as I do this but in fact what I do is I slide the ring right off it and it ends up in my right hand the reason this works so well is because all focus is here so when your right hand falls to your side naturally and you're looking here they're looking there there's no heat on this hand okay if in fact you didn't use stolen you kept this hand in the sphere of focus here then you might get caught but this works so beautifully okay now let's try it now now you know the basic idea that I'm pulling the ring off off the string essentially and and it falls it's just gravity this is one of these wonderful tricks of gravity is your friend not your foe so often gravity brings it down but in this situation it lifts up the Wonder for all to see right so and if I just came over my like this even if people don't see it they still might go what was that that's I think having a stroke oh my god what's going on it creates suspicion where is if what I'm doing is this action if I before said have you heard of this X or the magic X are gonna have it push the X Lacrosse whatever okay so I do it once legitimately it's on the second time that I do the secret action okay so we're here this is pulled over here I say there's the one line pause the beat come over here and now again it's all happening behind here but I make sure the top of the finger connects or the bottom of the fist so it's a perfect flesh wall wall of flesh and I let the rain fall and this hand is coming over it's not perfectly flat or the ring might go to the floor it kind of hits and then cups briefly and it's in the cupped moment here okay where the ring falls into the other hand you pull down and you move forward and you mark that X there okay now I deliberately no one's looking my right hand but I always say a hole that's your first finger and this really gets them that image pleases there was nothing on his finger there was nothing there I'm gonna have you push here you're here gonna have you push there right there now while people push here you push there you push there like this like this and again in the social distancing era you could have them we use a straw and you can take a straw and push there like that they can take a folded dollar bill and tap it okay they don't actually have to touch the actual spot on your body did you do it say that's where I want you to poke they poke once it doesn't seem to be working would you try poke again like that doesn't seem to be working hmm and again you could have them say the magic word I want you to say the magic word I've made this the mysterious X now I'll say the magic word melt away or vanish or presto change-o and it doesn't work and while you're doing this and people are trying nobody's looking at your right hand it's easy to get that ring onto the tip of your finger okay now a moment ago they saw your finger there was nothing on there nothing okay so a second later when you go like this and you do this and I have so much fun with this because I'll do this and nobody notice it here my focus is here I just come up poke like this and you get to stretch the magic moment and let them discover you know it's like this and they're the ones to finally discover oh my god is on his finger so it somehow got off the string out of your closed fist and onto the fingertip that a moment later there was nothing on it's a beautiful piece of magic okay beautiful Bea you don't even have to say anything you can do the whole thing okay boom and you do the whole thing as a ballets of silent ballet and it'll still get a great reaction so that's the primary secret the principle the idea the pacing the theory if you will and your shell to the Clifton ring move alright now I want to show you some really cool variations here that took me a while to kind of figure out all of their own virtues but first let me announce the cutting edge winners here you guys are if I announce your name contact my team and how you do it you send them an email send it to contact act Sankey and let them know your youtube name your real name your shipping address and they will send to you one of the cutting-edge gimmicks all right here we go Sean Jones winner Domenic parole John Dunmore Dylan Murphy Ozzy bogan Matthew O'Connor Philip das laser does laser dr. Daisy that's laser the dark shade Victor the magician janeshia Jenni je n il shop Mark Williams 50 and finally Patrick Sunita you guys all won congratulations and thanks for playing ok so I was playing around with this a long time ago can I thought to myself wait a second you don't be cool I wonder if I could maybe do it with how perfect is this guy yep boom here but how perfect is that so you can do the exact same thing now you want to make sure of course it's not gonna slide off me on this end so you'll want to make sure you're dealing with the end that is the clean down of the plug right so now they can be the exact same thing with this you could borrow these once we get past this darn Kovach thing the exact same thing it's on this train here right you're like this you can do the one over like this come over here do this deal off do the other one like this like that and because it's music you could hum a tune mmm you know watchers have to all I have to do is wave my finger like a magic wand and hum the magic song mmm hmm and just like this it appears okay now notice you can combine this with this old idea if you can load this not on your first finger but lower onto the middle finger okay now you can do the hoping the hopping finger ring thing which is quite fun where it looks like that ring boom jumps okay let me show you again because it's just on the middle finger I introduced it on so I'm sort of here showing the ring finger and the middle finger but if I switch the fingers of course index to this it looks like the finger ring which was on top it looks like a moment later it's on bottom right so you can be here like this show it go one two and three it's a really pretty piece of magic you can add that to this okay so you can use here if you want you can use the ear bugs okay that's easy then I started playing around a piece of wire my wire is interesting because I can do the exact same thing okay the Clifton ring move is really based on very old hundreds of years ago ring and wand techniques and this is almost a step back in that direction because now I can have a piece of wire which i think is kind you could use it in your show as a magic wand or you could take it in if they're not enjoying your magic poking the eye a nice razor thin stream of eye guts shoots out people applaud those who applaud you call the police like the police are needed they're up here you can have this in the middle exact same this is here like this make a fist like this and now you can sort of you can do differently which I kind of like because now what I can do is I can take this and put it over and it sticks okay come over here and again bring my hand over and bring this up and like this and so you you have this idea of the ring and you could even lean it towards someone saying when you twist the ends so now you have this beautiful idea of the ring not just on a string in your hand but the ring truly trapped on a twisted piece of wire so even more impossible now for when you take this make a fist wave your finger over it like this and now it appears there and yet I mean it's totally off the wire which I really like okay one last time you want to share it and of course this makes so much sense a twist knot this time a zip-tie how perfect is this so now I can have this I can put this on here like this I can borrow the ring and say oh I want to really take care of the ring let me make sure its maximum security of protection for safekeeping it's for safekeeping what we'll do is we'll put in the middle of the zip tie here you want to make sure the zip tie the little opening is facing down because what you're going to do sorry you don't want to have it sliding down there we go you don't want this having to slide past the little you want to be clean here right so now I can do the same action here where I'm going to basically bring it up and let the person now zip tie themselves right I can be here come over here bring my hand down below I can bring the hand up like this and extend it towards them and say would you close that up they close up the zip tie okay like this bow and to all the world they're convinced they're ring is trapped on a zip tie okay so now I can even do kind of like a linking the classic linking ring gesture because if I hold it here like this they're convinced it's still here like this or I can hold a bit more like that okay this isn't my finger hidden in finger palm I can come up like this and go watch and sort of just transfer from one hand to the other and even in this moment if you wanted to they could even see a little bit of the the ring okay at this point just a little flash of the silver then you finish with this really pretty action of just massaging their ring right through and off the zip tie and that out to be examined give this back or a funky little souvenir and you've done a close-up magic version with a borrowed item of the classic linking ring routine so they're a bunch of ideas I want to share with you guys are on the Clifton Ling mu a very cool move so much of magic for me that's exciting is to not only learn a basic principle but then find other cool applications other different presentations and other things you can do with it and then share that with you here on the channel alright so don't forget to leave a comment down below I wanted to have a chance to win private property most of my tricks can be seen exclusively at the Sankey website check it out there please of course subscribe to this channel more stuffs coming every week and also follow me on an instagram at the real jae-sang he might gram account is a whole boss behind the scenes look at what I do there's family life stuff there there's also magic stuff that performing his philosophies some of my creativity in other areas some of my cartooning it's all there on Instagram at the real Jay Sankey follow me there on Instagram and please subscribe to the channel and here right here and a point over here are three of my books you can download their PDFs for free a bunches of tricks and performance theory you can download them right there please subscribe to the channel and have a great day and let's continue to look out for each other in this crazy world thanks
Channel: SankeyMagic
Views: 325,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic trick, coin trick, card trick, learn magic, beginner, easy, secrets, revealed, sankey, sankey magic, tricks
Id: FXdbGRZl-ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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