Master IELTS Grammar for Writing with Alex!

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hi i'm alex from e2 language comm let's talk about grammar it's a pain right unfortunately it accounts for 25% of your score in IELTS writing and listening so it's pretty important to get right and if you're making lots of little errors it's basically impossible to score more than seven but never fear when you submit your writing with us at e2 language comm we give special attention to your grammar after years of examining teaching and correcting tasks we developed a series of grammar clinic videos now each video targets a specific grammar error so for example if you're having trouble with your articles will send you the link to that clinic maybe your singular and plural nouns are getting mixed up then we'll give you that grammar clinic video but probably the most common error is the one I want to share with you today and I'm gonna guide you through this clinic so grab your pen and paper and let's fix this grammar error once and for all in this grammar clinic we are going to tackle subject verb agreement the first thing I want you to do is to find the errors in this introduction you've got one minute you time's up how did you go there were seven errors with subject verb agreement there did you find all of them we'll look at the corrections at the end of this session so now let's investigate what subject verb disagreement is a basic principle is that subjects must agree with their verbs so a singular or an uncountable subject needs a singular verb a singular or uncountable subject needs a singular verb notice the S on the end of this singular verb now of course this is not every single verb takes an S but when we're in the present simple or using auxiliary verbs like was and have we need to keep this in mind singular or grand countable subject singular verb with an S and plural subjects the plural verbs plural subjects need plural verbs now everything is fine with those two sentences the subject and the verb are agree the problem happens when the subject and verb disagree now we have a subject verb agreement problem and if you get your work back from your teacher and they've written SVA this is what they're talking about so let's start with the basics to fix this up we need to know if a subject is singular or plural so there are five sentence starts yeah the man children a lot of people and so on just tell me if it's s for singular or P for plural in 40 seconds you pretty easy right I'm sure you got five I for this let's see the answers the man singular children plural a lot of people plural most countries in the world plural and one of the biggest problems facing the world singular so now you need to choose which verb goes with each subject is it the man plays or the man play 40 seconds you let's check the answers the man plays soccer children need to be active a lot of people want to study in Anna who many countries in the world suffer from famine one of the biggest problems facing the world is poverty hopefully you've got five out of five there don't worry we're about to get a little bit more difficult here are three sentences can you find and fix the subject verb agreement errors one minute you let's check the answers number one even if a prisoner has committed a serious crime they deserve humane treatment notice that a prisoner is singular but the writer has used de to indicate he or she that's why we need plural verb they deserve humane treatment number two although the price of housing in most major cities has soared in recent years this is a singular verb because the subject is price the subject is not the word city's the price has soared in recent years wage growth remains slow and number three many people claim that contact with animals both in the wild and in zoos encourages activism contact encourages activism those are some of the typical errors that we see when correcting work and when working as an IELTS examiner have you made some of those mistakes before hopefully after this session you'll know exactly what to look for and you'll be able to edit your work and eliminate those errors now uncountable nouns sometimes create problems with subject verb agreement so it's really important to know when a noun is countable or uncountable let's do a super quick review here are a list of nouns on the left is the countable column and on the right uncountable take one minute and put them in the right spot you and here are the answers in the countable column we've got decision one decision two decisions people one person many people threat child and ocean and an uncountable column we've got information news money evidence water research and advertising in that uncountable column all of the nouns would take a singular the information is the news is the evidence is so with all that in mind we're going to correct eight sentences with common errors and this is exactly what you should be doing with your own writing you've got a problem in mind subject verb agreement you know that you're looking for a problem with the noun and a verb may be the letter S and you're trying to identify and eliminate that error so editing in that way means that you're targeting specific two or three or four errors that you know you usually make that's where feedback is really important your teacher will be able to show you articles subject verb agreement may be punctuation those are your three things and you look for them when you're editing your work fixing up some of those mistakes can be the difference between a six point five and a seven so it's really worthwhile so let's do it let's find eight sentences here I want you to fix all of the errors and get 100% here we go one minute for the first four and here are the answers one a lot of information on those websites is incorrect information years - there is plenty of evidence that suggests bilingualism is beneficial 3 advertising is ubiquitous these days for the decisions made by the leader affect everyone the decisions affect everyone here are the final for one more minute you and here are the answers number five all the recent research suggests that screen time is bad for young children six although governments have a role to play everyone has to take responsibility everyone has to every person has to every country has to seven the news is full of stories about crime and tragedies especially one this it does have an S but we treat the news like a singular or like an uncountable subject the news is and number eight people are angry that pollution continues to increase pollution is uncountable how did you go did you score eight out of eight for that I hope so let's return to the introduction from the start of this session and fix up those seven errors ninety seconds for this you so let's have a look at the seven errors here they are and we'll correct them one by one as urban populations saw an increase in rubbish and littering tends to follow an increase tends to follow to avoid the deterioration of the city streets some argue that local people themselves local people themselves need to take responsibility whereas others feel that it is the government that should be taking care of this in my view well I agree that the authorities do need to enforce certain rules and the authorities do need to provide facilities ultimately it is the residents who have to self regulate and maintain their neighborhoods so now we have a grammatically perfect introduction we are on the way to scoring down seven or bad eight always be sure to check your own work carefully and ask yourself am i subject singular plural or uncountable to my subjects agree with my nouns is the s in the right place and don't study on your own come and study with us we've got live group classes once or twice every day one on one tutorials self-study materials speaking and writing feedback with a special emphasis of grammar and a super student support team who is always there for you so come and join us at ET language calm and I'll see you in class really soon [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 135,529
Rating: 4.9429736 out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts speaking test, ielts tutorial, the ielts listening test, ielts band 9, ielts band 8, ielts band 6, ielts listening test, IELTS लेखन, Writing task 2, IELTS Writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing tips, english grammar, ielts test, ielts speaking, ielts listening, ielts tips, e2jay ielts, e2jay, ielts लेखन, लेखन, how to, writing, general, IELTS, 8+ tips, vocab, E2 IELTS, E2, e2, esl, master, complex, punctuation, Alex, grammar, IELTS E2
Id: fcezN6qkmJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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