Master ChatGPT in 5 Minutes

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chat GPT has grown to over 100 million users in two months it was already the fastest growing consumer application in history but this is insane the large language model from openai was released to the public in November and it's already showing how AI will transform Life as we know it so I want to cover how to master chat GPT quickly I'll show you some cheat sheets and also give a list of 10 ways you can immediately start implementing it to improve your life and save you time AI is going to advance exponentially and become more and more integrated with everyday life it won't replace everyone's jobs right away but people that are good at using AI will it's easy to get started messing around and I assume you already have you just create an account and start typing and you'll get these incredibly human-like responses to anything you ask but there's a couple secrets to mastering Chachi PT the first is asking it the right questions and guess what perfectly crafted questions for countless topics have already been created and you can use them for yourself Mad Lib style and even better it's insanely easy I'll show you exactly how explain why it works then give some more secrets but here's the list of sample prompt and they demonstrate the first really important concept for improving your questions they give chat GPT an identity as an expert in the field you're seeking advice from just like in real life you would seek out an expert in the field you're inquiring about you make chat GPT that expert this sets its tone and results in a more comprehensive and focused response and the next factor is you need to Define your objective as specifically as possible that's included in some of these prompts but you'll need to add it in yourself and others so I'll demonstrate with an example I'll go with something broad let's say I want help being healthier the typical way someone would ask is create a healthy meal plan and exercise routine for the week and there we go it's not bad now to level that up I'll type you are an expert nutritionist Health coast and personal trainer use your knowledge of exercise science nutrition advice supplements and other relevant factors in order to create a plan suitable for me I am a 34 year old fit male my goal is to lose some weight while focusing on increasing muscle mass I would also like to optimize for longevity write me a meal plan and exercise routine for the week you can see how much better this response is with the extra protein and calories in a meal plan and instead of mostly cardio based workouts it uses a lot more strength oriented exercises and because of the identity it adds some additional information the reasoning behind its choices and in this case being specific helps the most for obvious reasons but you can see how drastic the change was there's a massive list of prompts just like this for tons of scenarios I have it linked down in the description it's completely free I'm not affiliated in any way just a fan and you can also use that link to download the desktop version of the app definitely recommend that and I could go over for more examples to drive this point home but it's more helpful to do that on your own you might have noticed I didn't copy and paste one of the prompts I could have used like the personal trainer one the concepts are simple so with a little practice you can write your own that cater to your specific scenario On To The Next Step refine chatgpt remembers the entire conversation within each chat so it will still be acting as that same expert but with any additional info you may have provided but to refine this answer you could say I'm lactose intolerant or provide that in a format that includes the calories and price for the meal plan and only use body weight exercises I can do at home then create a shopping list for me boom it's already done a full exercise routine plus a meal plan with all of the ingredients I need on a shopping list everything catered to my specific body type and goals the templates cover a lot of topics and just reading through them can give you a lot of ideas on how to craft your own so just get going experiment and refine your style depending on what the conversation's about there are tons of follow-up prompts you can use to refine chat apt's answers some really useful ones are explain this like I'm five years old compile file this into an actionable list summarize this into a tweet write this in the perspective of a partner a friend a customer a pirate make this more formal or informal add some humor or sarcasm to this format this as a table and bullet points those are some I use all the time but there are countless use cases for this that can save you time and optimize your life some easy ones to implement are writing for essays copy scripts emails texts tweets and you can input whatever style you would like it to compose those in you could also feed it a lot of your own writings and tell it to compose any of those in that same style you know write a loving text to my wife that sounds like me recommendations for things like products books or songs you know I liked this book or product what's another similar one I might like then brainstorming is huge business ideas titles writing prompts YouTube videos and its ideas it comes back with seem Bland or generic I like to add the requirement that the ideas should be unique or unconventional then coding it can save massive amounts of time writing or troubleshooting code another one I like a lot is simplifying complex topics like books lectures or articles you can just copy a long article and paste it in there then ask it to summarize it or give you some bullet points or you can give it the title of a self-help book and say give me a list of five actionable insights from this book things like that it's great and then recommendations around Health exercise or mental health there's tons of ways to apply that to your life it's great for recipes you could list some ingredients you have on hand and ask it for recipes that use only those ingredients shopping lists you can just write what meals you want to make and tell it to make you a grocery list with the items you'll need and also basically any question you would typically Google it will usually get you the answer more quickly but it'll analyze a bunch of sites and give you the most relevant info just remember that this is a tool use it to save you time but it's not perfect you need to use your own judgment to know what to use and when to fact check it's here to stay and over the next five to ten years maybe less those that are competent and confident in using Ai and implementing it in their life and work we'll get further ahead in their personal profession National and probably romantic lives
Channel: Obscurious
Views: 745,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, OpenAI, artificial intelligence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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