WILD Rooster {Catch Clean Cook} Bush Meat on Deserted Island!

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[Music] yo what's up happy people i'm robert arrington this is dear meat for dinner and i don't know if this is gonna make you happy or sad but this is the last episode from the cnmi we've been there for the past two months we've made over 20 videos and i hope you guys have seen the amazing beauty of the northern mariana islands we got to see rhoda tinian goat island saipan in all of the northern islands it was a trip i will never ever forget as long as i live but there's one more when we went back to saipan austin and jordan my two camera guys stayed back on pagan for a couple days and this is what they did what's going on you guys i'm austin crocker and this is jordan doyle and typically we're behind the camera but today we're on the island of pagan still and rob sarah and the girls and a couple other people headed back to saipan and they're probably getting there about right now this morning we've been packing up all the gear breaking down camp you know packing up the tents and fishing gear and uh it's about three o'clock in the afternoon we found the pellet gun and jordy has rob's bow now we already did a cow hunt and pig hunt but there's a bunch of wild chickens on this island and uh we've actually been following a dog down this road i don't know what he's doing but i feel like he's hunting with us so we've seen quite a few chickens this week so we're just going to keep walking down this road and they're not that easy to get close to that it's kind of like pheasant hunting but uh we're gonna try and kill one and cook it up for supper back at campbell one of those chickens they seem to love mango they eat a lot of like mango seeds like pick on the mango seeds whenever we're done and so we figured why not start by working our way up through this mango thicket mango tree thicket that's up here hopefully if the chicken's back at camp like it so will they [Applause] [Music] if he comes to the right of that tree can you see him okay me too now i can't see him they're seeing us i don't see him always running up the hill i can't believe i'm saying this but it's not easy to kill these chickens okay we actually have to start hunting there's a deer there's a deer hold on hold still hold on i can't see him hold on shut up mr chill is no longer chill he ain't playing games dude we're surrounded by cobblers roosters [Music] i don't know keep sneaking through i don't know where he is dude we are like climbing up this mountain and we still can't find these chickens they're somewhere right here dude he's closed [Music] there's gonna be a rooster with her shirt all right you guys so i'm embarrassed to say it but our original plan of just hiking in the mountains with a pellet gun and a bow and killing chickens majorly backfired so it just finished raining we went back to camp and we got the old pointer 20 gauge if these things want to act like turkeys they're gonna get hunted like turkeys let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] for any of you that think this might be a joke these chickens are clucking at us because they busted us from 100 yards away through thick thick brush this is not easy [Music] yes jordy and i have been chasing that rooster for three hours i know that sounds absolutely crazy but i literally chased him to the point i couldn't chase him anymore [Music] i'm at the top of this mountain and he has been sitting here on this rock crowing for the past two hours [Music] look at that view unbelievable i'll never forget that scaling a mountain to shoot it wild rooster i was i told jordy i said we ain't leaving till i kill this thing now i gotta try and get him without falling there he is right there there he is i've set my gut down actually you know what go ahead and unload it just to be safe oh my word there he is y'all if i literally stood up right now i'd fall to the base of this thing if you told me i'd be climbing scaling a mountain for two hours to kill a rooster i wouldn't in a million years believe you but that's what just happened i saw a goat up there i missed first time dude this is no joke it gets it gets to a point up there it's like 12 12 pitch he's in too much brush he's in too much brush yeah yes too much brush [Applause] that's a nice rooster too got him finally officially dude i don't think i've ever worked that hard for such a small bird and that was our last shot as you can see that's a nice one not bad huh look at that that's about as wild of a chicken as you're ever gonna see does he have any spurs yeah kind of oh wow he's got nicer spurs all right you guys we are now finally back at camp and we got chris he's actually from agrihan and he's going to show us how to clean them and then we're going to make some sort of local dish so why don't we just shoot one of these chickens no these are pets you can't do that you cannot do that would have been a lot easier so first you got to pull out the tail feathers here [Music] and then just pluck all of them so we just finished plucking these three chickens we did it about the best we could but there's so many little hairs that you just can't get so uh he's got this little torch which is actually perfect we're going to burn the hairs off that you can't see [Music] all right you guys so what we're doing right now after we burned it is we're just quartering this chicken up and then we're going to chop it into small pieces and it's going to go into this pot and he's going to show us how to make it adobo so we just finished chopping everything up for the adobo now what we're going to do is we're going to just rinse everything make sure everything's nice and clean put it in this pot here and then we'll see you over there in their kitchen all right so i'm doing exactly what we said putting in three capfuls of soy sauce into this chicken that we just cut up and cleaned and then about that much black pepper that might have been a little bit too much and let it soak in there for about 20 minutes before we start adding water cooking or anything jordan actually just told us that while it waits we can add an onion in as well and he says it would help it helps a little bit as well it has now been 20 minutes so we are going to go ahead and turn it on [Music] the adobo is busy cooking and it's going to cook for about 30 minutes to 40 minutes so in the meantime i'm gonna have a shower but on the island they catch water off the rain water off of the roof and it goes into this big well it's like a big holding tank actually i don't know how it was made or what it is but we've got to throw a bucket down attached to a rope to get us some fresh water [Music] and here is our little shelf so come in here put your little bucket down they got a little shelf where you keep all your soaps and whatnot and then you use this little scoop scoop your water out of your bucket wait yourself wash down and then rinse off again but i'm not gonna last sarah [Music] brought one of these back home and this little thing has saved us it's like a little pump you turn it on and pops the water out so you got like a little shower head so that was really cool we gave a grief about in the beginning but after we used it a couple times we're thankful that we got it so i'm gonna have a quick shower and then i think austin might have one as well and then hopefully by then the adobe will be done all right you guys i just hopped out of the shower jordy's over there getting changed but uh they were already starting to mix up the love potion i want you all to miss it so what they just did is they just added a can of whole corn and now you make that's milk right that's not milk corn starch yes oh i thought it was milk oh yeah all right so that dobo is pretty much done but you can't have adobo without rice so now we crank up the heat and get this rice done asap because i am hungry so we're going to take a little bit of rice like this and i know jordy's drilling because we're both extremely hungry i don't think we even ate lunch today [Music] and then this right here here looking here this is what adobo looks like nothing's wasted we use the entire chicken a little bit of corn i want to get some of that uh soup in there put that right on top of the rice like that and i'm gonna be nice jordy i'm gonna let you have this one no you eat that we got one minute of battery hurry up that's exactly what i needed [Music] this is really good now for this chicken everybody here eats with their hands so i ain't gonna change anything mom don't get mad [Music] i hate to say this but it tastes like chicken [Music] very good that's really really good the only difference i can tell is this chicken's a little bit more tough than normal and i guess that's because it's wild like it would be the same i guess as a turkey but other than that it's really really good i'm really enjoying this hopefully you guys have enjoyed this one with just austin and i but thanks for sticking around so we'll see you guys at the next one we gone [Music] you
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 1,159,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, wild chicken, chicken adobo, cnmi, pagan, northern Mariana islands, Robert Arrington, Austin Crocker, Jordyn, Jordyn doyle
Id: 0_fM4-o7zrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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