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what if you do all the negotiating on this one i hope you have a lot of money oh boy forgive me pam cam viewers because it's gonna be interesting yeah we've been here [Music] what um [Music] socks oh it's bird seed yeah oh there we go the guy from that show that justin lies with the dragon she has the three dragons two of them died i couldn't watch it because i feel bad when the dragon dies and then the lady turns into a wit no wait i don't know i don't watch movies what is this um uh it's it has letters what are the rings and he gets beheaded i'm trying to think of it not sure i'm gonna get this game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones oh i'm sorry oh no you're good so i'm gonna get this that's an awesome this clock yeah it's not a wall clock this place yeah i like it it's really nice yeah how much time was i thinking about that show my goodness so for our sanitizing station oh we already did actually when we walked in we did wash your hands whatever my hands are clean i promise i'll just give you a buck for that that's fine round up to ten here okay yeah so let me get you okay thank you iphone six okay does it work oh yeah okay i just upgraded to the 11. yeah did you see the case i didn't just take the case oh you sure what would i have oh i have two a good case it's a body glove yep it's oh that is nice you drop it nothing it never breaks awesome so you want me to give you two bucks for it will you use it i mean it's good yeah i'll put it on the phone okay if you don't mind because i know how much i think yeah no problem so do you want to just take it yeah apparently the military oh no kidding that's cool so i thought that was kind of interesting yeah awesome i think we actually came to your garage sale last year do you live in the area yeah oh yeah have a great day hello oh you're lucky [Music] bought already oh sorry no that's okay do you want help stir all your perfume perfumes i don't know where we cash out oh right there perfect perfect ten and then i think there's seven here all right thank you very much have a good day oh hey you're 10 bucks i'm 10 just this leg though will you take five [Music] yeah what if you do all the negotiating on this one i hope you have a lot of money oh boy it's a can crusher [Applause] oh there's something on here does it work probably not right yeah it did oh dead oh it spins sweet okay works fine two bucks we'll get it then look at these good morning how you doing i don't know what that is what is this i've never seen anything like that before brick oh it's like a a game called bridge yep oh so you just don't need the cards say it again please so you just don't need the cards you don't use the cards you use these oh i thought the directions were here somewhere they might be underneath here yeah if not they would be on they would be online i'm sure yeah but it's kind of neat it is cool yeah it's very old that was with it yeah you want to get it yeah ten dollars on i take five i don't even have to negotiate this is awesome no i could see you were going to make a couple other big purchases yeah oh yeah you collect antiques and stuff uh yeah my father was an antique businessman business so yeah he ended up with some stuff someone would keep in someone getting rid of that's brand new that's nice look at it as a christmas gift actually yeah that's a 75. you accept that stuff right here if you'd like to look around oh sure thanks so this is called hide a key but it says hide a key right on it so how are you hiding the key if it says that you're hiding the key put it underneath the fact i have one on my top oh i see so you can't even visibly see this what i do is underneath the driver's door it's like just inside there yeah good spot for it that's pretty cool i'll get the hide a key then because speakers and what the heck i'll get them better three bucks on those yup wow you already uh added everything up yup what about 12 12 okay we don't got two quarters eight bucks eight bucks i can do it that's very old yeah don't look that up the internet see how old it is i just never did it thank you very much thank you thank you have a great enjoying the treasures yes no thank you thank you fill a box to the top ten dollars play me a song [Music] i think there's this one here oh there's no batteries nice do those phones work yeah they we never use them they were brand new oh how much are those five bucks okay i'll do it thank you thank you yeah no problem thank you have a great day you too okay it's a big house there you go we could put kimmy's food in that thing so she can't eat more than much [Applause] [Music] oh you want to get that one i just thought this looked cool i don't know what it is but i think it's cool i got it oh i think is it a hot plate thing could be yeah well they're like mini lincoln logs that's super cool we're getting those i've never seen those before i hope there's big ones in there too i'm gonna build something that's super cool yeah excuse me how much is your rock tumbler is that what that is yeah let me go find out they get a bunch of stuff over there oh oh yeah i saw those yeah yeah my grandfather used to do that i used to have one when i was years ago he used to go find the minerals and then and then tumbled you should have seen the jewelry he used to make that's super cool man it was pretty cool uh 45 45 yes i think it was used once maybe yep okay is this art was this here yep that was over there is it the camera it's the camera yeah okay uh let's say four dollars four bucks one two three it's getting hot out here huh we've been out since six this morning oh and i'm i'm under this and i'm still sweating yeah do you want a bag thank you let me ask her she'll take 40 on it should i think i should probably huh sorry no well you take 40. yeah i will you will okay i'll carry it you go he gets the heavy one that's right okay thank you i appreciate it all right i'm tired i think that's good it's good for garage sales i just gotta i just gotta test this all right so we do need to do one other thing over here in my garage we've actually had this cooler for quite some time we picked this up in the abandoned storage unit that we bought if you guys didn't see that video go check it out it's on the channel we're actually going to leave this on the porch for a porch pickup we're going to leave the money right on the door because we have to go run some errands but we're just going to leave it here on the porch he's going to come pick it up [Music] all right so let me just say real quick that there's actually a lot that goes into cell phones if you're going to resell them one little tidbit of advice i would give you guys is if you are going to pick up a cell phone at the garage sale fully expect to just be selling it for parts because there's actually a lot that goes into it to make sure that it's actually good enough to sell i could go into all those logistics in another video maybe um but i do have quite a bit of experience selling phones on ebay i actually did it for quite a while before we even started our youtube channel i actually am not going to be reselling this phone i actually bought it for my dad he needed a new phone and i've actually done this before for him instead of just him buying new phones because they're very expensive i can find them at garage sales um for super cheap and i just give them to him to use so that ended up working out i checked out this phone it is able to be activated and it will work on his carrier no problem pretty awesome fine there but yeah just if you're gonna buy phones out there at garage sales just fully expect to sell them for parks there is a market for that but there's a lot that goes into it so just be careful [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] what is this [Music] that is all right guys that's gonna basically do it for this video thank you so much for watching once again as always we really do appreciate it and until next time have a good day bye for the low cost of zero dollars you can become a crazy dreamer today [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 247,689
Rating: 4.8696074 out of 5
Id: BBck5nhXFUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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