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all steady on look at this look at these muckers how's it going right here's the plot so the fud weasel saw a massey ferguson online in an auction but because under the current restrictions you can't go along that you normally would and view it and then bid on on the day and check it over so all he had was a few photographs to go on so with that in mind he bid on it uh as a non-runner so he didn't know if it ran at all if it ran a little bit or whatever so basically sight unseen just off a few photos he put a bid in and uh long story short didn't actually win in the auction but they had a deal after the auction because nothing reached the reserve so fast forward two weeks time because we've been trying to keep our travel down to a minimum because of the restrictions so the other morning very early we had a big water pump to deliver to a site that flooded so we said right now the time that wasn't very far away off our route so we said we can drop the pump off and then we can swing by pick up the tractor and get it home now when we got it back we found that yeah the engine was stuck so with that in mind roll the titles [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so this morning we are um going to pick up um well i'm not going to well i might as well tell you you're going to see in the thumbnail aren't you really so it's a pointless not saying so we're going to pick up massey 165 something a little bit different i reckon he's gone the same place we are shut the gate again finally got myself a job we've got to stop at the office or it's okay oh county look it's nice oh dear arctic there look it's all the duels as well that it's nice that is who the hell would buy an old massey all steady on look at this look at these and look at the bonnet nose is different someone look that one's got that angle nose on that and this one's got the normal nose [Music] [Music] it [Music] what seems to be there is what is in it so you and i bought some fun i've been yeah thanks it's all there so it's all right yeah i i don't know i already don't know yet but it's it's it's all there it's got a weepy core plug i think right so we're all loaded and on our way back and uh yeah [Music] see what uh see what it's like we get back the yards here it's if it's absolutely stuck or um it could be freed off easily drains got a lot of water in i had a lot of rain though so i'm not surprised really time for a coffee i reckon yeah so what do you want three breakfast do the thing three bricks can i have three lattes please and and can i make something else please that's handy you know yeah i'll just okay hello can i add to that order please all right what's that about like now i'm just gonna listen the first thing you say and then yeah then i'm just going to cut you off i'm going to cut you off sake it's too late too late do you like yeah what do you want well i'll have some coffees please yeah that's it no no no i'd like something no you can't next window no next week so what you got to do is get get a copy of the local paper look in the job section and find a job she actually likes doing because this obviously isn't it no morning can i um have three breakfast rolls as well please and a chicken mcflurry and a pun lovely pink yeah ah splendid at last [Music] your mind will be the one that's been dropped kicked into the bag actually now useless thank you very much i don't know eating this crap people would say i would rather crap with my hands and clap well ironically it looks like that was exactly what they've done with this roll all right so the mass is back it's in the shed um and this is the first time really we can have a good look at it now the rear wheels they're so on 32s i think it should be on like 36 or 38 i think i'm not sure then you look at this short roll bar overall height is very low i wondered if that's the whole point to get the back end of this tractor down so it could get into low sheds i was going to say now look all the oils come out this whole messy truth is i say the ford all right this had a bit of a bang and whatever probably during shipping i would have thought uh that's been smacked but that's nothing you can get another one of those oh this isn't so bad yeah i thought it'd be a lot worse than this they'll be able to buff this out no problem however just look how straight this old actual bomb is that is really nice the tin work on this is exceptional and that is one of the reasons i think he wanted to buy it i am just going to have a little play with this and see if i can just get this to you know rock or if there's any movement at all in there right now it's really a tight gap down in there which is [Music] i have got some large crank neck ring spanners but i think just for the time being just to see what we're gonna do what i'll do i'm gonna rock the wheel back with the forward with it in gear and then you let us know if you see that moving um i don't know if i can see it from there but what i'll have to do is watch it back on the camera anyway so let's see what happens [Music] is there anything happening let me see from here well i just watched the footage back on here and it does seem to be moving that's brilliant now you can't be 100 sure but it does point to at least it wasn't run short on either water you know coolant or oil and seized like that all right and so it begins so i'm gonna try and get this bonnet off oh yeah you got the bird's nest we know that so yeah i don't know what it was what do you reckon should we should we try and get a battery connected to this right well it's not going to do any harm as long as we just click click and gentle okay now i've obviously got a battery put on here now obviously on the churn of destiny um and i've got the remote starter and we've got a light so that's good so there is actually power to that now just so you're all aware um obviously we checked the other day we checked when we picked it up that had oil in and there is a bit of black in there we've got obviously all the fuel lines okay there's a bit of fuel in here but we're not going for a start this is not or will it start this is will it actually turn a complete revolution that's all we're looking for as i said you saw me rock up we saw there was movement there we just want to know if this will turn if it doesn't we're not going to push it any further see what happens then ready all clear yeah oh what stay it's moving all right should we give it a little bit more okay ready i think there's a there's definitely a revolution there's no tight spots so should we just turn her over half a dozen times okay there's no noise or anything there nothing okay now we've got any coolant in there you know the radiator bottom hoses on the bottom hose is off all right now with that in mind just so everybody is listening if we go and attempt to start yeah then we've got let's just say a 30 second window i don't want to run up for any longer i know it won't even you know damage it you could run it fully for five minutes ten minutes yeah but just on the safe side should we now put the stop in put the exhaust on and we'll go to see if we can get it to fire up if it fires up good we'll stop it and then we know where we're going to the next stage but there's certainly no grinding tapping or anything when we're just turning i'm happy with that okay what's the worst that can happen i'll buy a few more parts well you'll do what you always do and you'll build a brand new perkins engine again so that'll be fine all right let's do that then i think um mr cosby we want it on set please i swear get ready so all right okay that was just under a minute do you wanna sit we can see if it goes again if you want um done it's our own steam now okay right let's just try one more time just as i said we'll just do a stop and start can you get round there ready to stop it because i don't want to run out i watch if she'll fire up now on her own merits are you going to try for hydraulics aren't you i thought you would okay [Music] ready yeah stop in stops in okay that's great the hydraulics work i don't stop it brilliant so she's now starting uh on her own merits now and as i said you know you always want oh don't use ethernet become addicted you just go and lay down all right because just find your safe space and just shut up because at the end of the day you've got obviously a healthy engine yeah we used a little squirt here and there just to get that fuel to draw up but you know because that's sometimes the only way it's been inst well storage stood whatever in a hedge and now you saw that without ether because the fuel is all up in the whole system now it started straight up on its own and three-point linkage worked as well that came up so that's good because that was a bit of a worry um brilliant brilliant brilliant so right we're going to make a plan so the plan is me and the flood weasel are gone to obviously with everything else we've got three thousand to do whatever we know but we want to get this running and driving so that we can get it in and out and out of our way we've got parts to put on as we know but what do you recommend boyd well i'm just going to get the steering sort of off and adjust it it might well be the front drop yeah on the front okay oil filter fuel filters i'll get a whole lot for it okay we'll get it going brilliant i mean rear wheels brilliant i do like it on these big fronts and that'd be nice on the set of 38 i think well certainly 36's i think would look pretty good 38's look even better i know because i don't know how to don't care i said look lovely on 38 because she's like a monster i didn't actually expect to have this fired up today do you know what i wanted to see or what does this see this turning over today well i'm just actually going to get a three-quarter socket put it on the crank and take the injectors out and put them that's exactly what you say yeah and yes the dsa i rocked the thing with her in gear and i saw that turn it must we must have just just loosened it off a little bit yeah yeah so uh but i was hoping for how sweet that is a result then so what a tree massey 165 yeah 1967 1967. they are red ones shut up we had enough of you going on now it's taking up space that once taken out of here so it wasn't as bad as we first saw and in the day if it had turned out it was seized up solid well we've got an engine rebuild on our hands um you know we've got facilities and we've got the you know the know how to do it um but that's a result because now we can move forward service all and you know things like condition of the oil and that will tell us a lot more but we're hoping to make progress with that and uh yeah see what happens now let's jump back a few weeks do you remember i asked the question if you the curtains one morning and found a tractor of your choice sat on your yard or your driveway what would it be right all the names went into the generator number one was pushed with one name to be drawn and that name was andrew edwards and andrew said he wants to see a david brown 990. so andrew congratulations and i'll sort something out to do with the david brown 994 here bringing a model or whatever okay now from one question to another and this week's question is if you could choose uh the subject matter for an episode of this channel what would it be so as an example if you want to i don't know you want me to go and have a look at um ford 7810 or i don't know uh massey 3080 or john deere 42 40 yes put that down in the old school pick no comment section and obviously when travel restrictions lift a little bit you know more then i'll try and find that type of tractor and uh yeah we'll do an episode on on that so if one if i get lots of people sort of saying ford 8 210 or tw35 or john deere you know 36.50 or whatever i'll find one and we'll we'll do a complete episode on on that tractor but don't go and put something like you know i know where there's a single prototype of a certain variant and uh it's in a collection in uh tanganyika it's just something that's fairly mainstream it could be you know a vintage tractor it could be a classic it could be a modern tractor but anyway put your answers in the old script pick below and we'll see what which one is most popular and then when you know time and that allows i'll go and film it we'll do an episode on that tractor so there you go markers that's another one done and uh like i said before i don't mind whether you subscribe or not to the channel that's up to you but it is free and if you do subscribe you get told of when i put up another video especially if you press that little notification bell plus i'm putting other stuff up on the community page so if you are subscribed to the channel um in between the videos i often put up various posts and pictures of stuff that i'm doing i've just done one already before this came out of the little massey when we went picked up from the sale ground plus as you know you can find me on um facebook which is podge muck and you can get me on instagram which is mucker4890 and again i'll be putting stuff on there in between the videos and throughout the weeks so there we go on to the next one and that next one will probably be a bit more on a little ford 3000 that you all love anyway we've got some bits for that and we've got to do service on it and this that and the other but all that good stuff i will keep you up to date with what we're doing well before we go we better have her just say hello to everybody what to say come on come here come and say hello come on this is popular look look look look did you see that yes they want to see you very good yes right i think now this time that's getting better right until the next one muggers do well
Channel: Lord Muck
Views: 71,627
Rating: 4.9368286 out of 5
Keywords: lord muck, onelonelyfarmer, millennial farmer, how farms work, tractor, farm, farming, agriculture, will it start, barn find, john deere, case ih, agco, caterpillar, backhoe, construction, george saunders, bobcat, deboss garage, jcb, fastrac, massey ferguson 165, 4x4, diesel engine, massey ferguson tractor, massey 165 tractor, agriculture technology, agriculture machine, Massey ferguson 165 diesel
Id: 37HpX1fXP20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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