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just like that oh hey there folks this is Josh Stoney Ridge farmer welcome back to the farm it's another beautiful day here in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and we've got some maintenance to do on the 240 tractor so this is our Massey Ferguson 240 tractor I haven't looked up the serial number to tell you the exact year but I think we're somewhere in the 84 1986 range so it's about a 35 year old tractor come along today as we do a full service on this tractor we'll change the oil we'll change the fuel filters we'll change the oil filter will lubricate it and we'll walk you around this pretty cool old tractor this will probably double as a service video for the Massey Ferguson 135 tractor they're very similar platform the 135 is the older type model this is the newer model all right I see Ferguson contact ain't afraid of word I ain't afraid of please I ain't afraid a job done so we're gonna let the tractor warm up a little bit probably to about 110 degrees 115 degrees that way the oil flows out nicely the oil hasn't been changed in this tractor for probably two years which we're behind on it we bought it about a year and a half ago and it's only had about 50 hours on it since the oil change got some other cool toys here that we'll be working on on the farm that's my baby right there baby had to move out so we could get in here in services tractor so we've been using the Massey Ferguson 240 over the last few days we've been using our air Raider attachment there'll be a link to that video at the end of this video but we've been using it and I just felt kind of guilty not changing the oil in it it doesn't really leak any oil it's a very clean tractor very nice tractor when we get done service in it I'll take you around and show you all the little details how cool it is really really nice tractor completely restored even though it only had 800 hours on it so let me show you what we're doing what we're changing the oil in and what the old oil looks like and you can see it's a little bit low on the dipstick there and it's really black now that's not something that would be out of the ordinary for a diesel engine especially of this vintage so something we got to think about is how often do we service this tractor do we service it every 200 every 250 or every hundred hours and I say every year or every hundred hours depending on the amount of time that you use this tractor depending on the amount of hours that you put it on this is our second tractor our primary tractor is our ventrac or our John Deere 50 65 II the 50 65 II is a 2014 model and the tolerances on a newer tractor versus an older tractor are much much different the technology used to build this old Perkins diesel engine versus the newer John Deere engine there are a lot lower tolerances in other words the John Deere engine is a little bit tighter I guess now this is a great great engine however the oil changes probably need to be a little bit more frequent on this older engine so we'll change it every hundred hours just like on the ventrac it's a smaller diesel engine it's a small Kubota engine and we change it every hundred hours to because of smaller the engine the higher the revs this engine in order to produce 540 pto is a 1700 rpms versus the John Deere engine is about twenty three twenty four hundred rpms don't quote me on that exactly but you can go to track your data dot net or comm and they'll tell you all sorts of fun stuff so let's drain the oil out we'll pull off the old oil filter and we'll check our fuel filter and our fuel water separator this is our oil filter this is our secondary fuel filter in our primary fuel filter and here's what the fuel filter looks like we'll be changing both of these because I just don't know how many hours were on it the last time they were changed but basically that fits up into this compartment right here we'll show you how to do all that stuff we'll show you how to bleed the system basically when you take out a fuel filter in a diesel tractor like this you're going to have to make sure there's no air bubbles in the fuel system if there are air bubbles that can cause you some serious serious headaches and having to bleed lines all the way through to the injectors we don't want to fool with all that so we'll show you how to do it the right way I hope every video I've seen on the Internet about doing this has been poorly explained and has been just poorly done in my opinion I mean they're farmers and they're doing their job they're doing what they're supposed to do but the audio is really bad they're not explaining things as they go through it and I hope you guys can appreciate me explaining this to you and again after the video will show you a little more detail about the tractor but for those of you guys that are here just to learn how to service this tractor we'll go from top to bottom front to back and show you what to do two things I think every person who owns property and land the farmhouse anything needs to have is a little logbook a little logbook like this that tells you when you change the oil what kind of oil you used what the capacity was just for your lawnmowers your push mowers for anything and everything you need to know this stuff and also the best investment I could possibly tell you to make to save yourself time and save yourself thought because you don't want to have to think about this stuff all the time you don't want to think when's the next service on this tractor you want to make sure you keep on top of it and right here is how you keep on top of it get yourself a label maker make yourself a nice label for each one of your filters and keep track of it in a logbook if you keep good records you'll get a better value for your tractor when you get to sell it and you'll also be able to keep track of what's going on on your place there is a lot of equipment here on this farm and we've got to take care of it another thing that I think is a must is having a tote a tote that you can grab for doing all of your services all this stuff is stuff that I use frequently for oil changes then gearbox service it's all in here and all I have to do is grab this bin and I have it next thing we're going to do is we're going to take our handy-dandy adjustable wrench we're gonna get on here and we're gonna loosen up our nut just like so guess what I'm pretty loosened it just for you well drain out the oil supposedly this takes around 7 quarts now I wonder if we have a magnet on the bottom of this drain plug that would really be cool nope no magnet as you can see oh it's pretty black but again it's a diesel we'll take this and wipe it clean kindness and nasty looking stuff there so we'll slide a second oil drain pan underneath our oil filter I've got two different kinds of oil filter wrench I can use this one right here no problem it kind of stabs on it a little bit or I have this kind right here and this is a oil filter I cap wrench I'll show ya so it's fluted so that it fits right over the oil filter and we can just screw it right off the new oil filter does not have those flutes on it very gentle till we can get it with our hands we're gonna make a little bit of a mess but probably not too bad I like to use a special kind of pan for this so that I can set my oil filter down I'll show ya this is the type of pan I like to use for my oil filter so I don't have to worry about them sitting way down in a deep pan like this guy right here I don't have to worry about that so we're using all Napa gold filters this is a fourteen sixty and what we'll do we'll take a little bit of oil and we'll dab onto our gasket right here maybe a little bit more wouldn't hurt it but what we're gonna do actually is we're going to fill our oil filter full of oil before we reinstall it and I've got this nifty little transfer canister here whoo-hoo we can do that without making a mess we're in good shape couple drips good to go reinstall gently and carefully very very nice we don't want our tractor to run dry of oil or with low oil pressure at any time so we don't want to take any kind of risk we'll fill up our oil filter if it's a vertical oil filter like that I always fill the oil filter before I reinstall it or hydraulic filter too if it's sideways obviously you can't do that and when we get down here we're gonna put labels on all these filters here's the oil filler neck I like to take my rag and wipe it down take it loose wipe out there it says gloss - I know it says Wolverhampton England on there that's pretty cool this time we'll go on and replace our plug now you don't have to loosen this cap to let the oil drain out it'll drain out will replace our plug real quick we want to inspect our plug and make sure that this little washer right here is in good shape sometimes it'll be brass sometimes it'll be aluminum in this case I think it's aluminum the manual said between six and a half and seven quarts so we'll put six and a half in start it up and then we'll check it again we are using t6 rotella they say common sense isn't so common nowadays but I find if I'm going to put 7 quarts in here then I'm going to fill it up to about three and a half and about three and a half instead of filling it all the way up to the brim and taking a chance on spilling it I have spilled it before so if you've got something that takes six quarts or five quarts you don't have to fill this up to 4 quarts at first just fill it up to half that way it's not so full you don't take a chance in spilling all right now we'll check our oil see we're ready I can see I think we're gonna be a little bit on the low side we are within operating range awesome awesome awesome well keep an eye on this and next few times we fire the tractor up make sure that we're in good shape now there are a ton of lubrication points on this tractor your tractor may be different than mine but we'll go around and we'll show you some of the lubrication points and then we'll get to the fuel filter the fuel filter is probably the most complex part of this but we also want to inspect a few things under the hood the battery compartment and a few other things we'll take you around and show you that before we start messing with the fuel filter that's going to be the most complex part of this whether you're working on a 240 or 135 you're going to have similar lubrication points on these tractors so inside right here are two tubes that go through to the rotating assembly on the front axle you may not have that if you have a 135 and you may not have that if you don't have power steering just so you know that's one of the most overlooked areas to lubricate is this rotating assembly on this solid front axle will just juice it up a little bit I'll probably put four good squirts in here and you can hear it as it squirts it in listen so that was five good deal there's also lubrication point on each axle I recommend wiping off each lubrication point just get yourself one of these boxes of disposable towels I'll post links down in the video description to all these goodies if you want to service this tractor you already have all the goodies and you don't need them now together let's go through and inspect the various compartments and the various things that we need to check on this tractor so we'll open up the grill and this is basically a screen to catch hay and straw and seeds and stuff like that we want to inspect and make sure that we're nice and clean in here and that our grill is nice and clean if it's not then we need to blow it out okay very good we need to open up our coolant and check and look and see if this is all rusted and crusty and nasty and see if we need any coolant I see coolant down there and behind-the-scenes I already went in and checked that out real good and we actually topped it off now we want to inspect and this is something that I noticed we're gonna need is a new fuel cap if you look under this fuel cap you see that rust and crust that is not good so we're ordering a new fuel cap for this machine I want to go through here we want to inspect our belts make sure they're tight enough and make sure they're not cracking and worn that looks pretty good we're also going to open up our battery compartment right here just like so we're gonna look down in and our battery now I see the same thing that you see corrosion on both battery terminals and we'll check inside here and make sure that we're all topped off with distilled water in our battery it's not a maintenance-free battery we are required to have some distilled water this will need a dressing but we'll pull it out of the shop before we do that next thing we want to do is go down here and I've already pre loosened this but this is where your air filter is so we'll open this guy up and we'll slide out our air filter there's a little tab right there we just pull it out and we'll inspect it see how clean it is see how dirty it is replace it if it needs to be replaced there is also inside here a pre filter that pre filter can be removed by loosening this nut right here this wing nut and you can inspect that and replace it if it needs to be replaced it's in good shape this thing is in really good shape this tractor doesn't have a lot of hours on it since the last service very good now one thing I do notice is some cracking right here on that primary filter so we will be replacing this in 150 hours so we're inspecting electrical wires also and we're also looking at this guy right here this is our fuel pump and this is what we will use this little lever that's what we'll use to pump all the air out of the fuel system here in just a minute here comes the messy part there are your fuel filters on the left-hand side of the tractor and this is the fuel shutoff and we will turn that to shut off fuel this takes a 7/16 wrench will loosen our nut on the top here and we should start seeing a little bit of fuel run out the bottom basically this nut you'll see it goes down in here and holds this in place pretty interesting okay got a little bit of fuel leakage we've got this cover off the bottom of the fuel filter we want to inspect that make sure it's nice and clean take a clean rag and wipe it out good make note of the rubber gasket right here in place okay we'll pull the old fuel filter it should just pop right down just like so there's also a rubber gasket right up in here we'll get you a close-up of that so you've got a little Oh ring right up here and you want to remove that oh ring gently you can see the o-ring just snapped when we took it off you will repeat that procedure for both filters okay the other filter has more gaskets and this includes all the gaskets in case you're doing a primary filter or a secondary filter and I do believe it has a tiny ring to fit over top of the bolt that holds everything in place yep it does and you can see there's the old one it's all crusty fied and there is the new one we'll take the old one off and put a new one in place little tip if you don't break these o-rings hang on to them just in case you make a boo-boo while you're installing this you still got an extra ring this is the o-ring that goes up around that we just showed you and now we have three o rings all the same size right here and we'll put those in place we'll put a little motor oil on those from our oil change and we'll get them in place the old one will you pull that guy out and place our new o-ring and where the old guy was a little bit of oil on that or diesel either way slide it up into place make sure it fits in snuggly now when we'll repeat the process over here with the exception of we have a water fuel water separator right here we'll open that guy up there we go and we'll drain that just like so so the primary filter we loosen this nut again at the top and this piece comes through the bottom and we'll also take this piece apart and we'll clean this bowl this is made of glass this is the 3166 napa gold baby yeah this primary filter you can really see some of the sledging the nastiness and rust from the fuel tank that's what's on the top of the primary filter cleaning everything really really good before we put it back together okay we'll remove the old oring from the glass bowl just like that I'm not gonna get done with this video today dude really well here's the glass bowl and that cool that's such a bummer oh what a bummer see you when I get a new glass bowl Amazon you'll never guess what just happened we just went out to Smith tractor and got a brand spankin new one now cross your fingers I don't drop this one let's get this thing reinstalled and prime it up and there we go reach up in here we'll turn our fuel back on should start seeing fuel anytime now starting to see a little bit of fuel in there as that fuel coming out the top you get back over here snug everything up nice and tight we've got fuel out the top of our primary filter we'll tighten it up first and then we'll pump till we get fuel out of our secondary filter out the top of it Oh bust it again man turn our fuel off this is not the day this is not the day for me I tighten it down too tight busted it again seriously dude I'll make another phone call the gods are against me here man what in the world I never thought I'd tighten it down that tight now we'll see you tomorrow yeah it's the next day and we bought two of these fuel balls in case I mess up again which I don't think is gonna happen I got some tips from tractor mechanics out there at Smith tractor it's a local tractor place that really has a pile of parts like trailers of parts I'll post their phone number down in the video description if you are looking for something rare or something on an older tractor that you can't find odds are those guys have it so right here we're gonna go ahead and just reassemble everything we're gonna pump our primer until we start seeing fuel and then basically we're just gonna Snug this guy down the tip that they gave me is Snug it down till you don't see fuel leaking and that'll be tight enough now what you really have to watch out for on these glass bowls other than dropping them and over tightening them which I think I've given you a perfect example of what not which is probably even a better learning lesson than teaching you how to do this but what you need to think about here is if water gets in this in the winter time this is a frequent thing to break if water gets down in this bowl so you want to make sure you winter rise quote-unquote winterize your tractor and get the water out of the fuel water separator here so that this doesn't freeze and bust on you let's put it on it's not rocket science but I'll tell you what I hope you guys learn from my mistake here be careful with this thing it will break very nice no more fuel leakage so there's a little bolt right here we're gonna loosen this bolt up a little bit so that we get a little bit of fuel leakage that way we know we've got both of our filters full of fuel and we won't introduce air into the system there's also one on the other side right here it's a banjo bolt well loosen that guy up we'll go over and we'll start pumping a little bit of fuel into these all right as you can see we've got a nice little leak here tighten down our banjo bolt right there we've got a pretty significant link here also we did not snug down our filter all the way yet let that filter to fill up with fuel well close down this drain here lead bolt basically all we want to do is make sure that we're full here so we want to make sure both of these are entirely full and then we'll be ready to fire up the tractor I got a rub and some of this long life tractor preservative put our label on changed at 850 hours we're gonna fire the tractor and pull around the shop there's one final thing I want to show you before we pack it up and call it good with the tractor I have some products that we use on battery terminals here on the farm that really really worked good so let me show you so we've got two products that we use here on the farm to help maintain our battery terminals to keep them from corroding this is a battery cleaner it's basically spray baking soda and this is battery terminal protector it's a terminal protection spray you spray a couple coats on your battery terminals and then you don't have to worry about that gross corrosion that we have on our battery I'll show you so this is the terminal cleaner all you do is just spray it on there and it rinses off all the bad corrosion you can see it just eating it away it's just spray baking soda but it does a trick it does a great job we'll rinse this off with water once it's done we're doing its job it's just a water hose there's any corrosion left over you just spray it on there again let the terminals dry we'll hit them on the little wire brush we'll give them a little coat of battery protectant see that purple coat so if we wanted to be super duper thorough we could have taken those terminals off and cleaned them really good and brush them and coated them and I don't think we need to go quite that far after all it is a tractor it's a workhorse of the farm let's take you around the 240 and show it to you real quick so once again this is our massey ferguson 240 tractor it's had a complete restoration total new paint job got about eight hundred and fifty six hours on it total very very nice tractor got a nice three-point here does not have a secondary hydraulic on it and we definitely need that to run our hay rake so that'll be a future video hopefully installing a secondary hydraulic on this thing very nice power steering model really really nice tractor well I hope you guys enjoyed this little tutorial on the 240 tractor I hope if you're considering a purchase of a tractor similar to this this will kind of enlighten you as to how to service a tractor or if you have one just like this it'll teach you how to service it pretty cool stuff it'll also teach you the wrong things to do so what I did was accidentally drop that glass bowl and I over tightened it so you only want to tighten that glass bowl until you stop the fuel from leaking and you want to keep a close eye on all this stuff as you use your tractor for the first few hours and make sure you don't have any fuel leaks or anything like that guys thanks a lot I appreciate your coming to the farm today please pound that like button subscribe to the channel and I hope to see you again here on the Stoney Ridge alright bring-bring [Music] here in sweet that's wasted a stony read Oh Wow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 151,062
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: suburban farming, homestead, homesteading, farming, tractor, farm tractor, trucks, vice magazine, documentary, science, technology, privacy, machines, repair, retro, tractors, john deere, heavy machinery, fixing tractors, broken tractors, giant machines, heavy machines, huge machines, agriculture, modern agriculture, monopoly, massey ferguson 135, ford tractor, massey ferguson, homesteading family, how to, homesteading for beginners, farming simulator 19, kubota, new holland
Id: TWsEbE6_20U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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