Massad Ayoob - How to answer the door at 3:00 AM - Critical Mas Episode 30

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hello my name is masada yube and i'd like to welcome you to a few things i'd like you to welcome you to the ultimate man cave the lodge at the circle wc ranch that belongs to bill and joyce wilson i'd like to welcome you to the wilson combat channel i would like to invite you to subscribe to the wilson combat channel and i would like you to comment in the space provided for the wilson combat channel the reason i say that a lot of the viewer comments are what generate the next generation of content case in point more than one has said what do we do about that proverbial knock on the door that we didn't expect at three o'clock in the morning what's the best way to handle that i recall one thread on one of the gun forums where someone said well three o'clock in the morning a stranger at the door that's time for the remington 870. now the pillar said no that's time for your ar-15 because they're halfway in and halfway out on the other side of that door it might go long range and somebody else said no i want my pistol in my hand and i asked myself what the hell are you answering the door for at three o'clock in the morning when you're not expecting anybody why on earth would you open that door to begin with and second do you realize who is the single person most likely to be at that door the answer is the local police probably they're there at 3 a.m to tell you that at 2 a.m they recovered your stolen car that you didn't realize was missing because it was ripped off out of your driveway at 1am and you went to bed at midnight maybe they're there to give you an untimely death notification those tend to be delivered as soon as possible not wait till the next morning and let day shift handle it it may be that they're looking for a burglar or a very dangerous felon in your area and they're trying to alert you to it and make sure you haven't already had that guy come into your house and take you hostage and when you open that door with a gun in your hand shotgun carbine or a pistol what do you suppose it's going to look like to the officer i can tell you because as an expert witness i've been involved in some of those cases the officer is going to shoot it happens every year somewhere in america and every single one of those cases i'm aware of the courts have found for the officer because it's not normal in society when you knock on a door to open it and be facing a gun so first let's go back to that original question why are we answering that door at all my god we are well into the 21st century now when i was a kid you had to be as rich as bloomberg to have closed circuit tv that would tell you who was on the other side of that door today ring cameras are so cheap they proliferate and they're everywhere and they'll show you who's on the other side of that door something as simple as an intercom that would allow you to ask who's on the other side of that door now i'm hoping none of you watching this are dumb enough that you need that advice but think about it is there somebody who lives in your household who thinks the world is all moon beans and butterflies and nobody wants to hurt them and you're paranoid to have a gun that's the one whose life you're gonna save if they go to that door at three o'clock in the morning open it and it's not the police it's an intruder if you are going to open that door and i totally understand your rationale of arming yourself when there's reason to believe someone might be attempting to enter by subterfuge at three in the morning i would respectfully suggest you arm yourself with a handgun that it not be in your hand and it be where it is not visible now that bears on home defense weapon selection if you're going to be snatching a gun out of the drawer as opposed to just pull on a pair of pants that already had a holster on it well i want something that i can stick into my waistband without worrying about an unintended discharge every manufacturer of striker-fired pistols that don't have manual safeties will tell you insistently carry this gun in a dedicated holster which covers the trigger guard so if you're going to be just shoving something into the waistband something single action cocked and locked like this wilson combat sfx9 is going to be much safer for that application something like this wilson combat beretta 92 double action is going to be a whole lot safer for that application now when we come to the door if you're in the police officer's perspective on the other side of that door good evening officer can i help you the gun is out of sight even if my coat is off we don't have that man with the guns swinging the door open and we don't have a mistaken identity shooting tragedy be prepared if you do get that three o'clock in the morning uh knock on the door or ring on the doorbell to have your cell phone right there with you if it is someone you believe is an intruder you can immediately dial 9-1-1 call in the situation if the person on the other side of the door says we're the police you're already talking to dispatch you've already given them your address have you dispatched police officers to this address yes we have good evening officers sorry to keep you waiting let me let you up we haven't well i have someone impersonating an officer at my door and either way you've handled the situation without bloodshed and with minimal danger to you and to yours think it out beforehand waking up at three o'clock in the morning out of deep rem sleep is a lousy time to start thinking how you're going to handle an unexpected situation and most important remember what i said before you're not the one i worry about you're the one who does your research and looks at places like the wilson combat channel make sure the other people in your household have been briefed on this share with them what i've just shared with you hopefully between us will prevent a tragedy thanks for coming thanks for tuning in and again we solicit your comments and your subscriptions i hope to see you again down the line here on the wilson combat channel you
Channel: Wilson Combat
Views: 2,656,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wilson Combat, EDC, X9, SFX9, AR15, Gun, WilsonCombat, Wilscon, Massad, Ayoob, Mas, Mass, MA, Massod, Mossod, Mossad, Bill Wilson, Mike, Seeklander, 1911, Supergrade, Custom, Combat, Handgun, slide, barrell, weapon, Grip, Module, LightRail, Optics, Machined, quality, service, 1977, classic, safety, serrated, model, premium, wc, retro, fudd, fudds, holster, hammer, commander, bullet, lehigh, nula, armor-tuff, finish, pistol, revolver, technology, IDPA, assad, ring, ring camera, security, night, middle of the night, camera, door, don't answer
Id: iEi9Qpnro34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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