Massad Ayoob: The Pros and Cons of AIWB, IWB and OWB Concealed Carry Positions - Critical Mas Ep 15
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Channel: Wilson Combat
Views: 686,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conceal, inside the waistband, outside the waistband, kydex, holster, wilson bombat, conbat, wilscon, Wilson Combat, EDC, X9, SFX9, AR15, Gun, WilsonCombat, Wilscon, Massad, Ayoob, Mas, Mass, MA, Massod, Mossod, Mossad, Bill Wilson, 1911, Supergrade, Custom, Combat, Handgun, slide, barrell, weapon, Ar-9, Grip, Module, LightRail, Optics, Machined, quality, service, 1977, classic, safety, serrated, model, premium, wc, retro, fudd, fudds, hammer, commander, bullet, armor-tuff, finish, cosmetics, pistol, revolver, technology, AIWB, OWB, IWB, Carry
Id: sUJd3N8X9Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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