Why you DO need an AR-15 under the Second Amendment: Gun Guys Special Guest Massad Ayoob
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Wilson Combat
Views: 1,038,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilson combat, wilson, combat, 1911, custom, gun, handgun, pistol, ken, hackathorn, massad, ayoob, AR15, AR-15, second, amendment, home, personal, defense, right, bear, arms, guys, 2A, 2nd Amendment, Wilson Combat, EDC, X9, SFX9, Gun, WilsonCombat, Wilscon, Massad, Ayoob, Mas, Mass, MA, Massod, Mossod, Mossad, Bill Wilson, Ken Hackathorn, Hackathorn, Hack, Supergrade, Custom, Combat, Handgun, slide, weapon, Ar-9, Grip, Module, LightRail, Optics, Machined, quality, service, 1977, classic, serrated, model, premium, wc, retro, fudd, fudds, holster, bullet
Id: F-qzCfmLjqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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It's not the Bill of Needs.