Marvel's Avengers - All Tony Stark Cutscenes

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let's get this over with so tony stark the tony stark lives here so tony hey bruce long night ooh long five years um this is quiet it was i oh hey back off hi i'm sorry who are you uh kamala well uh kamala your emerald friend here is kind of on my list okay i deserve yeah you're damn right you deserved it do the avengers pose a danger to society that was the question bruce that was the question did you even check the science did you it was a heist bruce no we were outsmarted the terrigen reactor was unstable and you knew that you knew that and you still paraded it before the entire world so what we just gave up we didn't give up tony we failed at least i can admit that we failed him we failed him tony i don't know how long you're gonna be mad at me and to be honest with you i don't really care take as long as you want but the kid is inhuman we did this and she needs your help i i can't i can't you can't what you're ditching me oh hey don't take it personally kid no this is what he does isn't it and once you take a good look around huh i can barely help myself this was a mistake now we agree on something so you're both just gonna walk away the avengers were set up cap was murdered you think i don't know that huh i've replayed that day in my head a thousand times the avengers take the fall despite saving the day and that bastard talton walks away smelling like a rose and guess what guess what no one cares no one cares the world needed someone to blame and he gave them their scapegoat so unless you have some kind of astounding proof i suggest you both get off my land what is that proof this better be good kind of buried the lead you know could have told me about that earlier no no no no sitting on my couch you're still on the list where did you get this i guess your password on some resistance blog impressive dude your password was i am iron man really i thought i changed that son of a i know it's incomplete there's a whole folder on aim server no no there's there's more here what yeah look at smart they encrypted it to look like a corrupt file need a few hours i'll get all the rest what is this who is who is tiny dancer oh no we got to get out of here what you know this shameless elton john fan they help me get out of jersey i wouldn't be here if they hadn't warned me about aim really tiny dancer look we really should go now i would have gone with rocket man okay i got to get dressed you have a suit yeah maybe sort of we'll see you need to listen to logic and reason why start now wait no this stuff was in there how are you feeling i've never felt better your synthetics were useless if you'd let me deal with the hulk and con earlier the archive would still be standing watch your words you no longer make the rules he does when i was young i found an orphaned wolf cub in the forest behind our farm what dad said it was too dangerous he told me to get rid of it i fed that cub i named him i watched him play with my beloved dog darwin you're wasting my time i felt if i could instill rules the proper boundaries i could harness the raw power of that beast a few months later while hunting the adolescent cub turned on me snarling frothing at the mouth darwin bought me a few precious moments to call for help my dad shot the wolf but it was too late darwin had been torn to pieces we need him i'm sorry i don't know what came over me leave please jarvis you haven't aged a day welcome back mr stock missed you buddy you flying free in full working order give me the worst of it the chimera is running on secondary power major hull damage is also detected engines are offline climbing so it's bad that is an accurate assessment okay we got to get this bird airborne excuse me aim knows it's here so it needs to not be here when they get here what all right while we work on cleanup you mind taking a look at something for me certainly sir see what you can do about decrypting this file at once whoa hey sorry you should have knocked i was trying i was knocking fist jarvis help me out here it appears the locking mechanisms on some of the chimera's crew quarters have not been enabled there you have it i will fix that please do i meet up on the command deck about 10 minutes you should uh you should come i know i they look ridiculous yeah of course you do no no no no we all do it's part of the job have you seen thor's outfit flowing robe vegas shoulder pads pretty ridiculous i am digging this uh oh it's a bikini my mom bought it for me muslim ladies like to wear it for sports and stuff that's great uh all right i'm just gonna change wait wait wait wait the outfit is is all about attitude you gotta wear it like you mean it show me what you got come on you can do better than that yeah now we're talking all right you know what maybe i can help you with some upgrades for that gear's already spinning really yeah oh and if bruce says anything just remind him that all he wears are super stretchy shorts [Laughter] congratulations sir you've successfully destroyed the ark reactor well that's not something i ever expected to hear you say let's salvage what we can and get out of here are you all right yeah yeah just you know i made it for all the right reasons that's what i told myself but look at what happened the terrigen reactor aiding now this i can't control what other people do with my tech but i can't pretend it's out of my hands anymore i'm proud of you sir yeah i'm proud of me too speaking of trouble bruce kamala any luck with those initiator cores uh working on it have you all completely lost your senses ah prodigal son returns you almost obliterated all of manhattan well holier than val where were you while the world went to hell coming to terms with my failings not making news all right all right all right all right all right everyone just take a breath we planned on interrupting the aim experience showing the world what tarleton was up to they said tap toys of his they harvest their powers through the torture of these inhumans they exposed them to near lethal amounts of dark terrigen yeah and that is only step one georgie boy is gearing up for a war and what's worse is kamala here has found some evidence that i might show what really happened to steve hi every hero has to start somewhere you remember me hi show me this footage jarvis are you done i have broken the encryption so there is more to see george we have to shut down the reactor it's pulling us towards that heat signature i've tried but there's no way to disengage the crystal and get out and seal the door what george go this can't be right hey command deck what evacuate no no no no no cap what are you doing just stop what are you doing no cap smashed the reactor he had to have a reason what reason hundreds of people were infected people died not take it easy did you take some responsibility tony oh there's the bruce i know throw everyone under the bus why don't you no it's not the time no it's okay now see he's been waiting to do this since golden acres haven't you haven't you this is our fault all of ours how do you not get that what i get is that you actually believe all that crap you said at the hearing i believe that we are dangerous you really think the world is better without us yes look at her she can be fixed she can't be cured i've done the experiments i've checked their dna over and over and over again you and i created the perfect disease no actually i do the job i make the tough decisions dude i stand by the people who made me who i am i am warning you make you angry it's always been your fault run from who you are what you are that's why monica got the better of you i always disagree with you big guy that banner is a challenge i don't do this this is exactly what tarleton wants i'd say this one okay interrogation footage there's got to be a clue here somewhere let me guess you're planning a big reveal at the adaptoid launch come on monica give me something scour the earth you will not find our lab the adaptoids will launch bruce saving the world requires sacrifice this is useless i just want to talk to my dad calling yusuf khan no no don't jarvis i didn't mean to no peter is that you oh come on if you're there i miss you so much look i'm not angry i just want you to come home i'm sorry i should never have told you to hide your powers perhaps you're scared a little unsure the important thing is that you always stay true to yourself i love you beta i love you more wow scour the earth you will not find our lab scour the earth you will not find our lab scour the earth you will not scour the earth scour the earth that's it of course the satellite the satellite avengers if you can hear me i think i found a clue look i know i messed up i wanted to blame am so bad for what happened to me on a day it blinded me the cat must have had a good reason for what he did i i know it people people believe in the avengers not just because of your cool powers but but because no matter how bad things get no matter how much you disagree you always come together don't you get it your differences are your greatest superpower [Music] i was just some weird kid from jersey who didn't fit in but you saw me for who i really was you accepted me there's still a bad guy out there who wants to hurt the world but we can stop him good isn't a thing you are it's a thing you do oh i'm sorry i shouldn't have said i get it altitude dry ice look i'm not very good at i'm sorry so same good night so you uh found a clue yeah it's the interview listen scour the earth you will not find our lab okay monica's right the lives not on earth i'm not falling okay when i was captured monica and tarleton had this argument tarleton had to leave the room and then monica pulled up the coordinates to this satellite called ambrosia ambrosia that was a shield biomedical research project aim must have required it during the takeover it would be a great place to hide proof of inhuman experiments right if you wanted to study in humans on the cellular level zero gravity be a perfect place to do it good job that looks awesome because it is awesome 1.4 billion vanity project i may incinerate on takeoff but i'll look damn good doing it all systems are in the green sir but i must warn you a large storm system has moved into your direct flight path never rains but it pours well we can't wait any longer tony i loaded up some music to give you a little boost oh no don't worry it's not mine you can do this thanks kid okay three two one that's not ominous at all oh my god cap now please be alive steve steve holy you're alive tony what is all this stuff where am i tony are you hugging me what no i just didn't watch your fall and why aren't you letting go i just we thought i mean i thought that it's good to have you back captain i'm so confused yeah come on gotta get you out of here come on tarleton did he survive dalton who cares what the explosion he was too close he survived thanks to you apparently and monica if you believe the news stories that doesn't make sense okay i got you the evacuation all those people yeah we'll get to that you think you can walk yeah it's okay i'm good let's do this there's the cap i remember come on uh [Music] no no no well good news is we're not gonna die in a fiery ball of death and the bad news we'll uh most likely suffocate first well at least it's a good view that it is damn it you're so close well since we're gonna die anyway you have any i don't know last confessions your jokes i just don't get them i know i read your diary why'd you smash the reactor cap a lot of people died tony there was something buried deep beneath the bay somehow linked to the reactor working its way to the surface every minute it's the earthquake i had to do something the entire san andreas fault was about to blow the ocean would have consumed the city millions would have died never doubted you for a second just had to hear it you know the hell is that well look who it is am i always going to save the day i expect nothing less from the god of thunder hi thor welcome back captain this was your regenerative formula george how long have i been your bad rat i knew you'd react like this you'd rather die than need something from them i trusted you you saved your life you can control machines with your mind just think you infected me with his blood it could have killed me but it didn't remember the dream george how could you make me one of them i made you strong you stole my hope and now i am going to give you the same odds that i had even if it has to end with me hey there old friend so steve nat god it's good to see you listen if i had known you were alive that they had you this isn't on you tarleton didn't even know monica had me what a day the heist monica hired taskmaster to steal a terrigen crystal his men triggered the security protocols initiating the chimera's autopilot put that thing in the bay that was unexpected the heat signal it must have been what caused the earthquakes that took down the city what was that i don't know nah not i just keep thinking if i hadn't all those people no this is not your fault that ship was never supposed to be in the air i would have done the same thing you're alive i knew it i'm sorry um come on you should really see this welcome back captain rogers i know i speak for everyone when i say that you are a sight for sore eyes thanks jarvis it's good to be back since the chimera is near crash into manhattan the situation has become dire i fear aim will use this as an opportunity to ramp up their persecution of all the inhumans we can't let that happen the world needs the avengers now more than ever fellow americans we're here where protesters have gathered in response to a nationwide threat to our freedom this morning the heads of all major military agencies were held under duress by ames new adaptoids panic erupted when many awoke to large aim gunships hovering above our major cities as the military begins to mobilize a tense standoff has gripped the nation of course that's my tech that's is my cloaking tech wait a minute something's happening sir i'm receiving a distress call from a resistance sanctuary in new york ames trying to draw us out if we rescue them it'll look like where it doesn't matter what it looks like we see someone who needs help and we help so you do what you need to do we're leaving it going jarvis i've uploaded the warships transmitter database trace launch location retracing flypath that dark terrigen tarleton wants to kill us all we have to do something he can't cure the inhuman so he's going to take them all out and this is just the beginning sir what do we got according to the flight path the machine originated from the san francisco bay no no that's not possible i flew over that area dozens of times after a day perhaps this is a rules they mean to throw us off course unlikely residual radiation and mineral deposits on the wreckage confirms the craft has been in the bay area recently then how did no one see it same way they didn't see the warships coming it's cloaked a quarantine no aircraft no ships in or out hiding in plain sight exactly sir i just intercepted a signal warships hundreds of them deploying out of san francisco no no they'll kill thousands if we don't stop them then we go to the source and shut it down jarvis plot a course to san francisco that one's captain okay well if we're going into battle with our big-headed friends death fortress robot army and the flotilla of warships it might as well look good doing it right [Music] right [Music] wait aren't you gonna say the thing what no avengers assemble yeah we don't really say that just be cool [Music] jarvis do you have the fortress mapping radiation signatures now [Music] georgie boyce sure has been busy they're right on top of your heat single cap that must be the source of aim's territory now take us down what you're thinking cap the beacon must have been a decoy somehow tarleton's still transmitting you struggled against the unstoppable time of progress this just got a whole lot weirder what has happened to avengers no warships make it out of the quarantine zone tony take out those thrusters that you'd never ask good isn't a thing you are you're but never wrong what's happening oh no no no no hey [Music] you're alive oh take it easy hmm you got a hard kid great job yeah we need to work on that passing out thing but he did good indeed good that was pretty badass thanks hey can you guys give us a moment what all this time i i thought i was mentoring you and i'd given up and i guess what i'm trying to say is thank you can i ask you a favor [Music] hi you know you're grounded till you're 30 yes yes good from now on nothing but school and your your special field trips [Music] i'm so proud of you beta but uh let's not tell ami okay okay do we have snacks of course i'm hungry you
Channel: Ruba Jaiousy
Views: 171,615
Rating: 4.8983741 out of 5
Keywords: ps4, playstation, gaming, xbox, xbox one, xb1, sony, girl gamer, gaming girl, ost, soundtrack, music, guide, guides, walkthrough, how to, where to, playstation 4, pc, games, gamers, gamer, gamer girl, official soundtrack, soundtracks, osts, soundtrack list, song, songs, game ost, games ost, game soundtrack, ps5, tlou2, the last of us 2, naughty dog
Id: 4UIyxCzFptY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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