EVIL Justice League Vs Justice League Fight Scene FULL BATTLE - Injustice

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[Music] there they are we're getting closer stay alert hello Bruce still as handsome as ever save it Selina I'm sorry news I joined him to protect you he said if I helped find you he'd spare me but it bought us time I misdirected him small comfort for the ones who died in my place damn it Bruce do any idea what I do you think I'm here by coincidence there is no we anymore step I have a job to do why you joined the wrong side Selina he took you in trained you jerk but you abandoned him for Superman I'm not Dick Grayson this is Damian Wayne Wayne his son but Superman's been more of a father than you ever were you stopped being my son when you killed Dick Grayson he was my son you're dead to me you okay let's get moving [Music] so your would all fuss about it I could say the same about you can't forget next one like not miss great [Music] I'll apologize later Rayden show yourself don't tell the others about this huh Oh easy there tough guy can you walk get him outside I'm not leaving us go well look what I found time to end the insurgency Superman is the enemy Howell not me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] isn't this the part where we disappear damn you thought you could fool me Bruce like he did this isn't about joke it's about you I perfected this world so many lives lost because I held back but I should have used all my power for what to control to a press I could have prevented metropolis saved my family crime took my family to Clark you've worked the gun now watchtower [Music] ceil appendage honor activate reactor for begin provoke check Oh I got just the thing [Music] real and go hop Wonder Woman really I'll handle these to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your end metal belt give it to me a source of my powers like hell I'm giving you a chance end this without further bloodshed too late you're done overmatched like I said overmatched shield since when are you with them since the day Superman decided to hurt us like sheep he only wants what's best for us we are his playthings he's no God no good comes from hero-worship status internal circuitry 50% damaged again what did I miss watch tell casualties well then may fortune favor the foolish [Music] 12 seconds I see him maximum weapons range 1,500 meters [Music] I trusted you you betrayed me who betrayed who I gave you peace your peace [Music] the duplicates they've incited insurrection we must suppress this filth willfulness leads to anarchy it cannot be allowed to spread I made them safe shielded them but are they grateful do they appreciate my protection no they one complain side with those criminals if they prefer chaos I'll give it to them metropolis and Gotham I'll set an example then I'm finding the dimension these duplicates came from they'll pay for interfering wait we're wiping out whole cities invading worlds and other dimensions you have a problem Billy well yeah it's crazy it's going too far man's world is incapable of self-rule we will preserve order no no there have to be limits even on us especially on us that's enough we can't do this have you gone nuts Louis would never want it so anyone else cyborg Raven take control of all media broadcasts I want everyone to see this Wonder Woman Hawkgirl Adam you're with me Sinestro prepare your ground forces letter flash get doomsday ready take him outside Grundy Grundy burry [Music] he was right this isn't what we signed up for we did our job we eliminated crime Billy wasn't a criminal he was a casualty of war acceptable loss acceptable I let myself believe we were making things better but we're not I can't do this anymore I'm done we have a death wish there is no done maybe not for you goodbye hell you can't leave Barry don't make me do this you didn't give me a choice hell hey what'd you do - boss man grunting smash little bread man don't try it Grundy never was a big zombie fan [Music] time for a detour those are gathered here on the elite the best and bravest soldiers this planet offers yours is a heroic mission it requires that you can send your humanity embody the highest one earth principles obedience order control of those who defy the high councilors commands they will be executed without calm or hesitation man loves to hear himself talk firing squad assemble I don't think so now then Sinestro enough talk yes quite [Music] [Music] desertion flash Paul timing don't you think you're right I should have done this sooner hmm can't leave you just lying there now to warn the insurgents what do you think pretty bird perfect as always my god oli is that you in the flesh where's Batman my Batman he's off somewhere not being a murderer oh come on a whole you know you can't hit me wasn't trying to gotta think fast to be fast that's enough Olly I'm on your side I need you to listen to me [Music] I'm telling you Gotham and metropolis will be history and then he's coming after your world I can't believe you do it it's insane we have to stop him it's gonna be a hell of a fight no I brought you here to get the Kryptonite weapon and that plan failed you're going home then I'm destroying the interdimensional transporter and won't stop him from coming over it'll buy you time to prepare Luthor sacrificed himself we won't dishonor him by just leaving we have an alternative we bring over our Superman finish this fight one Superman in this world is enough he's not like yours don't let emotion cloud your judgment the only time to learn to fear you how is it Superman spared you baby the appreciates my talents [Music] [Music] thank Athena I'm merciful growing up a prisoner should have taught you the value of mercy Pena juror taught me one thing better to be feared and respected they mascara you have no time for your meddling Paul please we have much to discuss you may have been which my mother once wore God but I won't tolerate your lies [Music] [Music] now Ares you're sending me back your friends will survive this Kurdish if you truly wish to help them you'll heed me talk and be quick about it we need to get the transporter out if it's damaged you'll never get back home understood I [Music] know of Superman's plan this is not news but do you know how he intends to execute his plan not yet he hadn't brought me here the great Amazon army preparing to subjugate an entire continent can't how could she I've only someone were able to stop her why would you have me do that the conflict will reenergize your magic in the short-term if Superman consolidates his rule the conflict which fuels my powers will cease permanently I would thank you Ares but that would imply you've done something selfless we are never friends our interests align temporarily they've been discovered I'll leave you to your work Ares aid the insurgents as a strategist he's no Athena your look betrays your loyalties Raven you're Trigon servant not Superman's I serve both Superman's victory will hasten my father's return Oh Hades don't count on your father's return Raven haste my sisters we cast off within the hour take that to the Athena sloop 51 after drop off meet at the South Pier Maura's team needs help with an intership weapons transfer no dianna your army will stand down they will not abet Superman's madness you hold no sway here Pretender I am in command you stain Amazon honor we are too temperament aggression not enable it after metropolis Superman showed me the truth man's aggression cannot be tempered only quelled slaughter the innocent as Zeus full to politie Superman beguiles you your world's Amazon's must be weak-willed you are their queen [Music] we are to give service help the innocents save the lives of friend and foe is our way do you lecture me on the meaning of being Amazon I don't sleep to lecture I seek to depose now to rebuild what you've destroyed hold my sister's hold while I am NOT of this world I am Amazon and I tell you now this path is folly we are to unite the world's people lesson man's rages overcome them with compassion and love she has enabled one man to inflict his rage on an entire planet let him be consumed by his darkest passions rather than extricate him from despair sisters let us return to the right side of history let us enter battle but as humankind's protector not its destroyer we are Amazon's we are here to save mankind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it gets worse by the minute we have to get once I'm finished you're all going home you know I get it like you I've planned for the day when Superman might lose control but without help you'll die and the insurgency along with you then maybe that's my fate we don't believe in fate this is my world my fight you made it ours when you brought us here if we're done here we're losing time this is a mistake you brought us here because you had faith faith we'd uphold the values you've given everything to defend so trust us trust yourself and let's end this [Music] you have no idea how to use a dude I was hoping you wouldn't figure that out [Music] we need to get started innocent people are dying we'll take the others so you can focus on their Superman we'll do it together it will prevent more casualties then super Doomsday's gonna be tricky collateral damage I'll have to force that fight elsewhere anything else I realize this isn't entirely accurate but it's good to have you back [Music] [Music] [Music] that's enough black Adam if conduct exists here I suggest you go home you're weak you know your world summer sport [Music] there's no place for you here Superman muddled his government after mine we allowed no insurrection your evil must end [Music] also supa was he [Music] [Music] here's your chance to do what's right I would take it [Music] [Music] [Music] they're ready Superman to take on the might of Atlantis yes [Music] [Music] I may not be wanted but I'm clearly needed Superman we've broken their ranks they were treating good once they're pushed back we'll need help with rescue and recovery I'll break off a legion as quickly as possible thanks Diana you always make it look easy let's get through this first then tell me how easy it looked we'll need [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you'll live disappointed Doomsday's not today [Music] I knew they'd pull you over eventually you don't belong here my obligations don't end at the borders of my dimension I am this world Savior I protect it that's what's happening out there protection disobedient children will be punished children we're not gods we don't decide who lives and who dies there's a here's mine it became mine when Joker turned me into a weapon of mass destruction I know what you lost and you judge me after I've killed you I'll bring Louis here when she sees how I perfected this world she'll be afraid and disgusted she'll be alive Louis is death de he stole her from me you stole this planet's freedom it's time to give it back your reign is over [Music] [Music] you won't terrorize these people any longer there is the only thing these people understand one day you'll learn you'll have to kill me no not even you there's been enough killing [Music] Superman's accomplices have been rounded up or turned themselves in the next job is restoring civil order the transitional government has its hands full we're here if they need help thanks but no the people need to know they're in control not us so you haven't changed your mind I respect the president's offer but I don't belong in government none of us do you think Batman has a future here crime and corruption will return Ali would have called me a pessimist I'm just being realistic and you are Superman he'll stand trial they all will he was right you know about what put in the same position I might have done the same thing we never know what we're truly capable of I hope for your world's sake you never find out just keep this in mind if something ever happens and you do lose it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 2,030,818
Rating: 4.8456964 out of 5
Keywords: Justice League, Justice League Scene, Evil Justice League, Evil Justice League Scene, Justice League Fight Scene, Justice League Fight, Fight Scene, Battle, Evil Justice League Vs Justice League Fight Scene, Evil Justice League Vs Justice League Scene, Evil Justice League Vs Justice League, Superman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Batman Scene, Superman Scene, Justice League Game, Batman Game, Superman Game, DC, Comics, DC Comics, Superhero, Scene, Game, Injustice, Injustice Game
Id: QE2qqAKDh2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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