15 DUMBEST Fortnite Bans OF ALL TIME!

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this is a swing set in retail row it looks pretty innocent right well let's see what happens when you touch it whoa what the yo do you see me look at me [Music] i got banned it's freaking cursed you can't touch it or you get banned but would you believe me if i told you that's not even the dumbest way to get banned in fortnite yeah in our number 15 spot when cypherpk was doing a regular stream last year he kept constantly getting harassed by stream snipers and trolls it happens a lot on twitch and so eventually he realized that he recognized the same name sniping him a ton of different times so he tracked down the sniper stream and watched it after getting literal proof of him stream sniping he reported him to epic games and just a few moments later this happened he got banned no shot no shot epic just banned him live no way epic just banned him a player reporter has had action taken against them for negative behavior thanks for giving fortnite a fun friendly community no way epic let's go dude epic just banned this guy live i mean i haven't seen anyone get banned live for streams typing in a while so this is pretty avoidable i'd feel bad for the guy but to be honest he broke the rules by stream sniping cypher like five times in a row and while this ban was understandable it wasn't as dumb as number 14 which is laser beam's golfing ban so back in chapter one laser beam was playing fortnite with some other streamers and they are trying out some new emotes and toys they were trying to score basketball hoops and playing with stuff like beach balls and more although when laser beam decided he was going to try and score a hoop with a golf ball this happened right oh i'll try can you do this basketball playing it with a fan hammer i mean we're not even exactly sure what happened here maybe epic games are just jealous of his golf skills it did pretty much clear that whole mountain but some people have said this was because he was using a 4g router and that might be why he was banned but i gotta say the timing year was impeccable it could have just been a glitch while that was really stupid and a pretty unexplainable ban you haven't even prepared yourself for number 13. if you're a fortnite og you probably remember alex ramygaming he was quickly becoming a very popular streamer in the community back during season 1 and was actually number one in the world on the fortnite wins leaderboard well unfortunately he wasn't exactly the nicest to his teammates and imagine when he wanted a weapon from his team and no one dropped him one he decided to do this instead i told you i needed a weapon all right i'll take all the weapons for myself hold on i told him i needed a freaking rifle he didn't want to give me anything yeah i'm not really surprised that he got banned but this was kind of avoidable you'd have to know that team killing your entire squad will get you banned but i don't really think that he cared all that much but now for a band that devastated the whole community with number 12. if you've never heard of xenon he is a 10 year old fortnight and valorem player who streams with his dad and he is extremely cracked at fortnight and last year when he was 9 years old xenon got the attention of the entire community when trying to load into a match of arena basically this happened [Music] all the poor kid wanna do is play arena and epic games actually banned him entirely from competitive for over 1400 days basically it ends on his 13th birthday the clip went viral and was immediately shared around the community and creators like faze banks and ninja got free xenon trending on twitter trying desperately to get his band reversed now thankfully xenon was still able to play in casual playlists but he was banned from arena i mean it's just arena not even a tournament and the reason this happened is because epic banned him from tournaments but their system also automatically banned him from marine as a result now fortunately epic actually noticed a mistake and unbanned him the next day after the trending hashtag and more xenon mostly plays valorent competitively now but still plays fortnite from time to time but next up we have the major team ban if you don't play or watch fortnite competitive then you might not know what a storm surge is when any match of fortnite has a ton of players left with each circle it will activate a storm surge basically it deals 25 damage every second to the people with the least amount of damage in the match so if you've been like camping or avoiding fights you're gonna get taken out by the storm unless you act really quickly so to avoid activating any storm surge damage in a tournament four players creo buck keys and slacks all teamed together in order to trade damage with each other and because of this and more evidence that they were watching each other's streams epic actually banned all four of them for two months of fortnight while this one was deserved our next band wasn't it's time for number 10 which is the landon v buck scandal landon used to be a huge fortnite streamer and youtuber who had a goal for being the first ever person in the world with 1 million v bucks on their account he spent thousands of dollars getting to that goal and when he finally hit a million v bucks he was banned yeah as you guys can see by the title of this bed i have uh i was just banned on fortnite the account has been banned from misconduct in one of our games yo fortnite if you're watching this i would really appreciate if you could reach out to me and if i'm not getting my account back i mean at least we could talk about why i'm not gonna get my account back now it wasn't this that caused him to get banned however lennon actually said that he could have been banned for doing glitches and using custom skins on his account which technically do violate epic tos but it gets even dumber with number nine you might remember this from the intro but if you visit a retail row back in the old days of fortnite you might have been surprised to see an actual working swing set in the outskirts of the poi this swing set had actual physics which meant players could push it and shoot it but for some reason epic didn't actually think people would try to ride the swing i mean obviously we would but fortnite at the time just didn't realize it so when players jumped onto the swing to ride it this happened whoa what the yo do you see me look at me [Laughter] [Music] it's not working oh what was that band i got banned yeah really crazy but next up we have the jarvis aimbot bam one of the most famous bands in fortnite history is that of faze jarvis it's pretty much legend at this point that jarvis made a youtube video where he showed off aimbot and how it works trying to make like an entertaining video and not actually cheating in real tournaments or anything like that unfortunately epic didn't exactly see it that way yep that's uh that's broken that's broken me i don't miss a shot i don't miss a shot bro yo we're cracked this is what you guys can't see on the recording i don't know why it doesn't show up but it's on my screen jarvis is one of the only people on this list who is still banned to this day and despite trying multiple times to play the game again fortnite keeps banning all of his accounts but now it's time to talk about a band that should have been way worse coming in at number seven we have the zif and ronaldo world cup band so zip and ronaldo were players who cheated during the fortnite world cup 2019. during qualifiers they got friends to feed them kills for extra points and immediately pros like high sky or clicks called out ronaldo and ziff and epic did a full investigation the pair were actually banned but only for a few weeks and they eventually just returned and qualified for the world cup finals anyway they walked away with hundreds of thousands of dollars in earnings and clicks didn't qualify for the world cup because they cheated man that sucks but next up we have number six which is the god mode tournament ban our next ban is something that was extremely strange and a lot of people are still torn whether it was deserved or not basically in a land fortnite tournament heretics marky was playing until he encountered a very strange bug he was knocked down but he wouldn't die he was pretty much immortal so his teammate picked him up and they continue playing and this is what happened next [Music] yep he continued to play despite literally having god mode and refused to leave when the referees interfered eventually he was let out and disqualified from the tournament because he was a glitch and he wasn't cheating he wasn't banned from fortnite but it's kind of his fault for continuing after getting like a god mode advantage and a lot of you might remember number 5 which is the nate hill and funk bombs ban when nate hill and funk bomber in a tournament funk bomb was eliminated but stayed in the match and in tournaments it's pretty much required to leave the game so you can't give call outs once you die and while funk bomb he made a call out [Music] straight to your west yeah he's like southwest he's dirty help i feel like but because of this both players were removed from all default skirmish tournaments and funk wasn't able to get any prizes but only legends will remember number four which is the tifu ban when tifu was banned it was one of the most iconic moments of og fortnite history and it began the start of his entire default legacy the story goes that he purchased an account from someone with a ton of rare fortnite skins on it so epic banned the account as well as his main account for doing so at the time tfu had over five thousand dollars spent on his main and swore to never buy a fortnight skin ever again thus beginning his default journey and that leads us to number three which is the zaccubus teaming ban in a dreamhack tournament a few years ago a streamer named zaccubus was playing and decided not to push someone who we saw in the distance and this is what happened next oh what it might have been a joke it might have been a joke maybe you've won so they just banned you for a joke luckily it was only temporary but he was actually the first ever player to get banned for avoiding fighting someone but now it's time for our second to last band coming in at number two is the laser beam stream sniping ban so last year laser beam noticed his friends were streaming so we got a ton of feelies together to try and stream snipe fresh in a solo game their goal was to take him out and stop him from winning and this was the outcome attack him kill him now kill him now attack him now you cowards go kill him he's low he's low he's almost he's low and once come on boys finish him finish him now we just got kicked i think we just got kicked did we just we just got kicked for teaming honestly pretty funny but for our dumbest band of all time what you've all been waiting for coming in at number one is the battle bus ban for some reason back in chapter 2 season 3 there was a glitch happening that would ban an entire lobby we have no idea why this happened still to this day but a lot of people got their accounts back it was not seeing the videos of entire lobbies getting struck by the bandhammer but that's all for our dumbest bands video thanks so much for watching this has been tommy and keep it here on top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 3,874,165
Rating: 4.9170251 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, 15 DUMBEST Fortnite Bans OF ALL TIME!, fortnite banned, fortnite ban, fortnite players banned, banned fortnite, fortnite top 15, top 15 fortnite, DUMBEST Fortnite Bans OF ALL TIME, fortnite player banned, fortnite players, new fortnite, fortnite new, fortnite new update, update fortnite, fort, nite, banned player, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: 26UeUZEn3YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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