Top 10 Scariest Marvel What If Comics | Marathon

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number 10 what if mary jane had been shot instead of aunt may this is a really epic and dark story where peter ends up going on a rampage when mary jane is killed by kingpin's hired sniper assassin instead of ant-man peter manages to save anime but mary jane ends up dead and as a result pete dons his black suit and goes after the kingpin himself he is met with resistance when tony stark is iron man attempts to confront him and talk sense into him spider-man however is too far gone and is definitely not in the mood for advice from tony stark this results in an epic fight between the two heroes while wilson fisk's life hangs in the balance of who will win in the end peter ends up getting his revenge one punching fist to death before being arrested by the authorities he regrets ever trusting tony stark and ever marrying mary jane as wilson fisk would say this issue is sogoth number nine what if spider-man became the punisher this one ends up at least having a happy ending but starts off being pretty dark and pretty scary in this story we imagined what life would have been like for peter if he had become the punisher instead of beating his villains and them ending up just locked away for many their fate is much more final even the green goblin ends up being killed by spider-man punisher following the confrontation with gwen at the bridge one however lives not killed from the great height from which she was dropped i do love how they keep drilling in that it would be the fall not the impact that would kill her like in the original story which i always thought was so bizarre spider-man punisher saves gwen the green goblin ends up dead and harry swears vengeance on the man who killed his father although this story has a dark and murderous narrative it gives us a more happy ending sort of peter chooses love instead of vengeance in the end and gives up being the punisher retiring from vigilante life to go be happy with gwen as this decision is made however frank castle loses his family and miraculously survives the shootout in central park in the end becoming the punisher in this reality as was fated although i do think it's really weird in that story that like when living is the thing that like changes that for him if your like girlfriend's life was threatened wouldn't that make you more angry maybe not i've never been spider-man so i don't really know all right friends before we move on to this next spot just a quick reminder to click that thumbs up it's good for your health it's good for your heart it's good for your brain number eight what if ord resurrected jean grey instead of colossus in this story gene is brought back to life at a time where it is revealed the cassandra nova holds influence over emma frost fearing the return of the phoenix force which would join to jean grey once more emma decides to take matters into her own hands her own diamond hands it's revealed that the phoenix force has been lurking within her cuckoo's minds and she decides to take hold of it killing them in the process tragic she then plans on defeating jean the x-men band together to face her and shield and sword also conveniently joined the fray it's like we're here too in the end ord beast emma and her cuckoos and kitty lay dead and the phoenix is contained but cassandra remains undetected still out there waiting for the right moment to strike number seven what if the spider who went into the cold this story comes to us from the what if story spider-man vs wolverine and asked the question what if spider-man never came back out from the cold this story sees peter parker actually kill someone while acting as spider-man it was an accident he thought the person had armor that would protect him from the hit but it was powered down of course who should be working alongside spidey when this happens but of course wolverine who shows no remorse for what spider-man has done jokingly suggesting that they cry about it in the end this event changes peter after he and wolverine save his friend alex and this causes him to become a killing machine he receives further training and although he still has a sense of morality no longer has qualms with taking out the bad guys permanently he leaves mj and his life behind setting out to join shield working on as a hired black ops team also i love a good spider-man wolverine team up because it's just not what you usually get i love when they team up number six what if iron man had been a traitor i personally think this one is pretty scary if you put yourself in iron man shoes for me one of my biggest fears and i think one of the most human fears out there is just a lack of control in tony stark's case he doesn't really have any control over what he does or how he acts in the story but is forced into being a traitor when a rival country gains control of his heart if he refuses to do as is demanded of him he is put through intense and unyielding chest pains and could be killed this ends up putting him on a path to attempt to kill reed richards all while leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for reid to follow so that he might be able to figure out that stark's actions are not his true intentions and that he is being manipulated into harming his compatriots and betraying his country number five what if the man the monster this is actually one of the scariest ones for me in my opinion this story was such an intense story that we didn't even get an introduction from the watcher yuata here we have a story where the roles are reversed between bruce and the hulk where bruce is the monster and the hulk or star man as he's known here is the sensitive compassionate one here bruce banner is a colonel who marries betty only to mistreat her after being traumatized from years of being mistreated by his own father and witnessing the cruelty his father doled out to his mother the gamma radiation does split banner into two beings here transforming him into another creature with immense power but this creature is the side of him that actually represents the compassionate side of this trauma the side who wants to protect not hurt whereas bruce banner himself becomes the malicious monster we hear this story from betty's perspective who ends up trying to speak out on the way bruce has treated her only to have her father not even believe her and send her back to bruce when she's left and to later have her confession to doc samson manipulated by a colonel banner causing her to end up getting sent to a mental institution also i'm not sure what's happening in this last panel of this comic if it's just like she doesn't know that they're about to come get her and take her away or if she's there and she's just like i met it's fine that i'm here i'm gonna assume it's the first one because otherwise that's a really weird way to end that story number four what if legion had killed xavier and magneto just imagine how messed up age of apocalypse would be but also you don't have to because the story's gonna do it for you thank you what if as always when things get this bad we have nate to save the day nate summers believes he can band together his own team of the few heroes left alive after apocalypse's unopposed rise to take down apocalypse and even travel back to the past to make things right silly nate summers instead this only results in captain america and wolverine wolverine's hair here by the way is the real horror show of this story opposing nate's plan once it is revealed seeing nate in apocalypse's armor after nate has defeated apocalypse causes them to believe that nate is trying to kind of take the place of apocalypse and in essence become a new kind of tyrant but a tyrant all the same as nate uses the eye of agamotto and molecule man to travel back in time to what he doesn't know is an alternate reality's past captain america armed with thor's hammer sends a bolt of lightning after him that kills thousands in that past setting in motion the apocalypse once more number three what if danger became a bride of ultron i like how the title is a bride even though in this reality danger becomes like the ultimate bride of ultron a bride as though in this reality ultron is like multiple brides i feel like that never works out for him to be honest but either way this gives ultron what he has always truly desired that sweet sweet love connection i mean completion yes completion that's what he's looking for after danger rebels against the x-men seeking revenge basically for years of being used and trapped as their danger room with no one acknowledging her sentience ultron hears her calling out senses her and leaves his creation victor destroying him in order to find her the two come together and as a wedding present ultron gives danger her father professor x helpless against the technology as his telepathic powers don't work on them ultron has him crushed and killed the story ends with danger and ultron soaring off to bring havoc to the universe flying through space on their creepy mishmashed sentinel child it's like a scary story but it's also a romance story at the same time number two what if wolverine was never deprogrammed this is a pretty scary and gruesome one i'm not gonna lie though you know still keeping in line with the pg-13 aspect of comics a lot of the gore is hidden but you can still imagine it and when you imagine what's happening to these people here is pretty insane here we get to imagine what if wolverine just kept on being a killing machine brainwashed into taking out his fellow heroes including all of those that he loved as in many of these potential scenarios it comes down to wolverine and kitty pride kitty is unable to fathom how wolverine could be so far gone that he'd kill her and yet after witnessing the death of everyone at his hands including invisible woman who is clawed through the bottom of her feet before getting claws right through her face and captain america who gets claws right up through the bottom of his jaw through his entire head she is forced to confront the reality that her mentor and friend logan is really gone like that's definitely gonna convince you once you see that you're like um okay there's no hope for you in the end she sacrifices her hand and it's implied her life in killing wolverine she phases her hand through his head turning it solid and then letting go as wolverine instinctively slices off her arm preventing his body from being unable to heal due to the hand lodged in his brain that'll definitely prevent someone from healing i don't even want to think about how you try to do that how do you function with a hand in your brain i ask you number one what if spider-man had rejected the spider this is a pretty creepy crawly scary one it begins with peter cocoon but refusing to take the spider's path home instead he kills the giant spider that confronts him while in metamorphosis remaining lost and unable to move forward only half a being until venom escapes matt gargan and prison in order to rejoin with peter parker aware that he is stuck in this stasis mode and vulnerable venom bonds with the cocoon and after months of battling with peter inside is eventually reborn as a new being who goes by the name poison half peter half venom symbiote permanently bonded poison confronts mary jane at the avengers mansion but after horrifically attacking her aunt may wolverine and luke cage and being spurned by her disappears resurrecting his first love gwen stacy and likely planning to turn her into his monstrous bride also there's a weird thing that happens in that story where that poison basically pierces luke cage's skin and then he's like haha even i can pierce your stone skin because i'm sharp enough and i was like wait what just happened it doesn't really make a lot of sense but other than that it's all pretty good i think number 10 what if the avengers battled the carnage cosmic carnage cosmic is a version of carnage where he is bonded to none other than the silver surfer during the first appearance of this hypothetical monstrosity carnage simply used silver surfer as a mode of transportation to get back to his beloved host cletus cassidy however in issue 108 of what if volume 2 in the 1989 series we examined what would happen if the villain became more of a greater threat it takes all of the avengers to even stand a chance against him and even then they are overwhelmed in the end silver surfer is forced to fly into the sun to get rid of this stubborn and deadly symbiote which also means he has to fight for control all the while number nine what if rick jones became the hulk okay so admittedly this story is more silly than scary but if you actually think through everything rick jones goes through here and the fate of hulk at the end of the story it can be seen as well being pretty scary also i just really like it like nihilus voice and demeanor it's both a scary and raunchy story yeah you heard me right raunchy don't ask me rick is the one that mentions analysis raunchiness in this issue here we see rick not only become the big green goliath but we also watch as he finds himself bonded with captain marvel as well sharing a body with him so just a lot going on all at once in my opinion you'd think we'd swap his marvel mega band story for the hulk one but no we're not gonna do that in this reality both happen in the end mr fantastic and normal bruce banner end up helping rick return to normal but hulk remains trapped in the nega zone with nihilus so they kind of get like separated he makes quick work of the villain while in the negazon then remains stuck there for forever he doesn't seem to mind at the end of the story but i feel like if we checked back on him in a few months he wouldn't be quite as happy seems like a strangely happy spin on which should be a pretty dark ending i also just like how everyone afterwards like it turned out great for everyone or for most of us what how's hulk and rick's just like i'm sure he's fine cut to hulk having the best time and before we move on to our number eight spot just a quick reminder if you're enjoying this list and lists like this be sure to give this video a thumbs up it really does help us out here at the channel number eight what if john jameson had become the amazing spider-man this one is more sad than it is scary but it has a pretty tragic ending so i still felt it was appropriate enough to include it here in the final story included in this what if issue we learn of an alternate reality where john jameson ends up becoming spider-man or spider jameson instead of being reviled by j jonah jameson his father he is completely supported by jj because yeah that's his son and jamison senior knows that he's you know spider-man jameson even designs john's spider suit here however in the end john dies while attempting to help with the same mission that 616 peter parker spider-man ended up saving him from leaving his father heartbroken what a tragic ending died the same way he died sort of in 616 but different circumstances number seven what if the avengers had never been this issue ends pretty darkly in a reality where we explore the future of the avengers who did not stay banded together after hulk left instead of going to search for a hulk together thor has the revelation that hulk should be allowed to leave if he would like as you know none of the avengers have taken an oath to remain loyal forever any such thing iron man then calls thor out for only thinking this way because he too is planning on leaving stark obviously has some like abandonment issues i feel like thor doesn't take kindly to this retort and does leave and so do hank and janet currently known here as giant man and the wasp in the end hulk teams up with namor and iron man is forced to face them solo styles after trying a few times to get the team back together eventually giant man and the wasp do end up showing up to help iron man out but sadly it ends up being too late during the fray iron man is badly injured and while the heroes win the day in the end their victory comes at the cost of iron man's life how tragic how dark death number six public enemy number one this story comes at us from the line of what is stories we got in 2006. it tells the tale of james howlett logan wolverine who ends up teaming up with matteo di pergio in chicago to defeat criminal and mob boss scarface here logan becomes a version of i guess the skull the man responsible for killing scarface but he also becomes something else he wears a flag on his chest that shows the jolly roger and this skull and crossbones symbol as well as the backstory of his family who were burnt to a crisp are meant to also make him another feared vigilante character well known in the marvel universe as the punisher and when i say his family was burnt to a crisp i mean like killed burnt to a crisp not like they got a bad sunburn just so you know this is a dark and gritty tail that also gives us a pretty awesome historical atmosphere as well as an overall gangster story tone that's quite dark and draws you in it's both scary and intriguing just how i like anything that's scary personally i'm like ah this is scary but it makes me think which i like number five what if prince namor of atlantis grew up on land this story's title doesn't inherently make it sound scary and yet neymar here instead of siding with his own people of atlantis and that heritage decides to align himself with land dwellers turning his back on the sea he still fought in world war ii but during that time lost his friend the android known as the human torch or jim hammond so not johnny storm different human torch immortalized as a hero the human torch's memory lives on but so too does it seem did he 30 years later the government gets a signal which they think is from the human torch calling out repeating the same word he was saying on repeat when he went missing neymar neymar is sent in to investigate and finds his people have been enslaved by a race of half human and half atlantean people who it turns out are still allied with germany and the axis despite the war being long over they plan on using the human torch under the sea to create a huge and damaging explosion namor prevents their plans but is then ordered to destroy atlantis despite the fact that those enslaved are trying to fight back in the end he refuses to harm his own people but the government doesn't care and they blow them up anyways leaving neymar to once again live up to the meaning of his name avenging son they also thought they killed namor but they didn't anymore is not that easy to kill number four what if the marvel superheroes had lost atlantis attacks yes what if atlantis attacks is such a weird story well the world would basically be ruled by snake people as the answer and yeah that's what happens here here set is not prevented from arriving and being released upon the world once the elder god does arrive he sets to work raising the planet and turning everyone into his snake people including some of our favorite heroes in the end only a handful of heroes and villains are left to set everything right and even they fail quasar does manage in the end to defeat set but the world is still left covered in giant snakes and snake people with no foreseeable way to fix it and many of our favorite heroes and villains are left either transformed into snake people or dead pretty scary number three what if the avengers had become the pawns of korvac in this reality we examined what would happen had korvac been successful in defeating earth's mightiest heroes the avengers and succeeded in standing up against all who opposed him because of the constant love of a woman you can do anything if you have the love of a good person apparently in the end michael korvac brings some of the heroes back to life to serve him as he goes up against even mightier enemies armed with the ultimate nullifier at the end however korvac uses it to bring ultimate order to all things which actually results in everything being destroyed in that reality including the entire reality itself so i guess bringing order means killing everything i guess you can't have disorder if there's nothing number two kingdom of cain this what if story comes to us from issue 94 of volume 2 the 1989 what if series here we see the juggernaut roams the post-apocalyptic landscape of the earth completely alone the sole survivor after a disastrous sentinel attack which decimated the earth's heroes and the earth itself by leaking radiation poisoning all over the place juggernaut seems to be the only one capable of living in this place and he becomes almost driven mad by the loneliness because he's the only one until he discovers that not everyone is dead but actually some people have survived and are living in safety in an underground bunker this discovery comes after he runs into magneto who tells juggernaut that he knows for certain having peered into alternate timelines that this is all his fault and that everyone that was killed all happened because he himself killed charles xavier his stepbrother when kane finds the rest of the munes who have survived he hastily breaks through into their bunker thereby exposing them to the radiation poisoning on the earth's surface and ultimately kills them too albeit by accident which yeah it's really sad he's like i don't want to be mean i just want to talk to someone and they're like we're dying now because of you get out of here no one wants to talk to you kane number one what if the fantastic four's second child had lived this doesn't sound like it should be the scariest story on the list but it definitely is the first story in this series is just a straight up horror story where sue ends up giving birth to a healthy baby girl but dying herself in childbirth and that's not even the scary part from the beginning the doctors warned her that her pregnancy would be difficult and from the beginning franklin richards knew something was wrong with his unborn sister is like the most dark menacing face when the baby does come into the world who's named after her deceased mother so i guess like sue junior it's revealed that she is actually an energy draining monster who kills those around her by feeding on their life force energy franklin is finally able to convince his father of this but too late as reed dies in the ensuing battle leaving franklin all alone just a sad orphan also yeah he was so right his sister's like a straight up demon monster thing yikes kicking off the list was number 10 what if the juggernaut okay to start this sad list we got what if starring the juggernaut it was released in 1997 written by george gonzalez and we kick off in a world where sentinels have already wiped out all superheroes great start plus there's this toxic gas that's filling up the atmosphere which will kill all of life so things are beginning grim right off the bat okay and all that's left now at this point is just the juggernaut now he's hunting down these sentinels he wants to die but his own invulnerability won't let that happen kind of like hulk the end just a sad strong man in a world full of rubble so he sees iron man's helmet you see cyclops crack visor he's just walking down horrible memory lane then he meets a couple of surviving mutants and they're not in good condition mentally i mean they're actually blaming juggernaut for killing the x-men and it all ends with juggernaut knowing he's going to be the last living being on the planet and that it's his own damn fault and before we go on to number nine for our next sad what if story if you guys could go ahead and please like this video or else we'll be on a what if you didn't like the video and then it's going to be a sad video on all the alternate features where you didn't like our videos so please go ahead and do that because that would be great you guys are the best thank you so much now back to the list number nine what if cable had destroyed the x-men well this one just sounds bad right off the hop so after professor x came back to earth the team was never going to be the same again at this x-men meeting xavier gets in a fight with cable and then all of a sudden it turns into cable and his crew versus everybody and it was just this big brawl now they escape but later on cable kills xavier gene and scott with a siren bomb so now everybody's deciding on what to do with this guy wolverine's team wanted to kill him and storm's team wanted to bring him in both are pretty bad so the avengers have to step in and fight their battles while they're all working their own stuff out over there so the avengers are like just do your thing we're gonna go fight your bad guys just wrap it up but eventually cable and his team is killed by wolverine's team number eight what if wolverine battled conan the barbarian written by glenn hurtling and released in 1990 what if wolverine had battled conan the barbarian so basically conan and wolverine switch dimensions so we have wolverine causing trouble in the hiborian age alongside red sonja and conan smashes cyclops in the head with a rock which causes the full fury of the phoenix force to be unleashed so now this has caused a ripple effect so the psychic rapport was shattered and without wolverine to hurl colossus at her there's nothing that prevents jean grey from transforming into her dark persona before she can destroy herself resulting in the destruction of the entire universe so just like that cyclops gets hit with a rock and then it all goes to so yeah crossovers are for sure fun but you gotta look at the possible ways it could go poorly as well wolverine versus conan the barbarian is definitely one of those ways number seven what if professor x had become the juggernaut in this reality professor x is the one who becomes juggernaut and gets buried now this causes him to go down a completely different path when it comes down to the x-men because after this he never ended up creating the x-men because he was stuck so now the fantastic four wants to defeat magneto instead so professor x he's still listening he's using his mind powers he's knowing what's going on out there he's kind of getting pissed that he's not able to go out and help so he digs his way out and his telepathy powers are now stronger than ever with his new juggernaut super strength so he takes over the country with his own x-men posse to enforce these anti-human laws so cyclops even sided with magneto at this point because he could block xavier's telepathy so they're battling it out on asteroid m and cyclops is trying to remind xavier about his original dream you know with humans and mutants living together in harmony and before he could really consider it the ground beneath him exploded and he got launched into space probably forever and man that's got to be boring imagine not dying in space that sounds like an absolute nightmare this should be number one maybe i don't know number six what if the hulk died and kyra lived written by greg pack released in 2007 okay so we start with the hulk saving kyra by throwing her out of the way of the explosion instead of the ship so now the hulk had died along with crown city and kyra she's pretty pissed right she takes all the old power from the planet and gets ready with her sights set on earth she's coming first stop of course being the moon where she defeats black bolts and then implants a obedience disc on him so when strange and sentry come to the rescue she makes black bolt use his sonic scream which of course results in both of them dying she's killing everybody fast okay so heroin comes to stop her and says that basically if you kill everybody on earth nobody can honor your dead husband so she says fine but you're gonna wish you were dead instead and then it cuts to 21 years later and she's made all the remaining heroes built this massive hulk statue and when it's finally done she walks onto the hand of the statue and then turns into stone joining him the end yeah how sad is that i mean i feel like it wouldn't take those guys 21 years to build a statue i mean if they're getting paid by the hour sure then by all means go for it number five what if the avengers had never been written by jim shooter and gil kane released in 1977 this was actually the first what if issue with a major death so of course it has to be on the list somewhere so we start off with the hook now this time he's not hitting he's actually quitting now this caused the avengers to dismantle so stark asked rick jones to find the hulk thor went back to asgard and jan and hank went back to living as normal people so rick finds him but he's now being held hostage from the green giant so stark swoops in and saves them and they head back to the avengers mansion so neymar and the hulk call out the avengers or rather what's left of them so iron man makes a few iron suits for the others and the suits i mean they aren't tony stark they can't control these things nearly as well as he can unless you're in the movie iron man 3 then everyone can do that all of a sudden so they stay in retirement they're like screw that i don't want any part of that so he's like whatever he powers up his own suit a little bit too much and then he heads to the battle alone he fights a bit and then right when he's about to be ended the rest show up jan hank and rick are back nice so tony is done at this point his armor is weak he's close to being finished off so he uses his remaining power to regenerate hank's armor so the hulk snaps out of it and goes after namor while the rest of our heroes mourn over a fallen tony stark who sacrificed himself to save his team similar vibes to end game a lot of fuels in that one okay a lot of feels a good number five feels train number four what if somebody else besides spider-man had been bitten by the radioactive spider written by don glutt released in 1977 we get to see a dream play out look we've all probably wanted to be spider-man at one point or another of course i mean doing backflips and swinging downtown that's got to be the vibe but of course when it comes to stopping criminals and taking up super villains it's probably pretty stressful so in this what if we get to see this idea play out we see other characters have a crack at the life of the web slinger starting with flash thompson and let's just say it's a lot harder than it looks so we got flash thompson now after he gets bit he teaches a bad driver a lesson and he feels pretty good with his new given abilities and he plays it out a bit so he decides to take a crack at professional wrestling maybe make some cash which is a pretty good idea i mean you're a superhero so you can definitely win most if not all fights but he accidentally kills the guy sorry oops then betty brant is now up with the powers okay so let's see how she would do in the life well her costume for starters is pretty badass but when she runs out of web fluid while making tick tocks a thief runs by and gets away and that thief of course being the one to take uncle ben's life so far so bad now finally we have our third contender with the powers john jameson while his outfit was also pretty good he couldn't do the job like peter and he actually died while trying to prevent a space shuttle from crashing i guess it's not as easy as it looks i mean to be fair if something actually happened and i had webs i really wouldn't know what to do i would do a backflip and be like is it fixed no it was cool though number three what if the punisher killed daredevil we all know the punisher as the guy who usually brutally kills criminals see with superheroes those guys he likes to hit with a tranquilizer but in this what if we see daredevil get hit with one of those trunk darts and fall off a building so while kingpin prepared for his next step now that he's out of the way spider-man stepped in to deliver some justice on frank castle so he finds the punisher and punisher has no trunk darts left so he shoots spider-man in the shoulder it's messy but not fatal he says he should survive unless he exerts himself which he does and his identity is then revealed then it cuts to aunt mae's house and she grabs the paper reads the shocking headline and then the house explodes from a missile launch from the silver main city boom house gone and then after a little while peter shows up in a hospital gown ready to get some revenge on frank peter does pretty well in the fight so well he's actually just moments away from throwing the punisher off of a building to his death but the punisher stalls and says he has info about his aunt may and this slows peter down for just a split second allowing for the punisher to unload on peter god imagine if they introduced frank castle in the mcu and then they immediately did something like this number two what if craven the hunter had killed spider-man released in 1990 written by richard howell yeah judging by this title alone this one's a little sad i figured we already on the spider-man miss fortune train so i did throw this one in next you know what if craven had killed spider-man okay so we start with pete patrolling the streets when he's suddenly trapped by craven in a net and just like that he unloads killing peter parker and of course he eats a bunch of spiders and suits up himself to celebrate yeah you eat a bunch of spiders now you're spider-man that's how it works i think a human eats like what seven spiders in a year when they're sleeping so we have like what seven thousand to go so now he's spider-man just like that cool meanwhile mj is like where on earth is that peter parker guy and then mj is approached by a couple of thugs and then incomes spider-man to save her only it's craven but she doesn't know that but she can tell something's up because spider-man doesn't recognize her and he's way more brutal with taking out these thugs so cap daredevil and human torch jump in to see what's up with the wall crawler they did a decent job of wearing down the beast but he needed more power gained a bunch of spiders earlier so now it's only fair if he tries to eat spider-man's dead body right comics are weird so mj tells cap in the gang that spider-man is actually peter parker and that the spider-man is indeed not the same and then aunt may goes into denial hearing about the news she's messed up now for life and the media isn't happy with the tension between supers and the public the story ends with mj standing at peter's funeral wondering how things could have been god peter just can't catch a break eh oh my god and finally number one the saddest of them all what if wolverine father written by rob williams released in 2011 we start off with wolverine taking out the winter soldier and we see a world with wolverine and dawkin if they had spent their life growing together as father and son so now we get to see what it would have been like if logan was there for them the whole time now in this reality they're named john this life however was filled with repression and lies and led to jon leaving his home and rising up as dakkan becoming the leader of the japanese underworld so wolverine tried to save him but because of the way he was raised with this version of logan he looked at him like a monster he viewed himself as a monster too this is the muramasa blade john says logan as he stabs him healing factors don't work on it the issue ends with the boy dying beside his father and logan uses the same blade on himself and that's the end that's the end of the comic everyone dies everyone's sad that's what ifs for you right there number 10 what if captain america hadn't vanished during world war ii captain america did vanish during world war ii in the main continuity but there is another important plot point in this story that we've seen happen more than once in comics and that is bucky barnes taking over as captain america while bucky was believed dead for years in the comics he eventually returned in the early 2000s as the winter soldier and it was revealed while being suspected as deceased after falling from a plane and being reported m.i.a that he had actually survived all these years we've seen him take over and become captain america both during the house of m event and in the main continuity during brubacher's run of captain america in 2008 and he also died as captain america in the main continuity as well so that's pretty interesting or we thought he died who knows if that would have been the truth in the what if story if it had continued number nine what if iron man had been a traitor it might have not gone down the same way as it did in the what if but a version of this story did end up becoming true in the bizarre crossing event in the mid 90s here it was revealed that iron man was actually a traitor though this time around a less innocent one it was revealed he had been made kang's sleeper agent and was working in league with the villain in the end traitorous tony stark died and a younger version of himself still good since he had been taken from a point in his timeline before iron man had been influenced by kang took his place in the what if special he instead becomes a traitor working for china against his nation and his fellow teammates and friends fortunately iron man is rescued from being used as a pawn by mr fantastic of the fantastic four who received his message requesting help so he wasn't as traitorous in that story as he was in the main continuity number eight what if this was the fantastic four this was a story told as part of the hero initiative mike gueringo had been working on the what if story before he suddenly passed away and had completed seven pages of it as such the release date for the story was pushed back and it was utilized as a tribute for the amazing artist the story is kind of an interesting special case where the what if was actually inspired by a true story that came before it from the main continuity between issues 347 to 349 of the fantastic four series the alternate team comprised of the hulk as joe fix it spider-man wolverine and danny ketch as ghost rider stepped in to replace the fantastic four after they were tricked into believing most of the original team had actually perished by a skrull who was posing as the invisible woman i think it was delilah i think that's how we still say her name it's like d apostrophe delilah yeah i think so this team was brought back a few more times in the comics and eventually became known as the go-to ff substitute team and team members and are still referred to as such in comics today this 2008 what-if series imagined an alternate retelling where the team simply remained as the only ff left after the skrull who had tricked them killed the original team members instead of simply incapacitating them waring was also misinformed during the creation of the what if and instead drew johnny blaze as ghost rider instead of danny ketch as ghost writer although this was going to be corrected before the book was published because of his passing marvel decided to leave the art as it was as opposed to altering mike's art after his passing which i kind of agree with that decision because i feel like that would have been really distasteful to his memory to change it so instead we get johnny blaze but other than that this is a crew that's already happened in the comics number seven what if punisher's family hadn't been killed though of course in this story the punisher's family is still killed because yeah it's kind of hard for frank castle to even become any version of the punisher otherwise however instead of him being inspired to take up arms after his family gets caught in the crossfire of a mob hit and killed they survive that fateful day all because it rained on their picnic whew that's some lucky rain frank becomes inspired to join the force and become a police officer however when offered a bribe he reports the incident to his captain hoping to book the crooks who are paying off the cops to look the other way in the end it's revealed that even his captain is part of this scheme and he and his family are still targeted but this time by some dirty cops he survives however and becomes the punisher while this story does not make its way into the main continuity of earth 616 this was basically verbatim the backstory used for the ultimate punisher from the kind of main continuity adjacent earth of 1610 after all there was a time when ultimate was so big it was like basically an alternate main continuity number six what if jessica jones had joined the avengers not surprisingly this story was written by brian michael bendis in the what if we get to see a hypothetical world where jessica jones has offered a spot on the avengers shortly after she attacked them after being mind controlled by the purple man kilgrave here she joins the team and ends up marrying captain america in reality aka the main continuity jessica jones would end up joining the new avengers alongside her husband on our 616 luke cage six years later in terms of the comics release date joining up with the team in 2010's new avengers run in issue number one can you guess who the writer was for that issue yep brian michael bendis brian michael bendis's new avengers i like that though i like jessica jones on the avengers i think that's cool number five what if general ross had become the hulk this story came out only a few years before general ross became the villain and beast known as red hulk although this story isn't quite as close to the original as our previous point the what if story was written by peter davis while the issue where ross takes up the mantle of red hulk happens in an issue of hulk written by jeff loeb so we've got two different writers for this one as opposed to them both being the same person in a dark twist general ross in the what if issue ends up becoming the hulk in the place of bruce banner he becomes a rage fueled monster who has to be put down by bruce himself after he kills his own daughter betty by accident when he tosses a tank which lands crushing her devastating number four what if spider-man joined the fantastic four this one takes a different direction but arrives at the same goal in the what if story spider-man instead of being turned away by the ff on their first meeting with him when he attempts to join up offers to hear him out sue convinces her team to listen to spider-man and they eventually decide that he can join their team becoming the fantastic five instead of the fantastic four now five's on their chest in the end sue ends up leaving the team with spider-man feeling that him showing her up was what caused her to leave wow big ego much spider-man she ends up choosing to leave the ff and be with neymar and he transforms her into an atlantean intending for sue to become his queen in the main continuity spider-man joins the new version of the ff at the time known as the future foundation instead after the other storm sibling has left johnny storm was thought to be dead at that time and so spider-man basically fills in his spot on the fantastic 14. to this day spider-man is still considered to be on the extended roster to fill in as a substitute member when needed number three what if the hulk had the brain of bruce banner well this one might not line up exactly either you'll definitely see similarities when it comes to the premise in this story we get to see what would happen if the hulk ended up being as level-headed and intelligent as bruce banner sound familiar later on in 1991 we'd get our first look at a version of the hulk that was bruce banner the grey hulk persona and the green hulk persona merged leading us down a road to what we'd later come to know as professor hulk of course in the what if we also saw a new being named x-man come into being when mr fantastic professor axe and intelligent hulk merged in an attempt to defeat galactus and i don't think we've seen that part come true just yet number two what if jane foster had found the hammer of thor in this issue we see what would happen if jane foster were the one to find and retrieve thor's hammer being deemed worthy by the weapon to wield it she takes up the name thordus in this issue and ends up fighting loki upon meeting odin even in her thordus form he still does not like jane seeing her as an imposter a valkyrie in thor's raymond in the end odin gets over his distaste of thordus and jane foster after she helps him to avert ragnarok he does make her give the hammer back to thor who is currently donald blake but as a reward he also makes her an asgardian goddess not a bad trade in the main continuity jane became lady thor after thor was deemed not worthy and the hammer called to her number one what if thor was the herald of galactus this one recently came true in donnie kate's current run on thor thorin galactus teamed up initially to take on the universal threat that was the black winter however this idea was initially explored by robert kirkman more than 10 years earlier in the 2005 what if thor in this what if story thor becomes the herald of galactus and instead teams up with him to take on loki who has conquered asgard and killed odin after initially agreeing to become galactus herald to save asgard from his hunger thor instead decides to let galactus devour asgard now that it is in runes and loki rules it first allowing his friends and fellow asgardians who survived loki's initial assault to escape to midgard then he murders a bunch of frost giants and lets galactus have his fill basically what-ifs are not just amazing and ridiculous fun and sometimes depressing one shots they are also used at marvel to test the waters for potential stories that could also be great in the main continuity that is why what ifs are not only interesting to read but they're also super important in regards to creative exploration and freedoms are there any what ifs that have yet to come true that you think should or definitely shouldn't let us know in the comments below as always thank you so much for watching this has been top 10 nerd and i'm your host amanda mcknight you stay nerdy youtube you
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 177,590
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Keywords: top 10, 10, top, top 10 nerd, marvel, what if, marvel what if, comics explained, marvel's avengers, mcu, comic books, comics, marvel phase 4, mcu phase 4, comic book, what if trailer, 2020, marvel comics, what if marvel, avengers, marvel cinematic universe, superhero, marvel legends, mcu news, marvel's 616, top ten nerd, marvel avengers, comic explained, multiverse, movies, marvel studios, marvel explained, marvel movies, superheroes, comicsexplained, marvel heroes, marvel news
Id: 8ZPrZu5jTTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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