Marvel cast on crack for 8 minutes straight

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the relationship between Tony Stark and Bruce Banner who obviously have a lot in common both being geniuses there's a website that people have been posting artwork that that's nice science Bros there's somebody else that airbrushed this and I guess you guys just kind of powering around and hanging out every month these are [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] I would like to see a romantic comedy of some kind by the way you guys aren't the only ones that get this treatment I know you like this this is ready ready let's play the feud have the top four answers on the board we asked 100 people name something you do in a movie theater besides watching a movie yes let's see Robert you buzz in first [Applause] they do we team converse grabs Chris Evans isn't truth a great actor but he plays Captain America thank you's a big dancing and I can watch him do cool dancing right you guys these puppies remind me of Tom Holland what is a Paul Rudd I wish I knew if you guys could switch with anyone in the MCU who would it be racially I'm switching with Paul Rudd jeremy renner i can't wait to be little friends yes we are we're actually I would say friends yeah I sleep on his couch here's a very nice couch very nice couch like that couch on Restoration Hardware you want with all the pillows that has the deep size and a tufted leather that's like 42 inches deep it's like a daybed but a couch it's like a $5,000 Koch's it's an amazing thing he has like the the cashmere like blankets that are too small but they're so warm you curl up to fit under him he has those it's a good you have a nice sound no me never see what's the best thing in your house never been in my house that's a lot alright fine you see other people breaking in because of your couch all right fine it's an awful couch straighten every one's been talking about it you're just really ugly that you got a growing collection in like Grandma cardigans and I've been meaning to talk to you about it like it's cray it's good yeah its lucky you're beautiful because there's nothing up here one that's me did you just saw your dumb you went straight to dumb like woman I was like oh you're wearing my grandma's sweater and then you're like you're dumb [Applause] amazing they say the biggest diva in the whole cast No yeah well who do you think it is okay I want to know who what she thinks [Applause] and finally Iron Man I'll finish this Thor excitedly said unfortunately Thor should have gone for the head yeah he blew it door close enough to him to actually go for something unlike the rest of the pathetic little useless put a scratch on him I mean he just called me gay got this done real quick Danno showed them his fingers and then with one snap he made half of the universe say what the crap Bucky and Scarlet Witch Falcon and group suddenly began to turn into soot root you can't find something that runs to turn into soot to turn I know it should but his name isn't grit so I wouldn't say do grit insert oh that's me right just when I wake up is it me are you choking that looks like Evan Renner that's Downey it is Robert Downey growl that's our DJ well he said he's showing it on a loop yeah yeah that is quite a break I mean we can fast-forward through the dumb stop what's the dumb yeah what is the dumb stuff like you know your character that's the game change away cuz it's like the universe was like G morning Evans Danny is that the last donut with red white and blue sprinkles what did I tell you what happened if you ate the last donut was red white blue sprinkles little foggy on it but I think it was something like raining down hell fire that's right and Here I am without an umbrella I feel a storm brewing [Music]
Channel: J X D Y N
Views: 4,061,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RvGRgg04rYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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