my friend doesn't like Chris Evans, so I made this video to brainwash her

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Look at this, over here, who we got over here? Chris Pine, eyyyy Well he has the same speech impediment that i did. Where the l's and the r's turn into w's, and so it ends up i don't wike it i don't wike it i don't wike it i don't wike it i don't wike it but i don't like it i don't wike it and three two one, three two one three two one let's get one more, and three two one Can you name all seven dwarves. Oh no, i'm gonna fail at this uh, stinky, dj, finger, callus. Sneezy is sneezy one? moana maui and uh and there's an extra one though it's it's his name's hairline doc dopey sleepy grumpy uh, did we say sneezy? bashful. We got: dopey happy sleepy sneezy bashful doc and grumpy wow deal with that how do planes fly uh it's magic right do birds think Yes, Big Bird is a really smart guy. Owl, Winnie the Pooh, went to college. why is the sky blue because orange would clash whenever the dinosaurs were alive they painted the sky blue yeah that makes sense i like that answer better than whatever you're gonna say right now give it a shot what is the biggest number anything plus one infinity infinity is the biggest number plus one that doesn't even make sense we'll let the geniuses handle this one numbers go up infinitely so you can always add one to get a bigger number the highest name number though is a googleplexian what is air made of oxygen and what do the plants evaporate things and i think plants put out the oxygen right they breathe in the carbon dioxide let's see how well you know the biceps of yourselves and your fellow cast members here we go what do you got chris evans yeah it's me how do you know that so quickly i know that armpit anyway what do you got hemsworth oh that's me right just when i wake up it is robert downey wow what that's rdj shot options oh boy i was like me finally hairy arms yeah with a nice purple shirt that's gotta be rough what is chris evans favorite food his favorite food jelly beans jelly beans jelly beans i don't know if we're categorizing that as food but i eat them next one what is chris evans like in real life well he's very huggable he's very very huggable look at that look at that and he's also filled with jelly beans that's a true fact did chris evans rip a log in half huh i mean i'm pretty sure he did yeah he's a strong dude i mean was it made out of styrofoam i don't know that's nobody's business does chris evans actually sing i mean wait we sang all the time on the set we sang it i know mr you'll learn about the consequences and the never-ending life of the internet later a few moments later what is chris evans known for he's he's very known for shmaptinish america dude it is rough just you have to admit love you too man but that's perfectly done which is your favorite mcu dynamic du whoa um hope and scott thornton steven which one which one are you gonna go for you can't vote for yourself right that's a real that would be lame right carolyn furies i'm gonna go with the science bros you are not just cause you're here just because i'm going with stephen bucky got a boy that's not why i did it whose origin story is your personal favorite i mean well how does that have to do with the snap tony stark steve rogers thor steven strange t'challa or carol danvers where's uh origin story i'm gonna go wait i'm missing mine wait there's tony stark steve rogers yeah those dyed eyebrows i'm gonna go with steve rogers i mean look at that boy tell you what i love that you were on there i would vote for you would you most like to get your hands on well none of them technically but what would i want to get my hands on reality the options are reality power mind time soul and space i mean i'm going mind i'm going time which disney character would you choose to join the avengers queen elsa hercules genie sorcerer mickey elastigirl or stitch i mean there's there's function and then there's just personal preference i'm going to go from a standpoint of function it's got to be genie i'm going to team if you don't think two seconds later i remember the title of grounded what this is about it's surviving the snap oh wait a minute i'm just doing this for me on the screen and uh chris we're gonna start with you and the quicker you impress me and and i think that you're doing that dance the quicker i press the button but you have to freeze exactly in whatever position you're in okay you start right away with whatever dance that is as soon as i see that i hit the button you freeze in that position and then you go on it goes you don't want to be the last one dancing or robert would you consider yourself to be the leader of this group uh if you say so do you guys consider robert to be the leader of the group team okay all right all right who is the social director for the group who's in charge of me of fun yeah no we're not gonna do that we're on this like tv or is this after hours after hours kind of thing who goes out with him like does everybody go or do you guys are there people that are more inclined to go out than others well you never know you know you got to kind of test the water sometimes people have responsibilities everyone has kids and you know everyone except yeah except it was good but you know for the most part you know you listen working working is a tricky
Channel: tossacointogeralt
Views: 6,606,496
Rating: 4.9642205 out of 5
Id: hgRaEqH_7dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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