Marvel cast on crack for 6 minutes *pt. 3*

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so my question for you is um of all the actors in the world of all of the actors who who is who is your favorite actor these are people he worked with you're talking about just anyone okay oh this is all of them all the actors in the world go ahead denzel denzel washington yeah yeah he's great no don't applaud an applause i'm sorry okay yeah that's cool i like denzel too um okay how do i okay what about how about an actor whose name begins with tom oh how about that tom cruise he's great he's good he's coming out he's good he's got okay i could simplify it for you again what if his second name began with an h tom h oh hanks beautiful day in the neighborhood yeah that was good too it was good yeah real good he's british all right tommy british no he's not dummy british come on we know who oh he oh i see where this is going okay we've got him now tom hardy shut up he played venom yeah he was very he was great warrior great movie yeah okay can that answer your question try younger still with the still with the tommy you're still with the tom h thanks oh wow hiddleston oh yeah is sherry lewis going to be here yeah yeah yeah he'll be here next is what i'm assuming is baby yoda is he wearing air buds or what are they called air pods they're buds pots pods where did i get buds from because they're also air bugs but should we do that one yeah let's just do it wow yes i'm telling you right now i'm sitting right next to him dude is covered in eyeliner his eye he has no eyes you think he has no eyes crazy has no eyes no eyes i actually only have one eye so the yes i'm sorry no thank you for bringing up a really horrible uh thing that happened peter are you hiding something me please let's take a break elizabeth olsen has weird thumbs it's true i do i have a weird thing hey i'm spiderman is that supposed to be funny i i'm i i'm i'm spider-man okay i got one i remember thinking i'm about to beat this up whoa i'm spiderman me yeah very good [Applause] but we got it [Applause] that freedom is great but the cost of that is fame and that's a weird unruly beast in september 2016 be on stage with pink floyd member david goodwijo one of the musicians shows in london held at the roller because sang lead vocals uncomfortably and i'm singing the first section originally somebody roger was and i'm proud because i literally i survived to tell you that that is true i have so much money i'm batman no you're not batman mine actually says congratulations you made it you are the best most inspiring person that survived this step you're dust what is that it does retake quiz no but i said queson i don't know how would you say a croissant i would say croissant how would you say qason a croissant right and my fans were like tom holland can't say quack croissant he says quacks and croissants quacksons a croissant and every fan i meet they take a video like hey man can you say quackson like quackson you know and and i've and they like roast me on it and i've been like hey guys come on now we've we've the quacks and jokerzo is out done let's find a new one and the fact that i said that now they're like even more incest with the joke it's a bit fistier it's a bit like yeah [Applause] maybe the worst place to turn into the incredible hulk good luck the bedroom yeah god thank you that's a really good explain very very glad wanda says we should try spicy things up in the bedroom vision says oh good idea later wanda what is this on the bed it's paprika perhaps chris evans isn't truth a great actor but he plays captain america like he's a big dumb hunker i can't believe andrew garfield invented being sexy i find it hard to believe to the point of knowing that it's not true who was it that invented being sexy like when was sexy invented i guess consciously it would have to be a human although i'm sure before humans existed in the cosmos and on earth there are forms of life though did anyone else think about the ultimate octopus teacher being a little like oddly sexy not sexy but like i know i noticed like on online there are people that are like i love that film by the way and i didn't find it sexy it was someone else that thought that there was i just read one thing online something sexy happening between the octopus and um the man oh god why did i agree to this oh chris tom is it it is jen nice to meet you thank you just tom hiddleston yeah okay sure tell me about spider-man why wasn't thor in that one oh because you know it was really for like the front-running avengers in this movie you know it's all about kind of [Music]
Channel: InfinityStar
Views: 650,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yUkvguidTRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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