Hi guys long time no seeeeee. Today's video is very special stay till the end okayyy? Is it karma punishing me? I keep messing up my video, and then it was raining so much it ruined my audio :)) Let's make the cookies first, put 100g of unsalted butter and 75g of sugar in a bowl Beat with an electric mixer at a medium speed for about 2~3 minutes, until the butter turns light yellow (the sugar doesnt have to be dissolved) This marshmallow sandwich is kinda like Choco Pie. If you dip it in chocolate sauce then it's basically same. Next, crack 2 eggs in bowl, then use an electric mixer to beat it for another 2~3 minutes altogether~~ Remember that the ingredients doesnt need to come together (they wont), like you and your crush that won't ever come close together :)))) Don't be sad, just go with the flow and accept your solitude. Your journey is still long, and get ready when someone comes about :))) Next, add 130g of all-purpose flour in the egg and butter mixture together with 1 Tsp baking powder. Add 20g of pure cocoa powder. Sift the flour or else the mixture will be lumpy, like some big lumps are watching this vid :)))) The weekly upload schedule is saturday or sunday, but if the video does not come out it means I have mess up. After sifting the flour, continue whisking the egg mixture with an electric mixer to mix all the ingredients together Beat at medium speed for about 1 minute or more. Until the mixture becomes consistent, quite thicc, okayyy?? Note that you shouldn't beat it too much, or the mixture will not rise in the oven anymore. At this point, the mixture looks super good to eat :)) Put the dough in a pastry bag to hold the mixture, so that clumsy people won't make mistakes while making the cookies :))) Use a parchment paper to draw a picture you want with a pencil, then flip that face down then add the dough like what I'm doing Watch me squeeze the dough, not my hand :))) If you only want to see my hands, please share this video before looking :))) Nothing comes free people :))) Make 1 circle, then pump 2 ears and then rub the dough in the head shape. Just be careful not to pump the dough to thick cause it will still expand Actually, if you are not fancy like you don't have to go through all these decoration. Just make regular round cookies. It's tiring >< Just listen to me:))) So you won't have regrets :))) This bakes very fast 170 * C 12p it's done. Remember to preheat the oven for 10-15 minutes before baking Cookies will be soft when freshly baked, but 1-2 minutes later the outer part will harden but the inside will remain soft Okee let's put slutty make-up on these bears :))) JK I'm just so tired :)) I used chopped chocolate, put it in a cup then soak it in hot water to melt it Nobody else have this bear kettle and this cute model with bear head either ahihi, how pitiful you are :)) Remember to not let the water in the chocolate The black pink whisk is broken. So I have to use this this whisk made of gold and silver :))) I feel so miserable :> After the chocolate has dissolved, I will use CLEAN dental toothpicks to decorate the bear cookies :)) Just start with a dot and a dab and draw slowly and you will get it Tbh I find this cookies ugly still. But welp cant go other way. Remember to let the white chocolate dry first before drawing the nose and mouth with dark chocolate. Don't make it smudged Add a blush to make it look cute :))) There, it's so simple :))) After drawing is over, set the bears aside. We will now make candy filling First turn on the FANCY korean gas stove, set at low heat Put 50g of butter in a beautiful pot Wait for the butter to melt After the butter melted, put in 120g of white marshmallow, which is sold widely at supermarkets And then use a spatula to stir consistently, still keeping the fire at low. Don't turn on the fire to high, everyone Stir and mix quickly, the candy will gradually melt and marry with the butter There, see. Once the butter and candy are together add 15g of milk powder Continue to stir the mixture (the fire is still at low). Once the milk dissolved, and the mixture is consistent its okayyy Put the candy mixture in a pastry bag. WARNING DO NOT TOUCH IT YET the candy mixture is still verry hot Look at my hands, so red and shaky. It is so hot, the pastry bag can burn your hands. My hands are burning red. Put a small amount only, do not fill until the edges. Because when you put another cookie on top the filling will overflow. REMEMBER EVERYONE don't get burned. I will feel your pain too :> There, just enough. When stacking the other cookie, the filling will spread out. If you pump too much, it will flow out. Te tennnn, done, look. Very simple as always So satisfying :))) This cookie is very familiar with the choco pie. Dip this in chocolate and you will enjoy it It tastes the same. The outside is soft, chocolate flavored, and the inside is a very aromatic, soft, butter and chewy milk-candy And now for the catto :))) Need to prepare 1 piece of salmon :)))) This is a birthday party+ parting party with catto's 2 marbles before castration :))) Actually, he eats more variety. Usually chicken, beef, salmon....he is a king Let's surprise him :))) A bear is about to tackle catto hahahaa Sorry boy I'm holding you funny :))) Tadaaaaaaaaa ~ surprise :)) Urgh he'so deadpan. Why you dont care??? I even sing to you, in MEOW language Find, dont eat it then .... Naughty Look at his face so sad :))))))))))) Don't forget to leave a birthday wishes to catto by commenting below naaaaa Just kidding, I will cut the fish for him Don't expect some fancy knife work :))) I already told you that I am more familiar with pastry No technique here. It's time for him to be neutered, he refuses to eat for a few days now. Cat-calling (lol) all day long. My ears suffer so much. Before this he ate 3 meals a day. But recently he eats one meal. Those balls gotta go. But guys don't think I'm cruel to him :< I serve him awesome food he cant complain :> Because cats have different nutritional needs, do not feed them with spicy foods. No no to feed them chocolate, milk, cheese of all kinds because it is harmful to cats too I cook all his food separately, each time i change the diet - chicken, tuna, salmon, beef of all kinds. I feel like a slave guys :))) He eats a lot Its okay, as long as catto stayhealthy :))) Even if I'm hungry catto still gets a good meal first. Just don't get sick :< Break my heart. Don't forget to leave a greetings of happy birthday to catto and share this video on facebook :> Or else catto will haunt your dreams :))) Thank you very much. Bye bye ~