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I'll be damned. I actually watched the whole thing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scrumplic 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
For peache compote, I used ripe but firm peaches. Remove the seeds from the halved peaches. After peeling, cut them in half again. Cut them again into 1cm thick pieces. I am going to make peach compote. At this time, add rosé champagne or white champagne to enhance the flavor. And add water. Add all the peel. The peach color turn into more beautiful pink. I added small cinnamon sticks and a little basil. I like the hint of cinnamon flavor from the compote. But this is optional. Cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. Remove the basil first after 2 minutes. You don't want to make the scent stronger. Turn off the heat and drain everything. I like light cinnamon scent. If the cinnamon flavor is strong, the peach flavor disappears. Now add the peaches. Heat on medium heat. Skim off the bubbles. Do not boil for long. When it starts to boil to the middle, remove it from the heat. Cover the parchment paper to prevent oxidation and the surface from drying out. Cool it down completely. Once cooled, store in the refrigerator for one day. Soak gelatin in ice water for 10 minutes. While the compote was warm, I take compote syrup to make jelly. Coloring is optional. Even without it, the color is still pretty. Dissolve soaked and drained gelatin completely. Line the container with cling wrap. It doesn't matter if it's wrinkled or not. If the jelly has some wrinkles, it will be shinier. Refrigerate for 4 hours to overnight to set. The peach has become a pretty pink. Drain the peaches just before assemble the cake. Dry the water with a kitchen towel. Carefully remove the wrap from the jelly. Cut into dices about 1-1.5cm in size. I use the default Genoise sheets. The recipe is in the description box below the video. Trim the one sheet. This is the top part of the dome-shaped cake. Dome cake scraper. adjust very gently with your hands. Use it with small adjustments by spreading it out or bending it to get the curve you want. Whip the heavy cream until 60% whipped. Reserve icing cream. The remaining cream is for filling. Whip firmly as it should be able to hold the peach. Whip until almost 95-100% whipped. Fold with a spatula, you feel thick cream. Smear the sheet with peach compote syrup. When icing, apply a enough cream on the sides. Wow! It is a refreshing cake. I think it is better when the yogurt flavor is not too strong. Jelly is so delicious! The peach whipped cream cake looks so good in summer.
Channel: 조꽁드Joconde's baking
Views: 8,212,180
Rating: 4.9638386 out of 5
Keywords: 복숭아케이크, 생일케이크, 복숭아 생크림, whippedcream, joconde, 조꽁드, 쿠킹트리, BTS, hidamari, Butter, 생크림케이크, peach, cake
Id: 1Ues2tJuPIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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