Chocolate Jelly Island Cake Recipe

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Oh my god!! I've been recording this video 3 nights in a row...This cake is extremely hot on social media for the past few days. Because I had to test the recipe while thinking about how to record the video to make it easy for everyone to understand, see I love everyone? Because I don't want you to get confused, I make a long video, describing every detail, so try to watch all the video. This cake is divided into 4 parts, the first part that i will make is the filling cake. I choose delicious chocolate cake (yes chocolate again...). First, I will dissolve 5gr of unsweetened instant coffee powder with 50ml of boiling water. Stir it all to dissolve. Then you guys add 400 gr of sugar. I mistakenly recorded it as 420gr, someone who eats less sweet can reduce sugar. Next is 350ml of unsweetened fresh milk. Adding 180 gr cooking oil. The final ingredients is the other 3 cute models...ah wrong the other 3 eggs :')) I record the video for 3 nights and now my leg is swollen and lame. I fricking limp. Crushed by grief :(((( You guys stir the mixture evenly, until the sugar is almost dissolved okayy? This cake is easy to make. Next, sift 300 gr of all-purpose flour into this wet mixture. When baking, it is necessary to sift the flour, if not, the mixture is susceptible to become lumpy, like you :)))) Sift 100gr of pure cocoa powder Finally, there are 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of baking soda Then again, sift all the added ingredients into the bowl to mix with the other ingredients Use whisk to stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous, stirring quickly. Do not stir for too long If the powder does not dissolve, it means that you were being lazy and did not sift the powder. Divide the mixture into 3 18cm sized molds. Remember to put the non-stick paper on the mold. Bake at 170 degree for 40 mins. Use a toothpick to poke it into the center of the cake and pull out toothpick. If the toothpick is dry,it is okay. Use a knife to drain the cake out of the mold, then let the cake rest on the rack to cool. Actually I do not intend to record the video of this cake, but many people asked me to do it. Because most of the video on YouTube are only decorative instructions,not detailed instructions from the filling and chocolate sauce, people do not understand how to do it. So I made this video, although its a bit tiring to make a detailed video that is easy to understand from A to Z , that doesn't lack any steps. Part 2 is the thick chocolate part. I use 1:1 ratio, 300gr dark chocolate and 300 ml whipping cream, replace it by sugar. Chopped dark chocolate or use chocolate for convenience. I heat up the whipping cream. If you boil milk or whipping cream , stir the bottom of the pot so that it doesn't burn, gently boil it. If i spoil you too much, don't be spoiled :)). If not,I will tell catto to scratch your groin :)))) I would love to follow your request to produce this detailed video. Immediately pour heated cream into 300gr chocolate bowl. Stir until the mixture is dissolved, then put in the refrigerator for 30 mins the chocolate will thicken. There are types of chocolate that will not be as thick as this, you have to wait for the next day to thicken it so you should be mindful of this. Use a knife to remove the uneven part away. If we remove uneven parts in each cake, the cakes will be 3.3cm each, a total of 10cm Oh yeah, it's not exactly 10cm :))) The chocolate already thickened after 30 minutes, now its easy to spread Next, I'm going to spread the chocolate in the middle of the layers. Moist and fudgy cake is more popular in the west, cause asians prefer soft egg cakes But I adjusted this one, a balance between the two textures, it is still very delicious, soft and moist, but not hard. Served with chocolate ganache, it's heavenly :))) However, It will not be as light as cup cakes Next I will sculpt the cake. This part is the undersea so it doesn't need to be polished It depends on how many islands you want, it needs to have enough space at the bottom to make way for the 'protruding part of the island' Next is the base, use a cling wrap for this. We need 3 layers to be sure it won't rip apart (Leave a little edge to wrap the mold Hey, my hands looks really good in this part :))) Don't be so crazy about them, you came here for the cake :))) Get the cake that we sculpted, put it on the base that has cling wrap on it. Continue to spread the chocolate ganache on the cake Do not throw the part the we cut out earlier. This is important, crush it and use it to shape the island, just like a mountain, depends on you. If the cake is too dry, like your love life, add some chocolate ganache or milk and mix it well, then squeeze it to be sticky and easy to shape. After molding the shape, put it on the cake, then squeeze it to your desired shape. After shaping the island, spread chocolate ganache all around the cake. It must be completely covered with chocolate without leaving any space. This process makes the cake like waterproof (because later, we will pour liquid jelly on the cake) Next I will melt white chocolate in a cup, just soak it in hot water to melt it. I swear this is the longest video I've ever made :)) At first, it was 17 minutes long but I shortened it to almost 14 minutes :)) I will spread this white chocolate in the lower part of the island (under the sea) To create that coral like feeling. But after a while, I don't understand why it doesn't look like coral :)) It looks like sea monsters. Maybe because I'm bad at decorating :((( There, see what I'm saying? I hope the jelly saves it :))) Learn from my experience and just spread the white chocolate, just don't make it like I did :))) Because the cake is 18 cm, I will use 21cm mold. The size will depend on the size of your cake. Use hard plastic to line the inside of the mold. Note that you need to be meticulous when using this mold. The hard plastic lining should be close to the mold. Then use a tape to seal off the hard plastic preventing the jelly from spilling out. Now cover the cake with the mold ( The cake should always be smaller than the mold) Lift off the plastic wrapper and wrap it around the base of the mold. Use duct tape to seal the cling wrap, stick it from the bottom of the mold. To make sure that the jelly does not leak out. Okay, Now put the whole cake inside the freezer to freeze the chocolate. Pay attention to this video and instructions below to fully understand the recipe. Actually I made this video so detailed so you can make this even without reading the instructions, cause I know you're a lazy ass :))) PART 3 is making jelly (to shape the sea).I will soak 90g of gelatin with 400ml of cold water for 15 minutes This gelatin is quite bland, so I planned to use blueberry flavored syrup, to create both color and sweetness. But while the gelatin was blooming, I checked the syrup bottle and found out it was expired, so I used lemon flavor, but it didn't overwhelm the gelatin smell. (Look at my CUTE bear pot) :))) After soaking for 15 minutes the gelatin will expand like this. At this time boil 600ml of boiling water and pour it right into the bowl with gelatin. Stir well until the gelatin is dissolved, (it is important to soak the gelatin to bloom, if you did not soak it will not dissolve) After the gelatin dissolved, add 220 more sugar. Diabetes? meh Add 50gr of lemon syrup. (It is better to use lemon syrup instead of lemonade cause it will be more aromatic, so it will taste better, remember to adjust the dosage of the syrup so that it is fragrant) After the sugar has dissolved, we will now add blue food coloring Since the gelatin and sugar turned the water yellowish, it turns out greenish when I added blue tint. After the jelly has cooled (do not refrigerate, let it cool naturally or else it will harden) Pour gently, do not pour from above or you will stain the chocolate with jelly. Because I spread chocolate in the cake, and froze it, so the "soft" layer inside was strongly protected by the chocolate :))) So the jelly won't seep into it. Put the cake in the cooler for 3-4 hours or until the jelly hardens. I swear from the counter top it looks really different, so my cake looks like its just jelly :)) While I wait, I'll pretend to read a book so you will think that I'm good and studying hard :)) while my catto pretends to sleep :))) Tadaaaaaaa, the jelly part has harden. I will use white food coloring to spread around the island, I will leave the bottom of the island black Just a little bit, I'm stupid. Applied it and almost covered it all :))) But actually you just need to spread it like decorative tile to create a more beautiful and realistic effect. After decorating it I will LIFT this cake :))) Remove the tape and plastic wrap in the mold. Lift up the whole cake mold ( The jelly already harden so we can now remove the plastic) Bring the cake back in the vase and remove the wrap, remove the tape in the mold and the plastic so you can remove the mold from the cake. Next is to remove the hard plastic eiiiiiiii It was decorated to look like a sea but it looks like a sea monster :))))) hahahaaaa Use food wrapper to cover the jelly, just let the mountain be expose cause it will be decorated. To decorate the island, I will crush some biscuits (just a little bit) Divide it into 3 parts, we will make different colors. 1 original color for the sand, 1 part light blue, 1 dark blue Use water based food coloring for easy mixing of this part. I will use the dark green to decorate the top to middle part of the island Use the light green part at the middle of the islands, while the yellow part will be on the bottom mimicking sand Then use white food color and brush it on the edge of the islands, creating a wave effect (you should paint it before spreading the yellow biscuit) Once finished drawing, it will take too long to dry. So I brush it with a dry brush to lighten the white part :))) But still okay, Tadaaaaaaaaaa~ Honestly, I mean, In real life, I I was expecting the color of the sea to be more clear when poured in the cake :)) But it looks okay, it looks too realistic, that's the only flaw right? if it looks realistic, don't forget to like and share it on facebook. I love you guys that I made a video like this so carefully, I will be sad if you won't share this video for me :((( Although not as beautiful as other's cake, but I like how I decorated the islands, So I was hurt while filming this scene :)) I just wanted it too look good, but I have to eat it :((( The inside is very nice and clean I already said that the jelly is so fragrant, but the chocolate inside, it's delicioussssss The cake is soft and moist, adding a creamy chocolate part to eat, it's poetic mmmmmmmmm. Like, I like it :))) This cake is easy to make, but it needs a lot of work, but its not that difficult. I you want to make this, then watch it 2 times, once without the subtitles to focus on the video. The second time, turn on the subtitles to see more detailed instructions Meo's face is so hard to get along with today :))) Anyway, through my facebook account which is Nguyen Duy Hoang. I will post more tips there for you to be more successful in making this recipe Since this is one of the most beautiful and heart warming videos in the world, please subscribe and share to help me reach 3 million subscribers. Very close :))) Thank you very much. Bai baiiiiiiiiiii~
Channel: Nino's Home
Views: 6,370,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: island cake, chocolate cake, chocolate, ocean cake, trend, jelly cake, jello cake, oh nino, ninos home, street food, ASMR, 焦糖, レシピ, cake, candy, food instagram, ケーキ, お菓子作り, 音フェチ, satisfying, yt:cc=on, recipe, cooking sound, How to make, eating sound, vlog
Id: Sfj_pW22FA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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