#MarkLowry is LIVE - Are you ready to sit up and sing?!

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gonna get a seat what are you up to come on in well listen y'all it is monday february feb february david february february february it's february 22nd that's what it is and i'm glad to be with you it is 1 40 p.m central time and i'm looking forward to singing a few songs with y'all today also let me tell you as you're coming in that our spokes model austin phillips almost lost her name austin phillips has uh sent a new i'm sorry austin i would never forget your name austin phillips has done a brand new commercial for us here she is hi this is austin and this is the cherry that i got from song and stuff and this is the card kit that has the elsies things on it it's really pokey so this one is my microgravity early ears and so this one is muckravi dies and both of these are three five bucks you can get from my granite dot com buy subscribe down below and see if anyone see next bye [Laughter] well it's not actually two cds for 35 bucks what it is it's four cds and a fifth one the four cds are all singing cds that i produced in the 80s the early 80s and the fifth one is mark lowry live which i recorded with an eight-track machine an old not like the kind you had in your car but like eight different tracks on it and they set up a microphones and i made sure they put some on the audience because you know the audience needs to be heard so i always mic the audience i may have been one of the first ones ever do that i mean if you're gonna get a laugh i wanted everybody in the audience to have their own handheld microphone and of course we didn't do that but how are you doing today have you been hunkering down and staying away from that covid virus and wearing your mask i am so thrilled to have my sipping and singing glass next to me full of decaf unsweet iced tea that was brewed with the water that is now okay to drink in houston we've been cleared we've been taken out of the you gotta boil it er you know segment of our lives but for you know this weekend we had to boil everything so we had boiled water sitting everywhere in containers in case we needed it we never did so we ended up flushing all the boiled water but now we're back to being able to drink our unsweet decaf i say hey let me tell you march 7th i just discovered that this date i'm doing it march 7th at the methodist church here in town i put the link to uh where you can reserve your seat there are only 600 seats available the auditorium seats 1100 but they've cut that in half and only 600 are available hello i thought i heard my name hello hold on hello so anyway you never know who's gonna come barging into this house it really is a dog and pony show around here people come and people go hey listen so march 7th cameron cody many of y'all know of him uh they they have the dueling pianos and they were traveling artists cameron and i forget the other fellas name anyway they were traveling artists i found out today until kovids shut them down like cobot's done everybody so now they're working at this church wayne watson you remember that name this is the church he works at so i think he'll be there that night uh an orchestra a two grand pianos a choir i don't know what i was gonna be there but i'm gonna be there uh i'm the featured guest isn't that nice so if you're in driving distance of houston just go to the show notes on this broadcast either on youtube or facebook there's a link and click it and it'll tell you all about it you can reserve your seat it's free won't cost you a dime all you got to do is get yourself here okay if you live in houston you don't want to miss this it's going to be fun it's a him saying it is going to be incredible you know we've been doing these hymn things together for weeks now since the covet thing and this will be a night i'll be able to hear you you'll be able to belt it out and we'll sing together in that methodist church and you know those methodist churches i haven't seen it but they usually have really good acoustics so who knows that just may be my fantasy of what a methodist church should have but anyway you ready to sing listen there are let me get over to my there's a song in my head that was going before us i went and printed up these lyrics so you could sing along they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as he girls they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint teach me lord teach me lord to wait sing it again let's pick it up and they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as he goes they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not think teach me lord teach me lord to wait now does that mean we have to learn patience because i hear tribulation worketh patience i always heard that that's in the bible that's why i heard it tribulation worketh patience so we were taught never to pray for patience because the lord your god is just sitting on the edge of his throne waiting to hear a prayer to slip through somebody prayed for patience tribulation now do you think that's where your father is come on now tribulation may work your patience but god doesn't send the tribulation he might give the patience but i don't listen your father loves you and anyway they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not grow weary they shall walk and not faint teach me lord teach me that means it can be taught teach me lord or to wait okay now you know we had a bunch of requests come in when we asked for them when we asked you to uh send in your favorite hymn you did and we got three pages of them and uh and of course many of the songs were requested over and over and over for instance like we've sung them i'm trying to get through them i don't want to miss anybody so let me see what i've got lined up for today let me get over to our lyrics page i teach me lord to wait you know this page 368 in the hymnal all hail the power of jesus name let angels prostrate fall bring forth the royal damn and crown him lord of all bring forth a royal diadem and crown him lord of all and this was requested by elizabeth wood elizabeth page 368 ye chosen seed of israel's race ye ransomed from the fall hail him who saves you by his grace and crown him lord of all hail him who saves you by his grace and crown him [Applause] lord of all are you singing harmony with me i'm singing the lead you sing the harmony okay let every kindred every tribe on this terrestrial ball to him her majesty ascribe and crown him lord of all to him o majesty ascribe and crown him [Music] lord oh you remember this one what is that i have a song that jesus gave me you remember this don't you who recommended this in my heart there rings a melody that rings a melody joyce davis no that was my thirst what joyce this is for you i think i kind of requested this of myself i have a song that jesus gave me it was sent from heaven above there never was a sweeter melody tis the melody of love in my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody with heaven's harmony in my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody of love you know this don't you sit up straight y'all if you need a swig of water we'll stop and let you have one ah decaf iced tea is the best though i don't know why i like it so much are you ready next verse i love the christ who died on calvary for he washed away my sins that's not right mark for he washed my sins away he put within my heart a melody and i know it's there to stay in my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody with heaven's harmony in my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody of love to be my endless theme in glory with the angels i will sing to be a song with glorious harmony when the courts of heaven [Music] [Applause] rings a melody there rings a melody with heaven's harmony in my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody of love do y'all remember that you know i don't even have the comments up how are y'all patricia clapp hello linda shield gonzalez i don't know how you pronounce your name but thank you for being here uh i watch you all during my day on youtube thank you melody austin edwards hi everybody been drinking some tea today i tried unsweet black tea and really enjoyed it you know kelly it'll grow on you it's that kind of thing kelly it'll grow on you uh you'll miss the sweet and every now and then you can mix a little sweet with the unsweet or you can just drink straight sweet you can do what you want you are full grown you can do absolutely what you want that's what i love oh jd sumner i said are you gonna do that he'd say i'm full grown and that was his answer he's full-grown [Music] i do love that song and i hope you did too uh if you want to uh recommend a song just put it in the comments and maybe i i can see it if it doesn't go by too fast that's a methodist song went to one until i was five trisha walters says good afternoon maryland sites geyser and christy richard's white side hello you're making working from home so much more enjoyable add a little honey to the tea that is delicious yeah that would be good wouldn't it kathy cathy s junker yes remember this in my heart linda brewer says linda brewer were you singing along that's the question there hmm a melody with heaven's harmony i have a song that jesus gave me it was sent from heaven above there never was a sweeter melody tis a melody love everybody right where we're gonna go in my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody with heaven's harmony in my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody of love and here's one oh this one here this is my daddy's favorite hymn and it was also carol clifford goodall renee ford and it's page 251 in our hymnal which if you have the hymn no it looks something like this i love this hymnal it's not a baptist hymnal but it is a gooden it's a pentecostal hymnal which means it's got more spirit on it you know oh okay we're going to go to page what did i say it was in the garden page 251 and i got the words up there but i want to put it on the right page too just in case there's a verse that they might have missed he speaks i'd say okay y'all i come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the road and the voice i hear falling on my ear the sun of god discloses [Music] and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known [Music] he speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet the birds hush they're singing and the man that he gave to me within my heart ringing saying and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known well that's one of those that is so requested i mean good night how many of you all three of you carol clifford goodall renee ford and three for me is a lot this ain't nbc y'all this ain't abc cbs there may have been even more but that's that's one of the most requested that butler land which didn't even hold ah so good how are y'all doing what are y'all talking about holy oh hey matthew cellino tammy crow baba alawah already said hey do you you should try diet green tea citrus from aldi huh well i might have to i don't know anything about it mixing it is a great alternative yeah mixing the two sweet and unsweet is very good i don't like stevia or um thank you for offering that suggestion amanda sluca but i don't like stevia i don't like sweet and low i don't like any of those i don't there is an aftertaste that i can taste hello laurie love from all way over there in john city tennessee and hello steven briscoe there's no e and lowry but that's okay that's okay i answer to anything fact i even think if you type mark lowry.com but put e in it it'll still come to me i think we acquired all of those web addresses i don't know if we still have them or not miss seeing my face thank you sherry hoeflick what about the song jesus jesus a little heaven and earth kathy that is a beautiful one proclaim [Music] kings and kingdoms may all pass away but there's something about [Music] that name that is a purty one oh yes there is my 93 year old father's favorite thank you connie atkins kennedy is he watching hey 93 year old father of connie atkins kennedy hello half and half yes ooh tea and hope johnson that sounds good half tea and half lemonade is one of hope johnson's favorites oh kings and kingdoms hey let's go back over here and see what else i picked oh this is a good one y'all okay sit up straight when we all get to heaven who requested this when oh when we oh my goodness i love this one i don't know who requested it when is that a good key everybody oh went up on like spillovers you were ten oh this is count your blessings what am i thinking who asked for this one count your blessings was uh it's page 23 in the hymnal and it is nathan terrace oh we must have already done this haven't scratched through who cares let's sing it again when upon lust fills you a tempest tossed when you are discouraged thinking all is lost count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the lord has done count your blessings name them one by one count your blessing see what god has done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what god has done are you ever burdened with a load of care does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear count your many blessings every doubt will fly and you will keep singing as the days go by count your blessings name them one by one count your blessing see what god has done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what god has done so amid the conflict whether great or small do not be disheartened god is over all count your many blessings angels will attend help and comfort give you to your journeys and count your blessings name them one by one count your blessing see what god has done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what god has done so what are you thankful for i'm thankful for a good doctor who uh dr michael greaser who fixed my leg by the way everybody asks how's your leg the leg is great and i can um i can walk and sometimes i don't even notice that i'm walking you know most of the time i really know i mean because it's still sore and it's healing and it has to every time i go this direction and put all my weight on it that's 200 and more pounds a lot it's a lot but it's still none of your business anyway but it's having to carry that but it'll you know what the more weight the more tension the more pressure you put on bones the stronger they get just like you the more pressure from the the coved 19 the the uh hunkering down the quarantine the loneliness the pressure pressure pressure it should make you stronger don't crash beneath the pressure get stronger bones do that that's why they got to come back to earth eventually those people out there in outer space because your bones get weak if there's no gravity pulling on them that's what i've heard but you know what do i know i'm a recovering fundamentalist i have no idea do you enjoy it alana richards i enjoy singing with you too thank you for harmonizing hello from vail arizona how nice that must be my ankle's doing good i was just talking about it and thank you for asking tom gla gaddis it's uh it's getting better it really is let me see what else wonderful i love singing along glad your leg thank you linda brewer sing mama sing bass dance ain't dinner that's wha that's what you wrote carson did you mean daddy's hang bass mama sang tenor mean little you almost have to have more than one singer you can't do a solo of daddy saying bass that's just not proper that won't work oh get all excited wes elliott wes elliott get all excited no you know that's one note bill gaither wrote that song he must have written that like in an afternoon or less because it's one note think about it get all excited go tell everybody that oh we're gonna change notes jesus christ is king okay we're gonna stand one note another time for a real long time get all excited go tell everybody but boy wasn't that fun to sing back in the day in the 70s we sang that all the time so bill knows how to hit a nerve even if it is just one note at a time my board must be very strong my my doctor said oh my bones maybe sandra gray bagwell said to take pressure off my spine drop uh okay some of the i don't know what you said respond drop the eight i thank you for giving us oh thank you eden batangan because you love jesus like i love him too isn't he easy to love what's not to love you know i used to think you're gooey if you said you love jesus like aren't you good or you're just like over because i think i heard preachers kind of make fun of people who would say oh jesus jesus when they prayed you know and um i remembered that but boy now i don't know the older i get the more i love him and i love that he loves me and he likes me too you know that you know god likes you mrs holland who passed away recently my third grade teacher passed away she was 88 she's the one that told me god liked me when i was in the third grade you know god likes you don't ever forget he didn't just love you he likes you his heart skips a beat when you walk in the room when you walk into his presence that's why he said we could come boldly into his presence just run and jump up in his lap and some people say well you know might look down on you don't think you hey nobody gets to copyright jesus nobody gets to trademark jesus you can own him as well as anybody else and by owning him i mean embracing him he's yours right and he'll teach you what he wants you to know don't let the sanctimonious ruin your journey okay what else we gonna sing let's go back over here to uh name the one all right oh he giveth more grace who wanted this two of you janet patrick and it's page 267 janet pat patrick and shelley mengiocotty requested he giveth more grace when the burden grow greater he sendeth more strength when the laborers increase to added afflictions he added his mercy to multiplied trials his multiplied peace i love this song his love has no limits his grace has no measure his power has no boundary known unto men for out of his infinite riches in jesus he giveth and giveth and giveth again when we have exhausted our store of endurance when our strength has failed air the day is half done when we reach the end of our hoarded resources the father's full giving is only begun now listen to this verse i'd not heard this one fear not that thy need shall exceed his provision our god ever yearns his resources to share lean heart on the arm [Music] everlasting veiling the father both thee and thy load will bear for his love no limits his grace has no measure his power [Music] has no boundaries known unto men for out of his infinite riches in jesus he giveth and giveth and giveth again you know what that song i know it's a slow one and uh but the words did you read those words let's go back and read those words i'd love to read words here it is okay fear not that thy knees heal oh my goodness our father's full giving his only begone okay now here's another verse that i've not i don't know if you've seen this verse before or maybe it's kind of so wordy or worded and and what's the word antiquatedly you know it's kind of old-sounding fear not fear not oh my god you know that's what the angels always say when they show up and i always told the lord now listen if you ever send an angel to me please make sure they say fear not first thing out of their mouths i don't want no angels showing up hey mark you know 20 feet tall i'd not unless he has time for me to go change my underwear but if you'll say fear not maybe i won't i won't miss myself fear not that thy need shall exceed his provision wow our god ever yearns his resources to share lean hard on the arm everlasting availing isn't that cool lean hard on the arm everlasting availing the father both thee and thy load will up bear for his love has no limits his grace has no measure his power has no boundary known unto men for out of his infinite riches in jesus he giveth and giveth and giveth again yes he does all right is that it i guess that's it that's all i had prepared what y'all got prepared did y'all have a couple of songs fear not for i have redeemed you i have called you my name oh that i love that lucy ross that's a good word that's in the bible somewhere isn't it when you quote something like that give me the passage if you have it handy fear not for i have redeemed you i have you know he has he's called you he's called you by name he has your name written in the palm of his hand that's what he said i didn't say that he said it i don't even know you there's 1659 of you how can i know you that's why you also need to get in a good local church wherever you are find one that knows something about grace and loves the bible and loves jesus more than anything because when you get sick i won't be coming to the hospital to pray with you but if you're a member of a good bible believing church right they'll come and visit you you don't need to be alone all right this will be all right all right all right what is that nervous tick when we have exhausted our store of rood when our strength is gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] here it is oh i love this revelation 12 11 joyce smith we overcome him the devil i presume by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony so that's what we're doing when i go live what we're doing we're just kind of getting together and talking about jesus and singing about him and holding on to each other pray for scott davis i don't know if you know but his brother-in-law passed away today or maybe last night i just got a text from scott it's really thrown him for a loop so if you think about my buddy scott davis pray for him fear not you're right penny bovee those aren't those beautiful words fear not but what healthy father would want his children to fear anything and your father in heaven is the healthiest father that ever breathed a breath remember i said he's watching everything you do not so he can stomp you but because he loves you so much he can't take his eyes off of you that's why yeah my goodness can't you understand how crazy he is about you fear not fear not if i had a little niece or a nephew which i do they're not little anymore but when they were little and and they were in the dark i would grab them and hold them and say don't be afraid you don't have to fear anything i've got you well i want you to know your father's got you you know that you may be alone but i am telling you look me in the eye i'm telling you your father's got you he is crazy about you he'd rather die than live without you uh diana hart so young wants to sing page 147 147 and ooh i love this one in fact i think i got the words let me find it hold on now please lord let me come back over to the lyrics page okay get rid of that one come back over here oh come on okay i love you lord and i lift my voice to worship you shall we gather at the river here it is oh my soul rejoice take joy my king well that's little i'll fix that in a little while and what you hear you know that may it be a sweet sweet [Music] ready you ready to sing this shall we gather at the river where bright angel feet of trot with its crystal tide forever flowing by the throne of god yes we'll gather come on sing yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of god oh well soon we'll reach the shining river soon our pilgrimage will cease soon our happy hearts will quit with the melody of peace everybody sing yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of god and we need to meet at the river don't you think should the lord come uh before i see you in person should the lord come before we meet on on this earth i'll meet you at the river you know that'd be a good place to meet get to the river by the throne yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of god i bet you that's where mama's hanging out but if there's a line in in front of the throne mama has wormed her way to the front of that line cause i know she's gonna be at the feet of jesus that woman was crazy about him how are you mary mirth westner thank you for praying for scott davis wanda glasgow caldwell that's sweet of you thank you so much i know that'll bring peace to him greetings from east berlin pennsylvania thank you billy stightly and marilyn broadwater and lucy and eaton and tonya and karen and ronda and all of you thank you all for tuning in and if you've been watching on youtube i hope you've subscribed by now and have hit the notification bell and get all notifications so when i go live which i do spontaneously just whenever i feel like it uh i feel like whenever i feel like singing and you know it helps me keep my throat you know i'm 62. i got to kind of sing every now and then to get it warmed up i love him i love the lord well he's the lilly of the valley the bright and morning star the fairest of ten thousand to my soul i love that song might not north dakota look it there that's a long ways away and i bet it's cold up there and why not 60s oh that's not bad 66. it's very nice here today in houston thank you lord thank you lord that we got water hot water hot water that we can drink in the shower we'll have to worry about not drinking it thank you that you know you those kind of little things you don't even think about until you have to boil your water you know but now we don't have to we got electricity uh i only lost the electricity for a few hours and my generator which i was so thrilled to have came on for 30 seconds then broke well he's clammed up and quit running i don't know if that's because uh uh i don't know that's because there was a lack of gas maybe the gas wasn't plentiful enough to run it it's a natural gas generator by generac and um it just ran for 30 seconds and quit and then of course when you try to call the people who sold it to you two years ago won't even return your call probably because they're they're swarmed but you know anyway there's just something to complain about y'all think i'm happy all the time when i kept calling that place that sold me that gener generators plus or something like that oh when you're buying it don't they call you back call you back but when it breaks down in the middle of a pandemic with the worst cold houston's ever had and they don't call you back immediately you can lose your faith you know we christians are just as much evil as everybody i mean really we get mad just like everybody else try to pretend we don't now we might get convicted about it a little quicker than some people you know if we're listening to our savior but we still can get mad if we don't watch ourselves can't we thank you lord for saving my soul thank you lord for making me whole oh we need to pray for ruby stevens her chest pains yesterday you know i love how y'all pray for each other when you see these comments these comments that fly by for me some of y'all really really do you know pray for these people and i thank you for that uh now you know all these mark lowry fan pages that they try to these people overseas while i'm sleeping on this i'm fixing to complain again you ready on this side of the world there are these foreigners on the other side of the world and some other known tongue because they can barely speak english coming up with mark larry fan page and they try to get you to come over there and as soon as i wake up i go and ban them all and if danny doesn't catch them danny phillips or philip q that we we're all trying to catch them but don't believe it i never have been a part of a fan page i don't there may be one but i'm not a part of it i want to ever excuse me i will never ask you to uh give me money i will never personally facetime i mean you know try to what do you call it ins direct message all that don't do it i don't do it so please don't buy into that they'll be on this one too you know and i'll have to go ban them as soon as i hang up with y'all i'll be checking it out but thank you if you're watching on uh facebook please um what do i want you to share share share share sharing is caring that's jimmy year he came up with that that was funny but it does that's how we spread the word that we're doing these live check-ins and and live sing-alongs and and can't wait to see you hopefully you can come out march 7th at that united methodist church the baptist will be invading the methodist church but we all sing that the same jesus the risen one you know that one that died and rose again that's the one we worship all right y'all i love you let's see if there's anything else i want to tell you about oh if you want to be up if you want to know anything about my uh my uh 35 what it is it's five cds from the 1980s here's one that i recorded one of the four or one of the five that you'll get with the 35 special it's called he's alive look how young i was in that picture and uh i wrote one i wrote joy i wrote the liar song i think i wrote i love you friend uh i wrote i wonder if he paid too much i wrote we will succeed and i think i wrote god that cannot fail so i wrote a lot of that album that's back in the day when i was writing a lot so if you want to order that you can go to marklowery.com store and uh and you can pre-order and it will get to you soon soon um i think it's the 19th of may i think so danny will correct me if that's wrong all right god bless and i will see you when i see you bye-bye all right there it is alexa play mark lowry you
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 8,759
Rating: 4.9723501 out of 5
Id: ZR9oaSY0By8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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