Mark Lowry - Mama and Dementia

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I was showing that picture of mom with you a little bit ago and I was in the nursing home whether she had dementia told you that already I just want to make sure I remember that I told you that already because everything momma got everything mama get caught I got everything mama had a thyroid tumor I had a thyroid tumor mama got a parotid gland tumor I had a product gland tumor mama had a hysterectomy I'm still waiting on that but seems like everything she gets I get but in fact a year before she passed she looked at me and said are you my son I said well les you messed around I am which really doesn't make any sense she could have messed around I'd still been her son I failed biology but it but a week before she passed away one thing I learned about dementia and about some when you go through something like that is you don't get to plan your entrance and you don't get to plan your exit God does that now you can plan your exit but you don't want to do that that's called suicide then you get to heaven your mansions not ready you've got to go live with your in-laws you don't want to do that do not get there early and like like Sheila said if you thought about it you're not alone bring it out into the light and you'll see how powerless it is I mean half the people on this stage you're on medication you're not alone seriously I was in the nursing home with Mama I pulled out my iPhone and I'm so glad I did we started singing all she could do now was sing she knew every word to every hymn and we started singing and we started singing a song that she wrote and listened at the end she forgot who wrote it watch this you know who wrote that you wrote oh I did [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] I miss her you know what I wish she passed away I thought who's gonna pray for me now cuz mama prayed for me and she reminded me of it and it dawned on me I don't need anybody to pray for me now cuz mama can now bully her way to the front of the throne until Jesus face to face what her boy needs this is the same woman when I would come home from school with notes on my lapel do they still do that the teachers took I would sometimes there'd be a novel hanging and I had to carry that document of defeat home from school and but you know what I never thought well this will be the letter this will be the note that will get me kicked out of this family it never crossed my mind I knew they couldn't cut down enough trees to make enough paper to make mama stop loving me Mama's the one who tucked me into bed every night after I'd had my whipping she'd say mark oh yeah oh yeah I got spanked now kids get a timeout oh my lord would to God I'd have ever got a timeout Oh send me to my room I'll redecorate it but mama would tuck me into bed every night y'all and listen to this I'm serious tell your grandchildren this even if you don't believe it tell them mama would say one day God's gonna use you my mom believed in me she'd say every night didn't matter what I'd done that day mark one day God's gonna use you and I don't even know if she believed it looking back on it but I believed it I believed it I'd go to bed dreaming about it she said one day God's gonna use you but until he does take this pill I mean she wasn't stupid
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 897,090
Rating: 4.8820891 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Lowry, Bev Lowry, Beverly Lowry, Mama Lowry, Dementia, Alzheimers, Mark Lowry Live, Mark Lowry 2018, Mark Lowry Comedy, Mark Lowry Funny, Mark Lowry Bill Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither Group, Gaither Vocal Band, Gaither Live, Gaither Concert, Gaither Music Live, Gaither Vocal Band Live, Gaither Homecoming, Gaither Gospel, Gaither Videos, Gaither Music TV, Gaither Concerts, Gaither Tour, Mark Lowry Tour, Mark Lowry Concert Dates
Id: d-wS8_bWZ-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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