Mark, Wes, Kevin and Rory waiting on Michael and David

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well I'm in Nashville and flew in from Houston last night and of course my bag didn't make it and I only have one bag and it was one non-stop no changing playings it just put the bed and they charge you $20 tonight do not deliver your bag but I'm not it's all the airlines I'm not blaming anyone up its continental but I have to fly continental it up there they are big and Houston and I like continental not like dealt out like a long when they just you're gonna charge $20 per bag and lease refund the money when you don't deliver the bag that's what I say oh here we are this is my little boy haircut that's my wife calls oh she does of your little boy haircut people see me that you just see me this way they think I've gotten some kind of new haircut it's not this when my hair is at home and stage is what you see on the stage but yeah and this way my this is my old man haircut if I don't have to look nice because I don't like it that moment I'm on the day off thank you sorry about messed up the goods there sorry what are you doing Kevin I'm just waiting I'm just what you say minute ago dollar waiting on her now yeah a dollar waiting on a dime we're waiting on David in Michael we're just dollars wait no dime always we don't know we're always waiting on them they're supposed to be here at 10:00 for this flight and of course they're not what time I was here you had a three-hour drive this morning from Birmingham and you're here he was at 9:30 and I flew from Houston last night so I could make sure I'm here on time we're waiting on yes with the dimes are not here yet the dollars dollar waiting on a dime use that just I heard Jerry Falwell used that one time when he was waiting on the sounds of Liberty they were late and he was mad he's a dollar waiting on a dime and I thought oh that's brilliant I love that I've used that on Bill several times of course it doesn't have the same effect because his dimes are a lot more than my dollars his dimes were made when the mint first went into business actually it was profitable yeah he can remember when rainbows were in black and white there's all - here come the dines there's some country stores we don't know country music but there's country of there's day but he showed that he's the voice the voice that was what he likes me to call him the voice yeah we were in Europe and David thought they were saying no amor night no but they were saying no more tonight no more tonight we have fun that way
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 111,315
Rating: 4.8871474 out of 5
Keywords: Mark, Lowry, Wes, Hampton, Michael, English, David, Phelps, Rory, Rigdon
Id: T1XcOPlUo50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2009
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