Kevin Williams/Gordon Mote/Michael Booth (I'll Fly Away/Working on a Building/Old Gospel Ship)
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Channel: psalmofpraise
Views: 167,375
Rating: 4.8705139 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin, Wiliams, bass, guitar, Gordon, Mote, piano, vocals, Michael, Booth, drums, funny, fun, comedy, humor, Christian, gospel, style, styles, music, mishmash, mish, mash, 2017, IMC, Southwest, Gospel, Music, Festival, Grand, Canyon, University, Phoenix, Arizona, I'll, Fly, Away, I'm, Working, On, Building, reggae, jazz, rock, ship, working, on, building, mish-mash, mish mash
Id: pBuf-qB6vDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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