OnThe Road with Mark Lowry (Charleston, SC)

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so today today is Friday December 1st 2017 and we are someone I'm not real sure I know last night we were in Lakeland then we went to the Waffle House wasn't that wonderful and now I'm going into service entrance I think what city are we in we're in North Austin North Georgia no I'm not chosen North Charleston South Carolina yes do you like this place yeah well that's where we are y'all North Charleston South Carolina tonight with the gate for Christmas homecoming and now I'm going to catering you know me first thing you do is find catering and this is how you find we got this way the catering see my new shirt - God is crazy about sir wait what'd you what'd you say I have actually didn't even know where I was so I asked the lady a minute ago I get up in a new world every day what's good to you here wow that's a long time ago he remembers when we were here 25 years ago all right here we go you come around see these arenas are so stinking big and I can get lost so easy and the older I get it the easier it is for me to get lost I don't know what the equation there oops look so it must be well must be down here somewhere you just keep there's production let's see well that's beautiful look that said production that looks like nobody's producing anything in there look Bill Gaither let's see if I know he's not in here why would he be but this is his dressing room which he never goes to probably except when he has someone now he does take about an hour a day to make some of one of these girls fix his hair that takes about an hour hey we're catering I'm catering that way oh there's production see they have one sign down there that said production nobody's in it but here's where it all happens this is where they produce the show somehow all the technical and then all the towels that all the people use to take showers okay we're headed to catering it's around here somewhere look deep in bays in here nope nobody's in there all right here's the cream there's where the crew goes hey here's a crew this is our cameraman tell them your name I'm Paul this is Paul the cameraman one day now you were right in my face last night I was around your face and I think I saw you even smiling you had a couple jokes they were pretty funny you liked him most of them are very funny oh and some of them are hilarious thank you Paul from a millennial can you believe that they were always cracks me up we're catering catering is right there that's the first place that's the first place that we all look for see were part-time singers were full-time eaters that's what Bill Gaither Oakes I'm not here it is [Music] Catering this is where the real magic happens [Music] hey listen you know this man right here is our family this is Abraham Lincoln he's our drummer but he has a special yeah that the Lord has given him and he rarely uses it you know it takes a real anointed moment this I had to feel it yeah yes to be know he can't just you know Bill Gaither the other night of catering did you hear him he said hey Ben he said hey Rick rich what's your name Greg drummer Greg Ritchie he said Greg hit one of those high notes and and Greg wisely said I don't feel it bill right now as it bill he should know when he's on stage he knows what that's not when you feel it when you don't but you just can't tell the spirit what to do no how's the spirit feel right now about one good high note just but he's still a little early but if you'll catch me later I might know later around soundcheck later around soundcheck the Lord just let him know they told me this morning he told you this morning that you're gonna get to hit a high one at soundcheck it's gonna go it's gonna be in me I'm gonna have the gift and let it go and sound check is what time about 3:00 3:00 p.m. Central time today you don't want to miss it Eastern yeah God's going Jesus is gonna come through ok we're 3 p.m. east of an interview at 3 p.m. Eastern how long have you gonna laughs you know way goes a little bit the Lord maybe 3 33 45 all right whenever that interviews over whenever the interview hey y'all tune in when that interview is over and I'm gonna find brother Richie and he's gonna hit a note for y'all that will go down on Facebook for time and memorial Tom and Thomas inhabit on Venus Earl's Dean she does hey if you need anything she's the one to email give him your email and Kevin has a story he's been telling great stories about Wendy Bagwell and so I thought I should have the camera going so what now okay so so 25 years with the Gaithers but then before that there were five years with Wendy bagging sun lighters five the best years of my life so so I've been there about six months and we recorded a big video in Bristol Virginia at Viking Hall and probably couple thousand people there biggest crowd I'd ever been in front of them in my life was Lee and so so with Wendy I played the guitar and played some other stuff and I'd set up and tear down helped drive the bus I didn't under everything so the concert was wonderful what's on video it's probably on YouTube somewhere and so that we finished and I got ready to drive the bus I'm up there got my gloves on got my yoohoo sitting up there and Wendy came up from the back and he had two hundred dollar bills in his hand like that and he said buddy I want to tell you something he said you have a star I saw it and he's waving these two hundred dollar bills in front of me like this you know and I thought I'm getting ready to get a Tempe Mike getting some see he said buddy I know stars when I see it if ever I saw a star you're a star in that building right there that building you're a star 35 years in the business I never seen a star like I saw in that building Mikey Taylor ever more if somebody asked me right now I'd say you was a star but out here you're a bus driver and you're gonna need fuel money there you go yeah I'm gonna - that's a true story that's a fact with my oh didn't you love it when dbag wall if you don't know who Wendy Bagwell you need to google go to youtube i guarantee its own.you yeah and and little Jan Buckner is still out there doing what she does she's bein and she's beautiful as always yeah go to I'm gonna do that myself go don't you people look up ahead of you he thought you were funny oh that's sweet yeah that's true I'm backstage with Bill Gaither we're in Charleston South Carolina and we are I mean does this place hold several thousand and it's just about full but they're still taking there's always tickets you don't want to miss this concert buddy green was there last night Lakeland Florida it was great and LSC it was an linda Randall and and you know who blew my mind was that little Todd singing let there be peace on earth I think it's a very timely topic I think people are in that area we're living at a time where people say pretty hateful things about each other oh yeah that's not necessary as children of God even with our bun tubes like dig a little deeper it's got a great message to it there are times as Christians that we have all kind of things thrown at us and it may even get worse I don't know well as a child of God that you've been with me now 20 30 years since 1988 I believe in this philosophy at that time you just dig a little deeper in the storehouse of God's love and say hey you know I wish you liked me and maybe over a period of time you will but we cannot react we can't react what we need to do is act what we need to do is let a little like a little song that we learned in Sunday school it was a little ad probably most profound song I'm gonna let it shine through so so tonight we're in Charleston and then tomorrow night you are in where you tomorrow night we're right outside Charlotte and I always want their name town arena right outside of Charlotte North Carolina yeah yes and I'm sure they're still tickets available there so and I'll be in Grapevine Texas Sunday morning what a word that Devils Fort Worth that area yeah Dallas Fort Worth for your church uh-huh first yeah yeah didn't we go to mark Lowry comma to tell you we're a little bee I have to go to my own website to find out where I'm going to you yeah but but but normally I know but this is different at different if it were Charlotte I could remember that and I can remember the Savannah like remember Charles telling River Lake and I can remember Gloria that's that's good she had to wear a nametag asacs must but otherwise pretty good come out come on out and see us
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 30,936
Rating: 4.9416666 out of 5
Id: eJMqHguZPnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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