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[Applause] [Music] well hello everybody welcome to Monday's with mark live from Houston Texas in my bedroom / office / studio and I'm so glad you're here I uh was sitting here watching the opening I'm seeing all you talking to somebody I think her name was Aidan from Cape Town South Africa you're already tuned in hello Shirley blazer David Lane Elizabeth Dillon Mary Warner Matthew goudreau ad RCN 66 Chris LED Paula shepherd Michelle Williams Jenny Montgomery all of you tuning in hello hello hello please make sure you're subscribed hit subscribe write down wait it's over there in net right down over there subscribe and share this please share it on Facebook share it on your Instagram Oh act like you can do share it on Instagram sure wherever you can share it share it that's how we get the word out and start building the audience so Monday's with mark will continue then get bigger and bigger and bigger and we can that way we can reach the world and never leave no I love leaving the house I had an incredible lunch today hello Lorraine Mahan I hope you're watching Lorraine Mahan is a friend of mine from way back in the Liberty days and she's in Houston right now she has cancer she has some type of blood cancer it's very very rare so if you will remember Lorraine my hand in your prayers and she said something to me today she said I am so thankful that I got cancer she said because it has been a journey of learning to trust my father she said every day I just wake up say okay father what are we doing do today because he's having to really live by faith cos she came to Houston had nowhere to stay she's staying in different places she I didn't find out she was here till just the other day because she forgot I lived here I mean we're talking about we were friends 40 years ago and when I say friends I well I think we were good friends but I would sing in their church in Maryland and said she was so funny she still is laughs and I was reading before I got on here tonight I don't you know I was reading cuz I thought Oh Lord here comes on Mondays and I haven't read my Bible like I should have you know how you try to catch catch up with God when you take about to take a test do you ever do that well I do as Jesus this is John 9 I love this as Jesus was walking along he saw a man who had been blind from birth rabbi his disciples first of all Jesus saw him but then the disciples have the question rabbi why was this man born blind was it because of his own sins or his parents sins in that funny how we're always looking for some sort of sin or some reason why this had but Jesus said it was not because of his sense or his parents sins I love what Jesus says next this happened so the power of God could be seen in him have you ever thought that maybe the thing you've begged God to remove from your life this cancer or whatever it may be spouse not me well that could be their abusive and all you know uh maybe they're there so the glory of God that doesn't make any sense but it does make sense that this he was blind jesus said so that the glory of God could be revealed in him and then if you read on Jesus Vince makes a mud pie and sticks it in his eyes says here in verse 6 then he spit on the ground made mud with saliva and spread the mud over the blind man's eyes and don't you know that hurt have you ever had mud in your eye and then he said go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam which Sonya Isaacs pointed out to me that that's not even the closest pool Jesus didn't pick a pool close by it was it was far away so the man went because he knew as Sonya Isaac's points out so brilliantly and that song she wrote with whoever at Jimmy Aryan I don't know who else she wrote it with called waiting in the water if you haven't heard it you need to go here at waiting in the water so the men go to the pool and wash yourself in Salaam so the man went and washed and came back seeing alright his neighbors and others who knew him as a blind beggar asked each other isn't that the man who used to sit and beg some said he was and some others said no he just looks like him but the beggar kept saying yep yes I'm the same woman and they asked who healed you what happened he told them the man they called Jesus made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me go to the pool of Siloam and wash herself so I went and washed and now I can see where is he now they asked I don't know I've barely got a glimpse of him no it doesn't say that but he says I don't know but he did he didn't see Jesus right his boy had never caught a glimpse of Jesus he said I don't know you blind then they took the blind man took the man who had been blind to the Pharisees now these are the Deacons of the day and the Deacons because it was on the Sabbath that Jesus had made the mud and healed him that the Deacons or the Pharisees asked the man all about it so he told them he put the mud over my eyes and when I washed it away I could see some of the fairy said this man Jesus is not from God for he is working on the Sabbath others said but how could an ordinary sinner do such miraculous signs so there was a deep division amongst the Deacons and so then the Deacons again questioned the man who had been blind and demanded what's your opinion about this man who healed you the man replied well I think he must be a prophet see he didn't even know Jesus as Savior yet Jesus have passed out healings and gifts to people that don't even belong to him he is so that way the Jewish leaders still refused to believe the man had been blind and could now see so y'all know this is a weird way to start the show but I'm doing it anyway now the Jewish leaders still refused to believe the man had been blind and could now see so they called in his parents they asked them is this your son was he born blind if so how can he see and his parents replied we know this is our son and he was born blind but we don't know how he can see or who healed him ask him he's old enough to speak for himself his parents said this because they were afraid the Deacons who had announced that anyone saying Jesus was the Messiah would be expelled from church the synagogue that's why they said he's old enough ask him they were scared so for the second time they called in the man who had been blind and told him God should get the glory for this because we know this man Jesus is a sinner and the blind man said I don't know if he's a sinner the man replied I know this I was blind and now I can see and you know I heard someone say one time a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument and he was blind now you can see that I don't know if he's a sinner or not Allah knows I ain't stumbling over things anymore but what did he do they asked howdy to you you look the man exclaimed I told you once didn't you listen why did you why do you want to hear it again and then he asked them this do you want to become his disciples too and with that they cursed him and said you are his disciple but we are disciples of Moses we know God spoke to Moses but we don't even know where this man comes from why that's very strange the man replied he healed my eyes and yet you don't know where he comes from we know that God doesn't listen to sinner's but he is ready to hear those who worship Him and his will this guy was preaching to the Deacons ever since the world began no one has been able to open the eyes of someone born blind if this man were not from God he couldn't have done it you were born a total sinner they answered are you trying to teach us and they threw him out of church the synagogue it says here but in our day for us it be Church because it's old people throw us out I guess and listen to this I love this next verse when Jesus heard what had happened when Jesus heard they had thrown him out he found the man and asked first of all the thing that jumped out at me is sometimes you gotta get kicked out before Jesus will show up have you been kicked out of church have you been found ostracized from church if he felt shunned from church because you're not good enough well listen to this Jesus heard what had happened and he found the man and he said do you believe in the Son of Man the man answered who is he sir I want to believe in him you've seen him jesus said and he is speaking to you yes Lord I believe and the man worshiped Jesus in that cool if he hadn't been kicked out Jesus might not ever shown up and how cool is it to have been led to Jesus by Jesus I love that story hey listen guys guy Penrod is here tonight and I didn't mean to get off on all that but I was reading that again I love that I get stuck on chapters and just can't get away hey Paula Shepherd hey bless everyone brother J's on here yes yes sure I don't know what they're talking yet I didn't throw me out and they didn't throw me out I left oh don't leave don't throw the baby out with the bathwater there's still some good people there that love Jesus you know Jesus had let the wheat and the chaff grow up together so they're all in there but still it's good to be in a community all right listen here's several things I want to tell you about LifeWay christian store is selling what's not to love you know my brand my new dove award-winning CD well anyway they're selling it and they've got a very good special $7 in something so do me a favor if you live near a LifeFlight Christian bookstore go in there and purchase one for a friend or for yourself if you don't have one and thank them for selling my CD I really do appreciate them doing that let's see and the rust half movie is coming out tomorrow night 7 p.m. please go to Russ Taff movie where is it I have all this ready before I go alive and then I can't find it where is it oh man anyway rust half mahir here I'll just show you this here we go right here we go shame is a prison I was locked up in shainsa prison for over 40 years behind its bars I was safe isolated and hiding from pain disconnected from my family and everyone I ever loved abused as a child shame told me that it was my fault singing for Jesus and living a secret life as an alcoholic shame whispered there is no hope but prison doors were made to be captives can be set free I learned the Gothel is greater than I could have possibly imagined I am a child of the King I am broken I'm an alcoholic I'm forgiven I'm Russ Taff and I still agree [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I believe [Music] tomorrow night I will be in Franklin Tennessee at the Franklin Theatre with Russ and Tory and a bunch of friends and I think it's sold out but please find a theater near you go to Russ Taff let me put that down so you can see me better Russ Taff movie calm and you can find out where our theatre is playing in there near you just type in your zip code and it tells you where it's playing near you if you go over to mark Lowry comm right now you can get the dogs go to heaven t-shirt and God is crazy about you t-shirt for just ten dollars they're my two favorite t-shirts that I have ever sold so you just go to mark Lowry comm slash store and you'll find those over there and also you will find for $8.00 the mark Lowry bobblehead you know we got to do this now start taking your pictures of high where's mark and hide your put your bobblehead in some unusual places take a picture and post it in the comments on any one of these mondays with mark and we're going to go through pull those off and and I'll show my favorite ones thank you all for being here on Monday I'm so glad you're here let me see well next week Dailey and Vincent the bluegrass sensation Dailey and Vincent will be with me and we're going to talk about bluegrass music and how that how that really bluegrass and southern gospel music which is what I've always been a part of really kissing cousins you know you've got some bluegrass gospel groups like the Lewis family a Jeff and Sheri Lewis and others and also I want to remind you if you have not signed up for the crews go to mark Lowry crews calm and in March of 2019 and this is October I'm so late yeah just 20:18 this octo yeah March of 2019 I'm doing my cruise it's March 23rd through the 28th and the Martins will be with me toran degree the ball brothers stand wittmeyer we're gonna have a wonderful time I'd love for you to join us if you've never heard of the Martins well I tell you what I'll just play you something of theirs I'm this past Sunday my good buddy Jeff Bennett up at the Second Baptist Church North invited me to come up me he said the Martins are gonna be at my church Sunday so I went up and he allowed me to sing with the choir I did standing on the promises after with the choir it was amazing they've got a huge choir up there that Second Baptist North and Jeff is incredible so I pulled out my iPhone and of course I recorded one of my favorite Martin songs [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] uh-ho-ho as good that was Sunday morning this past Sunday morning wasn't that pretty Susan yeah Susan says that was beautiful Turner Horne said that was Wow the morning right is married yes right the one on the right oops gone too fast the one on the right is married to Jake Hess son that's right that's Judy and she is married to Jake as grants know jake has his son and she has given birth to Jake as the third he's now 21 and he's doing good Michael F says that song is amazing for me I love the Martin the Martin's I love the Martin's - they're really good the Martins are good - but the Martins if you've not heard the Martin's Amen race of fruit this was fent that was Fanta okay we need to get the guy okay last week when I was at the Gaither Vocal Band reunion taping where I saw Larnell Harris Michael English David Phelps guy Penrod leo trying to go to West Hampton anyway they were all there except you and I got guy a cornered guide said listen I I love the interviews I do when I do for my house live like tonight Monday night October 29th I'm live right so if I was gonna have guy on at the Skype in LA I said I like it better when I can be in the room with him so I set up my camera we were on the Immaculate contraption and guy in the suite wife Angie and their son oh gosh I forget which one is I know I can see him I just can't remember his name right now cuz I'm 60 and um we had a great time we had pizza and then this happened I was thinking today when we were all singing up her butt I looked over you and I thought back to the Liberty days I was four years I've uh I graduated in eighty you graduated 85 so I was five years ahead of you for those around during all that time and I remember when you had short hair you've never seen your daddy with short hair and I'm not excuse me have you seen pictures I have seen pictures a couple tell mark about shaving leave this very afraid everybody how they were they wanted me to shave it so I shaved it and we is literally all and looked at me like I was an alien they didn't like me we've never seen his upper lip and I said well y'all gotta hold it down you're not on camera do what I said I wasn't thinking but I hadn't shaved it in 30 years my mustache so when I shaved it it swelled up and I look like like you had plastic surgery I look like a who from the dr. Seuss from Jim Carrey Christmas movie really so scary I went I got online before you're coming up here and I found a photo that I'm having Paula Johnson go through the archives at Liberty and get from me when you had short hair because everybody had to have short hair oh yeah yeah that was on the Liberty rules there what did go to hell no no he went from Liberty to for those like anybody who may not know but this is guy Penrod we're going yeah we're rolling already rolling yeah I've just turned it on and that way we get this out of the way so we eat but the silver when I first saw you you were Jerry's kid you know I mean you really were you had a very close relationship with him you were in this the sounds of Liberty I was I got a sad story about that telling well my dad pastored a church in New Mexico Temple Baptist Church in Hobbs Hobbs Ameri these are lazy boys too if you want oh that's pretty cool on the side of it well anyway he had dr. Bowen to speak for a especially yeah and he put me up there sing in front of Darkfall speaking you know like any pastor would do his son you've been done that my side weren't sure as I sang a song and dr. Falwell the first thing he said when he come to the pulpit was young man would you like to go to Liberty University my dad was going yes he would I said dad he was shaking his head so I said yes sir and he said if you'll come to Liberty University you'll be singing all the sounds of Liberty and I'll make sure it happens full scholarship for your whole time so I went well the sounds had already gotten all their singers oh really right I mean you know the guy who was in charge every day of rambling yeah I didn't check with him even tip with anybody ever so he just I got there I didn't know anybody in Lynchburg but jerry falwell and i had his phone number so I called their house and my dad mom took me on and dropped me off over there at their house dr. olla yeah no yeah and he drove me in his suburban to the school Jerry did and walked me into Dave Redmon's office and said Dave here's your new member for sounds of Liberty and Dave didn't know anything about it I imagine the love those kids felt from oh and I walked in there and they're like who is this skinny q-tip headed boy well thank God you could sing and they were so nice let me tell you something your voice I love that word train your voice has always been butter it's been better I mean it is butter and you can clock those high notes so why did you grow the hair long because this gorgeous lady who's off camera thank goodness because she's so pretty sure off too much yeah she my wife said as it started to grow [Music] and so I let it grow and like what the Jeff Allen you should say happy wife happy to die happy life and you've got eight kids can you name them I can't Tyler he's 26 Logan he's in here he's 24 Joe is 22 Jesse is 20 and Levi is 18 Grayson the 16 sack is 14 and they're all taller than me even my 14 year old who's the tallest I'll have three of them six seven Tyler Jo and grace in the sixteen year old and then I think Zach might end up getting taller than all right if you'd align the lace all oh the baby you have finished LA see we finally got a girl got it and now were you really feeling just were you just gonna keep going till you got the girl and she it was beautiful why come up just stand up here for me you won't get her in the shot she looks like eight more no I can't you're doing eight is enough is eight was enough I know I begged for the girl got her at eight and said thank you God we're out now if you line them all up which one honestly do you like the best do you like some better on Logan's here so Logan look how are they different you got eight kids like I'm there had a kid but I've had dogs and I found out they have different personalities right now isn't this I didn't know dogs had different personalities till I got three so but which one's the outgoing one well though again our second born is incredibly he always has yeah he's life of the party Levi's a lot like him our fifth is the Sun Joe is third born he's actually very outgoing too he used to stand in in the car before or was there car seat laws or would be just breaking the law that can't remember but we're going down the road in our big ol excursion on trip and he was what probably two two years old and maybe you were giving him a break out of the car seat or something but standing there and hold it and he would we called it preaching because he'd be going talk about simmons-howe whatever that's a little above the Simon event and he would have like this face on it was like all the preachers we knew growing up you know and he'd just look out the women expound a minute it is two year old language and then he'd say mommy mommy did you ever get that hotel oh oh did you not have caribou rib and wallbreakers enough just let him stand up in the front seat well we did don't get a thing saying that you did it right I think we've got too many rules so see if it rules helmet back in the day they just had a lot of kids yeah you lose one you got seven more I mean let him live and have fun I slept in the back windshield of our car did you do oh and the Sun will get down on you and you could snore I bet they never going to do they know well our back wind chills are too small well that straight card like so it would be how soon until they're gone oh that's it that's a face we're going through it's kind of it's wacky because you know there's such hustle and bustle and with ten sitting down to eat you know Shh dining yeah she cooks you know that's a food but now our oldest is back over at Liberty working for the school and their video Department Joe got married our Logan got married in April this year and then they have outside of Cleveland Tennessee and then Joe my third Lauren got married June - Caitlyn from Wisconsin up north and he moved up there for this season about six months he's gonna come back so you've got three three or five at home you step five on five of them but they're you know everyone's doing their own think we find ourselves at home a lot of times by ourselves over eating dinner and what's that line it's weird it's weird I mean that's a big ranch you got now yeah it said how many rooms how many bedrooms you forgot hello live I'm if you have a kid you need so so if I were at home I'm at house soon I mean that what the youngest is home to twelve Lacey's twelve okay see in five six seven years it's gonna be MD but you're still look young yeah I don't know if you feel you only wouldn't have fun absolutely you're gonna run around naked now yeah David did ride little or no so I've told me about what you're doing on the road now you're not in the Vocal Band and neither am i but it fun to get back together this part is so that see everybody is and a team is fun you know it's because you can play with one another joke and you can be Jovi you can up serious moment so you can pass the parts around and then I will it's fun thriller 62 I know I've always loved youtubers I'm a fan of Marx actually look at motors and for so long all the old people out there please this voice really is butter it's glue it's textured I know I produce records thank you I'm a pro I can't believe is good I didn't know I can say you turn I said you didn't think I could when I first joined the group but I came first then Michael left and then you came along and took the vocal been in a whole new direction as far as country he gave it a country by which was a lot of fun up country I know you did it's real earthy you know I like the honesty and they're accessories and the people themselves I mean ever nobody you know has great days every day but they don't it's not a it's not overly good on the country world yeah guys that I know yeah that if you know if you got works that they just hang yeah they talk about it they talk about it which is what Christian music should be right I like that and you're doing that now you're doing your own shows now traveling full time how many dates a year you doing between 60 and 70 yeah that's about right now are you are you ever traveling with him for the fun I go on the fun stuff yeah if it's fun yeah like this ya know if it's a bead so and you got three guitars on stage is it I got the electric acoustic and I they call him a utility man he's so cool what does this apply for carry out a routine here's is he plays mandolin banjo flattop guitar fiddle dobro and you play any of it what part of Kentucky's you know where he's from it's the craziest at Wisconsin he grew up on a dairy farm it was gonna look at a country oh yeah country through and through and all the guys in fact I got no tell me about the guys who are these people Jonathan Windham is a local kid from this area actually we're in Greenville for this video and he's from just outside of here in South Carolina and he he got on the voice and he made it almost to the very last and then he didn't win it but then they've been made a record on him and then he made a record in anyway he moved to Nashville and I picked him up through some mutual friends and he played a blessing he plays guitar it's insane Jason all-bran is a guy from Erie Pennsylvania got going with us from our church we go to Grace Church Nashville yeah Franklin I go to Grace Church on blue fences ain't that crazy grace is truly taken over you know I totally embarrass yes yes okay so that we mention all again and therefore he's from Erie Pennsylvania a keyboard player Tyler Smith who's Michael Douglas boy oh okay he's been coming out playing keyboards with us what a nice years he's a great kid huh and another guy that Jane do something who's been coming a good bit they used to be and the voices of Lee and he's a fabulous piano player singer and then if we need you know to be in bigger venues we augment the band and bring drums bass and all that stuff but therefore thousand cedar we talk ok I'm changing the subject cuz I rise thought of something my ID D just kicked in here we go do you remember the time we were on the bus and you and I were arguing about something religious probably and I said and I was arguing with you and I really agreed with you but I'm just taking the other side just because I didn't like your spirit and you had those eyes no at me I did do you remember what I said I don't I said if I said if I were your kid and you're out your blessing is also your curse because your eyes are your gift when you sing and people look in those eyes and you know you believe it I've never doubted that you believe number one I know you we've had too many great discussions about our faith but also the eyes and you have a not only you have a look that hasn't changed that's why everyone always knows who you are very important for young artists to keep a look I think but number two you got these eyes and you were arguing me and those eyes were piercing I thought my god and this if I were his child this would slay me and I told you I said you know you'd be careful how you look at those kids yeah you don't even remember I don't remember the innocence because just good advice something good man I mean you know I'm not your kid and then ask one of my kids tell I'll tell the story of Lacey putting the picture of Mommy and Daddy on the fridge and we both have about the same length hair right but you could see God because he had major eyebrows black big eyebrows everything have I ever balanced that I've haven't you with that because even when he's telling a story in a restaurant I'm like oh thank you know you I don't you don't you don't but I'm just I would just say you don't know oh god please don't take it that way it was just a fabulous conversation I thought we had because I was noticing it what were that you're not and he's shaking is that you know but the thing is it's your gift all of our gifts are also our curses yeah you know I run my mouth but my that's what I do now what I used to get with for doing in church I get paid to do that you know of your blessing is can't be your curse but you not only have a voice that communicates the gospel as well as anyone I've ever heard and Dana my best friend in the world agrees you're her favorite singer and and you've got a heart that is as big as is the is the state of Texas really I mean I'm no I'm gushing here but I mean I'm like a man and and you have something when you joined you were you were honored I was to look I was a little Eagle list yeah and Gloria just kept chipping away with grace you know he is a very good sculptor she she is then I heard another good word this morning but no it's so true that's that's good honesty there because when you know you're young and you start out and you think you know some things oh boy don't we yeah and and then life his chips out the head there's a lot of different things and twists and turns in them and don't you think your kids have helped you oh absolutely because you knows you can really be against something real real real hard until one of your kids deals with is through or goes through it like you know when we're growing up getting a divorce oh my gosh I remember them bringing them in front of the church and kicking people out of our church because they've been divorced but that's what they thought that's what Paul said they thought you know I know so many people have been divorced we have to let them in we would have a craft you know but the good news is for everybody who's been divorced that God has to Jeremiah three God divorced his room night to come back at the end of the chapter but nevertheless and he's the one who said it not me he protect himself as a divorcee got divorced in from God could pastor a Baptist Church think about that know what I've bought on what I love about the grace of God is it makes room at the table for body thank God for grace mercy patience is that why your kids have told you oh gosh yes lots of patience the concept of them having mercy for our you know I I have some some dear friends who who counselled with regard to children and such acquaintances books I've read and yet they don't have very many or the any some of them don't have children all right and it will give you some good advice and how do you look at them with those eyes when they do this I love your eyes so give the best eyes in the world man they tell everything you're thinking it's hard to that's for sure okay so heavy well I you know we are so God is so in control and he's so God and we're so not that I use this a lot in my own thought processes but I say it too this way how many of us had enough money and I speak their energy and I had to get married when we got married and in all these years I've been doing this I've had one person raised her hand and she said well my husband and I our parents were rather flattened out we were trained to be accountants and we were very responsive ya wanna settle one out of thousands about it and I use the same example with kids how many of you had enough money and we're prepared to have kids nobody is we don't know how they don't come with a manual no you know you're just gonna screw up and you're gonna make mistakes and if they weren't so resilient you know you run jump off a cliff somewhere because you just mess them up so bad but they're resilient and the the thing that that I say to to those that that hope for the thing that the Lord put in them in a word with regard to our marriages is that they just because we are riddled with divorce or riddled with our humanity and it gets the best of us a long time it doesn't change the standard that the Lord set and he said it works best if you just stay why would think so gorilla scrub scrub but just stayed all the history you would lose if you start all over to serve the history then you gotta have two separate banks Gibbons and two separate Christmases and more in-laws and that well my gosh stick it out now and I'm just thankful that all of them have come with me all these years my kids can't really go anywhere but they got a wife has chosen to as long as she'll feed on the keeps tape Shawn frosted flakes cocoa pebbles how many eggs a morning Lord when they were all in the house they well it wasn't enough if he's wanted to Gus and when they were all eaten she knows we're winding down there's only five at home yeah are you learning how to adapt it's kind of hard yeah but I am I am yeah all right yeah well thank you God P right I love you oh wait before we go please sing a little something acapella acapella yes as we always do this there's anything the Lord lays on your heart and put it in that key that's comfortable you don't have to hit any harder Darry drawn from a man and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains lose all their guilty stains lose all their guilty stains and [Music] beany lose all [Music] the better son I love it I love Jesus identify over that one oh yeah didn't Jesus the best you don't have all the religions the world I chose that what I chipped my that's not what I choose that one does he did off you know what I want to hear to all the others you know work think about this what and studied a little flood and then I want to talk about all right their concept and I won't use names because I don't want to I don't me give you a preconceived notion I just want you to search this out but let by the spirit and you're what you're made so I've heard it preached one way this way and end this way and I'm falling for this way okay if you're gonna preach the blessings new to Old Testament you have to preach the curses as well what are those well they're whole bunch oh oh really yeah all God curse them to me and everything all there's all kinds of curses and then I've also heard well Jesus I don't believe in this now listen Jesus became a curse for us for it is written cursed to see six of Lee he became the curse for us and bought us all blessings so we actually get all of it and okay all of the good I like that but how that applies how do we live that out marrying the Old Testament because you know we study it in me it's part Bible right but it's always a conundrum a bit you know what how how they go to get right and because of the the theology that has messed up the way we are to view the law the law points out sin but it doesn't save me no it's a babysitter exactly Jesus could show up and then he showed up fulfilled it so think that just think it through a little bit and talk to me what are we thinking through the the blessings and curses Jack gotta go just have it now there were all the blessings its Deuteronomy 28 when he says the Abrahamic blessing is Deuteronomy 28 all the blessings and then the curses all of the pre-qualification I stay out of state I'm already running me much I don't I've got to get somebody to teach me because I stay out of those scary folks about this then the other law and not just jump over in Jesus I love Matthew I just can't hardly get out of Matthew and I know I should but I am reading a book by Richard Rohr about to our standing by will go through Genesis to Revelation and how they all go together and I think that is a book you would yeah I not just started who is your litter what more Richard Rohr a roller ROH our Gloria turned me on to him years ago all right let me talk to you this will help you I think if I understand the question and the question is how do you well let me let me put a little bit more to it all of the the pre qualifications for blessing freedom oh yes my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves Aryan and then in in the New Testament these these perceived qualifications if you'll do this and that and this and that then I'll bless you okay but yeah that sounds like worse icing on the unless you do you got to do in order to get well yeah but Salvation though is all like you know our part in Salvation I've heard it said and I've repeated many times is yes and thanks we agree with God really that we were worth it I mean because the I contend that the pot that didn't tell father what the pots were the Potter has told about what the pots worth in the pod God thought you were worth dying for and I'll rude enough to agree with an absolute so I have it changed my whole way of thinking that when I look in the mirror now I really have tell myself there's the image of God doesn't matter if I don't like the image or if I wish my nose came to a point this is the way he wanted me to be in looking everything about me right right and so I helps to agree with him that man the Creator doesn't get to tell the Creator you did do the job when you made me that's right it's very great yeah and like you say in concert it's enough about you people you know because there's such a we are I that that he died really dude there's such a war there's been such a war at least in my sphere that I've traveled in it against man I think waged by the enemy to just keep you in the dark as to who you are is who you what you are and how much you're worth yes what authority you have what are you ready yeah no that's a big thing he wants to keep us feeling come over here sit around here who feet so you can be in this little kitchen yeah well I'm an role and I don't have to use any of this but I will trust me this is good conversation but if you sit right there I can get you in this shot because you have as much say as all of us she does okay so so anyway yes I agree with it and and Richard war also who our foods here and that was the end of the conversation our food arrived hey I probably should edited that better I just realized I was gonna I thought it I edited it where it ended after the song then the conversation kept going so I don't really know what guy was asking me to y'all I think he's there curses in the Old Testament that if you don't do let's see I don't believe that we're under any kind of curse I believe Jesus has broken all the curse the law has been fulfilled we are in the day of grace where God looks at us in his heart skips a beat because he sees us through the blood of the Lord Jesus we are delivered we're clean we're his kid and he knows that we have a tough time here on earth and it's tough he was but he was here too you know Jesus walked amongst us so he knows how tough it can be but maybe you're what you're going through tonight is so that the glory of God can be revealed in you maybe I don't know next week I'll see you there on Monday night with Dailey and Vincent what a wonderful wonderful show that'll be I love them they're bluegrass and they are they love the Lord too but they're in the bluegrass world which you know you'd love the Lord and be any kind of world you can be a plumber doctor lawyer rock and roll singer preacher in dividing love the Lord and what's not you know so next week I'll see you I love you guys thank you for tuning in Thank You guy pin rod thank you Martens thank you all for being my friends and and allowing me to share you with my youtube family good night
Channel: Mark Lowry
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Keywords: Mark Lowry, Guy Penrod, Mondays with Mark, Gaither Homecoming Videos, Gaither Vocal Band, Mark Lowry Live, Mark Lowry 2018, Mark Lowry Comedy, Mark Lowry Funny, Mark Lowry Bill Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither Group, Gaither Concert, Gaither Music Live, Gaither Vocal Band Live, Gaither Homecoming, Gaither Gospel, Gaither Videos, Gaither Music TV, Gaither Concerts, Gaither Tour, Mark Lowry Tour, Mark Lowry Concert Dates, Gaither Vocal Band Guy Pendrod
Id: UvFSWQhqvcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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