Michael English joins Mark Lowry for the Monday CHECK-IN

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oh hello everybody hello well hello everybody it is monday january 4th 4 p.m i accidentally went live uh and hello marjo williams you're the first to come in you've been waiting it says but uh i'm glad you're here i'm glad all of you are coming in it's going to be a fun fun afternoon michael english is my special guest but before he comes on with us i want to sing with you a song that i was thinking of in the shower in fact it's one of the first songs michael english and i ever sang together let's sing at a cappella church of christ style we're leaving below in this oh sinful world [Music] hardly a comfort can afford sing it y'all striving alone to face temptation sore where could i go but to the lord sit up straight and sing with me where could i go oh where could i go seeking a refuge for my soul needing a friend to help me in the end brother won't you tell me where could i go but to the lord you know what i am so glad that 1659 of y'all have tuned in on this monday afternoon and i'm glad you're here terry tracy beach and sharon davis and denise dodgens kirby and susan clayburger and nancy and nina turnbull and hello everybody coming in from all over the world hello world i'm glad you're here and i'm glad michael english is here he is finally i see him he's arrived ladies and gentlemen elvis is in the building no it's not elvis oh can you imagine if elvis was in the building i bet he has decayed at this point all right here he is y'all sharing is caring now if you're watching on facebook share share share if you're watching on youtube please subscribe and and like the video and do all that yes michael english how are you i see you're here wait wait wait wait let me go to this hold on we're professional i am there he is there we go hey michael get the get that app where you get the wrinkles out you know what seriously i don't know what they did but this looks so much better than it did five minutes ago before they got the lighting right but you show up in the lighting the anointing all of it isn't that something all in one happens all the time just one package in one package how are you you look good good i feel good yeah you look good thank you i thought you'd have a mask on well i've got one when i go outside let me see just real quick what you i've always wondered what you look like since it's been going on with a mask you have something see i've got the green screen so this this is sort of what it does it just kind of disappears that's the best i've ever seen you look so michael okay i just met your new wife tell me what's her name well her name is um tracy ellis you had to re think there for a minute dude tracy ellis she's beautiful isn't she yes yes and she you know what she's a chef and she's a nurse and she's age-appropriate age-appropriate you can't beat that so tell me are you uh out singing any at all are you hovering down have you have you gotten i'm i'm bunkered good have you gotten covered yet no good at me either thank god you have it nope but a lot of people i know have yeah i've lost a few friends over this stuff it's crazy isn't it something you know and it's really weird how somebody 25 years old can get it and pass away and somebody like bill and gloria can get it and get through it like it was nothing well now gloria she had a pretty tough time go of it did she i didn't know bill was very phil said during the video he said that she was fighting kovic's but she did the video uh any anyway you know they're always going to play it down you know oh yeah even when they die they'll be dead 10 years before they'll let anyone know it sure you know because they no but really bill was concerned for gloria he he may or may not admit it but i heard from reliable sources that he told a good friend that you know i just can't i can't imagine losing her i think that that sense that hey this really could happen this is real you know yeah so but they're through it they're fine everybody's good let's talk about this new best of michael english dvd that bill gaither has finally released and it's about time and i'm telling you right and i've seen it it is it's incredible because there's so much of me in it and i think you'd love that you know i had to put it in there so it sell that's right no we you know is how we started off on such a bad foot and yet we became very close yeah i know it's pretty crazy in it it is so great i love it i just saw you walk in that first time and i said there's no way that can sing and then you heard me and you thought i was right yeah but i learned it eventually and i can blend now like flyer in a cake yes you can better than anybody i've ever sung with oh please you're kidding no i'm serious well i do love blending i know you do and then what's so crazy about it is you didn't even know how to do harmony or parts or whatever when you now came and then you end up loving it loving it oh my gosh but this is nothing this is about you i want to know when will the dvd or whatever is going to release is streaming right yeah um i'm not i'm not sure in two i think in two weeks 20 seconds i should have known that 20 the 22nd the 22nd of december it will release on december's gone brother i mean 22nd of january it will release on gaither uh youtube channel or what yeah it's it's just everywhere i bet you what he'll do he'll do a premiere yeah where we can all comment and you'll be in there commenting and um yeah and it's on my website too i mean we're selling it on my website already so so just keep going to michael englishmusic.com right well say hey sing a little something from rare yard just like a little verse of where could i go but to the lord or whatever you want to say well are you going to sing with me well because of the internet there's a delay i think zoom you can do that this is not no zoom you can't do it either really but they make it they make it look like you can everybody is seeing is recording their own part and then they send it in and then they because of the delay in the internet but i can hear myself back in the back there yeah i know so what we can do it this way though is uh i just sang a verse live you could sing a verse and then i'll come in sing about i mean just whatever sing a line i'll sing a line whatever you sing sing a verse of living below see if i can remember been so long since i've even sung living below in this old sinful world hardly a comfort can afford i've been striving alone to face temptation to face temptation oh brother won't you tell me where could i go back to the lord oh yeah where could i go [Music] [Laughter] oh but if we were in the same room we could do it we know how to do that this is live ramona ramona davidson just asked is this live yes it is i saw that comment go by wonderful michael mccracken bless your heart michael i bet you're tone deaf because we really weren't that good just then because of no i'm new michael i'm kidding i don't you know about this video we we did this video i mean we planned to do this video way before coping oh and then covet hit and bill was like he was you know he was he was not going to go anywhere he nor gloria i don't know how they got it because they were so careful right but he but he let me know we get we had a date and i can't remember honey do you remember which what month it was a few months ago july or something like that and bill texted me said listen um don't go anywhere stay home don't get this cobit i want to get this video done and so we didn't go anywhere the only place we went was straight to alexandria and they sprayed us off and we did the video wow isn't that something well this is this is like nothing i've ever known before oh i know right you know i mean in my life i never thought this would happen in my lifetime where our lives i know i know and and i hate to talk about it so much but there's a new uh strain out there out there yeah is there a new trainer oh lord well yeah there's it's already in colorado i forget what they call it yeah and hopefully they said that this this shot should yeah work for that work for that too let's just hope it does yeah and if it doesn't we'll see you on the other side you know there's no there's no pandemics in glory land no hallelujah that sounds like a song there'll be no pandemic in glory land somebody's probably already done that and used and used the music from an old hymn uh it's probably to the tune of uh highly blessed and favored what's that one greatly blessed hi it's already been done once three times again two or three times yeah all the gold in california greatly blessed let's just do it again so michael it's easier why are you excited about this i've seen the dvd and i know why i'm excited about it a lot of good michael english singing in it which is nice a lot of good talking as far as you and bill discussing your life yeah um i'll be honest with you i didn't even realize there were there were that many clips of me um i was wondering you know had i not gone back when you and i went back eight nine years ago would there had still been enough and after i saw it there still would have been enough um but it was just good to have the new stuff in there too just to go from where it began it's kind of crazy all the hairstyles right oh yeah yeah well from both of us if i just not if i just not done the mullet i'd been fine i know the mullet is the only huh i always love working on that mode and it was a beautiful mullet i mean it was just straight very straight and and and i loved his house fresh out of liberty where you weren't allowed to have hair touching your ears so i just fling that mullet and i was so thrilled to have some hair if you watched that first video dressed like you're in jail [Laughter] dressed like you're in jail in that suit oh that strike that that happened to me too the same thing because i was with a group called the singing american and uh the owner of that group was his strict he was independent baptist as anybody yeah couldn't touch the ear uh couldn't touch the collar right and if it did one time my mustache which i already had the mustache when i came with him so he allowed me to have that oh but one time my mustache got just a little too long and so he got me in his office he said i'm not going to pay you until you cut that that's how strict so i grew i did the same thing i just went crazy got a perm remember that first oh my gosh i put makeup on people wouldn't be so strict we wouldn't go crazy when we got a little freedom right see you know i've never got a mullet i haven't i know how bad that looked but i was so thrilled to be free i just couldn't wait to be able to sling my hair [Laughter] well i love the dvd i love the video uh hello donna latham patterson i love her she's always around here she remembers when you were with the singing american she said she saw you with the singer yeah donna donna i was with them i was with them two different times i wonder which time singing in americans you were with them two times yep huh that was my first professional gig in 1980 and you're with a vocal in two times and then i went i went with the goodmans in 81 and then i went back with the singing americans and then i went with the gators yeah and then you went on your own yeah and then then we he he called me uh that's when uh what year was that when he remembered he called me and you and and he called me and he and he asked what i'd if i'd done do it and i said absolutely man you know and i'm not saying this because you're you know interviewing me but that just the thought of singing harmony again with you was uh i agree enough for me it was for me too i still think i remember my little girl um bella she was like four years old something like that and um i got off the phone with uh with bill and i came into the room and i and i started saying bill asked me uh to join the gathers if i wanted to join the gaithers if i needed one of the jobs back with the gate and so everybody was like yeah this is great and my daughter just looked at me says yay daddy's got a job [Music] [Laughter] isn't that great how old is she now she is 16. is she how beautiful is she he's gorgeous is she absolutely gorgeous and she knows it and she knows it yeah you know it's i'll be honest with you for this hey i know i'm sounding old but with with the internet and social media it's scary uh having a kid this these days is it yeah i mean it's it's hard to keep up with it all so all we can do is just pray and you've got now you're oh megan is how old she's she's got she's like 38 35 are you 35 there's too many of them now i'm losing track [Laughter] how is wait how many kids does she have she's got three daughters does she yep so that means i'm i have two daughters and three granddaughters no boys there's just not enough oomph in me to get a boy there's no testosterone left no you wasted it in the 80s hey y'all glad you're tuning in 2 972 of you and i want to tell you that in uh january we believe the 22nd the best of michael english is hitting america and the world isn't that cool that michael you're in nashville i'm in houston and yet we are seeing around the world yeah it's so cool to read the comments from australia from brazil from new zealand places i've never been i've been to australia and i've been to brazil we went to brazil but i i've never you've been a lot more pleased than i have though i've not been to new zealand and that would be no but you were in australia though yeah yeah and they kind of talk at the same time yeah they do and they're close but yeah but uh i think that's not that they're i'm proud of um living in the usa and and i love the friends and fans and stuff but it's just something a little bit crazy about people across the world uh loving your music and or even having a chance to even listen to it oh i know or even knowing who you are you know right but they've watched those gaither videos and some there have been people who watched them under the uh the oppression of communism where they had to keep their windows blacked out while they did it remember when we went were you were you with us i think you were when we went they had to have bodyguards at the front of the stage to hold hands across because the people were so thrilled they had listened to the music quietly under that was in brazil no that wasn't no no the one i'm thinking of is there was a communist country like romania or somewhere oh i didn't go to their communist company and oh it was so amazing to because they were so thrilled to be able to hear it loudly because they had always had to listen to the music quietly that's what i remember anyway from 1988 you joined the vocal band what year 86 and then i came along in eighty-eight eighty-five eighty-six something yeah yeah yeah boy those were some good years and remember terry you and terry franklin that's what i was just gonna say when we did that album uh it's still my favorite vocal band record it's um uh southern classics other classics yeah that's the best one the harmony the the blend yep you can't get any better i mean you know what i'm serious it's not because i'm on it or you're on it but i you know maybe people tell me that but i i truly believe there's so many who really when they say it they mean it and that's their favorite vocal band record well i mean i do too yeah will terry franklin ever come to a reunion brad crown wants to know brad i'd like to know that myself i know i do not understand why he doesn't come i don't either he chooses not to i hate that yes kind of weird like a bad divorce i guess yeah yes i don't know it wasn't i i was around throwing all that and i don't even know what happened oh you know i really don't either i know he was here one minute gone the next mark didn't you go to jerusalem i have been to jerusalem yes jennifer uh mark where can i get that record now it's not a record it's michael the best of michael english and you might be talking about the southern club oh southern classics you're right thank you mike uh you would i would i bet you could go to gaither.com and purchase it or you could go to uh amazon probably or i would maybe i'm sure bill's got a million coffee ready to sell oh yeah he's sitting on he'll drive him to your house through the trunk of his car so are you doing any working on anything new well actually i'm getting ready getting ready to go in and and do um like a a helm record i know that's you know people have done those but they're great over and over again but i've never done one um no so bill i did with we did with a vocal band are you gonna do it with bill well bill's want me to he's helping me find the songs and um benji and i are probably gonna go over his house and just do it over there and try to stay safe yes i'm gonna get that shot first before i go anywhere hey listen now on that rams record i think me you and uh a good tenor yeah could you do that in a heartbeat oh yes a do a trio of me you and someone who can blend with us and if they can't blend with us they can't blend with anyone so i'm telling you obviously we can find somebody a jay demarcus a terry franklin a well i don't know if bill would let the uh what's his name that sings with them now the tenor he's staying with us on one of your records remember who reggie reggie oh yeah we don't yeah we don't want to we want to break up bill's group [Laughter] [Applause] but that was a good sound i cannot bear the cross to young city well that was good that night member i know in hollywood yeah let's see if anybody's got any questions someone said do we know when the reunion has been scheduled for leanne dempsey i don't know but i bet if you go to gaither.com if it has been rescheduled it will be there of the new whenever the next one is hello hannah gadley she says ah for just something evidently we you're absolutely nothing can match the vocal band harmony love you all listen all the time thank you karen wiggins thank y'all let's see anybody else got michael sit last night while watching your videos mark a couple of them michael sitting behind you so patient laughing at you i was laughing so hard and neighbor yelled out his window asked me what was so funny i said mark lowry and he laughed that is funny your neighbors are too close he's sure they are too close she's way too loud she's too close that is funny she's way too loud oh my goodness i'm busy have you done any dates actually i've done some of those like uh hey kenny tucker he said he's visiting houston right now i have done um like some of the senior events um you're in coving yeah but they sit six feet apart jerry somebody wait talby wants to know how tall is michael i wonder why she wants to know that six four you six four michael still yeah yeah so far i haven't checked in a while you haven't started shrinking hey brian monahan says piece of the rock is still a favorite that was a good record it really was wasn't it yeah it's never talked about but i there's some songs on that i can go back to listen now like it's the first time and you know who produced that oh yeah cheryl rogers i've been i've been in touch with her have you yo yeah we sure she is so talented i'm surprised that she's not like in hollywood and done all kind of writing all kinds of music for her i know you know she's amazing she is amazing and uh just a sweetheart there were some we had some drama during that those years oh my gosh oh my gosh i was spread way too thin [Laughter] go ahead well i mean i was doing my holding out hope solo record i was doing solo concert i was we were doing gaither vocal band concerts and we were doing the vocal band record all at the same time and we are at omni sound and this was back when we got in a room all together right right and that room was the size of a closet right and that was a recording studio omni sound is a recording and so and i'm just you know i am clueless because i'm not under all this pressure he's under i'm just having the big old time next thing i know somebody takes their headphones off throws them on the floor marches out and leaves and i i am just what happened did the lord come what happened i i heard later bill says let him go is that what he said have you seen that commercial where the guy is going we all see it we all see it yes he's got blue hair i love that commercial i know but that was kind of the way it was let it go yeah he's gone he gone but you know what but when we were so closed up in that room all four of us together we could smell each other's armpits and it was just you know and if one person messed up and somebody did and then we'd all have to do it again oh yeah oh and i know bless your heart that you really shouldn't have been done that way not with me you can do that i'm basically talking about but oh well but me and bill i mean because you had your part down because you learned your part by itself yeah i would memorize it okay i love you she did a great job though because she made it hard for everybody though randall stewart says midnight cry and in christ alone i think he's wrecked i don't know if he's recommending songs for your hymnal but hymns need to be hymns not that's too precurrent do you have that's uh really old enough to be a hymn i am old enough to be a him it feels those songs feel like you're older enough though what would what's a hymn that you couldn't live without what's one that is definitely going on there do you have a faith in him you know what i really don't um i like oh i like all the hymns um but bill find hims that people have never heard of which makes it new to us right and so i'm looking forward to doing some of that yeah but i will tell you one song i'm doing it tonight and i did it i did it once on a video um it was a kind of a one-time time video thing to date with and i think it was right during code for right before we were doing any things it was something um but i'm doing the howard goodman zone i don't regret a mile oh yeah and i did it it's such a it you know it just happened both beau cooper my piano player for years and now he plays for david foster and everybody wow but he came and did uh and did it with me we had i just knew i wanted to do it so i told him to listen to it so we got there had no idea what we're going to do and we just kind of went through it why don't you do this why don't you do that and i'm telling you it turned out amazing um i bet it's completely different than the way the goodmans did it it's got when i get to the last course i don't want to just put a little blue to it i've traveled for the law and then and that i'm telling you honest to goodness mary did you know lyrics and that lyric is my favorite lyrics of all time really as far as christian music yeah is this brilliant because you know his uh recitation jeff somebo wait jim jeff here wait jeff jeff hooper said uh you guys have to get steve green to be your tenor he would do it could he still do that boy that was a great tenor i think i think he could um last time i heard him sing and my voice is lowered so yeah and i'm i can sing bass like a i don't if you do it in the morning i can do it i can say i don't regret them oh don't mike don't you though when you watch when you see those videos late at night or whenever you find one of those videos and you just see dead dead dead dead me dead dead dead built dead you know but oh wouldn't you love to go i did that i just did that recently with tracy we were looking and we were looking at uh all these the videos and it was the one where uh all the videos started um what's the song living below that was on that record that right i can't remember reunion or something and then i saw there's jay cass there's george johns um there's buck rambo there's vestal and then there's you and your mullet and larry gatlin yeah and uh it was the only of all those three of us still alive and um uh uh was that singer that we all love he died at 45 he was on the first video kenny henson oh gosh you know he was on there too that that was uh that's a voice that and that went way too um but you know what can i let me go back to the people who are gone i hope this makes sense sometimes i say things it's like but there's this um andy griffith andy griffith show and there's a show where uh opie gets he slingshots and hits a bird and he upsets him so much he's like please let please live you remember that yeah and then andy helps him and he nurses me back to hell yes and all that kind of stuff and finally andy says son you know i think he's ready to go and andy and opie didn't want to do it but he finally let him go and and opie says boy paul a cage sure looks empty and andy says yeah but aren't the trees pretty full or beautifully full i know and that kind of reminds me of all these people of we miss them and everything but don't you imagine what happens heaven's choir yeah can you imagine no oh wow and then we'll get to join them i can't well i will wait and i can wait i can't wait no you're not not now on national on national youtube [Laughter] michael i've enjoyed this okay everybody go to michael englishmusic.com and if you're wondering when it will be i'm sure you will air you will let everyone know um yes at that when it will be because we think how many times how many times you do this show here uh how many times i do it every day oh do you you know well i'll tell you what i'll do i will text you and tell you for sure when it's out and you can just kind of say it oh yeah i'll announce it because it is but kevin says it's pretty much january 22nd and it'll be one of those morning um you know premieres i've watched several of them he did a christmas one built it up you know vocal band one i think anyway so this will be exciting i mean everybody will want to watch this one i'll tell you i didn't want to do i i wanted to do it but i i'm one of those type of people truly like the hollywood actors who never seen their movies i i'd rather not see anything i'm on i hate to see anything i want um and i don't want to hear anything unless it's been fixed really well yeah but but so i dreaded seeing this but the truth of the matter not trying to sell it or anything was that'll have that's in god's hands but when i watched it i was starting to cringe when it turned on and then i sat there mesmerized by how great not by me but how great bill did and how it was so real and um bill told me how great it was he just went on and on and on and gloria they they wanted me to call him that night so let us know what you think um and i told him i and i called him and i was talking like this so fast i couldn't believe how great it was and i loved it and and then i said the there was only one thing that i didn't like and i said the fact that i couldn't be right before you when i'm watching it oh and that's the truth and they just they just loved it they just proud no one loves what god has allowed him to do more than bill gaither i mean he loves this music he i've never seen anybody love it like i haven't either but uh he called me and said you you're not going to believe this and he sent it to me of course i watched it then i called you and told you how much i loved it and everybody's going to love it and you know what i think also mike you're older now and you know it's like looking at a photo of yourself 30 years ago when i thought i was fat right i wasn't fat 30 years ago but back then i thought i was fat so here's the thing you are looking at a different perspective you had no idea how great you were you know but you you know everybody who knows you knows how great you are and and you've still got it you still i mean i don't know if you can hit the same notes you used to but boy the passion is still there you still run the lyrics through your brain which i adore anyone who will do that and so i i can't wait i run them through there hopefully to remember them when they come out yeah hey uh maxine pepper's holloway pre-ordered hers i guess you can go and pre-order it vaccine yeah i guess you can pre-order it yeah from our site i'm not sure about gaither's site yeah both of it but okay yeah if you'd like to pre-order this dvd go to gaither.com or michael englishmusic.com mike i love you love you too buddy and i'm glad you're you're doing good and i thank all 2 840 of you who are watching on four different platforms all over the world thank you all for tuning in and i really appreciate it yeah i'm so thankful that that that many on our what monday afternoon and that sunday and i will see you all tomorrow thank you for tuning in to mondays with mark we'll see you next monday night 7 p.m central right here wherever you saw our program youtube be sure and like us and ring the bell facebook please share our program and we will see you next monday night 7 p.m central for another mondays with mark you
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 89,596
Rating: 4.9214587 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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