Kevin Williams on MONDAYS WITH MARK

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] balloony [Music] well is that not a way to start Mundy's with more thank god it's Monday thank God a happy Monday to you a happy Monday to you may you feel Jesus near every day of the year a happy Monday to you a happy Monday to you and the best Monday you've ever had hey everybody I hope you're having a good Monday I hope you're not feeling like this hold on I got to show you something hope you're not feeling like that like that that Monday's are just dreary and miserable and sad and well if you do I'm just sorry I hope you Pope will make you feel better I've got some wonderful wonderful guests I'm excited about this new week I'm excited about where I've eaten this past week I haven't done much but eat and watch my programs and sitting my lazy boy I do love my lazy boy I also got to show you this I love this okay another view hi see there this is my office slash bedroom slash studio slash everything and now I have two shots and if you're wondering what this round orange thing is that's a light that I bought that I don't use but anyway then all this stuff is stacking up but I'm glad you're here I've already posted some of the comments hello Janet Canelo from Las Vegas where are where am i I'm in my bedroom - Reese Ames let's see and I let's see hello Linda Kay Freeman look at this I could put your names hello Kevin mark and Tory love you all hello Karen McBride you know Karen everybody knows Karen howdy everybody okay listen I want to get to business here dinner conversations dinner conversations y'all is ending season one or two I don't know but it's ending something and it's a long program it's an hour and it's all all about worship it's it's with Travis Cottrell always want to say Cottrell but it's [ __ ] trolls Travis cockerel Sandi patty michael w smith me and andrew cunanan not Andrew Cunanan was no Andrew Griffith sorry don't laugh you're not supposed to be on that it's not Andrew Cunanan it's Andrew Grier anyway I watch that show that whole thing about Versace you know I had to watch it sometimes you got to watch some brain candy you know stuff that doesn't make you think and and you I remember when it happened I was you know around of course and I remember when it was on the news and then to watch it all what was going on behind so anyway nobody should watch that especially children anyway my special guest today is Tory tap to be oh no no my special guest is Kevin Williams he'll be on in a minute but my co-host is usually my foreign correspondent but she is my co-host today she is live in Bell Buckle Tennessee welcome everybody Tory listen the drum roll I was kind of digging the Ovation I was hoping to stand up but look at you no buckles glorious I'm watching a beautiful sunset right out my kitchen window as we speak its sun's going down in biblical and we had beautiful you sure how about you I had a good Easter you know I stayed at home I what I do is I go to church during the year and so one time on Easter I stay home because I want to give up my seat for those who only come once a year Christmas I use the Christmas and Easter I usually stay home because that way all those people only go once a year have a seat I don't want to take anybody's seat you're not you're not Mother Teresa that way I know I'm Giver I'm a giver so what what goes on in your life you live now in Bell Buckle Tennessee I know go figure well I've never been a small-town girl in my life and now you couldn't pry me out of here with a crowbar it is really it is the Andy Griffith Show it kind of is because I always think I'm going to oversell it to people because I'm so entranced with it and then every once awhile I get somebody like you who comes down here and then I realized I didn't oversell it it is this magical it is a magical place I mean the poet laureate of Tennessee lives chose to live in Bell Buckle just the name little own sound I know that's the smartest thing our founding fathers ever get I mean that is brilliant that name Bell Buckle Tennessee and then it has it used to have it has the Train still oh yeah does the Train still go through there any many times a day and really loudly oh really so but it used to be a major train stop or it's good and I think it had some stockyards or something which doesn't sound magical at all to me but I'm glad I missed that era but it had twin Depot's I do know that they're gone now sadly on either side of the track and I have people who are living here now who tell me about heaven the male hang on a bag and the train coming by and the conductor reaching his hand out and grabbing the bag as they go by and everyone said oh I'm missing and then there'd be mail everywhere oh my goodness well in the cafe that's the main reason I come not only because you and Russ lived there but that cafe listen the cafe it is all about the cafe's all about the cafe you remember a few years ago Loveless Cafe and national neck Lovelace is kind of commercialized it's gone corporate but back in the day Lovelace was that place that you brought all your friends when they came to Nashville and sometimes you might catch a glimpse of some country music star eating biscuits but mostly you went because it was so good and it was literally a hope Motel restaurant and you pulled up what hackers went there the motel was still in use so it was just this way off the beaten path weird little place with delicious food and they have those great biscuits at the lake and that's how that's what the cafe is now without all the corporate it's still family-owned family-run they got three generations on hi Nicky's in there my brother my brother Mike just texted me and said your volume is a lot lower than her compared to hers I love that my brother's in Lynchburg Virginia watching out I hope I didn't turn the volume up too much but Bell book I love the cafe I love that it's very artsy it is complete you can be a kind of creative freak and you'd fit right in you've got all kinds of I mean you've had some crazy naked people run through town having some crazy naked people I tell you what we do I've got this little group of shall we say more mature women all my new best friends are in their 70s and 80s when I moved here yeah he's at the head of the list but there's under these wonderful one and Catherine Strobel who has the soft Mississippi accent that makes you sound so cultured not like Tennessee and Arkansas but Katherine and oh gosh there's about three other ones and whenever I get a chance to get the three of them together sometimes it's that are Tuesday ladies lunch at the cafe yeah I just started I leaned in and just say okay tell me some stuff and start telling stories they start saying remember that time and then there's this string of things that you can't believe actually happen well resisting the next time that happens pull out your iPhone no I should but I'm always so busy doing this that would be a great thing to do for our show it would be one of those little old ladies I'm on my way to be in one meet now well I won't be a little old lady without me where that made surgery but I am getting older and you know the thing about getting older you do kind of turn into a little old lady men a lot of men kind of shrivel up and they start looking like if you're not careful if you if you were if you're if you wear one of those wigs and you get it too thick you know woman sitting there I get off on that but I want to play dinner conversations I've got out before I forgot to do that we'll be right back with Tori TAS and myself mark Lowry here's what's happening on the latest dinner conversations that's available right now on YouTube and iTunes [Music] coming up on our season 1 finale of dinner conversations dove award-winning worship leader and songwriter and our good friend Travis Cottrill I don't think there's ever been a greater time to be alive as a worshiper I think God is moving in a way that invites people right into the conversation this episode also features conversations with michael w smith Sandi patty Nicole C Mullen and author Robert J Morgan and at the end of the day the worship isn't about what we like to know it's not a preference thing right I'm this well I'll get you one what mary did you know [Music] so go to dinner conversations dinner actually dinner - conversations calm and you can watch that episode for free right now in fact it's always free but it's it's the last episode of this season and let me just tell you it was a good one it's about worship what is worship I had to go to the dictionary to get a good definition and I wrote it down let me just tell you what I wrote down my brother's just say you're low-budget production he's still texting me what'd he say your volume is - like who said my low-budget can production okay y'all I'm getting sidetracked here what was that going to look for Oh worship yeah here it is it is wait doggone it reverence and adoration all right but it's you know we think of worship songs you know we never had worship songs back in our day we just worships we worship the Lord you know I mean we tell him how good he is and bragging on him and and usually it's best when you've had King gorya said this one day once you go through Kings then you're ready for songs you've got to go through some 80 double hockey sticks and let God bring you through it and then you have a reason to praise him right well went back to Bell Buckle when are you gonna interview that poet laureate I want I love her I just saw her yesterday she came to Easter buffet not at the cafe but at the banquet hall yeah she's getting you know she's she's kind of slowing down just just just her pace not her mind what's her heart I know it's hard to watch but as she says she's been about to die for the last 20 years so I think we got a few more in us but she's such a she's a delight hanging around her that's another reason to go to Bell Buckle you might run into the poet laureate running down the street in their wheelchair you never know last thing she says every time I see her is y'all come see me Oh looky here Peggy Mitchell McMullen wants to know just God here is this your girlfriend yes this is my girlfriend Tori ouch Russ loans her out every now and then yeah any other quality I am Oh Chris lad says he's old of all the reasons for I post them but I learned something new every day course I forget five things in that the true Creek is true let's see anybody want to ask Tori a question for we go visit Kevin I y'all there is a way to have Kevin and Tori on simultaneously I've done it before but I couldn't figure out how to do it tonight on strike we tried so what I thought I'd do is we'll talk to Tori here for a little while and then I'm gonna call Oh Kevin and get him to tell good stories Alba see you and Kevin host co-host yes homecoming radio which I used to co-host until they got so big with so many people I thought why bother but now there's how many people were in that room now I don't know it changes every time and tell the truth you didn't clip because there are too many people you brought in a bunch of people so you could well I did well I did bring you in because I thought you would be great for that I think I brought you in did I did you called and I think you talked bill into it and I was so scared and you just kind of you just sort of sat down and put those big headphones on me yanked me a script and circle the part that said mark and said you do those lines and lean back and then they said three two one boom it was yeah well you did good hey Mavis Millar Schumacher I said Tori Taff will you be critiquing outfits on the award show Sunday what award shows Sunday I don't know their awards show Sunday which one I don't know I don't know there was one well you never know I used to do that online back in the day and it was so much fun when I was growing there were five brothers and sisters and we're all sort of how can you say smart alecks so every time there was like a Miss America pageant we would all sit around and watch it and just slice what is saying things that you know but now you have Twitter for that you know people people can be anonymous and tweet and it was all a good find it was never horrible impersonal and mean-spirited it was just oh yeah it's always fun you know it's not really funny unless somebody gets hurt anyway you know if it has a little zing to it but it's got to be funnier than it is mean yeah Mimi knows never funny to me no it's not but with a little zing like me yeah I hate me see what I do like a little stain in it it's good I don't know how to just find a difference oh yeah yeah like I like make that it's obviously true like if you make fun of my big head well that's perfect I've got a big head and I make fun of my big head so I mean it's that's open game and like bill Gators hair you know I wouldn't do that to everybody but with him he's opened it up you know okay someone let's see anybody else got a clue see let me look at the questions I want to include the people okay someone said who is going to Bell Buckle in October Karen that bride wants to know Erin little sweetie she was here last year tell them about it well we I think this will be our third one October sixth and seventh 2018 we're doing rustling Tory's bell but the weekend because we have talked about Bell Buckle ad nauseam to the point that people finally said okay okay so we have it's kind of like a friends and fan event I guess you know David and Laurie's bar - oh yeah turn they talked me into a Laurie god bless her sweetheart came over and spent a whole day with me a couple years ago walked all over town and said you've got to do this you've got to do this she said what you have that we don't even have at the bar - is buildable and so she talked me into it and you know me well enough mark that I'm not the most organized blonde on the block so I was so afraid of the administrative part and I was afraid that wake up one morning and go oh I forgot to you know embody people or order the food or something so with fear and trepidation we put it on and the first one was amazing and the second one was you and it was even more amazing and inspires it's going to be I'm not gonna quite reveal our special guest yet because I'm about to in about a week oh really come on who is it well release it here in worldwide mark Larry Mondays Monday's with mark you gotta give us a little something you know David Letterman would demand a little something oh that's why okay it rhymes with chill oh well that'd be nice he should do it he needs to do it he could be dead any time what I'm telling if he dies before October 6th and 7th no but that was the last thing he ever did well he's gonna do we're gonna do conversation with bill so he keeps saying I'm not gonna sing I'm not gonna sing he knows he's gonna sing where he can't help himself but even when he tries he really done the things I control things I know especially if it looks somebody in Brazil just left a message in tongues right there on the thing that's so nice I did the interpretation but I have no idea but Thank You Paolo Ricardo Santana I hope that was nice what you said I can't speak - hey Bradenton Florida David Shelton look let me see who else any other OC MA someone said CMAs are evidently this weekend you need to there it is Tracy Nelson Holmes horn said it's CMA she thinks you need to tweet your critique fine I would watch that I would watch that you need to do that Tori what is your your tweeter Twitter baby bloomer okay that's Bab why I'd be LOM R but it comes up you put Tori tapping it comes in okay so if she does it Sunday night for the CMA I would love to hear you could take everything it's not pretty it's more like you know sharing sharing sharing well it satisfies the need to gossip for me you know I mean like that's reason I start spreading good gossip because whenever I'd hear Bill Gaither say something about somebody that was good I'd go tell him because it it's just like the old days when I'd spread the bad gossip you know I'd go I'd hear somebody say somebody somebody and then I and then I know something you know I'm really a big shot now I know something and then you share it and you get this dirty feeling but if you're sharing good gossip that's a new thing for y'all to try out there and this week if you hear your boss say something good about somebody go tell them I can I don't know I know I tell my best not to I mean I can't remember the last time I did okay you know what I can't either and there's times when you and I had talked about things that are serious about mutual friends of ours and we have exchanged concerns and when it starts getting around uh did you hear you just back up it's like you don't want to engage I don't want any everybody can tell their own story you know I like to everybody tell their own story I want to tell my story let you tell your own I don't I'm too busy living mine to worry about yours you know right next to me and I'm trying real hard for there not to be a big you know I just don't like cats and well I think that porch can just give you the bed and you stronger I hear in Chinese they're delicious in China I should say in China and not judge in Chinese see this part is really tasty hurt her feelings Oh bless her or cheese I'm teasing darling let's see if anybody else has anything else say to you you have a big Oh someone just said I have a big head Thank You Liz hutches look they're all the way from Canada a Newfoundland hey I can't believe I let the bill gate their cat out of the bag oh we won't tell anybody watches this that's what I thought and see her this is the this is the influence you have over me mark actually I'm really excited about it it's gonna be fun Scott Berlin some gifts of taxes he grew up near Humble Texas near my home church which is Grace Church you know branch love bread gosh what a man what a preacher what do you mean and where is Russ right now you said he's in a rental car on his way home from Champaign or Urbana Illinois I forget which oh really and how's the children how are the babies love the children she's in Kentucky she's coming back tomorrow Charlotte's upstairs doing animation homework she's the whiner a little poor of us who may may actually have a real job at some point because she wants to design computer games and she's getting her degree and animation and I think we might have a 1 out of 4 chance so nobody bringing in an income just the time I love you Tori TAF and I love you being the foreign correspondent for Monday's with Mars our foreign correspondent from Bell Buckle Tennessee every Monday she shoots a video that should we show of what's in Bell Buckle I'm trying to get oh I love the buckle watch how do you end your those little segments everybody needs something everybody needs a little buckle in their life yeah that's right well you got a visit it's just you know October sixth and seventh would be a good time a very very good time I'm gonna get tickets up for sale and all that stuff you know how bad I am at it I'll be calling queue your queue is oh yeah he talks me through oh I won't be talking to you I love you tour I'll see you next week that's money all right baby bye bye see you later all right let's see there we go let me hang up on her all right everybody let me see before I uh I was going to show you something let me see what your honor said will you come to Grand Rapids Michigan again Lord willing and the creek don't rise Jan thank you for asking hello from Nixa Missouri thank you all for tuning in all right I'm gonna get Kevin Williams on the line on my you know Skype but while we're doing that I think I'm gonna show you Kevin doing word of the day with Tory Taft and all the other folks Bill Gaither and all the other folks at homecoming radio he does this thing and he just kind of fell into that yaw so it happened we were always all trying to and he was over there every time writing down these brilliant little things that he just makes up on the spot Kevin Williams is a genius and here's proof so colleagues were family and that theme says what who knows well I just got a phone call from the Secretary of Congress and yet for me is they're about to vote on some very important legislation but decided to take a break they're listening they can listen and the work is rhytidectomy rhytidectomy you don't know what rhytidectomy is that's a surgical term that's given to when I was a boxing maneuver used but all the greats Muhammad Ali Joe Frazier Jack Dempsey of course famous for the rhytidectomy Evander Holyfield and shoeless David Phelps when Mike Tyson in fact was knocked out the reporter said was it a left hook he said no it was his rhytidectomy buddy is that correct it actually means removing wrinkles as in facelifts what are you looking at me for well there you have word of the day from Kevin Williams on the fabulous homecoming radio marathon with the marathon that's right Kevin Williams how are you I'm good how are you doing tonight good you look good oh wait I didn't mean to do that one hold on I'm trying to be the producer and everything where's your name right there Kevin Williams okay pull that over in front of you that's I'm not watching that so I'm trusting you here no I could be doing anything to you yeah you could be yeah how did it go with Tori did you talk to Tori oh you didn't watch no no I didn't watch you went good we talked about you and how fabulous you are now in Cranston [ __ ] yeah that's great and I look and we talked about homecoming radio which is on how many stations it's over 3,000 now that crazy yeah and Sirius XM Armed Forces Radio all of that stuff and we're really excited about that is it air do you know I mean like it's on Sirius radio but they can go they can go to ooh homecoming okay that's right I bet you've said that a lot on the radio so you had so did you so you type in your state and all the cities come up and then you find the station and it'll tell you and hopefully it's up to date and all that stuff Phil Brower puts together a wonderful probe doesn't he did a good job yeah he's amazing he's amazing I love doing Gaither at 82 years old sits in that radio studio and out runs most of us most days you know you and I have nodded off at that table oh you'd still be going he'd still be going and he loves and loves the chaos of all the people loves it because you have net you have you you and Tory and bill or regulars along with Phil yeah then you bring in whoever's on the street we just drag them in and compel them sometimes with dollars to do what is that week and yeah so Gordon is in there sometimes in Joe Bonsall with Larry Gatlin and Gerald Wolfe is in there with us and it's just a great cast and crew it changes from day to day but it's fun yeah it was you did that for how many years I don't know it started off with just me and Bill and thurid often just bill and Phil yeah and there's rain i wormed my way in there and then bill started adding everybody else in and I it was it's a great thing now you are doing I want to talk about the premiere tonight oh yeah premiere this is you broke up a little bit there you're freezing I'm sorry you're freezing - okay say that again this is the premiere ahead is that better yeah I think so yeah so so we've got an old internet system here that's run by squirrels and so we didn't clean it out it well you know III did a Jeff Easter he did his family the other day on the program and and he had ten megabytes which is nuts ow okay so yeah so you you you wrote this song about gossip yeah so so well some folks have heard the song and if you've been in my concerts you've probably seen this video that we're gonna do tonight but nobody on the Internet as seeing the video I just posted it yesterday of the day before just for this program we cut it a while back actually and a wonderful video producer and dear friend of mine Peter Sullivan who's from Connecticut and so it's funny but yeah I wrote song based on a true story and then I do my thing with it you know but but uh about and gossip a true it was a true story not everything in there is factual I don't know the dirt okay there's license here it is nosey Rosie yeah I know it occurred to me one day that some folks carry the gospel and others carry the gossip it happened in little congregation Sunday night a tiny lady in her eighties of hair snowy-white stood up to give her prayer request and with no guilt or shame she requested prayer for all the sinners there and she called them all by me she said let's pray that brother Ben has strength to make some better choices that's spending all his hard-earned money bettin on the horses and sister Mary jeans been seen at brother Orville's house discussing choir arrangements in a very low-cut blouse they call her nosy sister Rosie with the Bible in her hand spreading gossip all she can't she'll meet you at the altar and she'll ask how she can pray then she spreads the word of what she's heard it's the nosy Rosie way she said our pastor's wife leads a life that sometimes gets so tough when the family's gone she's been known to take a dip of snow and sister Dee plays the lottery though she's never won a dollar deikun Browns been seen downtown but lipstick on his collar they call her nosey with the Bible in her hand spread gossip ball she can she'll meet you at the altar edge alas how she can pray that she spreads the world of what she's heard it's the no 0z way just last week the late-night news showed with great detail how the police had made a casino raid and put everyone in jail they showed a tiny lady in her 80s her hair of snow and white in a set of silver handcuffs she was putting up a fight and it was no all she learned her lesson while ship Miller sell gossip was her pastime but she's done it for the last time now she knows that she was wrong you reap just watch yourself that's what no zeros he knows [Applause] I love it that is so much funny how many people we have people like that someone just said I was reading some of the comments I don't like that every church has got one oh yeah it's required so you're doing also the the event I don't want to I don't want to forget your event we're not near dead I want to talk about your event this is a big deal I love that you've done this for these kids it's it's been your heart and tell them of that your event well I grew up in Kentucky wonderful town Russell springs Kentucky is in the south central part of the state Lake Cumberland areas beautiful beautiful area and a small town about 2,500 people and so wonderful County they're people that just love one another and know how to get it done you notice so when I grew up 60s and 70s times were different and we didn't have any money but we had church family who kind of looked out for us we had great neighbors lived in a little trailer park there grew up in the trailer and never never had grass weed gravel you know and so I did I didn't think about things I didn't have until I got later in life I was in my 40s and realized that the coat that I got for my parents it came from a neighbor actually and and I didn't know these things of time so that kind of spoke to me and I just want to do something to help kids didn't kind of know what to do talk to a wonderful man who's been in a gospel group up there for many years he's a former state senator in Kentucky mr. Magee hey and I told him what was on my heart and he said what I didn't want to hear I thought he'd have an answer for me about how to raise money for kids or how to do something he said well I'll help you pray about that and I thought well a lot of good that'll do that's great you know and so we prayed about it and it was wonderful about a year later I got a call from my third grade music teacher John L Smith wonderful lady that had kept up with me we had talked not very much in those years you know but she kept up with me and she said how would you like to come to your hometown and do a concert and I said I have been waiting for this call for twenty years let me tell you about this so I said can we raise money for kids take what you would pay me and let's put it in a pot and I'll bring some money and we'll put that with it and let's try to raise some money and see what we can do that's how the whole thing started it's been five years now and we had a little ten thousand dollar goal a first year or eighteen thousand dollars came in in that wonderful town because businesses individuals jumped on board I just did a lot of talking about it it's pretty much all I did but they really know how to come together in that area and especially when it's for our youth the next generation and trying to make a difference in their lives the culture as you know is much different today than it was when you and I were growing up so the neighbor system doesn't really work now you don't know who your neighbors are really we don't know if there's a kid across the street hurting we go through life like this and we don't see what's out here so dates are yeah so our fifth annual concert then is coming up April 28th that'll be the last Saturday night in this month at 6 o'clock at Russell springs first baptist church the church seats about I don't know 6 or 650 we usually have 7 or 750 in there and Russ Taff was there last year came up with me and Buddy Green has been there and Allyson spear and Charlotte Richie and gene McDonald we're hoping to get mark Lowry well who's going to be there April 28th so so this year is just gonna be wonderful Reggie and ladye love Smith degree becomes they actually moved an event that they had so they're coming with me the incredible Matthew Holt will be there Kevin Moore multi-instrumentalist and you gave their fans know him these guys usually by my side pretty much anywhere I go and wonderful nod from Reggie and ladies said yeah we can do this so I'm very grateful to them then I have some great local talent that you would love to see mark the the state senator I spoke of that gospel group is called a crossroads quartet eight years and they're gonna be singing that night my guitar teacher Lee Beesley will do a duet with me that night and would it play and then we've got a community choir matthew is bringing the from McKenzie Tennessee Bethel University is bringing the Renaissance quartet up it's a wonderful College quartet so they're gonna be a hoedown it's just gonna be it's gonna and you'll be you'll be the master of ceremonies so everybody I'll be doing my king and yeah you'll get me but I'm the chief horn tutor around there and it works pretty well now you've been with Gaither longer now than anybody huh yeah the longer than he's been there actually I remember I hired him in the late 60s and it was a wonderful call on my part yeah little guy had the crew cut showed up and said hey I got I got some songs and I just I just went with it fixed him up with a little gal that was teaching French down the hall and bloody yeah I've been there 25 years is that crazy okay so I was there 13 and then came back for five so you've been there 25 nine and how well you went away for a while yeah I took a year off when the kids were small and if you were going to children something or other there from yeah I had a little production company that I ran the ground and then and then we came back took a year off to starve you know came right back and so it worked out with well I don't know how Bill Gaither could survive without you and that's the truth because you not only are you the funny guy who plays guitar and bass and leads the band I presume and and pushes all those track buttons you got to know I mean I don't know how you do it you were always so kind to me especially in those early years you were their first trip I made and I'd only met you one time before that I met you at an elevator at the Gospel Music Association dove week thing they used to have what what used to be the Stouffer hotel downtown Nashville oh yeah and you you were going down in the elevator and I was I'd met you briefly and and you were so sweet to me you found out I was with Wendy Bagwell who said tell me some stories and yours Oh kind I love when deep as well though and you were with him then yeah yeah let's see if we have a little bit Cheers and so I start here is a baby here is a little bit this is what you look like back then [Music] [Music] [Music] so you were Horning in on the comic relief even then because you've kind of given early underwhelming but I bet it was part of the stick you guys had I'm sure what you were doing Wendy Wendy loved what I did he just he just thought the world of me and he you know five of the best years of my life with that true gentleman he was a wonderful man to work for a great friend and we we only had one crossword in five years and it was because I've been up all night and I was tired and I had I was driving the bus you know trying to find us a hotel and I couldn't find hotel and I got a little snippy he knew that I wanted to do recording sessions and and and be in production and that kind of thing and he said now that attitude won't help you on sessions it's wait oh you broke up and that was our own no you said that attitude you that attitude won't help you on sessions and then he said what he know and that's what he said to me and then I said yeah you're exactly right I'm really sorry I'm tired and then that was it it was just as good offstage as he was on stage he was amazingly funny and really kind and fair you know I remember when I was about 11 and I met him backstage at a concert and I told him how funny I thought he was and he said thank you I appreciate that and he added that little ayah prefer got that and I added that immediately to any time someone complet it's not just thank you but I appreciate that hey let's can commit you mind if I play these back with a rattlesnake story oh yeah I found it rosin - I found the only one I could find on the youtubes and y'all if you've never seen this oh my gosh this sold over two million records back in the day when no one so two million records and still nobody does but this is a I guess it's a true story yeah I'll give you the preface hello it happened in a little low Church in Eastern Kentucky true story course Wendy did his thing with the story and embellished it made it just brand into what it is you know but but they went to sing little Church in Eastern Kentucky in those days and they pulled out a box of rattlesnakes and started waving the snakes around and Wendy started looking for the door pretty quick and that's the store oh my gosh al here it is as little preacher called me up he said brother Wendy he said I understand whenever y'all sing in these little country churches you don't charge no money and I said that's right and he said that's what we got up here no money he said you might not even want to sing in our little church he said we ain't got my 24 members whenever we got it back we found out how cold we plugged our guitars in we started picking and singing this like we do everywhere and after two or three songs just about everybody in that church was up on their feet shout we should have known right then was in an unusual church you know folks don't shout much anymore now whenever I was a boy just about every church my daddy took me to the women would literally get up and shout to her down nowadays if they shouted anywhere they'd shout it off but they're shouting in this church three ladies and two men shouted themselves right up on the pulpit with us they got around now behind the shower we didn't know what they're doing back there and didn't care till they come out around us and they'd come out around us with five of the biggest rattlesnakes I have ever laid my eyes on they told us after that service was over that the biggest rattlesnake the head in that church was five feet long honey the one they brought by me was 27 feet they told us after that service was over about ol Moses and that rod it turned into a serpent they told us about that scripture he didn't write nothing on the walls did you I know how you feel they they told us after that service was over how about that scripture in the Bible it says thou shalt take up to serve and they feel like they got the same kind of faith that them folks in the bobble head and they feel like as long as they're in the faith and as long as they're in the spirit that rattlesnake ain't gonna buy them and when they get into faith and when they get in the spirit they don't care what they do with em rattlesnakes that wanted it stopped by me she didn't he know she bout to real that big ol ugly thing all over me she is out of waving that big ol rattlesnake around and shouting to the top of her lungs and you know something I had a feeling that rattle state knew that woman was in the faith I had a feeling he knew that woman was in the spirit this is a fact what I'm telling you my head that woman that woman took that big old rattlesnake in her hand brought that thing right down in her face and got nose to nose with it shouting and it's here darn it to battle all that what's up I looked over there and as I balled eyeball with that big ol lose everything now the rattlesnake I'm talking about not the water hello a snake looked over and saw me he went [Applause] I like to die there's a fact what I'm telling you in my hand that woman that woman took that big old rattlesnake in her hand throwed that thing down on the floor kicked her shoe off and put her bare foot on top of his head and that's a fact but if she thrown that thing down on the floor miss my foot about that far [Applause] and brought me water but I saw right away we had a house full of people and we didn't have a five rattlesnakes and I want you folks to know the danger greedy bone in my body color she already started dry heaving and this is a fact what I'm telling you with my hand up o journey said what in the world are we gonna do I said just take it easy don't panic I said just look around and find out where the backdoor is she said already looked and they ain't none I say Rickon where do they won't want that [Applause] story oh my gosh that's a clip footage story that is a classic I was a classic he told that every night in the in the concert I bet in five years there were maybe five concerts we didn't do that story Wow yeah he was he was pretty amazing well now tell us what we close tonight because we've already been on an hour so tell me this almost an hour I love it with just flown by you and Tori so much tell me a good Gator story what's up people ask me that all the time and I don't really I mean most of the spongy stuff we did was on stage for us but yeah and you you guys you know I thought it was so amazing the chemistry you developed in a way you cut it because you were doing monologues I remember in the early years of what you did there and it was it was wonderful you know the crowds loved that too but then when you two found that little niche that you like here - got it - I mean you know he had all let me tell you the truth he had it with Hicks and cohaagen for me oh yeah yeah Jarrod Steve had it with me and he's and he has it with you he maybe the magic formula yeah he really is today well and he makes himself the foil and you know that's just perfect - and you got away with murder anything you said was funny because he set us all up you know he did and and but you're so brilliant with the audience and way you'd weed that thing together funny stories you know we always tease about his his he's so focused on one thing and then he totally misses the other thing and so we're sitting in a restaurant one time and he's on the phone he's on the cell phone just every other side yeah Barry yeah uh-huh yeah so I told Gloria and so that was going on we were all annoyed with it and so this wonderful little lady and Ana and the six year old boy came over and he he was coughing and sneezing everything and she said we were going to come to your concert tonight my little boy my little boy turned sick and bill said yeah well happy birthday I was it well the little boy dancing he didn't thinking Bill Gaither just wish me happy birthday that was awesome and he was sick that was one of the funny he was sick we've all been in a situation where you talked to Bill you know and you don't really have his attention or he walks away and well his kids Benjy calls him Rain Man you know is he's there but sometimes he's not there well I think I think you know it took me a long time to understand that - I think that is a focus issue and not a lack of focus it's interpreted as he didn't hear what I said but he's so focused on this song he's producing or the thing he's doing you know and I work there's a basketball game on God forbid you try to get a word in the Lord better not come to a half-time exactly yeah you used to tell the story about when when he told God to bless himself in that it was the Walmart commercial was honors the Cracker Barrel and that's a true story yeah he literally we were praying and the commercial he'd been wanting to see of his product in Walmart that's back in that day came on and it's like I felt it in his shoulders cuz we weren't a holy holy prayin you know before we did the Grand Ole Opry and and I felt it when that commercial came on I saw social and he was the one praying it was him talking to go right and he said okay god bless you bye-bye it is funny and that's that's the bill we all know and love that just turned 80 to is that amazing and so and we'll be out this weekend we head to the west this weekend or opportunity to Denver and Dodge City and some of that and so we're in Memphis we started Memphis I think Thursday but I'll tell you one story this is not so funny it was just eye-opening to me you've been in some of those discussions that bill and Gloria have had on the bus that got a little heated driving out and I assume right no perfect perfect wonderful exam area like most married people do wonderful example of marriage and it is a perfect example of marriage it is not a perfect marriage I don't know a perfect marriage but but they are strong opinionated people and they seem to get their opinions out and make that work in a loving context and here's what I saw on the bus I just thought this was so cool and he'll always try to drag you in the middle of it and get you over to his side to prove to Gloria you know right he always thought yeah he wants to drag you over so he's sitting on the bus on the sofa and he's rubbing her feet and she's reading a book and he got into something and and he's saying I wore it I think you're wrong because and then here's what here's another reason why wrong and she did and they were in and in her feet and then and she said we'll build that to be because if you think about it rationally bla bla bla and she lays an argument out man it's good you know he said Kevin don't you think and I said no no you did not back out of that and they had a really heated discussion about whatever it was I can't remember the thing I remember is he never stopped rubbing her feet that is absolutely the truth they went at it with everything they had in this this debate is that stop saying yeah but when you know he's asked me before and I jump right in every time you know I mean it's like and usually Gloria's right that's the problem i bill yeah yeah yeah I mean I jump in if you ask me my opinion I put I think you probably won't it right yeah never done I never done on me to stay out of that well you know I just back out if if the bus is going less than 40 miles an hour I just get off you know but yeah that I thought that was a neat thing I want to share that with you and I've had fun tonight man you got to have me back on this thing when I've got the whole program okay this is hey this is yeah when you have I will do that hey Kevin you're going to be in Raytown Friday I'm going to see you there and that's from John Taylor rice oh very cool John yeah man I can put it up on I'm putting up the comments someone likes my look that's the only date I didn't mention I couldn't never wear Friday was that's Raytown so Kansas City area Friday then where's that if you want tickets you can go to Gaither calm right yeah yeah and let me say one more thing in regard to our our Kevin's kids thing that we have going on in my hometown folks always will know how they can make a contribution would it be okay that yeah I am that a lot of wonderful businesses and and books that help us and this year is a sixty thousand dollar goal okay we've raised up over a hundred thousand so far through through these four years to to help kids with coats and shoes and glasses basic needs kids like I was and so this is a causes Niren my heart if if you want to donate to this help in any way why don't you do this you can just email me if you want to send me a Facebook message that's cool whatever but my email is Kevin at Kevin Williams slipped me a little note there I'll tell you I'll get you all the info and that'd be the easiest way to do it it's tax deductible and the money stays in our county and protected fund hundred percent of the money goes to the kids I don't get anything Reggie lady nobody coming up that night gets anything at all goes the kids so it's a great way to give and support the work Lord so I just want to get that one plug I'm so glad you did now one more question how is how is the genius doing he has got a daughter he's got two beautiful daughters they're both very smart but one that I'm kind of leaning towards Einstein yeah well so our girls have always both been readers you know and they've plugged in in different ways over the years Carolina was always very academic she's our oldest and she's 19 and and so she reads 100 books a year you know she's just a voracious reader and attacks any kind of academic situation our other daughter Olivia is 16 and she is you would love to hold a conversation with her she's amazing she actually has a life and she's a little more social than Carolina went to Auburn this year and she's doing very well there so this is her second semester 4.0 and Dean's List she's in the College of Business there and she turned down Yale is the the thing to which you alluded she she got accepted to Yale through through an essay that she wrote and then she felt like Auburn was a better fit because of this School of Business and the path and and just her particular needs so that's where she ended up but pretty cool to say that you turned down an Ivy League so I turned down Trinity in Jacksonville and went to Liberty and still had to pay my way through pictures were you at Liberty March I'll cram four into five I love you Kara see you on the Christmas tour definitely yeah we're going to start that in July so and get all the dates in so wait I'll be with you Eden gate they're doing Fort Worth or something Travis yeah meaning else yeah you on that one you think you'll be there I think I am I'm not sure I don't know wherever the bus stops I get off tomorrow I'm doing a but like Nick this week I'm doing a bunch of private things so I yeah I just got to fly out in the morning for Dallas well your Texas boy I know that you used to now you're at your home right now I am in my bedroom slash studio slash office Wow in fact I've got its beauty I put you on here and then here's the got my wide shot when you watch this back you'll be able to see the wide shot I have two shots of me oh you know this is becoming a first-class operation I hear your pup's yeah that's Bella Dean she's evidently heard something hey I had fun tonight mark I love you what you do you know to to anybody I told you I got to to be at a Steve Martin and Martin Short concert recently it was so hilarious and so fun of Martin Short actually reminds me of you he was over the top in his congeniality he came out of the dressing room and just I felt like I I had known him for years and you you are very much that will paid my friend you've always made me feel a part of things welcome you've told people I was funny and you are and just means a lot I love you I love you too buddy and I will see you soon thank you thank you Kevin for being my guest tonight I'll talk to you soon oh he's gone okay y'all I want to tell you also next week when Kevin Williams most phenomenal next week my special guest will be oh where is it don't you love how I'm prepared hmm well it's gonna be somebody y'all I cannot believe this oh here it is here it is the Jim Brady trio let me get that down Jim Brady trio I love them monthly if you've ever heard them if you haven't google them and we're gonna have them on maybe they can sing something acapella for us I love acapella singing and the Jim Brady trio will be here thank you all for tuning in thank you joy Holden for saying I'm funny and talented Thank You barb Nelson thank you thank you again for doing this Marsha Marsha McMullen thank thank you I enjoy it there's a concert that starts at 6 p.m. Andrew Susan Smith wants you to know that that's probably Kevin's concert y'all need to go out for that support Kevin's support those kids Kevin was a a very very poor child and as I don't know if you've ever heard his story but it's it's quite amazing and but tonight we just wanted to have fun all right make your plan plan your trip to Bell Buckle les Lesley Lyons thank you all for tuning in and I want to leave you tonight with some throwback humour from mark Lowry goes to Hollywood about old age look how young that was and this is my 25th year by 25th anniversary of doing whatever it is I do nineteen eighty thank you 1980 I graduated from college and started travelling the singing little churches little independent baptist churches because that's all that knew i was on the planet and I remember I used to sit in the sound system up on the Lord's Supper table and I had a reverb switch right there you know so I could run it myself because I got tired of waiting on the little old man at the back of church to run the track so I I'd run it myself and I had a foot switch that turned the reverb on and off so I could when I sang I sounded a lot better than I really do gives you that Johnny Mathis reverb Chinese's in the moment chica and then Bill Gaither found me in 1988 and let me join his group and I have watched myself age on video do you know how traumatic that is you look at those old videos you're young and yeah I'm turned gray-headed I got bags under my eyes I suppose I'm coming to Hollywood I'm gonna find me a plastic surgeon because everybody out here is God I'm one I've never seen so many sock monkeys in my life well you know and I think you ought to do it why not I got bags under my eyes now I can't even see people when I smile where'd you go oh there you are it's 246 I'm 46 you know a hundred years ago people my age were dead people didn't have the luxury of growing old a hundred years ago you had you made it to about 40 40 50 years of age you had 14 15 16 kids because you had no TV and and laughter then would live maybe and they'd make it to 40 then they drop dead now we got medicine that makes us live to nine and hundred I mean old and people my age are having babies now you gotta stop that good night at the parental population keeps aging one day we're gonna go to Little League and they ain't gonna be nothing but a handicapped parking stop it I mean it's hard to be good parent at that age you know it's hard to do double dutch jump rope with an oxygen hose stop it bah by the time the babies are out of diapers the parents are in them and we're going to have to have come up with new role models like a geriatric Barbie comes with liver spots and Barbie's dream hip replacement or something even even Disneyland Disneyland got defibrillator stands all over the park now you don't even have to get out of line you have a heart attack clear okay get back bone it's a small world after all
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 32,004
Rating: 4.9132152 out of 5
Id: aXQpLpj0Ii8
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Length: 72min 1sec (4321 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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