Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,521,761
Rating: 4.9156322 out of 5
Keywords: mario.exe, sonic.exe, sally.exe, creepypasta, creepypasta game, mario, super mario, mario game, game, gameplay, scary, creepy, reactions, jumpscares, funny, funny game, scream, sudden noises, spooky, custom mario world, star road
Id: r15BE2dvPWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 09 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I always feel these .exe games could be extremely clever with the spookiness execution, but they're all just cheap jumpscares that don't do the original 4chan post justice
Considering how well this game was able to emulate Super Mario World, you'd think the developers would try to put a bit more thought into making it creepy.
I found it really funny that Mark was so happy throughout this "creepy and disturbing" game.
Lol that stock gamemaker dialog box at 1:30