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I always feel these .exe games could be extremely clever with the spookiness execution, but they're all just cheap jumpscares that don't do the original 4chan post justice

Considering how well this game was able to emulate Super Mario World, you'd think the developers would try to put a bit more thought into making it creepy.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/YouGotDoddified 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

I found it really funny that Mark was so happy throughout this "creepy and disturbing" game.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mdaybloom 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Lol that stock gamemaker dialog box at 1:30

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SaltAndTrombe 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to I hate you Mario otherwise known as Mario dot exe this is actually really cool because it's a pretty faithful recreation of Super Mario World from what I've seen like I'll load into the first level and you'll see what I mean cuz I just loaded up to test it I was like oh my god it's a direct port like it's exactly what Super Mario World was like and that's really cool because Super Mario World is like cherished in my mind because one of the first games at me and my brother played together so it's just like it brings back all these memories of us actually playing together because he got a Super Mario or he got a Super Nintendo for Christmas and I own that's like exactly what would happen it's like a direct port where does the creepiness come into it yeah it's like I have so many memories of playing with my brother on the Super Nintendo like way early early childhood and it was just a fun time for cooperative gameplay that's where couch gaming like really started but anyway this is supposed to be a creep oh my god I can even look up like I can in the game ah that's adorable I'm dancing dancing chick amigo okay so oh there we go oh wait what wait what wait there we go okay so what is that gonna do to me oh oh god no what it wait a minute Mario you don't look so happy over there what happens if I go back down oh I can't go back down I just got to go in the oh god no hole well here we go Mario start so why was Mario all worried about this and what is this gonna do to me hmm you are you are invincible now somehow I don't think you know what invincible means okay something Bad's gonna happen oh man where is this gonna go wrong also yes I do have a brother his name is Tom he's the author of the webcomic two kinds some of you people mostly know about that but some don't so yeah that's pretty cool he runs a webcomic he asked for like 11 or 12 years now pretty much the whole time that I've known my brother you know he's been drawings whoa whoa was that a bleedy I bullet bill Oh what's with the no face ghosts they don't even need to hide their face anymore they don't have face dan dad God all this music is bringing back memories I don't know whether be that to be missed a leak or terrified I hate you well yeah that was the name of the game so is that coming from Luigi cuz Luigi was Yakko hi hello big boos how you doing oh man oh we're just gonna bloop hey how's it going there how you doing you doing good you look good okay god I'm like I know this is supposed to be a horror game but I'm really happy right now because god I when I was well I was watching recently they're not so recently but I watched the game grumps playthrough through Super Mario World and like every topic that they touched on was like a little piece of my child and it was Lee ah so much nostalgia for everything I loved - OH oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh wait what am I supposed to go in that Piper am I supposed to go beyond it coz there's always a secret if you'll be on stuff like Super Mario well do wha hi Ouija how are you doing no I can't swim up anymore oh I shouldn't have gone over to the Ouija side of things oh no I have to start again oh why won't you die I'm invincible don't you know that oh did I actually start over was that was that text there before I don't remember because I was paying attention I'd apologize everybody I'm just having too much fun yeah God me and my brother played so many cooperative games like it was really weird because couch gaming isn't as much a thing as it is today and I really wish it was because couch cooperative gaming is one of the favorite things that I had as a child and it's just like I wish I could have it back okay oh man Oh moving like sludge and why am i underwater why do I have to be underwater now I truly Emin I got a thousand points why yours in I got ten I'm rarely more than wet oh these flumps had a fun time smashing a bunch of strawberry jam but I'm not sure they're gonna do much to me one of these guys is gonna surprise me I'm gonna have a jammy sweet surprise not like that get your eye down together but why do I have to repeatedly tell you guys to get your minds out of gutter all the time it's not like I put you there no way no how and I'm gonna die on this I just know I'm gonna get distracted derp out and then smell whoa oh man I did wonder what happened to all the extra Mario lives that were lost during the course of super mario world especially in star road Oh God if I can do a livestream where I just played through Super Mario World I would love that so much because it's literally one of my favorite games it was like when it came out in the SNES it like blew everybody's minds and the game grumps were saying that it wasn't as successful as any other of the Super Mario World Super Mario games like Super Mario 3 was unbelievably successful but I couldn't I can't even fathom that this game isn't success wasn't as successful I think it still was but not as much whoa whoa oh you son of a [ __ ] ha ha ok I knew it's gonna be bad that just goes to show kids don't eat mushrooms when you're wandering around in the Mushroom Kingdom you want me to do it again too late yeah it's like all the creepypasta images in one okay I'm moving on sorry sorry everybody I'll just move on now ooh why am I looking at the wall oh there's something on the wall what is that I can't move you thought Koopa worked alone Oh Luigi oh no what what uh oh god no what what happened Oh Mario's crying what did he expect is that really the Angus you son of a [ __ ] goddamn you I guess I shouldn't expect it any different let me load it back up into the beginning of the game ah that's so much better this was actually a fun game it was really weird how accurately represented it was from the original I don't know if he like ripped a ROM of the game from an emulator and just decided to slap on his own we'll finish there but God that was so weird what the hell happened at the end there I thought like Luigi was actually gonna pull some creepy pasta [ __ ] but just turned out that I killed him it's so horrible but either way that was Mario dot exe hope you enjoyed it you can check out Sonic and Sally dot exe in the in the annotations over there in the description below but you know like most of these it's like they're based off of creepypasta so you got to read the creepypasta if you really want to know about it I'm gonna try to find it I think the creepypastas name is actually I hate you so check that out in the description below of it use me if it's there thank you everybody so much for watching click the MJ for more videos that I've done and as always I will see you in the next I don't remember a bunny care oh wait picking up speed now Wow like that actually grip the sonic engine out of the old him
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,521,761
Rating: 4.9156322 out of 5
Keywords: mario.exe, sonic.exe, sally.exe, creepypasta, creepypasta game, mario, super mario, mario game, game, gameplay, scary, creepy, reactions, jumpscares, funny, funny game, scream, sudden noises, spooky, custom mario world, star road
Id: r15BE2dvPWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 09 2015
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