Mario Odyssey Custom Arcade Room

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Mario is in a brand new custom arcade room and we can go to several arcade rooms and see them all and get every Power dude so how about first we go to the Pac-Man machine and we end up in an area that is just like Pac-Man we've got this Pac-Man maze over here hey and looks like we gotta collect some Moon charts oh and there are these little guys coming out instead of the Pac-Man ghost and you know what there's this one Canadian YouTuber named JJ who made a fantastic video recently about how the ghosts in Pac-Man are technically not really ghosts and they never were ghosts it's just that Western audiences Associated them with ghosts I really recommend checking out that video I probably shouldn't be shouting out another YouTuber right at the beginning of one of my videos because maybe you'll go and watch that but that is okay he's a great guy has some great videos and it's definitely worth watching okay so we are basically uh plague as Pac-Man but we are Mario I hope we have enough time to collect all these music notes and yeah we got to be careful about these ghosts therapy well we actually almost have all of the uh moonshine shards oh but I guess they're money mummies not ghost that are Chase yes you know what I probably should have used some better strategy for trying to collect these music notes like always making a right turn or something uh yeah right now I'm just kind of randomly going through here and collecting these okay okay let's go back I'm actually so surprised that we haven't gotten damaged yet are we still okay I have no idea how we are still okay we haven't been damaged oh and there's the last one of those okay so we got all those is we do have a permanent man there are still so many of these to collect I hope that these last a very long time and that we can get all them yeah so normally bad Pac-Man goes around normally and munchers up all the dots but instead of us munching up dots we are collecting these music notes over here we need to collect all the music notes or the power moon to appear okay wait I don't want to get that one yet I think there's still one there on the top left corner that I didn't get yet hold on hold on let's have a look around here first okay lots of stuff over here okay this is this is starting to look good we're starting to oh boy I didn't even see you there behind that corner oh my goodness okay wait yeah there's still that one over there now then is there anything over here wait can I go high enough to make it over if I could get above that would be pretty cool maybe that'll be useful that's kind of like breaking Pac-Man and it's kind of not in the spirit of Pac-Man if you get so high that you go above the walls over here because Pac-Man you can't jump over these walls right what about us wow we can actually get up here this is so broken okay okay this is actually fantastic I actually really like that we can get up here because that is super cool okay but where are the uh where are the music notes we gotta find these music notes because I don't know how long this is going to be lasting this timer because the music knows they do disappear if you don't get them fast enough oh oh wait wait wait wait oh right here are these the last few is that all of them that's all them yes okay amazing oh my goodness we did it we did it everybody oh oh and there we are all right those are in pack dots and we also have the power moon for getting all the shards you know do we exit through this pipe or do I go into that red pipe or do I go into this red pipe here let's try going into this one where does this take us oh oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is this just the same area repeated I think it is the same area repeated right yeah okay ah it's just like real Pac-Man it's like if you go through one end then that brings you to the other end okay so let's get out of here that was some good Pac-Man playing over there okay and we do have a power Moon appearing over there because we uh we did you know what with Pac-Man we cleared the Pac-Man section okay let's uh destroy some of this garbage over here we definitely want to take out all the garbage over here there is some garbage over here and it's so cool that it's like you can just climb up here in the shelves and stuff like this you know what I should do some more Super Mario Odyssey online multiplayer I think that'd be fun and I think it'd be especially fun in custom levels because yeah in custom levels there's some cool stuff that you can do oh someone garbage over here let's just break the garbage got a shiny arcade spot right there that just gives us a coin look at this all of the detail that went into this is unbelievable yeah so this mod was actually made by just a cupcake and this is fantastic look at how good this looks like the pattern on the floor I don't know what it is about it but for some reason it just seems so familiar to me okay let's see if this one over here is still shiny is there anything special in here oh oh a bunch of goombas appeared now hey let's take out these Goombas over here let's just bounce on them don't touch the floor challenge only touch Goomba's challenge oh boy okay this doesn't count as the floor this is on top okay so we're okay here let's go is there another Goomba still okay there are two more Goombas do we get a power moon for defeating all them let's go and if you didn't touch the floor is there still another Goomba oh there's still a Goomba over here okay I thought that we had them all but and there we are okay Power Moon does appear for that okay so we activated this Street Fighter Arcade game over there so let's just take this power moon right over here street fight in the arcade let's keep avoiding the floor oh boy oh boy I should turn the floor into lava in this mod and then we'll try to do arcade Mario Odyssey but the floor is level so you know where we should go next we should go over here to the classic Mario Bros and I remember playing this a little bit on my Game Boy Advance so we end up in a sub area like this and it looks like what we are going to want to do here is uh I guess defeat all the Goombas that's probably what we have to do right okay and let's see these pipes just let us travel from one side to the other how cool are these textures okay and there is a fire bro here so maybe we actually want to uh capture the fire bro and do something with him let's see is there anything to light up oh you probably actually have to break those blocks with the charging Chuck and then maybe there's something to light up with the fire bro because maybe you have to use these folks together over here okay let's charge up and so like that okay that's destroyed now don't touch me oh boy oh boy oh boy the Goombas are so strong okay let's go goodbye Goomba goodbye you okay so we got those oh there is a nice heart Forest down there okay let's just be careful you know what let's get out of the charger Chuck we did enough with the charging check Goombas your time has come hey now what about you one two three very nice okay and that does make a moon spawn but I think that we still should light up the Torches because you probably got something special for lighting up the Torches so let's go like this get this man I like how Cassie's down uh Cassie Cappy is down there okay classic Super Mario let's go like this is the name pronounced Cassie or Kasich I know that that is a name okay so let's light up these the fire bro lit up this one uh let's not get that yeah oh we are at full HP anyway so that part wouldn't matter okay we lit up these wait is that all oh they're actually more is there one at every site oh no it looks like they're just three okay so there's just one that I didn't notice let's just charge up and destroy this one very good oh boy I almost walked into him I'm actually so surprised that I didn't take damage okay but let's go like this now do we light up the final one okay all three are lit up okay and we do get a power moon for that I was right about that very nice that we did that fantastic yeah when you see uh when you see things that you can capture like this you think that you should use them because maybe you're get a power moon for that okay this is going fantastic I really really like these textures over here these classic looking textures I played some Super Mario 64 mods like that uh Kaze has made before and yeah you have to see stuff like that people are so creative with the mods that they make for this game and for other games Okay so we've got two moons that we can collect there but we we have been through Mario Bros over here but we haven't been to Donkey Kong and you know what we actually had like a miniature handheld version of this Donkey Kong arcade game as a kid like it was so small it was like maybe as big as like three Game Boy advances but yeah it was pretty cool it was just like the classic Donkey Kong arcade game oh I didn't see that Barrel coming from there wait can we get up there we can't get up there can we that'd be crazy if we could jump that high okay but let's go over here now and this is I think this is exactly the same as the section well I guess the background is different but I think otherwise this is exactly the same as the section that you see in uh in that one part of the Metro Kingdom you go over there go oh no we can't hey let's head up here then and you know what the history of world records in this game is pretty interesting oh oh nice in a heart that's amazing whenever I go through this loop I feel like I'm Sonic what if we go down there oh I guess we can't reach there okay let's go through this pipe yeah this is just like what you see in uh in the Metro Kingdom okay let's just avoid these now we're upside down so that's a little scary but you know what there might be some secret section that was added or something oh hold on oh look at this look at this is this normally here in Mario Odyssey or is this a brand new secret section that we found because I don't think that I've ever seen this before this is actually wild that's crazy that I checked that because I was thinking of like baby cupcake added something secret over here I don't know if he added this and this is something that isn't normally in the game or if this actually is in the game but it's just like I found it now because now I was a little suspicious okay let's get out of here we've got a lot of coins too I think we started with zero coins right I tried to start with zero points okay I actually forgot that we'd be upside down for a moment okay so let's come on over here let's go through this pipe oh I'm just expecting that we're gonna show up at the uh at the Metro Kingdom and we're gonna see Pauline in a moment well the background looks so weird hey but got a lot of coins over here oh and we can see Donkey Kong up ahead over there and the coins do spell out DK over here let's go let's go let's use the hammer power up ready to use the hammer power up you ready are you ready kids that isn't the hammer power up that's the spun SpongeBob voice the guy who introduces the SpongeBob show the guy who plays that pirate that's actually interesting that that uh pirate from SpongeBob that he was in a few episodes like that was such an interesting such an interesting TV series the humor is so good it's like appropriate for all ages it's like you could watch it as a kid and then even when you grow up you can still re-wash it and it would be funny like there are things that are funny in it for everybody and let's go I am so surprised that that didn't hit us okay but there we go Donkey Kong now defeated so let's get up here through the DK section and wait okay there are now three dudes for us we've got quite a few moons showing up over here and you know where we haven't been yet we haven't been to Pokemon and Pokemon Fire Red version normally this isn't an arcade game I don't think it ever was an arcade game far as I'm aware but we do have something very cool over here for you guys we have got a giant Game Boy Advance over here I've done something similar to this in a past video but now oh boy I'm just so tempted to just like go down here and see what's down here because this is how you start the Pokemon Adventure you go down these stairs over here okay but yeah we've got a guy trapped in jail over here let's have a chat with them what's wrong it looks on his head there's nothing up there I wish I knew how to get to the Pokemon Center and yeah we can't even throw Cappy at him because he's in jail normally you want to throw Cappy onto that guy then you could capture him and then you can control him but we can't do that right now but down here there are bullet bills that are being fired out so may maybe we'll be able to control this guy and come on over go around the wall explode the cage and there we go we freed him you are now free well I guess he's not really fully free because we have control of him okay so he could run around like this bounce like this okay it bounce pretty high but wait there he is a scarecrow right here but that makes this go okay let's go I missed hey let's try this again and hopefully we have some better sense of uh oh you're going away syllable okay let's give this another shot over here okay we can probably go like this and can we get up to here okay and come on where's the power bill okay I've actually died probably over 10 times attempting this year and finally we got it okay okay wait but do we still die we still die no we're even able to survive oh my goodness that was unbelievable okay so let's capture this fella over here now we can get this heart over here and it's nice because normally you get a potion over here from your PC how does a PC store items maybe in the future we'll have technology like that where you can just store items on your computer okay I would like to get up here okay this makes me think that I would be very bad at playing fall guys because of the way that I'm bouncing around like this I don't know if all guys is at all similar to this okay and we have to move across the Link cable oh oh boy and by Link cable I don't mean like Legend of Zelda oh there's just a power Moon over there in the distance how in the world am I supposed to get that and come back though hey you know how you're supposed to get that one it's obviously like this you go with the Bullet Bill that's how you get that one okay I was thinking that we'd have to like bounce out of that guy and then safely come back okay but there we go yeah you have enough time for this all right time for some tricky movement yeah okay I think what we have to do is very very carefully Roll Along because I don't think that bouncing is going to work we've okay I think the best way about this is rolling safely along here just go fast go fast come on bro bro okay come on now let's go let's go let's go bounce bounce get me up there no why would you jump off sometimes it seems like your bounces are just so Random but sometimes they're exactly what you want okay now please get up bro don't fall don't fall okay I'll do one bounce in a second bounce okay and go up there yes bro yes bro yes bro and here's the Pokey Center and there we are oh my goodness if we get a mood for that that was definitely the hardest one yet oh my goodness that was a tough one Pokemon Center is good okay and now I'd like to restore my Pokemon to full health please official Pokemon trainers get free moons today only oh he was kind of shaking there a little bit now we just have some piranha plants to defeat over here I'm curious how many viewers here have had a Game Boy Advance before when I was a kid I used to bring my Game Boy Advance with me everywhere I'd be playing Super Mario World and Pokemon Ruby like all the time those are my two biggest games on the Game Boy Adventure I guess instead of Super Mario World it was Super Mario Advance 2 because it was Super Mario World and it also had the original uh that Super Mario Bros arcade game okay and for defeating all those piranha planes we get another Power Moon how lovely is that okay so we took out almost all the garbage but I'm curious do we have to also destroy these boxes can you destroy these boxes yeah it looks like the boxes get destroyed okay so wait what if we destroy all of these boxes maybe that's something that we have to do let's just destroy these cardboard boxes over here and wow we didn't get anything oh hold on there's still one piece of garbage here that we didn't destroy if we destroy that cool okay then another Moon does appear over here okay that's nice so now we just have some moons to collect over here I think that that's everything okay I really recommend you watch my video where Mario goes into giant SpongeBob and Super Mario honestly it is a fantastic custom world thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 276,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario 3d world, mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, mario custom, custom mario, custom mario odyssey, mario odyssey custom, zxmany, super mario custom, custom super mario, mario arcade, classic mario, donkey kong mario
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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