Mario visits ALL Nintendo Console Kingdoms! (Mario Custom Levels)

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today we play Super Mario Odyssey but Mario visits the Nintendo console levels thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoy this video so Mario starts off with these four pipes ahead of him and if we do sushi on a giant game case so let's explore around this GameCube before we go into these pipes and we can see that there is a GameCube controller and if we look down there there's the first Power moon for Mario and it's actually super cool to see Mario walking around on a giant GameCube controller like this so now that we are up here let's just bounce up to the top of the Nintendo GameCube and there's a little Delfino Plaza here and Delfino Plaza it was such a nice Hub area from Super Mario Sunshine on the GameCube I really have to replay Super Mario Sunshine sometime I've actually never fully completed the game Okay so we've got a bunch of goombas here let's jump out of them Stomp Them All but nothing spawns and the reason is because if we look up here there's still one more Goomba up on the arch over here so let's get this Goomba we Stomp the final Goomba and a moon appears for us right at the center of delphito Plaza what a nice GameCube Hub area we have over here so let's make our way down and the first level that we will go into is the Nintendo DS Level in real life please do not ground pound on your Nintendo DS this is very dangerous and that brings us to this area right over here this level might look familiar to some of you and it will soon become more obvious that we are on a giant Nintendo DS as we make our way through this level so let's collect these coins as we make our way across just going through this level nice and easy over here got a few Goombas right over here oh there little Goomba let's squish the Goomba over here let's squish the Goomba over here we've got a power moon right up there so let's go into this pipe this pipe actually brings us to here so it's like it's a little shortcut so that we can come on over here and grab the power mode all right so that's a few power moons collected okay and we didn't get this Goomba over here a moment ago oh but there's another Goomba coming oh boy I thought I would squish it but we are right in front of it and let's just hit this block just to make sure we're not missing anything oh and that's quite nice if we get this right over here oh but we already have six Health yeah that normally gives you even more Health but we already have Max health so that doesn't matter no we can keep making our way through the level over here hitting all these blocks and what is this down here look at what we have this is now the bottom screen of the Nintendo DS well the bottom part of it the screen is actually right over here and there's a gold Pole right over there and a flag there's so much stuff going on over here look at this we've got a d-pad right over here we've got the moon inside here but there's of course an invisible wall so we can't make our way through here and if we go over to the other side over here there's also an invisible wall here so we can't get through but maybe if we break some of these will we be able to go through it let's see yeah there we go all right we can grab out and make our way through all right let's get out of here that was a nice place to be but there is still some more stuff for us to do okay let's go down here first down this pipe that brings us right over here we are like right on the edge of the cartridge we almost fell off you Super Mario Bros for the Nintendo DS I'm curious how many people have played this game before you guys could let me know in a comment if you have played this game before or Dodge I think if it's the game that I'm thinking of I remember there is something really cheap that you could do I remember there's this one power up that you could use it turns you Giant and then you could basically destroy your way through the entire level and if you ever got stuck at a level you could just go back to an earlier world and get one of those power-ups okay so now we have made it to the end of the level over here there is a goal Pole right there at the end course let's just make our way over to this goal pole if we stand on it nothing happens but if we throw Cappy onto it it's very shiny and the power mood comes out so there we go next Mario decides to go to one of the greatest selling consoles of all time the Nintendo Wii let's make our way in here and I didn't oh no Nintendo Wii until very very recently now Mario pops out here and guys if this is what the first level of Super Mario Galaxy looks like man then this is a beautiful game I'm guessing that's what this is because we can see that down here there's a disc for Super Mario Galaxy and oh my goodness Super Mario Galaxy is a game that I've been wanting to play for so long for so many years I've been wanting to play that game so I guess this is the closest thing so far but I really hope that we can get to that soon because oh my goodness this is looking beautiful oh and wait can I grab that or do I fall down I'm not gonna take the risk I'm gonna go like this there we go we got it with taffy that's very nice okay so we got one piece of a power moon right now let's climb on up here let's get some of these oh oh and look at that right over there we got another Power Moon Shard right there and there is a pipe over here okay you know what let's get this okay okay you know what let's go through this pipe let's see where the pipe takes us the pipe brings us down here and it's like a TV screen and on the TV screen you can see that this is the Wii home menu over here and it looks like Super Mario Galaxy is in so up ahead there is a power Moon so let's just make our way over here we're seeing some Shadows because I'm guessing we are underneath the actual Wii right now oh boy be careful be careful okay we've got a tricky jump to make to get to over there all right let's get you out of the way all right all right all right all right all right now let's go like this oh you know what that's actually closer than I thought it would be we could probably get across like this okay very nice I thought that we'd have to roll across on Cappy but that works also under the Wii instead of under the sea all right so let's get back up and here we are we are back to this area over here so let's see what's gonna be happening is wait a minute can we just grab that moon right over there that looks like a very simple moon to get they're an invisible wall here or something no we can just get it just like that welcome to Honey Hive Galaxy so I guess this is probably the first galaxy in the game or one of the first galaxies in Super Mario Galaxy man I really want to play Super Mario Galaxy I want to play it so badly I think it'd be such a fun game to play I most likely will make a video about Super Mario Sunshine first and then I'll do Galaxy after that okay let's be careful let's just make our way up we need two more power Moon sharks where could they be because we've gotten pretty high already could it be up here maybe oh there's one oh and there's one up on the tree over there yes we can see there's a Nintendo Wii with a Super Mario Galaxy game and a Wiimote over there off to the side but we need to reach that how can we reach that that's gonna be a very tricky jump I think we're going to want to go like this [Music] oh that can't get us anywhere near there on unless we can climb the tree and maybe we have to make a tricky jump from here up to there let's see oh oh unless we can land on that little Branch that's off to the side let's see land on the bridge oh my goodness we are on the bridge oh my goodness this is so scary now how are we going to get up there uh what if I do a backflip hey we don't go very high I'm scared to fall off too let's go like this oh boy get back get back Mario no oh we're on the edge all right let's try this this might be crazy but maybe this will work let's see thank you and yeah we got it all right there we go okay there we go that was a super tricky jump I had to plan that a little bit to be able to get that I kind of forgot that we could grab it with Kathy but yeah this is about the same height as over there so if we brought one of the flying Goombas up to there that probably would have been a much easier way to get it but I really liked getting it like this because it looked cooler and it was really really difficult to get shards in Honey Hive and right down here where you put the CD into the Wii normally this spot is a little glowy and suspicious here that's not a CD is the name of the Moon that's right it's not a CD it is a power Moon so now we can actually make our way to the Wii itself and the WeMo so let's just get up here this is quite the large game case over here Super Mario Galaxy oh and look at this there's a shiny spot on each of the Stars over here so if we grandpound on this it's not a power moon it's just a coin over here but it is still a really nice detail that these shiny spots were added to these Stars over here wait what are these Stars called are these called Lumas I don't know if they're called Lumas because I haven't played Super Mario Galaxy before so I don't know this stuff I'll leave you guys in the comments to tell me hey and now we are on our actual Wii mode over here we've got the two button the one button over here and you know what is crazy to think how many Wii modes do you think there are in the world because if the Nintendo Wii sold what I think over 100 million copies oh and look at that if you ground pound the home button then a power moon appears for that but yeah let's just think about how many Wii remotes are there in the world oh back to the home screen is the name of it that's a great name for it and look at this we are back to the home screen here let's just make our way down these cartridges over here is there anything else over here to ground pound are these also shiny okay these lumens over here are also shiny I guess this is like the back of the game case over here it looks like this is the back of the game case let's ground pound on these is that all them or are there still more I'm guessing maybe we get something for ground pounding on all of them oh and there's one just barely barely talking out over here okay and in the center over here we have got oh oh and there are also more of these to ground pound over here more of these lights on these Lumas over here I'm calling them Lumas hopefully I know that hopefully that is the correct name otherwise oh and when we ground pound on the final one a power moon appears back there for us so it's a good thing that we Grand pounded on all these shiny spots wait where is this going to fling us will this fling us back let's see perfect that is a great way to get back up oh my goodness thank you for that wow we flew really far yes we did Cappy stomping Lumas okay so it does look like those things are actually called Luma so that is good news I also saw that there was a pipe over here so let's go down this pipe back here that wait a minute does that also just bring us back up to here that's kind of surprising and one place that we didn't check yet was there was supposed to be something back here and look at this hold on is there a different way to get here I wonder if there's a secret here in the original Super Mario Galaxy when I actually play that game I'll have to check this area and that brings us to way up here we are so high above the level over here because I did see that there was something up here so up here is this supposed to be like a level icon or something oh but let's see very nice another nice power Moon secret Island I wonder if there's something like that in the original Super Mario Galaxy and come on right there's a shiny spot is this supposed to be like a telescope or something I wonder if this is like a let's see give me up here hey we're inside here okay wait why is this Shiny Happy go here oh and his students can't be attention look at that a power Moon spots as far as that's amazing all right I thought Kappy would have to roll there for a little bit but it's like as soon as we got it the power moon appear tiny island secret and can we do the Impossible Jump back to here let's go oh that was actually super easy that was much more easy than impossible and next up before the Nintendo switch level I want to make sure that we got everything over here so let's just head back this way I want to check behind the GameCube because we haven't checked behind the GameCube yet because oh and right down there there is a power Moon force and here's the carrying handle for the GameCube a lot of people say that the Nintendo switch is Nintendo's first portable Home console but what about the GameCube it came with a portable carrying handle that's a joke that I saw in a meme a little while ago I thought that was pretty funny okay and that's very nice we got that power dude so now we can go to the Nintendo switch level and I've actually made two separate videos about two different Nintendo switch levels so we are actually going to speedrun this one right here let's see how quickly we can do it first up throw the cap over here and let's get going go Mario go go go go go go go go go go go go go get up go here all right let's climb up get the thing get the thing oh my goodness okay okay but we have to head back still we have to head back [Applause] oh my goodness wow and with plenty of time to spare too last time I did that I actually barely survived that so I don't know how I did that so quickly this time okay let's get out some Goombas now hello Mr Goomba bam Goodbye Mr Goomba oh another Goomba hello there Mr Goomba another Goomba over here hello and is this the last Goomba over here oh I was gonna say bam but it got me and there we go we've got a moon to collect up here now which is going to be a very nice one to get and some of you might recognize this level as super Bell Hill from Super Mario 3D World which was originally on the Wii U but it did recently have a Nintendo switchboard along with the game Bowser's Fury and man that game when I first started making videos about that game that's when my Channel first started blowing up and it's because of that and because of all of you watching my videos I appreciate you guys watching my video so much it's because of all of you watching that I get to keep doing this it's just like man this is incredible I just love doing what I do it is I'm just so grateful that this is what I get to do that it's like I just get to keep making videos like this they think that this gets to be my job now this is how I make a livelihood so thank you so much everybody oh my goodness I just can never say that enough I can never say enough how much I appreciate you guys okay so we got that power Moon we collected all the notes so next up let's go over here and pay attention to these coins so there's one coin down here there's one point right up here one there one coin in the clouds and one coin back there so remember where those coins are because now we are in a giant version of this the let's get these coins over here or I'm calling them coins they were coins before but they're not coins now go up there good job Mario yeah and there's one hidden in here so all the coins that we saw earlier those coins are all hints for where the five Moon shards are so there's one down here we know there's one right down here and we know that the last one is going to be up in the clouds over there so that's quite the tricky one to get to let's see and we make it over like this wait wait maybe this will give us some extra hype now go Mario go copy yeah we got them all very nice and now we can just head down this way and grab that power Moon so next we want to head over this way and if you take a look over here we see that there's a typhoon right over here let's just capture that type it right there get it please copy thank you Cappy and now what we want to do is just float on over here and we can see that there's a game cartridge for Super Mario 3D World in Bowser's Fury and if we come over here if we blow this in then look at that there's a moon right over there for us I like this one a lot this is a super clever one and it looks so cool because it's like you're actually interacting with the console next up is the Game Boy Advance level and oh my goodness I remember when I was a kid I would bring my Game Boy Advance with Pokemon Ruby and Super Mario World with me everywhere so to start off we've got the Pokey Center over here so over here we've got some crates on the buttons for the Game Boy so let's destroy these crates over here and before we go into the Pokey Center over here we've got a scare Pro over here so let's go like that Cappy can go to that there's the moon and the moon is going to spawn back over there where we just wear so it's very good that we took out those crates there now let's go fast we've got to go fast just like Sonic and come on Mario there we go we got the mood quickly to the button let's stop by the Pokey center now hello there official Pokemon trainers get free moons today only okay thank you I will take a moon then and we've also got a trainer sitting over here let's have a have a seat over here beside this trainer there we go do you collect Pokemon too I do and look at this he takes out a moon over here for us we are also a trainer just two trainers sitting down all right and back here we can see that there is another Power Moon Shard hidden back here and if we head over here we can see that this is a little shiny right here and when Cappy touches that a power moon appears for us so we're just blasting through this very quickly let's just get our lovely moon right over here on the table and look at the face of Nurse Joy over there to this side so next let's head up over here because we can see that there is actually a second Game Boy Advance over there and they are connected via A Link cable over here and you know what A Link cable now that's almost like ancient technology now I'm curious how many Oh Boy Save Me Oh I am not dead okay but we're trapped in here and there's no way to get out unfortunately okay but what I was going to say about the link cables was I'm curious how many people have used link cables now oh boy I remember using link cables when we were playing Pokemon and this other Game Boy advances is not the Poke Center it is oh look at this poor little guy over here what's wrong let's have a chat with you he's walking around oh I wish I knew how to get to the Pokemon Center oh it's not very far maybe I can take you one day and this room over here some of you might recognize this this is actually the room from the original Pokemon game well I guess it looks more like the one from the Remake from Pokemon Fire Red version but there we go we took out all the mini Goombas and a very nice power moon appears for us here so let's grab that pest control please oh and right over here right by our computer where we normally get a potion at the start of the game is another Power Moon shark now we only need one more power Moon Shard but if we look at the edge of the Game Boy Over Here There is a moon right down there okay so you know what let's do this hopefully we can get it and survive let's see oh I missed the moon but but look me up there we go we got do I keep going up or do I fall now I fall okay okay let's see can we get to there oh boy get me to there my friend go oh go oh no okay that is okay that we died oh and look at that right over there is the final power Moon shard so where does the power Moon spawn it spawns over there that looks like it is by the d-pad of the original Game Boy Advance so this is where you go down the stairs to meet your mob so this section over here with the Link cable it's like sure you're going across this spin cable over here I didn't think that we would die a lot but it's actually kind of hard to make it across without falling so now that we have made it to over here we can head over to this d-pad and grab this power Moon shards on the Game Boy I really recommend my video where Mario has 100 mystery fights but only one lets him Escape it's my newest video for my most popular 100 mystery Mario series thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 187,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario nintendo switch, mario custom level, mario mod, modded mario, modded mario odyssey, funny mario, cool mario, mario animations, custom mario, awesome mario, crazy mario, mario bros, all levels, all levels mario, full game mario, mario full game, mario odyssey full game, mario odyssey all moons, mario music, nintendo ds mario, mario wii, mario ds, mario gamecube, mario gba, zxmany
Id: r94aos2U6h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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