Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | Newton's Worst Nightmare Again - Scott The Woz

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Great video, October 8th, 2015 gag with the definition of Terrible. He might release the video then on the 5th Anniversary

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dillguy999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

BUT THEY JUST HAD TO F*CK UP THE BAT- wait wrong game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IconXR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was actually hoping the intro would be the same one as 8 except Scott saying β€œThis is STIll a bar”.

I got close to my guess, except the joke was even better then what I thought.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Starvation101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn, that was a pretty avant-garde setup for a Scottisode! I love that he went into detail about the game's history again, and as the dumbass who bought two pairs of Joy-Con Wheels, I appreciate being reminded of my bad decisions! Overall, I'd give this my two thumbs up if spacetime was still intact.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Platitudinous_X πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a great episode and I'm somehow even more excited for the next episode after that cliffhanger. My prediction: Scott plays more anime games, and has the power of God and anime on his side to fix the universe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FireBallis1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best opening joke of all time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CosplayNoah πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll start a GoFundMe to get Scott a new pair of shoes!

Oh yeah, also for the $8.24 million fee for screwing with the space-time continuum.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bellboyatyourservice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great, he did do Deluxe! I wonder if he'll do Tour.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Meester_Tweester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The opening part was really well done, he had the right t-shirts, setting, and all

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr-McMeme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Hey, Ya'll! Scott here. What'll it be? [cartoon character Voices] - Mario Parade! - This is a bar. Wait, what is happening? I already talked. Mario Kart part 84 [space noises hum] Wow. See, that's a fun quirk in talking about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, The space time continuum thinks you are just talking about Mario Kart 8 again, so it just gives up. If you are talking about the same thing twice, the world doesn't know how to handle it. So, we have to convince God that 8 Deluxe isn't just Mario Kart 8 again and we aren't just repeating history. And that I should get new shoes. So Mario Kart 8 came out, want a new game? No. Mario Kart 8 did quite well selling over 8 million units on the Wii U. Selling better than games that were almost always bundled in with the console. That's embarrassing. But 8 million isn't a lot in the grand scheme of Mario Kart. How could you possibly only sell 8 million copies of something? It was all because of the console it was stranded on. The Wii U. And the system itself sold less than two times more. I think it's fair to say this number wasn't Mario Kart 8's fault. I mean Mario Kart 8 was a phenomenal game. Not perfect by any means. If you read the book, you'd get it. But still, it had the best presentation of any Mario Kart. The best track design. The most tracks out there after DLC was released. Even spit a falling off course, and getting back on it. They were ruthless with making this game good. However, it had downsides. Many people didn't like the character selection. This graph shows exactly how many didn't. The fact that you could only hold one item at a time. This graph shows who did like that. And the battle mode, or the lack of a good one. It was somewhat frustrating to see this beautiful package with some little blemishes that were almost all entirely done due to time constraints. If Mario Kart 8 just improved on these things, we might have the greatest Mario Kart, even the greatest racing game of all time on our hands. It's a shame the game was updated for the final time in May of 2015. It's a shame they never fixed many of these issues. It's a shame the game was only available to Wii U owners. Isn't it fun to be stupid? Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Just a guess, an upgraded version of Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U. This was released for the Wii U successor, the Nintendo Switch, shortly after its launch in March of 2017, and it just kept selling. Most people would go into the store to get milk every week buy another copy of 8 Deluxe alongside it. It sold more than double, triple what Mario Kart 8 sold on Wii U. Guys, I think we have a winner on our hands. Mario Kart 8 but better. That's the best compliment you could give a person. So, we got to check this out. It's gotta be Mario Kart 8. It's Mario Kart 8. So, I played quite a bit Mario Kart 8 on Wii U but by mid to late 2015, I kind of fell off it. I mean, Peck would have launched. I played online multiplayer every day for a few months but no game is meant to last forever. And are you Mario Kart 8 was no different But say 2016 rolls around, right? It's the worst, it's dreadful. It is the year of not being a Nintendo fan. That whole year was filled with what? No games. And when there were games, bad games, Nintendo didn't have much of no releasing but we all knew their next console was on the way code named Nintendo NX. Back in 2015, they said don't worry guys, we'll reveal what the Nintendo NX is in 2016. So not only was getting through 2015 a wait and a half to get information on their next console, but when exactly in 2016, did they decide to reveal it? That was hell. So, October 2016 rolls around. And Nintendo finally reveals what the Nintendo NX smelled like. A trailer was uploaded online, titled First Look at Nintendo Switch, and that was a wonderful day. That one trailer, not only showcased how the Switch, was in fact, a home console you could take with you on the go, but also teased various games that would come to the platform. We already knew Breath of the Wild was going to be on it, but we got previews of people playing a new 3D Mario Games, Splatoon, NBA 2K, Skyrim. None of these games were confirmed to be actual games, they just said, oh they might be real games, but take everything in this trailer with a grain of salt. But come on, Nintendo, I'm not stupid. The Virgin radar was going off the charts. These were real games. But there was another one shown off in the trailer that got people talking. Mario Kart 8. A group of friends decided to play it in the car, nothing fancy, just playing on one of the DLC tracks with King Boo and two items slots Holy [Beep]! This looked exactly like Mario Kart 8, but with those two little differences, who know what this was going to be. Was it a sequel to Mario Kart 8 but it just reused the engine and assets? Was it just a mock-up of what a Mario Kart 8 game could be like on the Switch? Was it just Mario Kart 8, and we were just seeing things? Thankfully, a couple months later in January of 2017 Nintendo held the Nintendo's Switch Presentation. A press conference detailing the launch year of the platform, when it was releasing, the games that were planned, pricing, and all of that. Of course, various games were given full trailers and pretty much all of the games initially shown in the first look piece were fully revealed. But Mario Kart wasn't talked about at all. They showed footage of it randomly when talking about the console itself, and during a sizzle reel and we saw what looked like a completely revamped battle mode. Tell us more Nintendo! Event's over. Lucky for the human race, directly after the presentation wrapped up, Nintendo exploded online with information about games coming to the Switch, including a full trailer for a game called Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Why didn't they talk about this during the presentation? Well, I'm sure they wanted to focus on new experiences coming to the Nintendo Switch, rather than highlight an old Wii U game of there's coming over. It's smart to do that with a new console to really show how the Switch will be home to brand new experiences rather than ass old ones. And a couple of years later after that presentation, my favorite games on the Switch are the Wright Brothers First Flight and The Agricultural Revolution. There's nothing but old shit on this thing. The trailer Nintendo released focused on battle mode with an actual battle mode in it. Oh yes. New characters like Bowzer Jr., King Boo, and Dry Bones. Oh yes! Splatoon content like the Inklings in a battle stage of their own. Oh [beep] yes! The feather and blue items were returning. I'm not making a big deal about everything. You know after they previewed this game initially in 2016, a rumor emerged saying how Mario Kart on Switch was going to be a souped up Mario Kart 8 with an improved battle mode, new characters, and new tracks. Let's see those new tracks. This is the best Mario Kart 8 of all time. After the Switch presentation, gameplay demos started happening. This was where we learned about the Joy-Con wheel. A Wii wheel wannabe for the Switch controllers. You know what? I appreciate the effort, not enough to support it, but enough to ask people if they actually bought Joy-Con wheels. More battle modes were teased, and a bit later we got a full blown overview trailer showcasing all of the new content and changes made to this version. 8 Deluxe came out on the Nintendo Switch on April 28, 2017, about two months after the system's launch which was lucrative to its success. A Mario Kart on your system that early on, regardless of it being ass old, that's ass big. And Nintendo knew this. I mean, they went all out. Target got rebranded with a Mario Kart theme. They offered bonus knickknacks with a purchase of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe at Target. They mainly went for the Target crowd on this one. I was so excited for this. The fact that we were getting a Mario Kart this early after system's launch, That was incredible. I was already still pretty jazzed about the Switch launching, so add a new Mario Kart on top of that, I was thrilled. That was Mario Kart. First about this box because, oh my God. I mean, Mario Kart 8's was already quite good but the characters posing, the colors, the overall layout, just makes this feel so much more definitive. And Nintendo outsiders are even given their own spotlight here. A little strange they're using N64 Rainbow Road as the track for the box art considering it's not an original track, but at least this is confirmation from Nintendo that N64 Rainbow Road looks better than Mario Kart 8 Rainbow Road. Isn't it crazy how the Wii U game and then some is packed all in this one little card. I mean, you could fold the disk multiple times to get to this level of compact, but the fact Mario Kart 8 is in a card smaller than Mario Kart 7 DS Super Circuit, that's wild. So when we start the game up, we still get the loading screen from the original, but it's slightly less organic looking now See, when you started the Wii U game, there's this start-up screen. And that screen transitions smoothly into the title screen. In 8 Deluxe, they tried to squeeze everything about this startup screen in here, even though the game loads so much faster now, so it just looks weird and unnecessary. But look at this title screen. It's so nice to see Mario Kart fully embrace color again. For a while there, I think they just forgot what a background looks like. There's quite a bit of new art at play here. I like this toad. We can back out of the main menu and have an actual damn title screen for once. They changed quite a bit here when it came to the menu options and layout. For example, Mario Kart TV is now down here, online with one or two players now appears as an option while hovering over online play rather than being two separate options. Wireless play is now here, meaning playing between two or more Switch consoles. Lamb play is available by holding the shoulder buttons and clicking left. Stick in wise is a cheat code. The DLC shop icon has gone because there's no DLC to shop. Your options down here are more detailed with new icons. These options are the frickles of Mario Kart 8's body. The character select screen has been reorganized and tweaked. Some characters, everyone's alternate costumes are separate character slots now. i.e., the villager girl and boy characters are organized in a much more organic way here, in my opinion. Everything's unliked from the get-go except for car parts. They removed the stamps. So who's ready for me to [beep] lose it? I mean, I get why 8 Deluxe doesn't have these. I mean, their entire purpose was to be used via Miiverse, which doesn't exist on Nintendo Switch. At this very moment, it doesn't exist on Wii U, but you would get stamps after completing things like Grand Prixs or Time Trials. It would've been a nice little extra collectible, even if they effectively didn't do anything. At the very least, Nintendo could email me good job after buying a game of theirs. So, onto the characters. We have everybody returning from Mario Kart 8 but now with some slightly altered stats. It's like how I have two driver's licenses. You know, sometimes I'm feeling 150, sometimes 480. But of course, some new characters were added. I was her Bowser Jr., King Boo, and Dry Bones. Cool. And these aren't amazing additions. They've all been in and Mario Kart in the past and really should have been in here from the start Why not delve into characters that haven't been in Mario Kart before instead of drawing a circle for the third time? We have the Inklings from Splatoon. They hid him pretty well and round out the non Mario characters. But if you get through all the 200 CC cups you get golden Mario, as an alternate costume for metal Mario, the roster is saved. Cool, Mario, and no stamps. This is going to be the best Mario Kart of all time. But by a technicality, this is Marie Kart 8 Deluxe. It reminds me of, ahh, hmm, ahh, Mario Kart 8. It's really different guys. The Adam roulette has a zit now. Yes, two items can be held at once. It's basically like most Mario Karts before 8, but this is slightly different. Originally, holding two items felt more like a hot skill to have rather than a gameplay mechanic in previous games. But here, it's 8 Deluxe's favorite thing to do. It'd be insulted if he didn't grab two items. The double item boxes from Double Dash returned as well, offering a bit of strategy. They're often placed in slightly unconventional areas. So do you risk it all for a double item box or do you enjoy white bread? Of course, two items slots means there are more items flying around and it does make the game more entertainingly hectic. However, I will always appreciate what the original 8 did by having only one item slot. An added strategy alongside giving purpose to the coin item. Every item you grabbed came alongside the risk of getting a coin. Now on the coin item here barely matters anymore, considering if you grab a double item box, you will most definitely get at least one defensive item. But coin has lost all meaning. It was opposed to piss you off now it's even more worthless. I'm cool with the change to the dual item slots but I do kind of miss the original style just a bit. Well, at least they included the boo item. It steals an item from another player and makes you invisible. I knew Mario Kart 8 was missing something. It was missing bull [Beep] Drifting has been slightly altered. As in, if you can hold the drift for slightly longer, you'll get an even bigger boost once you leave it. Finally, the scheme is good. There's also smart steering and auto acceleration where if you don't know what this, this, or even this is, why do you even want to play Mario Kart? But these are options where the Kart will accelerate automatically or will avoid going off the road to the best of its abilities. You can still control the game with these options on it. We'll just nudge you out of harm's way a lot of the time. If anything, turning Smart Steering on makes a new game of try to go off road, I dare you. This little antenna appears on your Kart if Smart Steering is enabled, which for everybody, happened at least once. When you initially start up the game for the first time, Smart Steering is automatically enabled, and I get it. This is a great feature for kids or people who just don't play Mario Kart at all, but I'm worried how Auto Acceleration and Smart Steering will affect the driving abilities of our youth. GO! Known as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, It's the same game, but enhanced a bit. It also runs a bit better too. As in Mario Kart 8 ran at 59 frames per second and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe runs at 60 frames per second. Holy [beep], I hope that proves it's a different game. But, that doesn't even scratch the surface of what 8 Deluxe adds. It finished Battle Mode. So you look at the back of the box. It even says new and improved Battle Mode. It's shocking to me that Nintendo even admitted, yeah, we can [beep] stunk. Battle Mode in Mario on Wii U You know considering it was just terrible. And I only consider it [beep] abysmal, That's pretty impressive. Just balloon battle on preexisting racetracks. What's bad about that? The fact that sentence started. Something Nintendo actually acknowledged, that Battle Mode was pretty raw and pretty much exclusively focused on it with 8 Deluxe. It easily got the most attention as we have eight battle maps that are actual battle maps. 5 new and 3 retro. Sadly, most of the new ones, you can tell, are derivative of tracks already in the game. Metal Stadium is like Mario Kart's stadium. Sweet Sweet Kingdom, Sweet Sweet Canyon, Dragon Palace, Dragon Driftway, Lunar Colony, Rainbow Road. Even the Splatoon themed one, Urgent Underpass, I mean it's directly based off of a map in Splatoon. And not a big deal at all. It was a smart move to just reuse these themes as battle stages. And they don't feel just like the tracks they're based on. Well, you can sort of see where corners were cut. but 3 retro courses are nice to see back. Wuhu Town, Luigi's Mansion, Battle Course 1, And in total is more than enough to work with. Though other Mario Karts' have had more in the past, so I can't help, but ask for a little more. 2 more retro courses to even things out would have been great, but they make up for it with the abundance of Battle Modes. Balloon Battle, Coin Runners, Bob-omb Blast, Shine Thief, pretty much if it was a Pedal Mode in a past Mario Kart, it's here alongside a brand new one, Renegade Roundup. It's a game of Cops and Robbers. Basically, if you're on the Cop Team you try to scoop up the opposing team members. They'll be transported into a cage. Their team members need to try and knock them out. This is such an excellent suite of Battle Maps and Options. but they only want you to do timed battles. There's always gotta be a time limit. I understand that from when you're playing online but I would have appreciated the option to turn that off if I wanted to. But hey! Another item's exclusive Battle Mode, I love being excited for an item I couldn't care less about. Gives you a giant jump where you can leap over other players and obstacles. So it makes sense as a Battle Mode exclusive item, but oh my God, I don't care. Overall it did a good job of actually finishing Battle Mode. That's not to say it's absolutely perfect. With how many players are in these matches, they can be way too hectic. I mean, some of these modes have never been played online so we don't think they're well-suited for double digits worth of players. But hey! They actually finished Battle Mode. Good on them. Everything else, I mean, it's still Mario Kart 8. Yeah, Online is roughly the same though. Actively worse. At least when I first started playing this game back in 2017, I got constant error messages and still get them more often than I ever did with the Wii U game. But when it works, it works and even give you more options like being able to swap out your character and cart between races. All the DLC from the Wii U version is included on the card, which is great. That means these cart parts and new characters and tracks are officially preserved forever. All the Mii costumes you can like via Mii book can still be unlocked. If you have the Mii book, you cheap bitch. 200 CC is available from the start here. And it actually felt way better than it did in the Wii U version. I don't know what they did here, but in Mario Kart 8, 200 CC felt completely too fast and not well-tested enough. In 8 Deluxe, it's way more manageable. And it's actually a ton of fun. You can play with with tilt controls, the pro controller, joy-con on it's side with two joy-con in handheld mode, which is just crazy to be able to play Mario Kart 8 on the go and to also just compare 8 Deluxe through the previous handheld Mario Karts. But here are two major complaints. They never gave the DLC Cups proper trophy designs. They were always generic looking trophies in comparison to the original Cups. Come on. And you also can't control the trophies with touch controls. I was honestly very disappointed by that. And getting consistent updates, like when they patched out the Inkling girl doing one of these, apparently that's fighting words. They added a new costume and car parts for link based on Breath of the Wild a year and a half after the game launched, why the hell not? And of course, Nintendo Labo support. See, there were a few cardboard accessories you can make for your Nintendo Switch that mimic driving mechanism. So why not force them into Mario Kart? They work. For some reason, the camera's closer on Lemmy's ass when you use these things, it's pretty immersive. It truly feels like I'm using cardboard to stare at a turtle. So that's it. Mario 8 Deluxe is obviously the best Mario Kart at the time of its release. I just don't feel much of a connection to it. I remember being super excited for this game coming out. For some reason, I felt this was going to feel like a new Mario Kart experience. And then when I sat down and played it, I realized, wow, this is Marie Kart 8. I'm bummed there were no new racetracks. I'm bummed there was no added single-player stuff or major collectibles. And the fact pretty much everything was in like from the get go makes this a super easy Mario Kart to jump into but not really one I could warrant playing for nearly as much as I did with 8 on Wii U initially. Mario Kart 8 was exciting because it was new. Mario 8 Deluxe was exciting because it's the full package. Of course, no matter what people kept predicting Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would get DLC every year after its release. Just give up. All right. So did I do it? Did I prove that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is different enough to warrant a discussion on its own, and it's just not Mario Kart 8 again? [static] I'll take that as a no. [space noises] Okay. So this is what it looks like when I don't get new shoes and the universe collapses on itself. At least I'll know this for next time. [Mario Kart theme music]
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 2,455,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Kart, Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Kart Switch, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 3DS, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart DS, Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario Kart Super Circuit, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario Kart, SNES, Super Nintendo, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, N64, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, GBA, Mario Kart Review, Mario Kart Retrospective
Id: LAo4dNsk-DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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