Ranking Every Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Track

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since Mario Kart Tour came out recently I thought it was time to revisit the newest console game Mario Kart 8 deluxe and try to rank all the tracks this will be based off how fond the tracks are how creative the overall design is and also how they look and sound so with that let's get a ranked 48 donut plains 3 it's a pretty basic course it goes for a swampy environment with lots of mud puddles everywhere it's about as good as it can get while retaining the original design but the flatness makes the experience kind of dull 47 Mario Kart Stadium you raced in a beautiful Stadium in the brooding night sky and it's wery anti-gravity is first introduced the track itself is very simplistic with one shortcut ramp around the middle which is a good thing for starting off but in comparison to the other tracks this one's pretty forgettable 46 Ness Rainbow Road Nintendo sure loves remaking this Rainbow Road don't they by far the hardest super mario kart track the turns are incredibly sharp in the radiating flops make the ground nearby them shake while it was impressive 20 years ago newer tracks have a lot more to offer but this is one of the best when it comes to pure simplicity 45 GBA mario circuit for some reason nintendo went wild recreating Super circuit tracks because this one uses ultra hands to literally lift half the stage in the air yeah this is a toy Nintendo actually manufactured in the 1960s so it's strange seeing this reference its inclusion adds some much-needed excitement to an otherwise flat track 44 ice ice outpost as much as I love Mario Kart 8 DLC this one never really grew on me it takes the same idea as Rainbow Road by splitting the road in half but instead the ground is icy while fun can be had switching from the green or yellow path the slipperiness pushes me away from playing this 143 Mario circuit this one does a lot more with the antigravity by flipping the stage a full 180 visually it looks stunning but it doesn't necessarily make for an interesting track it's a lot of fun going around the sharp turns and building up your purple turbo boosts but there's just not much to this 142 bone dry dunes the name is Hector it enough you zoom through the dry dunes with lots of dry bones walking around you know it's kind of funny that they're an obstacle while you can also play as try boobs now that I think about it there's some split paths you can take here there's an interesting gliding section but the sandy ground makes driving feel a little rough and honestly this just kind of feels like another desert track without much for distinction 41 Baby Park this is just a loop that should go around seven times but something about it is really charming the music first off is absolutely slapping there's thousands of things to look at around you and taking the turns while an antigravity makes driving even more hectic than normal and since the track is so short you're constantly gonna have to worry about items and it just makes the whole thing insane forty moo moo meadows you drive around a farm and have to avoid cows yeah we're off to a pretty good start this is another flattish course but it has lots of subtle bumps which better immerse you into the farm like landscape and you can trick off dirt piles at the Monty moles make 39 Excitebike arena again this is a loop but what's cool is that it's a little different every time the ramps and mud appear in different spots so you're never too sure what's coming up the landscape kept with the same tone as the nes which makes it look pretty bland but the bobbing music and constantly tricking off hills is pretty enjoyable 38 neo Bowser City this is a solid track with a good difficulty curve seeing as the turns are really brisk and even with the bikes these turns can be pretty ridiculous in some areas Wow there's tons of cool-looking neon lights all over the place the city has this damp ish feel to it and I really don't see how this is Bowser's city anyway considering the landscape is raining in hot lava 37 toads Turnpike in case you ever wanted to know what it's like to drive go-karts on a real-life highway this track has a lot of cool elements like riding the walls or tricking off of surfboards but the biggest issue here is the difficulty you'd think these giant vehicles could easily run us over but that's not the case since you can easily avoid them and that makes the track feel slow at times Oh 36 dry dry desert well it's not completely dry the end of the lab has an oasis where you'll dip into the water and trick off some geysers or gaps in the land it's refreshing to see this and makes this desert track stand out among the others 35 sherbet land and here's another great take of a nice world you can choose between driving on the main road or dipping under water for a chill swim it's pretty brilliant that they managed to split the roads in this way it's just too bad most of the driving is clunky due to the ice 34 cheese land it's nice to see such an underappreciated Super circuit track brought back simply because it's so bizarre you drive on cheese and can even do tricks and the cheese holes on the ground as cool as this one is something feels a bit off I think all the holes in the ground makes the driving feel shaky er than it should if that makes any sense 33 cheap cheap beach the perfect getaway to avoid paying taxes cheap cheap Beach takes you to a few different locales you're mostly on the beach and dripping around the sea but the beginning starts you on a bridge and in the end you'll cruise through a tropical forest it's a nice bit of variety but nothing too crazy 32 waterpark this is kind of like if Six Flags were to flood over you drive in the water for half of this one despite my dislike of the water it's you sparingly enough to warn a good time especially when you're in anti-gravity and of course there's the end where you fly out and you can see the ferris wheel in full force and that really is just something thirty-one yoshi's circuit and that's taken very literally the entire road is mapped like an outline of Yoshi this makes for a surprisingly difficult yet fair course and the blooming trees and grass look fantastic here thirty dolphin shoals even though we're mostly in the water there are so many cool things going on we can trick off these water blowing pipes we can ride on top of you Nagi and when that jazz hits you after leaving the water oh man there is nothing quite like it 29 sweet-sweet canyon if you ever wanted to be the candy then this track is a tree you're either riding across a large variety of pastries or down a split road with the most delicious sweets in your sight they even made the cheering toads little ginger man that's such a nice little detail Oh 28 roll Raceway there really is a royal vibe to be felt with all the confetti flying through the air the difficulty is just right and the huge jump at the end was practically made for gliders although we can't go to Peach's castle anymore like in the original the roads are wider which makes the turns more enjoyable to Korean across 27 twisted mansion it really doesn't get creepier than driving through a flooded Castle that's twisting in all directions the setting is nailed just right thanks to the chilling music and depressing night sky there's even a or cut near the beginning where you can drive through a library this is a ghost theme track done right Oh 26 Rainbow Road I've slowly grown to like this Rainbow Road the main gimmick is the path splits in half and we're located in a space station as you'll see at the end of the lap as well as the middle with these green and red arrow paths the split path concept works well here although I still feel like the envelope of creativity really could have been pushed farther 25 DK jungle it's hard not to go bananas when you can bounce off flowers and say hi to the hopping Tiki heads DK jungle moves at a mile a minute one second you're deep in the jungle then you're in some ancient pyramid and then you're flying through the air against screaming pillars holy crap 24 Yoshi Valley if you want to know what it's like driving through a country road it's kind of like this there's several paths you don't know where you're going and the country tunes accompanied this mood perfectly the multiple paths add a lot of variety to each race 2:23 grumble volcano the volcano is definitely crumbly the turns are very sharp and rigid which fits perfectly with the rocky terrain theme an even cooler each lap has more and more the track falling apart and shaking which makes the experience feel more alive and realistic 22 whomp ruins this is what Mario's time machines should have looked more like you cruise the remains of some sort of ancient womp temple and in several areas you can ride on the wall the environment has this very intriguing yet desolate look and the track itself is pretty solid 21 animal crossing this is one of the more basic DLC courses but it's big gimmick is randomly changing seasons each time you play it's mostly a visual and musical difference but you'll also notice other small details to how you play as well and while the design is simple it actually works pretty well here about 20 wild woods we're put into a forest with humongous trees and lots of rushing water but instead of the water slowing us down it actually speeds us up which is way more fun than you'd expect in the segment with the moving leaves and speed boost is pretty cool too the woods here are surprisingly wild 19 piranha plants slide now we're getting to the truly creative courses with this one themed after pipes you'll use the rushing water to fly underground and try to avoid the plants and at the end you'll burst out of the water and soar high into the sky this level gives you a rush that a lot of tracks simply don't 18 toad harbor I don't remember toad ever being into boats but this small town is a peaceful place based off San Francisco you'll drive through a bit of traffic and even see cable cars and you can ride on the walls too and drive through a local market this track almost feels personalized in a weird way and the design flows wonderfully as well 17 Hyrule Circuit the one and only Legend of Zelda track so much love was poured into this one with coins being replaced with rupees and being able to drive through Hyrule Field and Hyrule Castle even the Piranha Plants were replaced with Deku Baba's the Zelda world meshes flawlessly with the Mario World courses like this make me want to see even more Nintendo IP step into Mario Kart 16 ribbon road boy did this one get a gnarly upgrade we tore across some kids room on a road made entirely of ribbon this track just brings the young spirits out of you it's basically a kid's imagination brought to life and the track is really fun to drive around to the turrets move by quickly and there's some wavy sections for a bit of variety 15 dragon drift way not only is this course Chinese themed but it also gives a shout-out to Mario Galaxy twos boss gobble gun this is a very curvy course which reflects exactly how gobble Gus slithers his body around there's lots of murals on the wall too the decorations are just top-notch 14 Mario's goldmine you can't define this one any other way than with the word zany the slopes are insanely steep you gotta avoid bats that sweep through the cave and you're even thrown into anti-gravity and can boost off the minecarts it's pure zany goodness through in and throughout 13 Wario stadium this takes the idea of a stadium and flips it on its head you start by blasting through a normal bike area but the platform is raised and out of nowhere you're in anti-gravity then by the end the stadium is flooded this whole track is a really unique take on this general theme and there's so many ramps and hills to trick off of as well making the whole race feel fast and frantic a 12 cloud top cruise driving on the top of clouds is already a great time but cloud top cruise takes it a few steps further you'll also land on an airship and drive straight into a thunderstorm with lightning that can strike down in a to feiyu there's a large diversity of track elements making for an extremely busy in fulfilling courts eleven shy guy falls this track really brings the idea of anti-gravity to the table since you can literally drive up a waterfall with accompanying speed boosts that alone is fantastic but the rest of the course is solid too with lots of charming shy guys chiming in to the music in an overall beautiful landscape oh 10 Bowser's Castle this one is no joke this is a big boy castle The Rock and instrumental really sets an edgy tone as well as the hardest nails difficulty the turns are sharper than ever there's loads of obstacles like fire bars rolling rocks and even a giant stone Bowser that punches the track from side to side and hey I even heard this is shouted the hedgehogs haver course at least that's what he told me oh 9 + 64 Rainbow Road by far the most nostalgic track for me the remake is nothing short of magical since this was the longest mario kart track of all time it was just turned into one giant lap although it feels a bit on the short side and my guide the road looks ridiculously polished he got trains dropping coins on you and of course the chain chomps make an appearance but now hop around and give the track some waves eight Super Bell subway I think we've all had the urge to explore the dark and ominous tunnels in a rail station and that urge can finally be released super Bell subway has you cruising down a very narrow path while avoiding trains from all sorts of directions what's really cool is you can even ride on top of them if you take a higher path this is a very surreal and interesting track 7 electro drill for those in the mood for a nightclub to jam with some Koopas and shy guys this course is nothing short of dazzling the entire road is jacked up with fancy lights and on some parts of the road you leave this electronic debris behind you to top it off the track design is really throwing the drive through o6 music park if you like good bangers this is the place for you music park not only has a great musical piece but the road literally plays with the music when you go over the piano or the xylophone as an example you also bounce off drums and have to avoid these giant music notes and the best part of course is the head bopping Piranha Plants I mean come on this track is freaking sick 5 tick tock clock this has always been such a classic is nothing better than driving in a clock themed world all the obstacles operate the same as a clock normally does like the gears of minute hands and they still pulled off a freakishly fun level and the music uses some really weird sounds too which fits wonderfully with the course for Mount Wario there's been a lot of snowy mountain levels of Mario Kart but nothing comes even close to Mount Wario you start on the top of the mountain and slowly transition into an icy cave well I'm not a fan of the icy roads it's so brief that you barely notice it and right after that you drive into a water dam then back to the fix of the mountain and finally you're on what's basically a ski slope with a crowd cheering you on Hince somehow with all of this happening the course still manages to be tons of fun to drive on to three mute City this is the closest we've gotten to f-zero and HD and my god this is beyond excellent there's speed boosts all over the place so you're constantly moving fast and you're always in anti-gravity which makes it more likely you'll boost off other players even the recharge pathways give you coins that is an ingenious way to implement the coins instead of just throwing them on the field somewhere to sunshine Airport personally I don't really like airports due to expensive parking long lines and going through security but this tracks somehow takes all the best aspects of an airport and makes something way more exciting than it deserves to be in one lap you go through an airport hallway two boxes on conveyer belts through an airplane and flying on tilted ramps you can watch airplanes take off this is such a satisfying track to play through and one is big blue it's funny how it have zero theme track ended up at number one this is basically mute city but 10 times better the music is still epic and there's still loads of speed boosts and recharge pathways but Big Blue has rushing water to make things faster a much more varied and wonky design track and the whole thing is one huge lab quite frankly this might be the best mario kart track of all time I don't even know how they could top this the challenge with this video is that all these stages are pretty fun so trying to pick apart the best or the worst was no easy feat but I hope you enjoyed this video thank you guys so much for tuning in and I hope you have a fantastic day until next time [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,174,272
Rating: 4.8044252 out of 5
Keywords: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Kart Tour, Mario Kart 8, New Mario Kart, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Mario Kart, 3DS Wuhu Town, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ost, Mario Kart 8 music, Ranking, Ranking Mario Kart, Ranking Mario Kart items
Id: MgALZJfjes4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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