Mario Kart 2v2... but we ride together 💀

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all right even though this is Evie's video I'll give you an intro oh no no so I gotta explore your car Double Dash for good one finally yes have you seen Evie's video bro like he has to monologue a little bit yeah it's pretty much expected Mario Kart Double Dash there are two people per cart this game has a mode where two players can operate each card that had me thinking you know how great the party crashers are cooperating what if we showed our incredible teamwork and coronation by pinning ourselves against each other in teams of two and rotate our teams around until everyone's had the opportunity to carry everyone or be carried by everyone sound good I thought so which means now's a good opportunity to show off this graph according to the stats over a whopping 7 billion people aren't subscribed to my channel but that can be fixed by pressing the Subscribe button right now so go on ahead don't be shy you can press subscribe now and join my YouTuber Army to help me dominate this platform now so you're gonna get off my characters as my video he's not gonna leave my character on my video fine all right Evie then you pick why are we we're not doing the Berto mobile vernius [Music] okay fine fine I can hardly tell that this is gonna go great you guys are definitely gonna cooperate wait so who controls the car if it's two on one that's you're about to find out I love this one man yeah this is like this is gonna be a video of working together cooperation oh so you're driving wait wait no you're driving no wait am I you're driving you're driving wait stupid oh I can already tell you guys are not gonna be cooperating whatsoever vernius we got Knight Inverness yes we did it's very true day we're also doing pretty decently honestly oh the snipe let's go leafy all right move your swap you drive now oh what what we're doing bro he's just like showing off his nice giant cake doesn't let Brenda's do all the work for me oh oh wait I was wrong button oh you have to hold it yeah all right you're literally the most berniest human being I've ever met I am wrong so I'm gonna call my friend Bernie use his own name because I am very smart now we can use it now we can use it again reduce why do you want to go swimming bro it's not time to go swimming how the frick do you swap foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] you stop cooperating you keep selling Discord amongst yourselves oh well I'm in front now that's crazy all right finally well you've been in front what do you mean oh bernius is hallucinating bro I'm actually going for insane right now yeah yeah all right yeah yeah there we go yeah what do I do I do drive you drive drive if I were watching them suffer here here look at my gameplay I'm just hitting the drip button Bernie is steering sucks oh at first we gotta show off our uh amazing achievement right here we gotta see the entire cut scene Heather make sure to zoom in on us too foreign [Music] don't hit the R button take my item throw the item God Evie you gotta you gotta tell me what to do bro no you drive you drive I'm stuck at driving I'm telling you right now why are the CPUs doing that I feel your freaking pain buddy right right and I'm fine hit him with the palm oh I love it when Nick coordinates with anyone but me that's so cool go go go go egg oh fine it's fine come on okay we'll take a second oh my God we take four at five fine look at that I've never seen Daisy happy in that screen before he's not supposed to be go okay at the same time no wait wait actually it's on start not go why hit us we got sandwich dude if you want to hit the LR button right now oh really we would like it yeah there you go suddenly surprise you were doing that every I mean we don't honestly don't have to sit at like first place right now so we don't have to worry about getting a blue shell all right good drifting good drifting take this mushroom oh wait oh yeah I'm getting complacent oh that's not good those are good items Daisy are you fine with just being in the passenger seat yeah I'm okay with it oh you're waiting I I know what you're waiting for bro I know what you're waiting for pull somebody up blow up a child if you feel like it perfect my good plan calculated whoa yippee they'll probably just rubber band themselves in the first place anyways okay they're up ahead not for long boots oh my God they almost killed it honestly easiest Game of Life we just have to worry about the inevitable Blue Shield one of the easiest games of my life if the screenshot hits him it'll be the uh yeah impressive good stuff man yup Nick heat Warriors oh cake bro eat this whole okay baby he's carrying us the victory Nick loves not playing video games and being carried okay yeah that's why we didn't work out because when you were driving we got nowhere buddy okay yeah wow that's actually a little embarrassing oh editor can we zoom in on that and they're placing uh first but it's okay we'll take it yeah I'll be real I just suck at driving it's so fun talking smack when I'm doing zero work with me because the only thing you see is my ass driving you around places starring at Wario's and Daisy's ass into the whole freaking screen dude honestly other can we just like expand the length of like Warriors ass for a stream very quickly all right Brent you know what's most broken so choose that one because it's a daisy movie all about that yeah maybe all right back to Monkey Star Cup or no we're skipping straight to the special Cup oh so if it's why with me why oh this map is unique it's only two laps instead of three because it's that long yo that's crazy go let's go bird let's go oh biggest boost Brent experiencing a boost for the first time with this partner I'm very good at this game not cheating yeah I trust you I trust you bro thank you thank you finally for once in my life people will say I'm good at the video after that that's okay it's a small blunder small blunder it's okay 12 seconds later can you explain to me what's wrong here why because you're not driving the car wait no yeah Bernice I think we're disconnected or something on my screen on my screen is driving back oh okay yeah I see I see yeah on my screen Brent is going backwards we're falling off like 30 billion times okay okay Vern almost had like a legitimate good solid win it was right there right there God no one wants me to have fun what we're just so bad you surely horrible oh yeah take it take it you are nasty yo that was crazy I do not know how he survived that oh my God they called me the king for a reason baby can we get blue shots some point somebody out there any any NPCs out there on our behalf please second place doesn't matter if you're not first you're last [Applause] [Music] almost there [Applause] it was literally the d-sync or the pause that law says that that's the only way Vernis can get a win bro that's crazy hey Nick crazy enough I got two wins and they were both about you that's all they care about you oh look at this perfect boost though and we are still losing because of the Boost yeah almost oh it's fine bro it's fine everyone get hit by the Elephant at least once elephant yeah it's a dinosaur dude that's like a prehistorical I didn't know this map was called elephant elephant jungle dude it seems like the seasons have gone a little bit better [Applause] so true all right we stick this strategy I drive you you do Furious things get rid of the punch get ready to punch Nick get ready to punch him prepare or that works too honestly oh that's bad Troopa gaming baby oh yeah that's really cool by the way I was able to do that what's up so cool oh true can you stopping on my team what what go back go back go back [Music] if you did it 30 seconds ago you might have wondered all right this is a hard rainbow rose you trust me do you trust me I trust you more than myself Evie whoa whoa break a little bit here and then drift yeah there we go let's go so sitting here they're only a little bit here [Music] oh these parts so hard yeah this part is difficult okay yeah no you have to drift [Music] are we gonna hold it use it use it just use it I hope they fall I hope they fall dude that's good that's great that's great that's good doable keep it up bro you got this you got this you got this one you're crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh ready ready it was honestly a value effort Vern I respect it I hope you just have a horrible day [Music]
Channel: Sophist
Views: 377,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sophisticated eevee, party crashers mario kart, i think that's all the tags I need lmao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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