Infinite Craft lets you fuse INFINITE MONSTROSITIES

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there's a good chance that back in the day you played old apps like Alchemy or Doodle God in your spare time whiling the hours away before school is over while praying your teacher doesn't confiscate your device go ahead and fast forward to current year and now at the wonderful power of our AI overlords we have this fun little game called infinite craft that gives us infinite possibilities to craft whatever is on your mind dog Ryan Reynolds Abit sailor Goku the list goes on and on I went in with a series of Quirk game random goals aiming to find five of the things listed Here and Now as this test I'm simply curious what happens when we combine fingertip with subscribe button if you could test that for me I'd be in your debt something not discovered itself as hairline you take that back buddy I have my goals the goals are in the pin comment now let's get to crafting I am not a creative person okay let's put water and fire together we got steam oh cool Earth plus steam equals mud how's this going to get me the warrior I don't know let's think about how we can make broccoli for example so obviously we would want water what's two waters give me a lake I don't know if that helps helps me that much maybe water and mud that gives me a swamp focus on the broccoli just think about the broccoli make the little girl then do the Thunder spell in a little yeah bro I've written many books do people call me an author absolutely not I have built many bridges do people call me a bridge builder absolutely not but you cast Thunder spell on one child we could try water under earth oh oh well that gets me plant what about plant and water where do you get will you put okay just a swamp use bog on the plant all right we can give it a shot we can see what that happens when I do that every single time I get swamp in this video I'm just going to put over here to the side what about just an earth plant okay a tree not exactly where I'm looking for but somewhat closer ooh wait steam maybe te okay not quite it what what do two steams give me a cloud and a cloud plant rain rain plus plant gives me flower burn the tree let's give it let's see what happens when we burn the tree fire dispense upon thee it just creates Ash Ash invol volcano just give me lava what does two lavas give me oh just volcano we're just going back in Loops huh swamp and mud let's see what swamp and mud gives me Quagmire oh like Family Guy I don't see how that gets me to broccoli though t plus T equals wait there's no freaking way t plus T equals British okay I was about to say there's no way in hell wait no no no no no no hold up hold up hold up hold up I know we're getting distracted I'm getting distracted from the main goal but how do I create a person let's see here fire and mud gets me like brick brick and Earth gets me a house swamp and mud let's let's take a look here Quagmire plus water thanks guys we're getting another swamp rain plus rain equals rainbow oh I see Ash and mud gives me clay clay and water gives me Pottery guess I just start combining random things and eventually hope I get something that can possibly be turned into what I'm looking for so Steam and mug yo that's another swamp for the swamp for the swamp for the swamp plus house man Mansion yeah if you put a swamp inside my house house if you if I just fill up my my house with a whole yeah house plus Earth gives me a farm oh yo a farm wait that actually brings us closer to uh Farm plus plant equals food okay not quite it how do I make broccoli what the is broccoli real farm plus Quagmire so let's take a look oh my you guys wall plus swamp let's take a look I swear to God if wall plus swamp is just another swamp I'll actually have your in-game head okay it's a castle okay Castle is a bit cooler than Manion what happens if we combine two castles together oh I can search on to okay Palace what do two palaces give me just that makes a whole lot of sense what's a farm Mansion give me ooh Plantation what about a tornado on my cat oh well we're getting off topic though we've been looking for like the way to create a British person we've been looking for a way to create broccoli we've been looking for a way to create Wario we're kind of just all over the place at the moment so I'm just going to keep putting together just I don't like where this is going tea Mansion though okay a party cotton plus food clothes okay still fairly far away from the holy broccoli that I've been looking for dandelion plus a flower would give me seed dandelion plus a plant gives me weat oh oh so dank guys we did it we found the funny 420 drop it in chat Ash plus weed oh my God that was entirely on accident well if I added the tree onto the joint oh we got the Marana Farm plus water rice rice weed so that's what they put in the rice to make it taste so good but clothes Christmas Tree Santa Claus okay still quite far away from broccoli but we're making moves I think Food Plus plant ooh yummy salad there's no way you get broccoli from weed right what about wind okay a kite for some reason what does the Wind Lake give me storm okay still far away from what I'm looking for I think we can keep trying wish weed plus seed is all I need oh God oh my God weed plus CED equals pot ha pot plus standon equals O Yay tasty wine so swamp and fire makes dragon dragon wait swap of fire makes dragon dragon I'm tempted to give you mod honestly Dragon Forest trian okay we're getting to like mythological stuff we're getting to fictional things things that don't exist just yet rainbow with dragon oh let's take a look wait UNC combinable a non-c combination what is going on wait what is this did I break it apparently there's just going to be a rainbow just sitting there for the rest of days what about a dragon Yeti okay that creates the Abominable Snowman keep in mind we have still yet to create the Big Bang so that we can create people so that we can create British people specifically Marsh plus a plant complete acccident two Silas equals a Barn Barn a c that who's wine party give me hangover I mean not surprised at all two tornadoes gives me a hurricane salad plus a plant would give me oh all righty uh bog plus Earth steam plus a palace would give me a train that makes a lot of sense still far away from freaking broccoli of all things if I swear God this is to be a swamp we're just getting the same thing over and over again okay a temple that's something new let start adding things together t plus the rainbow equals a unicorn that's the most verious ass combination you've ever seen in your life unicorn plus a train would equal a rainbow kind of I can kind of see it we need elves for Santa wait no I swear to All Things holy okay Dragon plus wish what does that give me okay a genie well let's let's just try combining wishes with anything I wish another fictional creature abominable snowman plus a fairy you okay just a Yeti Food Plus Christmas equals T turkey fairy plus Dragon oh dragonfly oh yeah that makes sense Temple t Buddha okay still not quite it uh mudslide Plus Santa maybe muddy claw that makes what the hell is a muddy claws Fire Plus wind have we even tried that combination yet smoke okay yo wait hold up hold up bro oh my goodness yo what about High Santa Claus that's right you can never get Santa Claus High what about a high turkey Thanksgiving Plus Santa Christmas plus Thanksgiving Christmas giving that's honestly a new one water plus lava stone all righty Smoke Plus water would give me a I swear to God if it's another swamp Okay fog the fog it's coming guys a ghost okay more fictional stuff we've completely lost track of what our goals are wait what about pot plus High though baked yo let's freaking go Gamers uh tea plus baked equals cookie oh yo cookie steam fire engine Ghost Engine sure train in the rain uh well not quite it we found Enlightenment when did I make a reindeer wind plus Earth equals dust I can maybe actually get people out of dust maybe I'm just keep making mud what does two muds give me Golem wrong Golem Food Plus tree you guys keep saying things that just keep getting the exact same thing Food Plus tree oh wait I didn't get this one before oh wait you guys actually gave me a new combination no way thanks guys wait bro bro bro what if I combine stone with high oh pot plus rice oh wait that's not a bad idea actually I combine them both together to Great rice pudding not quite broccoli but it's somewhere rice pudding plus a cookie equals dessert yo yummy wait bro what if what if weed and party together to create oh it just creates fun I created fun fun plus cookie Cookie Monster I think if I just give up on the broccoli angle and I go for I don't know what else do I have on here Ohio I think I think Ohio would unironically be easier birthday dessert is cake fun plus cake equals party I accidentally put a well sure I got mosquito yo Nifty make Florida wait I probably could using mosquito I could probably make Florida hold up malaria okay maybe they don't have malaria in Florida rainbow dragonfly fairy fairy plus mud I eat the gnome gnome plus snow snowman snowman plus dandelion snow Christmas rainbow mosquito malaria mosquito malaria dust malaria what's that supposed to be there's almost 420 people oh yo that now I think I should celebrate having 420 people in my stream by dropping three highs in here and dispensing them to random things like a high Dragon creates the sky a high swamp gives me a meadow clothes plus the sky that makes a lot of sense what about two Skies together Sky Plus Earth equals Sky Plus steam maybe Sky Plus cookie Golem at this rate we're going to be making more clouds than we're making swamps wait Sky Plus swamp you guys are geniuses well I'm a sky engine wait that's where it going to be a plane yes a jet wait Earth Earth jet a plane okay Nifty what about a jet combined with Thanksgiving that makes a lot of sense yeah that makes sense Thanksgiving plant Cornucopia okay cool if I combine malaria with cornicopia finally what do I do with famine wait Earth plus famine desert okay okay what do two deserts give me sand okay sand plus sand okay wao watch this sand is actually key to a lot of things desert Beach Oasis okay famine plus plane maybe crash it makes a lot wait two crashes together do I get the big bang explosion I might be able to get the big bang here party wait party plus crash it has to work it has to it has to why why what about the Sky Plus crashed maybe meteor okay we're actually getting the space Earth plus dust dust Earth plus dust equals oh yo you're right Earth plus dust equals Planet what if I put two planets together would that create the solar system a star a star plus a planet it would equal the solar system I've done it I've created the solar system what about two solar systems together that would create a Galaxy right there we go that makes sense Galaxy plus explosion is the Big Bang let's freaking go big bang plus Earth Earth maybe Universe okay Nifty no just Universe Multiverse oh my goodness we've already created the Multiverse of freaking madness here Star Plus Earth Moon that actually I I feel like Star Plus Earth would be sun am I wrong planet plus fog we'll see how that looks Venus Big Bang plus mud maybe oh wait we did it we did it okay there it is the first ever human being and now I have to know I have to be sure will I create the first ever British [Music] person you're spamming mud plus Venus we can try it let's see what happens oh Adam oh yo you're screaming fog plus plant all righty I I'll I'll check to see fog wait I'm pretty sure this creates weed right or do it creat something else yo mushroom yo like weed let's get some more people on here I'm sure people can get us a whole bunch of stuff well human swamp a zombie okay Nifty human Oasis mummy human fire a phoenix that zero sense human with fireworks a fireman that still makes zero sense Galaxy human alien okay that makes sense honestly still very very far away from literally any of my goals unless human mushroom a tow ad about Crash Bandicoot with a mushroom surely that would give me Mario right wait that does wait that gives me Mario those was freaking go Mario is possible wait I'm so freaking smart oh my goodness we might actually get Wario soon Mario plus toad Toadette okay that makes sense yo we're freaking gaming Mario plus swamp Luigi makes zero sense we're getting there Mario plus Luigi Super Mario Mario plus lava maybe fire Mario okay Mario plus hangover still Luigi Mario Snowman snow Mario Adam plus Venus Eve okay okay so now we've got Adam and Eve here we've already got people here so we don't need them to uh fornicate yeah in game obviously Shadow okay Nifty we could probably get Persona out of Shadow maybe Quagmire maybe plumber okay Nifty Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario wherever I still choose so Shadow Mario is just Luigi plumber Mario is just Luigi missed Mario God damn it why is everything combined with Mario just make damn Luigi Mario plus Earth Yoshi we're getting every character but Wario damn it Mario plus flower princess uh what about Princess Mario love princess plus Palace Prince okay Yoshi plus Mario Mario Kart okay still not quite it though Luigi plus Mario Kart it's just Mario oh you're right bro Mario plus party wait we could probably we could still probably get party crashers maybe if we get Mario and party together Mario party but it's not existent sky sky star galaxy galaxy vase Universe snow globe uh Snowman snow woman that makes sense Frosty yo Frosty Snowman cookie Frosty let's just combine a bunch of different stuff to see if we can get anything and I don't know what that says but sure yo I got something new I what did I combine Eve plus fruit oh wait Eve plus fruit could equal sin Apple not quite wait what about Eve plus Apple Eve plus Apple equals sin yo I did it well sin plus sin hell hell plus Mario Bowser okay sin zombie equals dead dead Mario we're honestly stuck here for a bit apparently Bowser Mario's Mario Kart 8 lava plus lava Mar sure cookie Mario with lava Mario Kart 8 honestly sure it is only human to sin crime what is a criminal Mario look like Crema River honestly I might just do the exact same thing cuz I can't get Warrior damnn it what does Earth plus the Crimea River give me Ukraine all righty Chernobyl okay we might be able to make like nukes maybe I did make hell hell plus sin equals Satan ocean Satan is the Titanic sure human with food gives me a chef a chef from hell just give me Hell's Kitchen okay I was about to say Chef plus food maybe cook okay we got cook if we can get obesely so for what people are saying I can get obesity if I find McDonald's maybe if I make like a pizzeria if I combine like a human with a pizzeria maybe I could create obesity by combining these delivery Luigi plus love equals Daisy let's actually maybe maybe maybe Luigi plus love I combine the two together delivery plus Chef pizza again tornado plus pizza pizza tornado behold I don't know how this helps me in the slightest Pizza tornado with Chernobyl gives me it it's cooking a I can't cook anything let's say load up the system with more Marios yeah a lot of Marios here to choose from all right I think that's enough Mario honestly house with a chef maybe restaurant okay okay restaurant with a party a bar all righty Mario walks into a bar what happens what's a bario supposed to be that's somebody's freaking OC for sure yeah God knows what a freaking bario was supposed to be gluttony okay wait gluttony Plus Restaurant what does that give us fat fat Mario [Music] behold Wario time let's go we did it Reddit we created Wario oh wait Wario plus Luigi we got to get Waluigi of course oh why oh Captain Falcon about an island Falcon P yes what about warrior with with Falcon Punch Warrior where yo wait can we get Mount Wario wa we get Mount Wario yes finally Mountain plus Mar I though donkey oh of course Donkey Kong a gnome Universe behold I've created God God is a gnome he's a gnome guys wait what about Mario and God Jesus of course wait Jesus plus Satan good and evil together Christianity oh Jesus Christ I can only imagine what I could do with this power Christianity plus Castle Church oh God this is the religion Arc isn't it yeah sorry guys I'm currently on my religious Arc I'm currently on another field Catholicism there it is what about crime with Catholicism maybe Mafia Catholicism plus Donkey Kong I a lot of these are just like I don't know how I guess they just are Venus plus steam equals life let's see and does it do be life honestly gluttony plus religion maybe hold up obesity okay we got obesity finally that could have been a way to get to Wario but whatever island plus Island Con oh there we go okay that's what we're looking for a continent combined with the power of obesity is America let's go let's see here Island oh Hawaii Hawaii for sure there yeah I saw that coming a mile away America plus church I just created Trump Star Plus USA Hollywood okay that makes sense USA plus a pirate maybe oh of course Captain America the most well-known pirate in the world maybe Farm might give us a midwest state Farmville not quite is there a way to get straight maybe houses the White House okay USA plus oh you're well that's probably just going to give me Kansas is the thing what about desert tornado dust storm all righty and US plus a dust storm would be uh Farmville Captain America Farmville Hawaii plus Farmville FarmVille 2 sure FarmVille 2 plus FarmVille 2 do I get Farmville 4 I swear to God Farmville 3 wait hold how far can we get fville 4 wait how many far vills are there keep making far vills I will i' the first person discover Farmville number 4,193 wait I can keep discovering Farmville can't I yo let's freaking go dude we're so freaking deep into the Farmville rabbit hole it's crazy 17,3 169 I think we just give up on the other goals my goal is to see how far and how many Farm vills were created in the world come on we got to get a million if we can get to a million Farmville I'm satisfied that's a big number it's over a million replace that first discovery one with Farm honestly I agree this is stupid we're going to put this here this is more interesting White House Plus Santa maybe why hangover plus America why America wish oh is this the American dream it does give me a dream I do have a dream Super Mario in America we'll see let's let's take a look that kind of just makes me a little curious honestly all right let's see it let's just get this over with okay well you could have seen that coming America plus oh wait you're right hold up America plus hell could be Ohio you could be on to something fuse Japan and America and PR you're right wait I could go for the AHA anime girl continent Island maybe that could be Japan archipelago rice maybe that might just be like Indonesia or something Sushi let's just go continent Sushi Japan if we create anime maybe it's possible to find the hot anime girl I've been searching for and complete one of the goals America plus Japan equals does it I guess it does Anime Plus flower Sacura oh princess plus anime hold up hold the phone Siler moon anime plus Quagmire oh does that just give me Family Guy or something Dragon Ball Z okay Goku yo Goku oh my goodness sailor oh my God that's the waifu I've been searching for let's freaking go I'm kind of curious now how far I can go into the anime Rabbit Hole manga all righty anime White house wait God and Anime I have the power of God and Anime at my side oh it's just Goku Anime Plus fish equals Pokemon does it anim fish equals okay we got Pokémon now okay that can bring us to some places could this possibly be the one piece to the surprise of zero people human plus electricity I don't have electricity yet oh wait storm storm plus tree maybe lightning all right lightning clothes superhero lightning famine Locust okay a plague of locust be upon thee Locust desert we a plague wait what about God plus plague does that give me like the 10 plagues of Egypt it does give me apoc wait USA plus apocalypse equals Ohio wait we got to try oh my God Golem this be a robot yo yo that actually works okay so what happens if I combine Pizzeria with robot will I get Five Nights of Freddy's let's find out baby nope water plus lava equals Stone the do Pokemon stone equals Eevee I made as well just get that out of the way then if you guys really want to see the Eevee here you go look it's me oh so hey guys uh did you know that in terms of uh oh oh there oh I don't like the Emoji they use for I get the [ __ ] get off my screen oh wait I have an idea yo guys now hear me out what happens I have to know behold not what I was hoping for glass with the electricity maybe light bulb maybe light bub plus something could be what I'm looking for an idea Sun plus fire I'm pretty sure that just gives me the sun solar okay Nifty but not quite it human plus idea oh that's a good idea an invention okay okay invention plus fun yo wait hold up hold up hold up hold up you might be right yo oh wait wait wait there we go there we go game plus human this is only human to game a player player plus electricity so just a player player plus Mario Kart of course rage Plus game quit Forest plus fish equals salmon and then salmon plus Forest equals bear okay okay we've got Bears glass plus glass window window could probably get us somewhere do you have present I have Trump but wait wait hold up hold up hold up does this actually does this actually work White House God damn it White House plus person probably makes more sense okay there we go I found the US president Santa Plus game present light bulb present a gift electricity gift battery waight light plus battery flashlight Frankenstein maybe Frankenstein plus ghost to find horror monster vampire plus president war is all I think about dream plus crime equals Freddy wait hold up wait you could be a cook right at this very moment nightmare that could be Nightmare on Elm Street human and present well we'll see what this does and if it's bad you're getting banned if it's good you're yo we did it guys obam I'm curious though I'm curious of course why would it nightmare plus Village oops see zombes still oh wait Stone plus lava equals obsidian okay okay that could be something useful invention plus window equals computer television hold up television to get me to computer to get me to internet maybe solar plus Planet I don't think I have solar oh wait I do have solar solar plus Planet equals system yo and system plus fire equals computer well now we can probably get Internet here computer maybe invention possibly internet okay so now we could probably get YouTube possibly computer Plus game gamer yo that's like like me honestly internet Plus game addiction yo internet plus fun we'll see what happens when we combine these two together ha meme meme plus M oh yo that's a good idea if I can find Ohio I combining meme with USA will that give me Ohio glass plus obsidian okay okay thank you for the information vampire wait I already had vampire I already had life okay so I got death now so like with Nightmare and death give me Nightmare on Elm Street or something skeleton hey guys spooky fact of the day there's a skeleton within internet television Netflix Netflix and computer would be YouTube maybe procrastination honestly same I agree internet procrastination could be YouTube Wikipedia all righty we're making some Headway system plus Internet let's see network network plus Internet social social network that can bring us to YouTube Facebook Facebook plus social media okay media could be what I'm looking for pizeria plus haunted I don't think it's going to work I've been stuck on this dude for over an hour I think wait no we got him media come on combine I'm the first person ever to discover Fazbear fan art Pizza area there we go we got FNAF now okay so now FNAF plus media fandom nope fandm plus Hollywood money oh yo wait money money actually works give Obama money you think Obama needs more money here fine I'll give Obama some money what does he become when you insert money into Obama change FNAF plus change I don't know if that's gives me I we need a million fnafs I'm not the first person to find 2 million FNAF oh come on oh come on I think that's a limit I think 3 million is the highest it'll go damn it you just got 30 oh wait that's 31 million I can't count you see I need commas for that guys Facebook oh wait is it actually Facebook plus change Twitter not quite it change in Twitter okay let's try change in Twitter Trend media plus Trend hype okay game hype Plus game Fanboy still not quite it Fanboy plus FNAF let's see fan there's no way in hell we got change oh so it's twitch and change is that it but I don't have Amazon as the problem do I need like forest with something rain plus Forest is that going to be rainforest that helps me get the Amazon yeah Forest plus Queen oh is that oh is that it nope not quite what about Queen plus rainforest okay that's Amazon all righty so now Amazon Plus gamer that gives me Twitch and then change plus twitch is that YouTube YouTube That's not YouTube who up tweaking right now I know right money plus twitch streamer stream wait you're right streamer and FNAF I swear to God if this is what does if this is what takes hiya what how do you even get that well come on come on that was cooking oh we got foxy yo hold up stream for foxy yo we got vtubers let's go I'm so freaking far into this that I cannot leave this stream until I get Markiplier God why is this so damn stressful oh my God was that it was that all I needed I swear to God this doesn't give me freaking Markiplier thank freaking God oh that's more of a sigh of relief than anything was that The Bite of 87 this entire section right here feels like the bite of freaking 87 that took way too long and now we're at the 4our Mark Jesus Christ CH rip editor yeah I'm soing sorry wait I could probably actually get Leonardo DiCaprio Hollywood plus Titanic hold up movie hold up if I could get actor and Titanic I could probably get Leonardo DiCaprio Blockbuster let's try star and uh Hollywood celebrity there's no way there's no freaking way let's [ __ ] go [Music]
Channel: Sophist
Views: 228,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sophisticated eevee, wario, wario cake, mount wario, in game, oh this isnt google, oh wait technically it is, for you see google owns youtube, that's the joke, wario rear end in game
Id: oMC9Hq7twkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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