Mario Party but the NICEST Score Wins

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The Matrix we live in is chock full of numbers ranging from zero to negative Infinity to infinity plus one why is that thing there are even numbers that only exist in our own imaginations however there is one number that upon nearing its name generates a mild chuckle from the one whose ears have been exposed to it constructing a ritualistic verbal response nice nice now comes the age-old question sofas went into seven stages of Reddit does this have to do with Mario Party well you see this is Mario party but whoever is the closest to 69 coins wins that's literally all there is to it but I need you to Pretend This is a Reddit thread and generate a sea of nice in the comments please and thank you absurdly nice video transition sequence stop everything one moment I need to know who's that riding a horse gallantly down the road to this here establishment the Silhouettes familiar oh of course that's offer GX to sponsor of this video here to save us Gamers from the boring browsers that are 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in the upper right look at that Daisy Looks So Glorious oh my gosh that Heavenly Chosen One Man Daisy looks like a really cool skin all right you know what I'm Gonna Roll first as usual you're like right here please thank goodness all right you know we take a second oh this is so nice going first is so sexy okay that's not sexy [Laughter] [Music] dude I feel bad for anybody who lives within like 100 mile radius of you okay oh let's go guys we got in here what's up Nick's just fully embraced it let's go don't lose to the early game pushy Penguins dude that'd be pretty embarrassing yeah that would be oh my god oh no get him get the money I can't believe I made it out of that alive I can't believe that the nation of TC Nick has spared me oh boy I just farming for another item two items imagine someone makes a video where it's like an hour of Silence but it gets interrupted by me shouting broken time throughout the video what if the other just like randomly abruptly interrupted this video with Brett's Wario time randomly happened over the next game wait I'm not concerned what the what's up you have to win all right if you want me if you want me to win then I shall win oh oh there we go I was thinking myself if I just go underneath right here then I just win so damn easily man I would have won if I didn't get hit oh not from it no it's my turn me and Nick are the same idea bro that you sure I don't but we're not here for stars in this game it doesn't matter oh yeah if we're being unfunny turn 420 yeah but funny minus the funny we could be better than this humor has evolved past just saying funny weed number oh all right I I no wait if I get Evie I just realize it's gonna be useless oh man all right so right now Nick is currently the closest to the funny I am completely fine with this outcome actually give me the money show me the money why does everybody just get keys why is everybody just getting keys wait guys is this still 420 so we're like bumping balls on turn 420 during the game shut up Evie oh my God [Music] my balls were a little too slippery okay oh [Music] [Applause] oh give us Castaways oh bro yo that's perfect for us that's exactly one and that's not what they need I don't want to get any money I don't plan a game don't play the game and it's double coins it's double coins uh-huh you know I'm just gonna get one coin just because Daisy gets sad if if you don't get a coin oh that's 10. okay that's perfect oh yeah that's exactly what I need precisely my need please ah it's so hard to type this oh perfect perfect beautiful right here now it's late you guys arguing there well I just like sneak my way right to the lead three coins away from 69. oh wait hold on this is actually very optimal yes please all right uh oh custody custody yo you want some coins no do you all know what this make this video Even Funnier green screen car crash every every time the editor watches a boss and hears someone saying slight panic attack they're like oh here it goes can you do something with Wario right here editor Replay that 17 times and our key make Wario spin faster mom said it's my turn to nag the editor bro why am I getting these [Music] what what that's why I'm getting these low rolls bro the Vern Fiverr is I'm not back I'm not virgin needed yeah I think you should spend some money so you can get closer to the the holy goal yeah I think yeah I just realized losing money is a lot harder so yeah oh yes lose more money are you gonna leave the star yeah I need to throw away my money that's why classic brand must always be in first no matter the objective of the game girl oh oh yes I don't want the video but I win in my heart if I don't win this video I think I win in my heart well I guess I have to lose the holy number now wait wait what did you steal the star instead so you lose coins you can get back up sometimes my genius it's it's almost frightening or or I already taken from you so it's harder for you to get up or be stupid okay no this is completely fine because I'm only getting like 10 coins or something because you're keeping you're imagine you actively don't like winning at all even in your own rules no I think this is fair I think this is fine [Music] it's actually hard to dodge all right sure what the first bag no take the money and then jump off you'll get zero oh yeah true I'm going I'm leaving I wanted Five Points exactly okay back on the board first Mario Party video that hit 1 billion views and then you'll be sorry it's gonna be the first Mario preview to hit negative views here yeah I know I'm winning right now but like I actually have to get an item here come on give me like a item I know I was close to the holy number I have too much money now win oh no all right I'm gonna try new techniques here new techniques oh he actually won oh it's not working oh well that's neat that's Nifty all right that's fine I wanted less anyway so it works perfect time now unless the breadsters no world except for bread here so I'm very accomplished [Music] I'm gonna try though it's there I can't deny it oh hold up he's a bit of an impasse here because like surely it won't take for me right I can't even skip the Boo this sucks [Music] oh hell yeah see that's the funny that's a funny joke right there yeah I'm not matching anything as much as you want buddy take my entire bank account and yes there I am closer and closer to the holy number come on give me the holy number I'm Gonna Save my custom dice but come on give me a blue did I get blue yes wow there it is [Music] too much too nice too nice wait yes oh my God that's awesome congratulations oh oh oh cringe no way oh wait are we gonna die wait wait we all get 20 coins what oh no unless someone makes a sacrifice wait does it go on forever it goes on forever until we finish we're about to find out buddy [Music] oh we hit it we hit it oh no now they all get our coins wait we get nothing we get nothing oh that's so damn good wait why haven't I not done this yeah that's actually a good money sink over there no wait hold up hold up that's so good that's so good let's go ahead and grab myself this baby really quickly [Music] trust me believe me I've got a plan here yeah let me grab this really quick oh I have an idea padding baby let's go oh bro she should inserts oh my goodness bro oh 1v3 oh he will be three now it's Burns turn to get bullied wait you guys have to win this okay sir yeah push me off push me off dick I'm trying watches Birds intrusive thoughts just get a hold of him yeah bro you want to kill all of us kill us right now oh [Music] no wait isn't that good you lose money wait yeah actually never mind wow that's perfect got an idea oh wow that's a big waste or not tied trust me this is a good idea right here all right now we take this bitty okay this is what we've been saving up for I mean like if you get golden pipe that's a free minus 20 for you wow that was like the absolute Max [Music] oh wait oh bro we can just throw guys no wait dude I hope you enjoy acquiring Capital friend oh that's perfect [Music] you are so talented at minigames bro how do you do it ah this is great about to go and buy another golden fight all right I gotta dump people more money [Laughter] wait someone can get toys from this yeah that's problematic because they're I'm in fourth place I don't know Monty please Alberta give him a nice donation a nice wholesome item wait just a regular block and that's it actually pretty item okay first of all question question does anyone volunteer yeah I volunteer to lose money you volunteer you do it yeah take it take it suck me dry I don't just want the last one for satisfaction s he can never be Nick today take it away please okay yeah okay oh he's gonna get a broken item something crazy so is this another one of these we just sit here all right let's rock and let's race all right good gameplay guys [Music] if you behold no I'm just gonna Loop this area all right I have all I want in this area actually oh please get pregnant please get pregnant oh if you get bruncher you're not gonna buy the Star vernias Disposal wait oh wait who wins oh my God I'm so good I never win this game but you know what let's go we can evolve this human fellas yeah I I desperately need to drop some coins before we end this game so got any ideas here we're just gonna like you're just trying to calculate the exact like turn you need to like get on the last turn the perfect amount of points here we simply we simply just chill right here just chill all right I have to not land on that bank if I land on that bank and might be ogre yeah no risking no no we don't risk them okay I'm in a good ten as well all right let's take that then what do we want to do we can just not hide bro I mean I'm gonna be really cool 69 coins if you let me win I'm just maybe this is necessary it's unbelievable the question is do I go to Safeway or do I fix somebody over are you gonna rip the band are you gonna rip it off now are you gonna hit it I think he's trying to lose like 30 coins with the duel and just someone over yeah hit me with it hit me what are you the Joker bro come on come on come on hit me hit me oh okay that honestly took a lot of time to figure out that strategy of yours dude if I was on this lucky space on the last turn this would be my best position I feel literally everything comes down to this right here everybody's so damn close everybody's got their own positions a little bit further below six nine a little bit above and it all just comes down to what their last decision is all right we hit that baby I don't know how much money it is [Music] perfect so you can't win this next minigame Kenya Easter Monty buddy can I can't I give you some interest man what the heck bro [Music] too okay nevermind I say I'm safe wait is this a 2v2 oh okay this is good maybe we winning are we losing this yeah yeah we're losing actually hold on wait we'll get closer to 60. you'll get closer to the 69 brand not me I mean we got the same amount of money what are you doing Brian but I have an item that you don't have yeah all right no we're winning evening I see Nick all right you have your win you guys can have your win enjoy it enjoy it okay Nick what are you doing my God what is he cooking on the final turn of the game he needs he explains more and not get on like a blue space or something or we could be chaotic and hope for a little bit more Spice in our life all right are you gonna spice things up then this is the part where we all start cooking I could do a little Eevee you use like the biggest chance of like he wins if I don't do anything yeah yeah can we can we make can we can we make an agreement my friend and what is that agreements okay if I don't use the dueling glove on you do you promise not to use the boo on me the politics and my Mario Party game but why would you want to do me oh uh it's a threat bernius that's that's not a good threat no yes it is if ever you both win or you both lose why would you pick the option when we both lose exactly you both okay fine so how many coins are you gonna bet two is it nice oh oh hell yeah all this waiting for spin Doctor Who is Wario rooting for whose Warrior One to Win is he rooting for Daisy over here come on go go go go go for you for you Bernie stop copying my route stop copying me wait oh we're doing stop copying me for news I think I got it wait I think I got it I got it Nick's almost at the very end he's almost getting the very funny number [Music] all right I have the perfect amount but the question is now I still have to roll this will determine everything okay and uh yeah my Blue Bell is ringing uh ringing for your name for for some reason I don't know why though five six seven ten five six seven ten five six seven ten I mean you got a channel up buddy do you have any monologues ready oh wait no wait three four five so okay we have a lot of chances I know exactly you might want to say I want to say a prayer or something yes what if we both lose it might not be a mini game you can both lose though we're waiting we're waiting a few minutes later well that was very climactic after all that waiting oh no what the do I do bro yeah where are you at here do I actually just do chance Time Chance time because like if I just skip I just have like Nick give 30 coins to Evie then they're both out true I think it's worth it it's a work well it's worth it yeah he says in last place of course it's worth it for you buddy personally though if you get a swap with 30 coins for Nick and Evie they're both out of a game minigame or not okay but if you time that the time all right all right I'm gonna go for a high score here while Brett's figuring out his turn yeah my position it might just land on the blank space get no money I just got third place got two coins I win the game however if it's like a team minigame like a 1v3 or a 2v2 I can't there's no third that exists right meanwhile I think I have to swap my coins because if I swap with anybody right if I swap with Nick or Evie I'm on 69 I'm fine what if I swap with vernius I'm at 59 all I gotta do is win first then which whatever what I'm doing my I have a play but like it just could be off or not if because Vern's blue though but let's see no my heart man I can't do this bro I can't bro you signed up for this thing oh no it's happening the longer this goes on the harder it gets stop [Music] okay oh my God I swear to God I swear to God do it do it do it hit me if you're still there I didn't need to do all that just for like two minus two all right that was that's my turn that's my turn to think the curse size is an option but I think it's unirocally better just roll normally because there's a good chance I could roll on any of these items no roll two get Bowser Bowser Revolution take us all down so you have a 50 chance or a or a 33 chance definitely go without a regular dice sounds like a plan I have to do it one time though because he has to use a Blue Bell if you want but now I can't one customers no that's bad no my 69 that was so good to them all I had you but unfortunately one of them's a lot worse than the other foreign how about a deal here like great deal could you possibly make a turn 20. if you steal from me I will Mash your Mash sucks though this is a conundrum honestly it's either go through Evie with my boo Bell and pray that the coins work out in my favorite mashes and optimally or I use my custom that goes somewhere that would benefit me the most yeah that's also an issue we don't know if it's a free-for-all or not wait isn't there where you can land that doesn't give you because too just land on that and just try to win the minigame well yeah that's what I'm doing yep put it all together wait bernius is actually in a really good place yeah this is huge it's like burnt gets first I got last Nick gets third not doubles please wants to win this I don't want to win this oh my God it's a standstill yeah what a conundrum win for the final turn of the game what are we doing I'm wondering I'm punching these balls ah oh oh my God yes yes I really I freaking do it yes he loves content we're fighting yeah we're gonna try to win beat him up and beat him up Nick Nick you don't want to win this Nikki don't want to win this um push him Nick push him you gotta push him Nick you gotta try harder than that hit the rock you don't play dick you pissed it off oh I am so nice yeah [Music] baby nice damn it shake French Shake are we satisfied with a with the time actually actually uh I should win because I have four stars at this moment yeah I think it should be it I think it's a tie I think it's a time yeah thank you finally some reason oh it was so unfunny [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sophist
Views: 309,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: InQhA1YIF8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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