Mario’s Weird and Obscure Enemies

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remember when you were playing New Super Mario Bros and you ran into these things and just wondered what I know I think about it once a week but I've never actually thought hard enough about what these things are and what they're doing in a Mario game then the more I thought about it the more of these weird Mario enemies I remembered I decided to go back through some of the Mario games and look at their catalog of enemies to see what other weird ones there were and there's a lot so today I want to go through some of these enemies to find out which ones deserve to exist which ones are war crimes and which ones I hope come back in Future games this isn't going to be a comprehensive list or anything I'm just going to go through some of my favorites but anyways let's start off with Super Mario Bros 2 not that Super Mario BR 2 that Super Mario Bros 2 this game is an interesting case for Mario enemies since it's not even a Mario game a lot of the enemies in this game like shy guys and Berto did get kept and are now Staples in the series but a lot of them weren't brought back and we banag to being one of those weird guys Albatross hoopster pupo a lot of these guys just never came back at least Pidge still has a spirit in Smash Bros that's something I wonder how they decided which of these to bring back in Future games like why did Shy Guy come back but fry guy is just sitting there waiting to be used now to be fair a lot of these are just based on normal animals so it kind of makes sense why they haven't returned like who remembers the classic Mario enemy whale but yeah Mario 2's lost enemies are pretty tame but as we get on things get a bit weirder Super Mario Bros 3 has a few funny little guys starting off with the angry Sun I wouldn't say this is a crazy obscure one but I do wish it was used a bit more often in Mainline games it's in the background of a Mario Kart stage and it did make it into Super Mario maker and actually if that's the design of it now maybe it's fine to stay on fire Chomps are an enemy that I know are in a decent amount of Mario games but I always kind of just forget that they exist I like the design and I think it would be pretty interesting to see these in a 3D game hot foots are these little guys who seem pretty cool they kind of act like booze where if you look at them they stop but honestly I kind of just wanted to mention them because they look like this guy from the procrastination SpongeBob episode okay so I thought these guys were from newer games and it turns out was kind of right but kind of wrong cuz they are technically different enemies these are called pile driver micro Goombas write that down there will be a test basically these guys hadde like normal braks and then jump out at you if you get close enough I really like this idea I hope they use it in a future game but slightly redesign it and then pretty much never use it again despite it being such a cool concept finally from Mario 3 Hey look it's a normal Buzzy Beetle and what I would have peed my pants if I saw this as a kid these are Buster beetles they can pick up blocks and throw them at you this is such a cool enemy I'm guessing they didn't bring them back since they pretty much got rid of the blocks that you can pick up but it's so un fortunate Super Mario World doesn't have too many wacky new enemies that don't show up anymore this is the game where hotheads came from which have now appeared in more Smash Bros games than Mario games anyways Super Mario World has a bit of a dinosaur theme going on with it with all the Yoshi's and all so there's a grand total of three dinosaur enemies Rex Dino torch and Dino Rhino I can kind of see why these guys don't come back too often but I do like Dino torch a lot he's just a cool guy thms were also introduced in Mario World they're basically a tiny little version of THS that can jump around these these did come back in Mario U which gives me a little bit of hope they'll be used more I think they're really funny all right so after this Mario moved on to the 3D games which allowed for a lot more opportunities for new gameplay and Giant floating eyeballs starting with Super Mario 64 there's two characters that aren't necessarily enemies but I wish they'd come back nonetheless that being hoot The Owl and ukiki the monkey hoot can help you by flying you into the air and ukiki will steal your hat try not to cry you can get it back these guys are pretty funny I wouldn't mind them coming back somehow okay so you know how you're playing Super Mario Sunshine and for some reason these guys just choose violence and commit manslaughter by throwing you into the abyss well there's actually enemies similar to this in Mario 64 except they're actually supposed to be enemies instead of platforming devices chuckas are a cool concept for an enemy and I think you could honestly use them in a similar way to the Chucksters in sunshine as long as you fix the trajectory dear God one enemy that kind of got replaced is the moneybag it hides as a normal coin but runs away if you get close to it but then gives you five coins if you kill it this has been pretty much replaced by the coin cough which pretty much does the same thing I really like this thing's design maybe even more than the coin Coffer but there's not really much point in bringing it back anymore all right here's another one that isn't crazy uncommon or anything but I just never really think about it the amp these guys are cool not really much else to say though they deserve to be in a Mario Kart track at least Mr I has to be one of the weirdest Mario enemies like how did they come up with this outside of Mario 64 he's really only been in spin-offs mostly Mario party I like how random this is even if it might seem a little out of place I do hope they bring it back someday but he did make it into a Lego set see I knew he would do it someday Scuttle bugs and skers are these weird little spider guys I make sure to think about them at least once a month I like that it looks like they're on crack not really much else to say spin drifts are special because they're one of the only enemies that you can find at your local Walmart these guys are awesome and I genuinely really just want them back put them in Mario Kart I would play as them all day they have a cool design they make you spin and Float off them if you jump off their head what more could you really want they're just awesome nothing really to hate here okay so on to Mario Sunshine since the this game has a beach theme it has a lot of new and especially goofy enemies Electra Koopa stroll and stew any of these guys could have a page in the history textbook but Sunshine's best introduction is easily the cataquack these guys are legendary not only are they Peak design but they also launch you up in the air and that the ban of my existence in Mario Kart it's just a crime these things have only been in this galaxy and Mario Kart they just deserve so much more just imagine playing as one of these in Mario Kart yes this is what I think about in my free time don't judge me but outside of that a lot of Sunshine's new characters are either bosses or NPCs I would go for bosses but I'm lazy so I guess I'll just say they better bring back panimo what do you want me to talk about this guy okay Mario galaxy has a lot of new enemies because of the whole space theming and everything so I'm just going to speedrun some of the best one spiky Topman is awesome honey Queen should be forgotten but is in Mario Kart for some reason spring is a spring spoing is a spoing and springler is a springler please don't get them mixed up goomo PS I hate gearos guppy needs to be banned from elementary schools spooky speeder is cooler than I'll ever be and male toad is fine I guess Mario Galaxy 2 is basically the same situation whittles are funny little guys chimps are little guys not funny trap dragons remind me of spin drifts of course you got Snoodle spine cone spinel bur what was going on with these names klepto has definitely seen some things and I'm still not really convinced he's in this game this guy has a name that I have to be really careful while typing and of course ma toad makes his return okay so now we're going back to 2D with the game that I think has the most new weird enemies new Super Mario Bros for the DS first off remember the pile driver micro gombos well they're kind of bad now and kind of better than ever honestly block Hoppers are these little alien guys that hide inside stacks of blocks and jump around I once again love this enemy and have no idea why they almost never bring it back it's so cool bruisers are another one of those enemies that you know exist but never really think about kind of like that assignment that you have do in 20 minutes I really like these guys they're just so weird I have no idea why or how these guys exist but they somehow not only did that but also got their own Mario Party mini game so I guess I really shouldn't be judging crowers are crows because I just knew something was missing from this game it's the crows they appear in one stage and swoop down at you s tier bring them back kab bombs are I don't even know I'm running out of things to say they're B bombs that are ignited by fire and make fireworks yippee I thought I was going to have to talk about these guys but apparently they're just redesigns of scuttlebugs and skeers from Mario 64 DS I don't really know which design I like better but I am proud of them for getting over their drug addiction all right finally we're to these guys apparently called Snail acorns they basically act like bullies from Mario 64 but ended up as these guys somehow they've literally never appeared again heck they don't even have official artwork how did this even happen did the guy making the enemies just forget that they were du that day and have his thumb print handy even when I first played this game as a kid I thought they were weird which is kind of why I love them I want these to return eventually they're just such a weird enemy to exist and I honestly just want a piece of official artwork for them they deserve that at least but anyways snow spikes are just regular spikes but cooler I like these a lot and honestly I'm surprised they aren't used more they did come back in Mario Maker 2 though so I guess there's a chance they start using them again splink are so funny like look at this guy how could you not love him not only do they have an amazing design and name though they honestly have a pretty cool gimmick where you have to jump on them twice but they speed up after the first time I wish these weren't a Mario Kart track like Grumble Volcano or something imagine how cool it would be if you hit one of these with a shell and it started moving faster making it harder to avoid but sadly spunkin probably don't have a big chance of coming back and finally for New Super Mario Bros we have squiggler baby versions of wigglers they're all right but they're no splunking though to be fair that's a high Mark to hit that's all for New Super Mario Bros this has one of my favorite batches of weird enemies there just so many of them and I love it but up next is New Super Mario Bros Wii which surprisingly doesn't have too many crazy new enemies brambles are these funny guys I think they're pretty cool I don't really know what else to say about them so I asked my friend for input so there you go these are another one I hope show up in a Mario Kart course I think that could be pretty cool speaking of cool cooligans are just the coolest these guys could be serial mascots it's hard to hate them because because of how cool they are but don't worry I do still hate them because of the ice level in world 9 these ghost blocks are kind of cool I don't know what to say it's a flying Cube I can do that too but finally from new Super Mario Bros Wii we have Huck Krabs creating the war between which Mario Krab is the Mario Krab it's the one for Mario Odyssey new Super Mario Bros 2 has the bone Goomba that's it and I'm not even joking what do you want me to say here Super Mario 3D Land has a few goofy enemies I feel like you can tell when an enemy is from Super Mario 3D Land like they all just have a sort of look to them you know what I mean like I'm not trusting this guy with my life blocka blocks look like my third grade art project they're pretty cool but I don't need them to come back this is the game that introduced coin coffers which like I said replaced money bags they're pretty cool I still like the design of money bags a lot but coin coffers spit out coins which is pretty cool they actually did bring back a fake block enemy in this game but it's just a block with eyes and a tail block Hoppers definitely did it best the little alien guy is awesome and now they just kind of feel soulless don't worry I'm getting my Proto sign ready Inky piranha plant holy Mor mol are large they take two stoms to be defeated and the first hit flattens their body thanks Morty Mo what would I do without you Pros are the most Super Mario 3D Land enemy to ever Super Mario 3D Land and finally these actually have gotten brought back but I actually really like Wallops they move with you to block your path and honestly they're pretty cool I think they work best with 3D world's ice skates but they're cool nonetheless but yeah most of these enemies that have been left behind I think are pretty fine to be gone unless someone's a really big Morty Mo fan I think they knew which enemies to keep around like wall ups and bitty buds new super brazu doesn't really have anything just these guys called girls which are funny because they have three Rs in their name that's about it unless you want a 40-minute essay on the Wadd Wing the final game I'm going to talk about is Super Mario 3D World since Odyssey is just so recent I don't really know which enemies are going to become main STS just know that I really like pokeo tropical wigglers and these skeleton guys but anyways 3D world has another enemy that I like a ton for no reason the ant trooper I don't really care about them in the actual levels and they don't really do much special but like look at these guys they're awesome and just when you thought it couldn't get any cooler uh yeah they put a shell on his head pretty cool I want to playable B in Mario Kart 3D world has a lot of new enemies but there aren't really too many Crazy Ones like whoo it's a boulder I wonder what his name is oh yeah it's Boulder block steppers are kind of funny concador are kind of just there but they do have an stier name floter are just an actually pretty cool design hop chops turn into Springs when you defeat them pretty crazy I know mad Pooles are funny little guys but they have some of the most polarizing designs in the game like look at this art it's awesome but then look at this all right yeah that's enough that but for our final enemy we have none other than the snow Pokey really great design missed opportunity to call it a snowy 7 out of 10 these weird enemies make Mario games so much fun it's awesome to see all the weird new designs in a game and also to see which ones become Mainstays and which ones they decide to draw the line on and contain in the game they're from I do think for the most part though they do a good job bringing back the ones that are good and leaving behind the worst ones except for splunking why have those not come back
Channel: Spindez
Views: 539,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros Wonder, Mario Wonder
Id: yRo3P5yBeaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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