March 3, 2022 Weather Xtreme Video - Afternoon Edition

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sagging bouncing or uneven floors standing water or high humidity nasty odors or dangerous mold crawl space problems don't get better with time but they do get better when you call aps it's the weather extreme video this is the afternoon edition this is for thursday the third day of march on james spann as advertised another beautiful day today we'll stay warm and dry through the weekend and then showers and thunderstorms come back on monday of next week let's check the upper air look across the country once again today we have a sprawling mass of dry air across the deep south a northwest flow aloft visible satellite view lots of sunshine statewide a few scattered clouds over south alabama but just a gorgeous day temperatures way up in the 70s birmingham at 76 the same for aniston tuscaloosa 77 those were captured at 2 20 so some spots may be touching 80 before the day is over and around the region we do note some 80s east of the state augusta georgia 83 atlanta is hit 80 this afternoon there's the watch warning map again very quiet for this third day of march got a few scattered winter weather issues out west here's the severe weather outlook for the rest of today and tonight no severe storms expected maybe some thunder on the california coast around los angeles and san diego tomorrow a chance of thunderstorms out west and then day three which is saturday we have a risk of severe storms over parts of iowa and the adjacent states and then on day four which is sunday we have a risk of severe storms centered over the state of arkansas but again for now the spc is not defined to risk for day five which is monday rain for the next seven days heavier totals a bit north of the state the amounts for alabama generally under one inch mostly between one half and one inch and the bulk of this will be monday this is the rain valid through thursday morning of next week although some of the latest guidance suggesting we might see some rain wednesday kind of a lower confidence forecast toward the latter half of next week so speaking of models model fans here we go the gfs this is the 12z run valid tomorrow at three ridging on top of us another warm dry day lots of sunshine highs around 80. saturday partially sunny again we'll be close to 80. we got that surface low near omaha with a chance of strong to severe storms over iowa and northern missouri sunday we're still warm and dry partly sunny we'll probably see low 80s in spots easily the warmest weekend so far this year showers north of the state and then monday that cold front pushes a band of showers and thunderstorms into the state now we'll go to the european it looks pretty similar we've got a surface low that's located over west virginia not the really a classic severe weather setup in that configuration but the air will be somewhat unstable this is the instability monday at three o'clock and not overwhelming but certainly sufficient for strong storms and again this is the lightning flash density rate coming off the european uh showing potential for thunderstorms across the deep south so again we got a chance of strong storms monday remains to be seen if we have any severe weather and again for now it doesn't look like a major severe weather setup if we have a chance tuesday a push of cooler air drops in here highs go in the 50s the sky becoming partially sunny and now the gfs brings the rain back on wednesday and we've seen solutions all over the board for the latter half of next week but this idea is certainly plausible in the pattern and this would likely be a day with temperatures in the 50s with rain falling no severe weather and then a week from today thursday march 10th troughing to the west and that rain is out out of here we're dry and seasonal we'll go out 10 days this is sunday march 13th big trough over the eastern states and at this right some pretty cold air could be settling here uh that weekend of the 12th and the 13th in fact here's a look at the temperature anomalies for sunday the 13th very cold looking for the eastern half of the country we always have late season cold snaps in march and april we all know that rain from birmingham off the european ensemble the mean about three inches between now and the 18th of march highs around 80 through the weekend upper 70s monday then we see 50s and 60s for much of next week after monday and hot off the presses got the brand new cpc outlook this is for march 11 through the 17th a lot of blue on that map that means alabama and much of the country will likely see temperatures below average during that time frame that's it for the weather week stream video this afternoon we'll have notes on the blog the next video here by six o'clock tomorrow morning if you can't catch us this evening on abc 33 40 news at 4 5 6 and 10 o'clock thanks for watching have a great evening and god bless sagging bouncing or uneven floors call alabama professional services standing water or high humidity call aps nasty odors or dangerous mold call aps critters bugs or other pests that's right call aps it's a fact crawl space problems don't get better with time but they do get better when you call aps call alabama professional services today
Channel: ABC 33/40 Weather
Views: 771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: James, Spann, ABC, 3340, 33/40, Alabama, weather, ANCWX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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