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nothing but love and respect you might have some cool fans but mine are the best we've been through it all went to war when duty called never left a man behind me movies one is super strong i don't want followers that implies i'm the leader i'm not the captain i just gave them something they can believe and i hold the lamp in the darkness but they're the light that i needed to see the road that we walk in between the angels and demons and my fans have my back hate us if your feelings don't like facts and my fans will fight back beat you with the keyboard you've been using to write back i guess we need each other like both sides of the battery we the army we the homies we the gang we the cavalry we're brothers and sisters we hold it down like with gravity can't nobody break the bond that made us all familiar [Music] gang gang gang oklahoma weather can dish out some of the worst punishment in the world hi everyone i'm meteorologist aaron tuttle but now you can fight back by installing class 4 impact resistant shingles from ferguson roof systems these shingles can withstand large hail heavy rain and hurricane-force winds all while keeping your home safe and dry and the best part this upgrade is completely free for many homeowners so call today to start reaping the benefits these class 4 singles bring including a discount on home insurance only at [Music] hey everyone here i'll just aaron tuttle here with you it is about five minutes till 10 o'clock on a saturday night i just do a quick uh facebook live tonight just kind of bring you up today what's going to happen here for your sunday as we are expecting a significant weather change some of you may have noticed it out there now as the lovely weather we've had this afternoon in the last really couple of days has come to a tragic end so a very strong cold front is kind of sneaked in as dropping temperatures out there right now uh we've also had some severe weather across other parts of the country so it is severe weather season we do have a little bit of a risk uh tomorrow here in the state uh so we're gonna talk about that here for tonight so thanks for joining me everybody another minute here to get checked in they're going to get started and we'll show you what the risks are and the locations and all that kind of jazz right all right let's see so let's see here first thing on facebook let me give you guys the link again if you're new here you've been having some trouble with uh getting notifications when i do go live you can tap this little link i just post it in the comment section you get a direct message from me you'll have to opt in every so often in other words there's two buttons to press once you get in there uh one is watch live now of course and then one will be manage messages you hit that that way you're up and then for the next time i go the next thing you get away with the product for a couple of times before facebook cries foul and stops uh showing it to you so it's a workaround i see you guys on youtube tonight thanks for checking in by the way jim from mustang always in the house and uh mean oaky i see you so miss miss loves the song gotcha tom mcdonald fan i see that all right guys on twitter thanks for checking in as well okay so let's get on with it shall we uh first thing we'll talk about is the fact that we have cooled down so i'm 54.5 degrees here in my tempest weather station so the wind has shifted around to the north northwest there as you can see and that is not a pleasant direction if you want to be warmer and milder that's just not quite going to happen all right well here's what is going to happen so we do have a risk of severe weather so this is going to be across southeast oklahoma pretty much from just east of ardmore southeast of ada about up to around macalester then down toward the red river in the southeastern parts of the state north and west oklahoma no threat at all and it's going to be for some small hail is really what i call it up to quarter size it's barely severe level same thing with the wind up to 60 and the trade up potential is very low so it's a very very low risk it's not a zero risk of severe weather but it's pretty darn low uh which you know i like those kind of low risks we don't have to worry too much about it but we also get some rain out of it so that's gonna be some good news now here's a look at the tulsa area here as well um their risk extends eastward into western arkansas and in northwestern arkansas as well tornado tanks was a little higher there but it's still on the low side so again nothing too crazy but make sure you have a plan in place as we have had some tornadoes today in iowa they did do some damage and so it's kind of just a reinforcing reminder that it is that time of the year now right now over the entire state of oklahoma we have a lot of what we call dryer that's moved in this is in the water vapor channel interesting to note you can actually make out the cold front in this channel this little tail in here with this little subtle boundary right here that's the cold front moving in from north to south across the state it's going to stall out in southeast oklahoma which is why the severe weather risk remains down there but that will needless to say be the focus for some trouble now today like we talked about not bad seriously for early march how about that lots of 70s and 80s out there across the state i would love to do that for you again tomorrow this is not going to happen if we do look at the temperatures tonight you see how they've dropped into the 40s into the 30s into northern and northwestern oklahoma of course still pretty mild down here in the southeast dew point values quite a bit different our dew points went all over the place today started out very humid but then that southwest wind kicked in dried things out kicked off a couple of wildfires and the dew points dropped off and then they dropped off again a different reason because the front has brought in some drier air behind it southeast oklahoma though these two point values and the green numbers here are in the upper 50s near 60 which again is some representative of that low-level moisture you need to produce some severe weather so we do look at the bigger category that does extend from oklahoma through arkansas and missouri this is a slight risk all the way down to dallas fort worth and then we break it down into different categories the tornado risk the five percent ring here across the northern parts of arkansas southern missouri and just a little bit of eastern oklahoma otherwise kind of that light green can't rule it out risk surrounding that region the wind a little bit bigger than that as far as the coverage goes almost backs up to oklahoma city and then the hail believe it or not does back in oklahoma city just a little bit not for get a big size hail just a little tiny hail but needless to say that's what's on the docket now we do kind of track in what kick starts the lift in the atmosphere we go to the 700 millibar chart show you the vertical velocities when you see the bright colors indicates a lot of lift what do you see coming through here about lunchtime here in the western parts of the state and that indicates our first beginning round of some serious heavy rainfall which is good we need more rain right anyway that kind of moves on off to the east throughout the day into the evening hours there's nine o'clock there's midnight moving out into southeast oklahoma and arkansas so it's a very short-lived system it's not gonna you know stick around too long it's what that will do is actually help to focus probably more the severe weather threat into let's call it western arkansas than so much oklahoma and that's just because we look here this is by let's go to 21 zulu so about 4 o'clock in the afternoon ideal share profiles here in the northeastern texas southwestern arkansas very far southeastern oklahoma cape values up around a thousand and fifteen hundred joules and when you do that and you do apply forecast sounding for that you do get a nice profile for potential traumatic storms you have a nice little slinky appearance very nice smooth photograph up here let me scroll it down so you can see a little better so this is ideal structure in the atmosphere for tornado of course the hazard possible type and a classic supercell structure and the good news is the low end of the trader risk seems to be on the analog data maybe ef-1 type tornado it's in other words low in on the damage scale but also some helped about an inch so there you go so that is kind of what's in the model day is showing up for far southeast oklahoma late tomorrow afternoon and that of course extends eastward to arkansas in northeast texas so that's why we have at risk from the storm prediction center and that's where most of the ingredients are going to lie we talked about timing let's go and get that for you so if you are wondering when is it gonna rain tomorrow well let's take a look remember that lift i showed you coming in around lunchtime out west so here's 11 o'clock uh across western oklahoma see that rainfall developing moving through elk city up through woodward and up to enid about one o'clock and it does make its way into oklahoma city area probably just a little bit after lunch so if you have some outdoor plans you're gonna be dealing with some scattered showers around so there's three o'clock four o'clock just scattered showers across the state the rumbles of thunder maybe out across far eastern oklahoma there's macalester that's probably the first leading edge of some decent signatures as far as some stronger storms models really don't get too excited about severe weather threat for tomorrow as far as its output is concerned even though the parameters are there it's kind of a weird weird place to be um when you normally would see a better representation of the atmosphere and the uh future reflectivity product but we're not seeing it this time around but there's eight o'clock in the evening there's nine o'clock secondary around there lights up as a front gets a little extra kick 10 o'clock at night there in southeast oklahoma 11 o'clock to midnight tomorrow and there's two and three o'clock in the mornings out of the states that's the timing on how things will look and i do have to tell you if you live in northwest oklahoma to flip this over it's not just um storms are talking about we're actually going to see a little light freezing drizzle and light freezing rain up here where it says purple so like that is going to be mixed in here believe it or not in the middle of the day so late morning early afternoon there's gonna be a little bit of light glazing that may happen on the bridges and overpasses just be careful if you're driving around bee bopping you might get a quick glazing of ice on the roadways up here in northwest oklahoma um so just keep that in the back remind the rest of state will not see any uh winter weather with this as it kind of moves on off to the north and east this little batch moving to kansas so same thing kind of goes for you guys in the afternoon just watch out for a little light glazing in the bridges and overpasses because that's where some of that may occur so the the best indications of that again kind of in this region about like so so just kind of be careful if you live in that area of northern northwest oklahoma okay so we talk about the toronto parameter which is in other words the best opportunity to see a tornado we go into sunday afternoon the colors are kind of congealed down here in the southeast oklahoma's we've talked about in western arkansas so that's where your best probability of seeing a tornado tomorrow we talk about the rainfall now of course if you're underneath a little heavier thunderstorm it won't be represented in this smooth data but it will kind of give you the general trend which is lighter amounts of rain in the west moderate here central and then a little heavier rain out here across eastern oklahoma some amounts up here close to an inch with those heavier thunderstorms so some good rains we need once again for the drought if you haven't had a chance you're new you can go to my website you can check out the app tab on here and it says ats whether to go app overview it also says direct apple download and direct android download so you haven't had a chance to get my weather app it's free it's called ats whether to go you can go to your google play store or apple store right now and download it it'll predict tornadoes before they actually develop giving you more time to seek shelter so it's always good to have in your arsenal for your spring severe weather season all right temperatures over the next few days like i said hope you enjoyed the last few these aren't so nice we'll be into the 40s here for monday and tuesday for temperatures in the afternoon even sunday actually we'll spend most of the day in the 40s also you see overnight lows into the 20s the next few nights so if you were going to put some plants out or you did you're gonna have to bring those back in and then we'll start to warm things up a little bit on the 10th now we did look at some data which indicated uh another push of some cold air across the country moving in through this period so some of these numbers we're going to have to double check on this i didn't do any long range forecasting matter of fact i haven't looked anything since in my blog on sunday which had alluded to another round coming in but just for all intents and purposes i want to give you up to date on sunday as far as what you can expect since it'd be so much different than today okay so if you do want to stick around i will go ahead and take a look at the extended outlook and we'll see across the country what it looks like for that next round uh when i already get some really cold stuff i have not looked other than we're gonna do it on the fly so bear with me and we'll see what the newest data shows so let me get a second to get queued up okay so what we want to do here first decisions decisions all right let's try the arctic air let's do that first because i want to see where it is where it's going is it coming in et cetera et cetera all right so we'll start you off here in the northern plains where that's spiraling around and of course here it comes just a little taste here for oklahoma if you noticed and we get just and then it comes through for for monday now luckily this cold this air mass is not as cold as that one we had you know a week or so ago but look at that nasty stuff in canada oh my goodness but look at it tries to come down here again see this is around the fifth uh what's it the tenth we get a little bit of a glancing blow but that's a little stronger than this last one that's why saying that extended outlook is gonna be a little iffy um because i think there's a little better chance of seeing a little better cooldown so that's that's a pretty nasty cold air here for um the 11th of march oh that's next friday so uh let's see let's go on with time and then that kind of wraps up on the 12th so it's at least it's a quick mover in in one you know in a couple days gone and the weekend looks like the 13th and 14th that looks a lot better another little quick shot tries to dive in here on the 15th but i think we're starting to change here for a pattern which is good and it's right on cube it's march baby so what you're seeing is a lot more warm air fighting to establish itself and more this cold air gets shunted to the east so that's kind of how the nation looks overall let's take a look at storm structure precipitation we'll see if there's any big ones coming our way and any of that uh you know winter weather too let's take a look at that okay so there's the rainfall for the weekend excuse me first yeah the weekend sunday uh that moves on off let's see what happens after that let's see was that a little hint of some snow it was on the 12th out there in the panhandle in southern kansas just a little light dusting all right so there's a bigger system there for the 10th with that next stronger front but we don't get a lot of precipitation out of it looks like a little light snow there northwest oklahoma so there's a little bit of a snow signal there moving through central oklahoma some flurry activity looks like uh for the the night of the 10th into the morning of the 11th so cold raw nasty day looks like and then after that man we need some rain guys and there's not much there all right that goes to the 15th of the of the month let's go to a longer range model that'll take us beyond the 15th just to see if there's anything that looks a little bit better than that and extended so let's see we'll zip through that period zip through that one we'll get to the 15th all right now we go the 16th onward okay what's this that's on the 17th 16th 17th ah it's mostly east more cold fronts come in little glancing blows and still no significant storm system this is on march uh 21st boy see these isobars how closely packed they are on this particular case on this particular day on the 21st so hey about that right after we start spring officially it's gonna get windy uh let's just take a look just at a forecast sounding let's see if we got the the moisture coming in what it looks like at that point um because that pattern does looks like it should bring in some moisture at some point but uh prior to this it looks like we've been bone dry this this sounding forecast is very dry in the atmosphere so hint hint as to why we're not getting a whole lot of rain in this extended outlook so we'll see this this should indicate a pretty significant pattern change toward the third week of march so maybe that's when we'll start to kick start our severe weather season here in oklahoma which would be right on schedule on average i usually say from mid-march to mid-june so that's within the window of how things usually um plan out all right so that was it for me uh let me jump here real quick on any questions anything i missed you guys wanted to to know about didn't want to go too in depth tonight believe it or not i can do some of these rather short uh let's see oh me and okay i hear yeah you're just gonna have i don't know what's going on i'll tell you what a lot of times it's because you're either throttled on your provider right or um youtube thinks that you don't have a good wi-fi or good internet so if it's not giving you 1080p up front you just have to manually hit that gear button same thing for facebook so if you get the pictures are always a little fuzzy uh you're gonna have to override it it should be smart enough to know the difference but maybe sometimes it doesn't work out that way uh let's see here real quick let me go to facebook so josh says time for oklahoma city rain tomorrow you're looking just after noon so probably about uh one o'clock is the window that opens and then it's from that point through the rest of the afternoon uh ricky's so late to the party he missed the whole thing so he wants to know everything all right i'll give you a recap here in a second um let's see here oh we do have the time change that's right um i detest the time change as most of you probably have known if you've watched me long enough you know that i am not a fan of the time change i'm not sure many of you are a fan of the time change just stick it and leave it i'm telling you man there's been studies that show it's horrible for us and yet we do it anyway it's i don't know what's wrong with humans i really don't sometimes we do the dumbest things just because it's a habit or because it's something we we've done for 100 years or whatever it may have been i'm just like man let's just change it let's all protest this won't change our clocks how about that everybody shows up at the time but that would have been the day before how about that um see if you all do it that's how that's how it's done anything you know if i could say uh it's one of those deals you know there's some huge government control let's say they take they're going to take 70 of your taxes for example well instead just moaned about it everybody goes on strike they won't have any taxes to take and it only works though everybody goes on strike see how i'm saying it has to be all or nothing so this time change has to be all or nothing can't have a few of you rogue people going out there going let's change it all right so let me see so here's the quick um recap here if you missed it we have some showers moving in across the state tomorrow we'll start in western oklahoma late morning a little bit of winter mix believe it or not some freezing drizzle light freezing rain far northwest oklahoma to northern oklahoma during the middle part of the day so watch out bridges and overpasses up there there was a cold rain here in oklahoma city starting around lunchtime and that continues through the afternoon uh and then if you have any plans keep that in mind that any severe weather looks like could be confined in far southeast oklahoma we're talking from a line from fort smith to mcallister to about ada if you live along that line then points south you're in the zone for that that extends into western arkansas southern missouri and northeast texas so if you have live in that area make sure you use my weather app at whether to go now i do typically try to track tornadoes live so if i'm available and looks like trends will be developing i will be covering those live during that time frame so all all season long usually when i come on the air it's not good when it's something like this obviously it is i'm just giving the forecast update but when i come on the air during severe weather event is because i'm attract tornadoes not because i don't track um standard thunderstorms with little wind little hail that i don't i don't do that those are dumb it does in oklahoma as long as you don't go out there and playing them you'll be fine just you know stay stay out of them but it's the tornados that everybody needs the most lead time for uh seek shelter for and everybody panics about right so i'll be your calm um voice of reason during those events so that's why i cover those okay so that's it for me i'm gonna get out of here you guys have a great rest your saturday night thanks for always for your support both on liking sharing this video um liking sharing the page telling your friends and family about at's weather using my weather app ats whether to go going to the website becoming a supporter any method you choose you can hit the description tab on here on this video you can pick up a template weather station at a discount you can pick up a no weather radio at a discount by the way so many of you have done that um so if you have not gotten to know a weather radio make sure you get one and also thanks for the stars i love those stars by the way lisa's giving me the clapping hands so thanks buddy uh all right appreciate you guys send me some stars and then on facebook okay you guys have a great rest of your saturday night and some of you i will probably see tomorrow afternoon evening you know if things get a little rough and rowdy in there in southeast oklahoma otherwise you guys sleep well we'll talk soon take i care born [Music] you
Channel: Aaron Tuttle
Views: 475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tornadoes, tornado, oklahoma, severe weather, aaron tuttle, oklahoma city, ATs Weather, severe weather live coverage for Oklahoma, severe weather forecast Oklahoma, best weather app, live tornado coverage, live tornado coverage Oklahoma, live tornado coverage Texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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