March 4, 2022 Weather Xtreme Video - Afternoon Edition

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cracks in brick cracks in block sticking windows or doors settling or sinking foundation it's a fact foundation problems don't get better with time but they do get better when you call aps it's the weather extreme video this is the afternoon edition this is for friday the 4th of march i'm james spann alabama's weather will stay warm and dry for the weekend then we turn stormy early next week on monday maybe some severe storms around let's talk about it this is the upper air look across the country today got a ridge right on top of us and again a very dry air mass in place across the deep south there's the visible satellite view had a few streaks of cirrus clouds around but it's basically sunny statewide and again we think we'll be dry over the weekend and for some today the warmest day so far this year how about the shelby county airport coming in at 83 anniston 82 birmingham and tuscaloosa 81 we'll see numbers like that tomorrow and sunday and around the region awfully warm montgomery 84 today up north though they've got winter weather advisories and a broadband from the dakotas up to upper michigan some winter weather advisories out west as well here's the severe weather outlook through tonight no severe weather expected maybe some thunder from las vegas and phoenix up to minneapolis-st paul tomorrow a chance of severe storms over iowa and some of the adjacent states day three sunday a risk of severe storms from north texas sherman denison back up to much of arkansas southern missouri and far western tennessee and day four monday got a risk of severe storms across parts of the deep south you can see in alabama that risk runs monday from near butler and choctaw county to about clanton ashland and ranburn areas there in yellow we'll talk about the threat here as we go in modeling here's the qpf the rain for the next seven days for alabama heavier totals for the southern counties of the state rain amounts there between one and two inches north alabama will likely see under one inch between now and friday morning of next week so model fans let's go here's the gfs this is the 12z run valid tomorrow at three got troughing in the west one piece lifting out coming out across the great plains states but around here the ridge stays in place so the weather for us tomorrow warm dry highs at or just over 80 much like today got a surface low near omaha that will likely bring a chance of strong to severe storms to parts of iowa and missouri this is sunday we're still warm and dry partially sunny thunderstorms north and west of the state and then monday a cold front pushes in that will bring a chance of showers and storms and again that's really not a classic severe weather look we've got a surface low that's north of philadelphia you really want to see that thing north or west of the state for a big severe weather day this is the namm the 12 kilometer nam this is valid at three o'clock monday and uh instability values do exceed a thousand jewels from birmingham south and west so the air becomes unstable but this is the storm relative helicity and the higher shear values are positioned away from the instability it's not really phased up this is the crossover and again the low-level winds are really not backed strongly so it's not really a classic tornado look but understand this is one model run for an event that's 84 hours away this could change and this is the stp numbers are relatively low but we'll be focused on this and watch the trends over the weekend carefully but just be aware there could be a few strong to severe storms across the northern half of the state monday the main window i'd say noon until maybe 8 p.m something like that the way it looks now tuesday the front stalls out around u.s 80. showers confined to the southern third of the state north alabama dry and noticeably cooler with highs in the 50s that'll be a big change and then wednesday a wave moves on the front as the rain becomes likely a cool rain for much of the state will be in the 50s no severe weather problems thursday that wave is on by we're cool and dry temperatures probably going back in the 60s and then a week from today friday the 11th big trough carving out over the eastern half of the country and a cold front comes through this run showing very limited moisture so uh if this verifies probably not much rain with that feature friday but the big story it's the cold air coming in this is the following day saturday the 12th it's a 1032 millibar high that's over iowa and that would be pretty cold uh highs will be down in the low 50s maybe upper 40s for the tennessee valley and that should push us down into the 20s over the northern half of the state sunday morning march 13th growers beware and this will not be the last cold snap either we'll go out to on monday the 14th trough is on by and we have a dry air mass weather should be cool and dry rain for birmingham off the european ensemble the mean about four inches between now and the 19th of march and after monday temperatures come way down and i think for a lot of folks around here highs will be in the 50s on tuesday and wednesday and again look out for that weekend of the 12th and the 13th it's got 30 and this is for birmingham many spots will likely be in the 20s sunday morning march 13th and hot off the presses got the brand new cpc outlook this is for march 12th through the 18th we are solidly in the blue meaning temperatures around here below average that's it for the weather extreme video this afternoon we'll have notes on the blog my next video here will be posted by six o'clock monday morning if you can join us this evening on abc 33 40 news at 4 5 6 and 10 o'clock thanks for watching have a great weekend and god bless sinking driveway call alabama professional services settling patio call aps uneven pool deck call aps collapsing stoop call aps cracking sidewalk that's right call aps it's a fact concrete problems don't get better with time but they do get better when you call aps call alabama professional services today [Music]
Channel: ABC 33/40 Weather
Views: 1,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: James, Spann, ABC, 3340, 33/40, Alabama, weather, ANCWX
Id: 0h_cR1335Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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